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Bored? Continue this story!

Post by AHorseNamedPalette »

So here is how this will work. I'm going to start a random story and then someone else will comment continuing that story. Then that part of the story will be continued with another comment, and then that part of the story will be continued by another comment, and so on and so on. Okay, so here is the start:
Once upon a time, there was a deer named Nani. But Nani wasn't just an ordinary deer, she had the power to speed up time. She could change night to day in only a few seconds. Although she possessed such great power, she rarely used it. For once she did it, everyone around her aged but she stayed the same. And because of this, she was afraid. One day a battle broke out between her family and another family. She had no choice but to shift the days forward until the battle was over. The battle went for three days, but even after it stopped, Nani could not stop the days shifting. Her powers had taken over and the sun shifted, going faster and faster, until two years had passed.
Now you figure out what happens next!


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Re: Bored? Continue this story!

Post by Bluewyrm »

When the spell finally broke, the forest was dark. Nani wept in fear, frightened to see what was left of her home. However, as the dawn sun rose of its own accord, she became aware of something curious: she didn't recognize any of the landmarks.

While rotten logs decay, broken stumps crumble, and grand old trees fall, the rocky bones of the land stay the same - but they aren't there. Gone are the familiar rolling hills. Instead, outcroppings jut up from the earth like walls. She wanders around in shock, trying to figure out what went wrong.
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Re: Bored? Continue this story!

Post by AHorseNamedPalette »

Confused and afraid, Nani walked through what once was a forest, looking at each of the fallen trees and examining the new ones sprouting from the dirt. It was then she heard it. Voices. But non that she recognized. Frightened, she ran behind a tree and watched as strange creatures who stood on two legs walked about the forest. They were wearing skins of other animals and had, in their hands, long branches with a small pointed stone on them. Nani watched cautiously, wondering what these new creatures could be. she placed her hoof forward to get a better look when she snapped a twig. The creatures looked towards her was small, beady eye. One of them drew out a claw and motioned towards her, making noises the the two other creatures he was with. They began advancing quickly towards her. Nani panicked and ran the other direction, not daring to look back. She did not dare to use her powers to forward time. She did not want to make the same mistakes that she did. So she kept running, the three two-legged creatures following closely behind her.


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Re: Bored? Continue this story!

Post by Bluewyrm »

Sticks cracked under feet, the sound of hooves beating on stone, fleeting glimpses of greenery through the tangled web of branches she ran through - Nani was too afraid to pay much mind to any of it. However, as she ran, she began to hear a crescendoing roar rising up in the distance. The bipeds had been steadily gaining on her, but for some reason they were drawing back. She wondered why until her path broke through the trees:
An immense river, so wide that the trees on the other side were half-hidden by distance fog, spilling over with rapids. Rocks intermittently studded the treacherous surface, so perhaps she could travel forward - but why would the bipeds be stopped at the edge of the forest, watching her with wary eyes? They were more nimble than she. Why halt pursuit? What was wrong with the river and its rocks?
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Re: Bored? Continue this story!

Post by AHorseNamedPalette »

It was then she looked towards the river. The spray of the rushing waters was hiding a big, black figure. It was then that the creature stood up on both legs, towering over even the bipedal creatures she had escaped. It turned towards her with a fish in it's mouth.

It had course, black and brown hair all over it's body and two, small, round ears sitting on the top of it's head. It had two black, beady eyes peering at her from behind a long snout and a large, pushed in nose, glistening with droplets of river water. It saw her and dropped the fish, revealing two great fangs on each jaw. The creature opened it's mouth a released a loud roar that startled a flock of birds a tree behind Nani. She knew this creature. It was Bear.

Nani, now more frightful than ever, turned and ran the other way. She was tired from the previous chase but found new strength in running from Bear. She could hear the powerful paws of the creatures slip over the leaves and could hear claws clicking on the stone near the river's edge. The chase went on until Nani could no longer run. She was exhausted, weakened from all the extended running. Nani's hooves gave way and she fell to the ground, the bear still in pursuit. She heard the large animal give a grunt and she felt a twinge of pain as the bear grabbed her back leg with his fangs. It was then she heard another noise. The angered scream of something. she saw the bear shy away as a female bipedal with snarled hair jumped down from a tree and aimed a large spear at the bear. She stood in front of Nani, seemingly protecting her. The bear ran off and the female lowered her spear.


