What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

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What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by UmbraFear »

So, talk about stuff, and apparently the forms go here. Along with the character list! ...I didn't see one in the RP thread.


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What's Happening:
The characters are waking up to find themselves in their new habitat, designated by their soul colour. They should be getting acquainted with others in their biome and trying to figure out where they are.
The barriers are down, and everyone can now go to different biomes. This will likely end up in a fight for survival.
Last edited by UmbraFear on June 15th, 2014, 12:52:35 am, edited 33 times in total.
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by UmbraFear »

Name: Alexander White
Age: Somewhere around 17.
Gender: Male
Species: Ka'raja Soul Demon
Appearance: While in his usual form, his height is approximately 6'2", and he is quite light-weight. He is tall and slender, rather gangly, with pale white skin. His left eye is red, while his right is purple, they glow and are constantly changing shade, and the pupils are slitted which allows him to see in the dark. His hair is layered, straight, light blonde, and medium length. His face seems rather elfish and cat-like. His ears are long and pointed, with silver rings pierced to the tips, and can swivel like an animal's. His teeth are long and sharp, with a slight bluish silverish tint, with the front set like a wolf's or cat's, but sharper, two sets in the back like a shark's, and a retractable set that are just under two inches long. His nails are long black claws, sharp enough to cut through most substances with ease, yet thick enough for climbing. For clothing, he wears a black t-shirt and jeans, tall black leather boots, and a tight-fitting black leather trench coat. On his ribs, spine, and most of his chest, the bones, which almost appear to be made out of bluish-silver white metal, show over the skin, along with a few black diamond-shaped scales. There are also sharp spikes along his spine, and he can shift out wings, horns, and a metallic tail. His feet are covered in hard black scales, with talons instead of toes, like a dragon's.
When around humans, he puts up an illusion that hides his more demonic features such as his ears, claws, and fangs. His eyes appear to be dark blue, and his skin is a bit less pale. He can only hold it up for an hour without taking energy from people nearby.
Demon Form - This form is either triggered by rage, or the instinct to protect himself. He appears a bit older, perhaps around twenty years. When standing up straight, his height comes to around fifteen feet, though he can make himself taller. The spikes along his back lengthen, and he has sharp blades along his arms and shoulders. His eyes glow pure white, and he has black markings along his left side, that constantly shift and change. His tail is long and whip-like, with sharp metal spikes and an arrow-shaped blade at the end. His horns are polished black and curve back, and his wings are equipped with sharp black talons. The wings are dragon-like, quite large in proportion to his body, and have a layer of white fur for silent flying.
Wolf Form - Alex's animal form is a pure white demon wolf, much larger than a normal wolf would be. The metallic bone-like structures are visible through the fur above the ribs and across the shoulders, along with the spikes. The horns, wings, and tail are the same as in the demon form. Though this form is strong, he cannot remain in it for more than an half an hour before he is forced to change back.
Personality: He doesn't always make the most sense, though no one really knows if he is pretending to be dumb or just hit his head a few too many times. He has a few strange things about him, such as an irrational fear of mirrors and an extreme hatred towards hybrids. His mood changes very quickly, making him unpredictable, though usually he is loud and sarcastic, speaking his mind and not caring what anyone thinks. If he likes someone, he'll be a bit calmer around them, but if he doesn't, he'll make it painfully obvious.
Other: DIE HYBRIDS!!! :haha:
Name: Sheigh
Age: 23, appears 17.
Gender: Female
Species: Xiaoqing Demon
Appearance: She has a slim yet slightly tough build and is around 6 foot tall, with long, straight, layered black hair tipped with cobalt blue, that grows past her waist. Her features are pointed, along with her ears, she has sharp teeth complete with snake-like fangs, and her skin is pale white. Her eyes are an unnerving shade of dark yellow, with reptilian pupils. She has large black horns that curve forwards, an arrow-tipped tail, and black bat-like wings. She wears black jeans, dark leather boots, and a purple-black silk top with a tattered-looking edge.
Serpent Form - This form is a huge snake wielding two sets of wings among an arrow-tipped tail, glittering black scales as hard as rock, glowing yellow eyes, an impressive set of horns, and a cobalt-blue crest running from its forehead to the tip of its tail.
Personality: She seems to have fun manipulating and hurting people, though the act that she puts up to seem tough isn't real, for the most part. She does not want anyone to see her as she really is. Almost everything in her life that had ever mattered was ripped away from her. So she keeps her feelings and regrets locked tight, so that no one may ever know about them, and she has a hard time trusting anyone.
Other: :haha: ...Not really.
Name: Valos
Age: 27 and counting.
Gender: Male
Species: Daimon
Appearance: (I can't seem to find a good picture, but he looks kind of like Loki...) Valos has straight, somewhat long hair. Though it is naturally blonde, he dyes it black. Being a Daimon, he is a bit taller than an average human, with a strong build without being too bulky. His skin is pale and his eyes are violet due to an injury.
Personality: Like all Daimons, he was cursed to die at the age of twenty-seven. At that time, they either have a choice; die a slow, painful death, or kill someone for their soul. He chose to kill, and has been doing so ever since. He gives no thought about the person who he is killing, or if it even necessary. Now it has gotten to the point where he kills simply because he enjoys it, not because he has to. Also, he enjoys blood and torture.
Other: He hates Alex. :haha:
Name: Akiro
Age: Adolescent - young adult.
Gender: Male
Species: Fur-Dragon
Personality: Akiro is a very confident dragon, and quite wise for his age. He enjoys peace and spends most of his time drawing, though it is difficult for him to do with his claws.
Last edited by UmbraFear on March 5th, 2014, 7:21:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by Iliad »

