Jane Eyre Summary

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Jane Eyre Summary

Post by Maplestream »

I had to write a summary for a novel study we're doing in english class and I'm trying to get some feedback on what I did. If anyone knows Jane Eyre and wants to give me some constructive criticism that would be awesome. And if this is in the wrong place, I'm really sorry!
Jane was a young orphan girl sent to live with her wealthy relatives at a young age. When her uncle died, she was treated very poorly by her aunt and cousins. After being branded a horrid child, Jane was sent to Lowood Institution, a school for orphan girls. There she met her first friend, Helen Burns, an older, more philosophical girl of 14.
And then the unthinkable happened, Lowood was struck by an outbreak of Typhus Fever. One of the many taken down by the sickness was Helen Burns, Jane’s best friend.
After Helen’s death Jane stayed at the school for 8 more years, 6 as a student and 2 as a teacher. A visit from an old friend reminded Jane that she wanted to see the world and sparked her decision to leave Lowood. She puts out an advertisement for herself as a governess and gets offered a job at Thornfield Hall, which she takes.
Jane arrives at Thornfield and meets the interesting characters there, Mrs. Fairfax, Adele, Sophie and the eccentric Grace Poole. She also is informed that the head of the house is rarely there. One day in January, Jane went to deliver a letter and meet a strange man who fell from his horse and broke his ankle. Upon returning home she finds that the man was her employer, Mr. Rochester.
The more she got to know Mr. Rochester, the more she began to like him. She has started to consider him as more of a friend than an employer and it seemed he felt the same way. And then he suddenly left for an undetermined amount of time. Rumors came back that he was setting himself up to marry Blanche Ingram; Jane was very upset by this news.
The party of nobles cam back to the hall and Jane began to spend time with them by Mr. Rochester’s orders. It is later revealed that this is because he wanted to make Jane jealous to find out if she truly loved him or not.
During the time she is falling more for her employer, she begins to become more and more suspicious of Grace Poole and her goings-on at Thornfield. Especially after a mysterious visitor leaves the hall beaten half to death.
When Jane and Mr. Rochester confess their love to each other, they make almost immediate plans to get married. But as they are at the church Mr. Mason, the mysterious visitor, returns to tell that Mr. Rochester is already married to his sister.
Mr. Rochester’s wife, Bertha, is mentally deranged and taken care of by Grace Poole. After Jane finds out about this she decides to leave him and Thornfield, even though she still loves him.
Jane ends up in Morton with the Rivers, her new dear friends who she later finds out are actually her cousins. When she discovers this, she decides to leave the teaching job she found in the village to be with her newfound family.
It’s positively wonderful for a bit, but before St. John leaves on his trip to India he tries to get Jane to marry him because he thinks she will make a good missionary wife. She then realizes that the person she is meant to be with is Mr. Rochester and that she has to find him again so her heart can be whole.
When she returns to Thornfield she finds that it has burned down in a fire set by Bertha and that she had died in the blaze. Mr. Rochester had lost the sight in his eyes as well. Finally, she could be with him and it could be morally right. They get married and Mr. Rochester learns to see with his heart, even after he regains sight in one of his eyes.
I want to settle down but I need to be free ImageImageImageImageImage I might be afraid to fall but I've still got a dream

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