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Re: Bored? Continue this story!

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

"Hello, Nani," said the female. "I am Tyrius, the village's Mystic. I can feel auras and tell who you are when I feel them, and I feel that you have great power."
Nani was confused. How could this strange female speak to her? She was paralyzed with fear, and spoke not.
"Come with me, and I shall protect you," said Tyrius.

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Re: Bored? Continue this story!

Post by sara4cows »

Though filled with fear she felt there was something she could trust about this strange one. "If she knows about my powers, could it be possible she might know what went wrong?" Nani wondered silently.
"Come along Nani, I will tend to your leg as soon as we get to the village. There is much to discuss and I know you have questions, but the trail is not the place for talk." Tyrius said in a wisper as she led the way.
Nani felt the pain in her leg from the bear's fangs, but pushed on. Nani was sure that Tyrius was choosing her path carefully despite the brisk pace.
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Re: Bored? Continue this story!

Post by AHorseNamedPalette »

It was close to nightfall when Nani and Tyrius entered the village. Nani's leg was still bleeding slightly and pain shot through her each time she placed pressure on it. As they neared the village, Tyrius climbed to the top of the tree, her animal skins flowing behind her as she bounced, skillfully, from branch to branch. When she reached the top, she looked out upon the village. Quick as a jackrabbit, she hopped back down and landed next to Nani.

"The walk through the village will be a dangerous one, but it is necessary. If you follow behind me, I will be sure to keep you away from the hunters." Nani understood and limped behind her, keeping her injured foot off the ground. From the tip of Tyrius's spear came a strange purple glow that seemed to light a path through a small area of burnt trees in the forest. Nani could still smell the tinge of smoke. She looked around curiously. Tyrius seemed to send her confusion.

"I predicted a fire would burn the forest after 1 year of drought. I am the only one who felt the shift in time." Tyrius's voice quivered slightly and she stopped speaking for a moment. Nani heard her take a deep breath.

"I watched the village change. I watched my mother die from an infection. I watched my village run dry for a whole year. I watched as my son got dragged off by Bear during the search for water. I watched as my village nearly burned to the ground. And I could do nothing to stop it." Tyrius's grip tightened on her spear, in an almost angered manner. She soon let her grip go and stopped near a large tree stump. Nani felt a strange energy from the tree. It was still green and even harbored some blossoms in between the leaves. Nani didn't have much time to be amazed before Tyrius turned around. The look in her eyes was pained, but not angry.

"I'm sorry. I do not blame you. You just do not know how to control your powers completely. I will help you, and perhaps we can set things right once again. I have made predictions, and there is a way you can turn everything back." Tyrius tapped the bark of the tree and Nani watched in awe as the a door opened from the trunk, revealing a small space inside the tree. From the hollows came the sounds of strange shrieks and calls, each coming from an assortment of animals. Nani walked inside and took in her surroundings.

"Make yourself at home," Tyrius said as she closed the door behind her. "I'm going to make us a warm meal and get you some treatment for that wound." As Tyrius walked off, Nani inspected one of the animals hanging from the ceiling. It was a strange looking creature. It had the body of a monkey with the shell of a turtle and the hind legs of a frog. It looked back down at her with large eyes, seemingly curious about her.

"Riolou, come down here!" She heard a voice say behind her. Nani turned to see a young female bipedal grabbing the strange monkey-like creature from the walls of the tree. She had long, messy, black hair and wore animal skins like everyone else in the village. Her eyes were a bright green and her skin was the color of a young doe's fur. The girl placed the creature on her shoulder then looked towards Nani.

"Um, mom," She called. "Why is there a deer in here?" Tyrius came out from another room carrying a large bottle with pink colored cream and a small piece of cloth.