Name: Glen Redwing
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Godling
Glen has straight, black hair that is rather long, and goes down to about his shoulders. He ties it up/clips it back sometimes, so it's not uncommon to see him walking around with a ponytail; he also has bangs which have recently grown long enough to tuck behind his ears, so he either does so or clips them back. In contrast with his ebony hair, his skin is pale and unblemished, save for the occasional freckle.
His features are rather feminine, but razor-sharp in wit; his eyes are black, and though they are naturally large, he usually has them narrowed in concentration. He has a small, straight nose, and lips that are usually slightly pressed together. His frame is slender, and of average height, around 5'7".
Glen usually wears pale, diluted colors, such as silver and pale blue; his usual attire is a light-gray T-shirt with some kind of text or small picture on it, a white jacket with a long hood, and jeans with boots. He also wears rimless glasses, but sometimes forgoes these for contacts.
Both twins have Godling forms; Glen's is the more unremarkable of the two, but no less dangerous. His ears become tapered and his canines a little more sharp. His eyes don't change shade, but rather seem to harden and become more calculating than they already are in his human form. He also grows a tail, but it's more ethereal than physical; it's made of a constantly-swirling icy mist that gives the impression of a lashing tail. More of the fog surrounds his head, making a misty halo; however, it dissipates near his face, and thus gives off more of a laurel-wreath vibe.
Contrary to his bookish appearance, Glen is more aggressive than his brother; while quiet, he's easily irritated and hates being insulted. He has a tendency to react to any jibe, no matter how small, and so is constantly in a state of unrest. He is protective of his brother, and since Gil rarely reacts to insults, Glen takes it upon himself to rap people who make fun of his brother on the head. Hard.
When he's (rarely) in a content state of mind, or meeting new people, Glen is friendly, but also slightly wary. He doesn't give out information, whether it be personal or not, unless talking to a good friend (or Gil). He puts up with new people considerably longer than he puts up with people he's already acquainted with, and is actually rather patient with them, for some reason. Even he himself can't really figure out the reason why people he already knows annoy him so much more than newcomers, but figures that it's common, so he doesn't dwell on it too much.
Glen loves large animals that many may find to be intimidating, such as horses or snakes, for a more far-off example. These types of animals also seem to have an affinity with him, and he seems never to get bitten or trampled on when handling them. In contrast to his love for intimidating creatures, however, the most docile of housepets can give him a good scare.
Might as well mention his powers here, too: Glen has taken lessons for fighting with a flamberge, which is a sword that he carries around. He's very skilled with the sword, and when he enters his Godling form, the sword takes on an icy cast and whatever he stabs will freeze; he also can make things enter a vegetative state for a while, but only for about half an hour; and this doesn't work on any powers higher than humans, and he rarely uses it.
Other: The twins' mother was a minor Oriental goddess; their father was a mortal from Europe.

