The Taming of the Dragon

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The Taming of the Dragon

Post by Sapphyre »

(( Get it? get it? Sorry, couldn't help it. :P ))

Millenia ago, only the creatures of the Earth roamed this wild and free land, and the most feared of these was the Dragon. Soon enough though, man came along, and man had majick at his fingertips, majick with which to tame and conquer. The Dragons did not like this, and made their feelings known, the Celestial beings in a slightly more peaceful manner than their more violent Void cousins. Finally, the Magi could take no more, and sent an emissary of peace, promising to keep the world in balance, to use their majick for the good of creature and man, and to punish those who turned to the darker majicks. The dragons agreed to this, but made their own terms as well, reminding the humans that even though they possessed majick, they really did not know its full potential and that digging too deep could get them in trouble.

For centuries, this worked, these terms.

Then came the day when an Egg was stolen from a Void dragoness's nest. The enraged mother swore revenge on the one who had taken her precious child, and hunted night and day, without end. The rest of the clutch was left in the care of other dragons until such time as the mother had either taken her revenge and returned, or was slain. The ending of course, is not a happy one. Because one of their own had disturbed the Dragons' Peace, the Magi too were compelled to hunt, and hunt they did.

Eventually, the thief was found, but unfortunately, the egg had not been properly cared for, had been allowed to grow too cold and so had died. The offending Magi was interrogated, then turned over to the Dragon whose child he had stolen and slain.

After that, only those Magi who had proven their worth were even allowed NEAR the Dragons' haunts, and an even rarer few were allowed to see the eggs. As the Magi as a whole had kept their word, eventually a kind Celestial Mother with more eggs than she could properly care for turned over one of her children to a Magi who had proven herself an adept caretaker. The egg survived and grew into a magnificent and healthy dragon.

Since that day, the Dragons have gifted those eggs they cannot care for to deserving Magi, but they are more picky than even the Noble Gryphons and Magical Temple Cats about who is allowed to raise their children from the world of Man...
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