"She is the one who set the time forward, Oka'i. Now, make yourself useful and clean her wound please." She told her daughter firmly. Oka'i rolled her eyes slightly and grabbed the bottle from her mother's hand. As Tyrius went back to her cooking, Oka'i began tending to Nani's wound.

"That's my mom. Well, she's not my real mom, but she adopted me. I was abandoned by my parents because of my birthmark. Apparently, anyone with that birthmark is sure to be bad luck. When Tyrius took me in, nobody really trusted to be around her for a while. But they got over it and eventually they came to enjoy my presence. If you're wondering what happened to my real parents, don't ask because I don't know." When the girl was finished spreading the cream over Nani's wound, she placed the cloth over it and chanted words in a strange language. When she removed the cloth the wound was completely healed and the pain was gone. Nani looked on it surprise.

"Yeah, I'm not only her daughter, but she's kind of been apprenticing me as well. Well, supper should be about ready! Come on, let's go see what's for dinner. I'm starved!" And they walked together into the dining room to enjoy their dinner.


It was after they finished dinner that Tyrius ushered them into another room in the tree. All the noise from the main area drowned out. Nani smelled something burning and heard a faint humming noise. The walls around her reflected a bright purple light coming from a small, lavender colored flame in the middle of the room. Tyrius invited Nani and Oka'i to sit down around the fire. When they sat down, Tyrius who began to speak.

"The reason you are here, Nani, is because the shift of time brought everything out of balance. The strange creatures you see strewn around my home are only here because the time shift has ripped a hole between universes. The time shift was too fast for any tears to repair. The only way to fix this is to go on a journey across this land and into a place that only exists because of the shift..."


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Re: Bored? Continue this story!

Post by Lag »

Nani folded her legs under her and listened carefully. She felt heavily for her newfound friend, Tyrius was in just as much pain as she was. The battle between two families was a seemingly long and bloody one, taking lives of the family she loved. Or was it all the time that has passed? Not many deer live as long as she had, and it hurt to even think she was the only one of her family left. As the two legged creature went on, Nani couldn't help dozing off with her thoughts. When her nose slammed into the floor, it startled her awake. The two ladies only laughed a little and started to gather their things. "You are a poor listener, Nani. You can sleep in here for the night" Tyrius began, her daughter gathering rough spun blankets from a small cupboard. "Thank you so much for patching me up.. I'm sorry I couldn't stay awake long enough" Nani yawned and bowed her head, her ear twitching when Oka'i set the blankets down next to her. "It's alright, you need your rest. However tomorrow we will be discussing further." Tyrius ushered her daughter out of the room. Out of the corner of Nani's eye she spotted the odd monkey creature peeking from the doorway which disappeared when she turned to look at it, standing to make herself comfortable. That only made her slightly uneasy as she delicately grabbed a blanket between her teeth and began making a nest for herself. Just for tonight I believe I can allow myself sleep. she swallowed the nagging feeling that if she slept time would fly with her dreams. Allowing the hum of the room to lull her back to sleep, she decided to worry about it tomorrow if the day ever came.
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Re: Bored? Continue this story!

Post by silverarrow820 »

Like many others, Nani does not awaken swiftly. She wakes up little by little, bit by bit, until her body and mind are able to work up the willpower to think and stand. It is not that she does not want to wake up from the dreams she holds so dearly in memory, but for the fact that she is simply not a morning person. She does not particularly enjoy staying up when the sky is darkest and shows the millions of sparkling white stars, either. She would say that the night sky is very beautiful, except for not being able to pay attention to it when it hangs overhead, for fear of things known and unknown, lurking just behind the darkness that cloaks her ability to see. As a result of these two facts, Nani works and functions best in the middle of the day.

After the long while it takes for Nani to get up, she decides that it would be best to not leave the safety of Tyrius's home. The hunters that she had mentioned sounded unpleasant, to say the least.

(Aghhh I can't think of anything else! I really wish I could contribute more right now...)
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