Name: Gilbert Redwing
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Godling
Of the twins, Gil is definitely the one who appears more spectral. He has dark gray hair that's a shade lighter than Glen's hair, and it's shorter than his brother's by a lot; his hair only goes down to about his nape, and sticks up in the back in unruly tufts. He has bangs that he brushes the the left, and occasionally clips up as well. He has skin that's even paler than Glen's, a porcelain shade of white.
Gil's visage is more reckless than his brother's, at a glance; however, looking closer, the two have very similar features. Both appear slightly feminine, but the most remarkable difference is that Gil's eyes are a piercing light blue. He also has a shallow scar from a tussle he got into as a child; said scar is under his right eye. He's an inch shorter than his brother, but has largely the same build, albeit a little more leanness than Glen.
Gil likes light colors, too, and usually dresses in any kind of long-sleeved shirt, over which he wears a slightly-oversized gray hoodie; he accompanies these with white jeans that are a little too long and bunch at his ankles, along with black sneakers.
Gil's Godling form is a little more dramatic than his brother's; his eyes, which are vibrant to begin with, begin basically glowing, though their color stays the same. His ears taper as well, and his teeth become pointed; instead of a tail like Glen's, however, Gil seems to have misty "wings". Though he can't fly with these (they're immaterial), they are good for distracting people in fights and impairing their vision. Two small clouds of mist hover above his ears and give off the impression that he has horns.
To put it bluntly, Gil is a sloth; he's lazy and an extreme procrastinator. He, like his brother, gets irritated easily, but he has a really short span of memory for those things, and will likely forget it soon after. Even if he's supposed to be mad at someone for something serious, he'll forget what he's supposed to be being mad over. He's infuriatingly calm, but also just as infuriatingly forgetful.
Gil is usually too lazy to pick fights, when he's fired up, he'll give someone a hell of a fight; usually, though, this is just to blow off some accumulated steam or expend some energy. He likely won't even pay attention to the insult or whatever else that prompted the fight, and definitely won't remember it after said scuffle. These fights can be a little dangerous to him, though, because Gil is anemic, having very thin blood. He passes out from blood loss very easily, but despite that, sticks to his (very physical) fighting style.
Gil, in general, is a nice person, seeming very easygoing to the people around him. However, his physical slowness belies his intellect; he's actually very well-versed in any subject people care to bring up, but especially anatomy.
He fights with his fists; Gil learned martial arts while Glen focused on swordplay, and can bring down many strong opponents just with his knowledge of human weak points and his hands. When he's in his Godling form, frost covers his hands and feet, and protects an extra layer of brittle covering for them. The ice often shatters and results in numerous small injuries when he punches people.
Other: The twins' mother was a minor Oriental goddess; their father was a mortal from Europe.
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Here's my colorful cast of characters! I do hope this RP is just as good as the first one was. :) (Especially since I worked so hard on Kalani and Maelstrom's forms. I don't want it to go to waste.)

A new challenger has appeared!

