Want Someone to Read and Review Your Story?

Share any written short stories, novels, or poetry

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Want Someone to Read and Review Your Story?

Post by ryuusquall »

Posted a story here that no one seems to be reading?
Fanfiction getting no reviews?
Got a creative writing piece for school that you want advice on?
Know something’s not quite right with your work but can’t figure out what?
Then you’ve come to the right place!

I take pride in being able to give (hopefully) detailed and constructed reviews on other people’s creative writing, always looking at both what people need to do to improve their writing, as well as telling them what they are already doing well. So I’m not about to flame your work, telling you ‘This sucks!!!!11111’ After all, I have read the whole of what is widely thought of as the worst fanfiction ever written, My Immortal, and so should be able to find something positive to say about even the worst written piece of creative writing. (That doesn’t mean I want people sending me purposefully sending me badly written stuff though XD)

Why ask you to look at my work?
Well, its free to start with, so there’s some incentive at least!
And as I’ve already said, I enjoy trying to guide people with their writing and hope to one day get books published myself.

But I’ve already seen about a gazillion mistakes in this post!
If there are any, I apologies. I used Word to check my spelling, but I must admit to being a little dyslexic, so if your thinking, ‘hey, I’ve seen you post before with something like ‘yeh, I lieks rdagons too!’, how can someone with typing that bad know how to give a decent review?’ Well, yeah, my typing can be terrible XD But it shouldn’t be in any Reviews I give!

Do I have to pay?
Nope, as also mentioned above, I’m not about to charge you for something like this. However, if you happen to have a spare magistream creature that I don’t have any of (which is quite a lot of them), I would happily accept them. Or just clicking the creatures in my signature and helping them grow up would be something I would be very thankful of!

What sort of stuff do you review?
I’ll read pretty much anything, though I would much prefer to go over a creative writing piece rather then, say, and Essay, especially on something I know nothing about. I will look at fanfiction of any fandom and original fics as well. I don’t mind if it contains violence or swearing, but I would prefer not to read anything of a sexual nature. Beyond that I’m pretty much good to go for most things, which stretches to poetry; though I must admit it isn’t my specialty. When in doubt, you might as well try me though.

So, if you feel like having someone review your work, here is what to do:

1. Right, I’m going to presume you’ve already done the important part of writing the piece, so if it’s more then about 2K words, I would appreciate it if you could cut it down a bit as I am not setting out to read the whole of a 50K fanfiction, (though I’m part way through writing one that has passed that mark) but to read just enough as to get an impression of you as an author.
2. Read it through. I’m not aiming to be a beta reader, and with my mild dyslexia I wouldn’t be a very good one anyway, but if you’ve read through it already you should be able to spot any little mistakes yourself anyway.
3. If an explanation is needed in order for me to understand what’s going on at all in your story (e.g., you give me the last chapter of a fanfic from an obscure fandom to read) then a quick 100 word-ish paragraph before the text might be helpful.
4. Stick it in a PM to me (There isn’t a word limit on personal messages, is there? If there is I will have to try and get round that)
5. Sit back and wait for me to get my lazy butt round to reading and reviewing it! (shouldn’t be more then a couple of days, even with my terrible internet connection and looming exams)

And remember, I’m not here to try and hurt or offend anybody; I’m not going to be overly harsh or cruel to you. And of course, it is just my opinion. You are under no obligations to listen to a word I say. However, I do sort of know what I’m talking about, you know?
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Re: Want Someone to Read and Review Your Story?

Post by ryuusquall »

*Bump* Heh. Guess no one wants reviewing XD
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Re: Want Someone to Read and Review Your Story?

Post by BBkat »

I have the first chapter to a story I'm working on posted here, but no one's looked at it. Could you review it please?
Here's where I posted it- 25-tea-house/106274-black-rose-chapter.html

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Re: Want Someone to Read and Review Your Story?

Post by Lunaheart »

*Sighs* might as well. My story doesn't usually get comments or critism, but I still post my chapters anyway. If you want to take a look, feel free. You don't have to review it if you don't want to. The link is in my signature (Marked by Runes). There are 12 chapters posted, just sayin. You don't have to read it if you don't want to. I just figured it might be a reading for you to do in your spare time...not like it's getting any reviews or anything... so feel free to read it. The Strays book is locked so don't even bother with that one lol

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Re: Want Someone to Read and Review Your Story?

Post by crazyflight »

Both of my threads are in the Tea House. I would like revision for "Crazy's Poems" and "Icy Flames", which are poems and a fanfiction. You'll probably have to search for Icy Flames...
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Re: Want Someone to Read and Review Your Story?

Post by worldshaper »

I mean if you want to look at my work you can I have done Crystal Dragon(edited) and Reborn(By Worldshaper) if you want to take a look. I am working on a book myself for almost four years and hope to get it published and that is not on here though. Will let you know that mild compared to what I write for a story since there is resrictions.
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Re: Want Someone to Read and Review Your Story?

Post by worldshaper »

Oh, yeah I forget to michen it is probably a couple to a few pages back.
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Re: Want Someone to Read and Review Your Story?

Post by ryuusquall »

Eh, you were supposed to PM what ever you wanted reviewing or at least provide a link XD Oh well, I will go hunting and will send my reviews as a PM, be warned that I am unlikely to read the whole of a long story though, and I might take a while due to having to revise for upcoming exams :nerd:

EDIT: Right that's one review sent, wont be able to do another tonight but will try to tomorrow.
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Re: Want Someone to Read and Review Your Story?

Post by crazyflight »

Oof, sorry. I didn't see that part. *needs glasses*

I think I'm going to do one of these threads. Thanks for the random inspiration!! :D

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Re: Want Someone to Read and Review Your Story?

Post by worldshaper »

I am sorry didn't know about that part, you don't have to worry mine isn't that long. Let me know if you can't find it.
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