Name: Shakira
Age: 250 (Young adult for a dragon)
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf-dragon
Appearance: Image Size dimensions to give you an idea of how small she is. From her foot to shoulder she is eight feet high. Her body is fifteen feet long and her tail is actually a surprising twenty feet. She has a forty-five foot wingspan. And her neck is seven feet long.
Personality: Shakira is a shy and lonely dragon. She has quite the depressing past, which makes her so sad. It takes her a long time to trust someone. She is very soft-spoken, if she wants to speak at all. She's timid as well, especially with those who seem highly dangerous. She's kind of course, she's just too shy to show it. Shakira is also very thoughtful and sometimes will sit for hours thinking what it would be like if she wasn't the last wolf-dragon. If her pack didn't vanish by some strange force.
Other: She has a raven companion named Nightingale. And yes, she's a dragon. :haha:
Name: Nightshade
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon-witch
Appearance: Long and silky black hair that seems to shine with purple opalescence. She keeps the hair in three braids, one in the middle, one on the right and one on the left, all of identical shape. Her skin is tanned. She’s thin but has a lot of muscle, making up for her lack of fat. Her almond eyes are a glowing green and the pupils are slit. Her nails are longer and sharper than normal. Her teeth are pointed and her tongue is forked and looks closer to a snake’s than a human’s. She wears a silky dark purple dress with black trim and a black design on the front that looks like a dragon flame. Over the dress she wears a pitch black hooded cloak. And her shoes are purple six inch high heels. She stands at six feet tall exactly without the heels.
Half dragon appearance: The same as her human, except she has dark purple dragon wings and a dark purple dragon tail. The tail is equipped with a arrowhead shape at the tip that is also poisonous.
Full dragon appearance: A dragon that stands at twenty-three feet high from head to foot. Her scales are dark purple with black wing membrane and black claws. Her entire body is sleek, no spikes adorn it, not even the head. Her snout is elongated and looks like a snake’s. Her entire body looks more slim and snakelike than dragon-like. But there’s still a good amount of muscle. And just as it is in half-human form, her tail is tipped with a poisonous arrowhead.
Personality: Nightshade is incredibly snakelike and dragon-like in her overall behavior. Hissing at enemies, her forked tongue flicking in and out at random times. She also growls. She’s cunning and is driven by greed. Not stopping unless she gets what she wants. She loves seeing people in pain and feeds off their fear. Nightshade is also incredibly power-hungry, looking for more humans to have rule over and for more spells to learn. She's very competitive and sees many special human-like creatures as threats. She craves the fight and picks one with whoever she deems worthy. She finds cursing poor souls fun too, and sometimes does it for no reason. But even though it seems like Nightshade is driven by evil, she still has some good in her. It’s just so hidden away inside her black soul, that it's hard to reach. But when it does come out she regrets the things she’s done and wishes that she didn't turn down the evil path.
Other: Nightshade, is without her spell book in this RP as well. Meaning that she only has her dragon powers and fireballs as protection. As well as a tiny satchel of healing pixie dust, which she usually keeps on her at all times. :haha:
Name: Kalani
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: Siren
Appearance: Kalani has dark violet eyes and long light brown hair. She has light skin and wolf-like features in her face. Her build is very light and scrawny. She's about average in height, standing five feet and five inches. She wears a silky light green sleeveless dress and sky blue three inch heels. Around her neck is a necklace with a red dragonfly pendant. Her teeth are unnaturally sharp and almost wolf-like. Her nails are also sharp and claw like.
Personality: Kalani is very playful, in a creepy kind of way. In one way, you could say she's very demented, as all sirens are. She loves adventure and takes pleasure in conquering new kingdoms and towns, even if she doesn't win them. She just loves chaos and the fear of humans, or any creature. And, just as every siren, males of any species are only seen as objects for reproduction. Unless they are companions, then the mindset changes a bit. And females are competition. She's also murderous, incredibly so. She loves the thrill of a fight as well, but unless she feels intimidated, she won't start a fight. No, there's many more enjoyable ways of harming someone than just physically, ones that she uses regularly. She also incredibly fast and flexible. She holds grudges easily and it takes a long time to forgive. But even though she has this childish and playful demeanor, she knows when to be serious, especially if she's losing a fight. And if that happens, watch out, because she will hold nothing back.
Other: Maelstrom is her companion of course. And she is a sorceress, so she can use a range of dark magic and illusions. Although she prefers to do things without magic. :haha:
Name: Maelstrom
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Redifian (A humanoid pterosaur with the ability to shapeshift and control over all types of weather, but each Redifian usually has one.)
Appearance: His legs are long, like a man’s, and his feet are sharp talons that bear a humanoid appearance. His body is built like a human’s and shaped like one as well and he has a long reptilian tail. In place of his arms are large wings. They look like dragon wings, with the normal looking arm but with a finger extending across the top of the thick leathery skin, starting at the finger tip, ending at the body and finishing halfway down the tail, leaving the legs easily usable and making a fully usable wing. His head is shaped like a bird’s but in place of his mouth is a long black beak and at the back of his head is a long bony red and black striped crest. His neck is only a bit longer than a human’s.
Personality: Maelstrom, even though he is Kalani's mount and companion, is very gentle deep down. At his very core he is a loving and kind individual. But his sense for adventure tends to make those traits fall behind. Especially when he chose to be Kalani's companion. Making him put up a tough and gruff front. He also will listen to anything Kalani says or commands him to do. He's optimistic and can read people easily, even if they hide their emotions well. Sure, he can be murderous at times, but that's not his true nature. Maelstrom is also strong and protective of Kalani.
Other: Maelstrom has the ability to create large whirlpools in the water and hurricanes at will. He also can see into the future, but he sees so many different possibilities, it is hard for him to pinpoint which one will actually happen. And he can sense auras, meaning that he can tell how strong someone is or how different just by the power they radiate. :haha:

And Kalani is also another hybrid for Alex to contend with. Since sirens are a strictly female species, they need some male to reproduce. So sirens will choose any male humanoid they think would be suitable as a father for their children. And Kalani's father was a lycanthrope, so she would count as a hybrid.
Last edited by SheWolfWarrior on March 4th, 2014, 2:12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by UmbraFear »

Accepted; Nightshade is green, Kalani is grey, and Maelstrom pink. :devil: I'm really looking forwards to this, and with those guys, I bet this is gonna be just as good, if not better. Poor Alex is probably gonna drop dead at the sight of them. XD
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Thanks for accepting me. :) And oh yes, poor Alex will probably be in hell, especially since Kalani will be in the same biome as him. But I cannot predict how she'll act with him. :P She's not nearly as predictable as my lovely Nightshade.
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by Iliad »

Wait, Glen's color on the first post looks pretty dark... he's gray, right? :) And also: when can we start? I asked someone else to join, as well, and they said that their forms would be up either tomorrow or Monday.
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by UmbraFear »

Oh yes, Alex most certainly will be. It'll be like a nightmare for him. XD
And yep; Alex, Glen, and Kalani are grey. I tried to make it lighter, but it didn't show up well enough. When a colour is black, it'll be this: black. Sure, we can start when someone else has their forms up. Four players is a good number to start with. I'll probably add in Sheigh and Fang later.
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by Iliad »

Cool, sounds good.
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Re: What Colour Is Your Soul [Remake OOC Thread]

Post by CaSeSeNsiTiVe »

Name: Mist
Age: The square root of 149 (not)
Gender: Feminine
Species: Human
Appearance: Mist is a pretty normal looking human. She has long dark brown hair and usually wears a ponytail. Her hair is pretty messy, especially when she gets up in the morning. Mist wears neutral colors like gray, black, white, et cetera. She usually wears a gray T-shirt, with a white hairband and black pants. Mist's skin is whitish-tannish, and she has black eyes. Also, she has a scar on her left leg that she got when she was 8, but that's another story for another time. She has glasses, but she only uses them in class. She is skinny, and sometimes skips breakfast to do something. Mist is rarely seen hanging out with a large group, but has a few close friends that are all the way back behind the mirror. Note: likes dancing crazy in her room.
Personality: Intelligent, but she's really horrible at giving speeches. She is independent, her peers say so, and the teachers say so. Back in the mirror, at least. Also likes painting. And sketching. Mist also smashed a flowerpot of two once with rubber floaties, but
( again) that's another story for another time. And that scar on her leg? She got it on a camping trip. Mist is strong willed, and never gives up. She also has a sense of humor. Mist is neutral, which means she isn't part of any team. But you better not irritate her, or else she'll get really aggressive and probably leave more than a few wounds. Mist is also prettupy random ((*smirk*))
Other: wait... Do we put the smiley.... Here? Pink - Symbolizes affection, love, and religion. :haha:
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