2024 Magiversary gifting wish list

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Re: 2024 Magiversary gifting wish list

Post by mashymaro »

Every crishtal are welcome
Thank to every gifts :t-swoon:
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Re: 2024 Magiversary gifting wish list

Post by 4clover4 »

I wishhh all Crishtal wingsh
1sht pygmi gems
But i receeive every giiftsh
Hyper super thank to every gifts
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Re: 2024 Magiversary gifting wish list

Post by AuraDragoness »

Here is my WL!
Currently 1/25 Gifts!
~Aura is with me~
Wishlist | My Shop
Image<Keep Guardians>Image
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Re: 2024 Magiversary gifting wish list

Post by skitties »

Happy Magiversary, everyone! My general wishlist is linked in my signature, but in the spoiler is a much more comprehensive list of all the crystalwings I'm missing from my collection. I'm very behind, lol.

When in doubt though, Telvian Panthers are always adored.
  • Teiro Crystalwing x1
  • Dark Lapis Crystalwing x2 (need females)
  • Cypheles Crystalwing x1 (dark variant)
  • Light Crystalwing x1
  • Earth Crystalwing x2
  • Fire Crystalwing x2
  • Water Crystalwing x2
  • Vetur Crystalwing x2 (need males)
  • Blue Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Bronze Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Dark Lapis Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Varja Pygmy Crystalwing x2
  • Jinglong Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Fluorowing Pygmy Crystalwing x2
  • Hadros Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Kuanos Pygmy Crystalwing x2
  • Kobaldibar Pygmy Crystalwing x2
  • Sacris Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Hexapo Pygmy Crystalwing x2
  • Osanyin Pygmy Crystalwing x2
  • Accipito Pygmy Crystalwing x2
  • Komainu Pygmy Crystalwing x2
  • Iwan Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Sacer Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Venox Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Gerbera Pygmy Crystalwing x2
  • Lilias Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Kitanchosa Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Vilodaes Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Vernal Pygmy Crystalwing x2
  • Sommar Pygmy Crystalwing x2
  • Autumnal Pygmy Crystalwing x1
  • Vetur Pygmy Crystalwing x1
Thanks for clicking!
Click for wishlist!
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Re: 2024 Magiversary gifting wish list

Post by Kotalae »

Happy Magiversary! I love any and all gifts, especially Crystalwings.
Thanks in advance!
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Re: 2024 Magiversary gifting wish list

Post by Dolphinsong »

Gifting when and where I can ^^

Would love past event, shop,and donis the most but anything is welcome!
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Re: 2024 Magiversary gifting wish list

Post by Griffinkid »

I don't have any gifts yet and am about to start sending gifts out!

I'm always happy with anything you want to give me, but I especially love any creature that looks like a horse!
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Re: 2024 Magiversary gifting wish list

Post by DarknessHuntress »

I'd really appreciate any parentless Cypheles Crystalwing hatchling or eggs (looking for the dark ones), parentless blue, green, bronze crstalwings, Golden Pteira Crystalwing, and Purple Pteira crystalwings. Other creatures are in the spoiler. Thanks for gifting!
Forest Spirit Wumpyrr (M/F pair SB or unrelated 1st gens)
Sea Wraith Wumpyrr (M/F pair SB or unrelated 1st gens)
Pennant-winged Pegasus (parentless M/F pair)
Argaent Kirin (SB) (Female)
Silex Basilisk (female) (SB) (Halloween Date would be nice)
Struana Kelpie (SB) (F)
Soulflame/Hellflame Cerebrus (m/f pair of each) (SB or 1st gen)
Any/all of the Hydras- SB
Ravens (SB)
Sharks (SB)
Seredins (any type- Sb and 1st gen)
Hybrid dragons or horses
Basically, any kind of horse or reptilian creatures :)
Feel free to mine in my keep. Hatchlings
My Shop: ~The Devil's Home~

15 gifts. Thanks. Wishlist is on my profile, thanks.

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Re: 2024 Magiversary gifting wish list

Post by blockEdragon »

I'd really like the older CWs from the keep tributary, the Saerulis most of all, but also the light/dark lapis, the Clostras, Varjas, Akvo, and Teiro are also great. Please don't send any porcelain, plushie, kitanchosa, hexapo, or marinevra CWs though, not a fan.
Last edited by blockEdragon on May 10th, 2024, 3:17:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 2024 Magiversary gifting wish list

Post by Lestat »

Lestat wrote: May 10th, 2024, 12:14:21 am In my signature is a list of SB, DB, STMB creatures
I'd also like older 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 crystalwings
Last edited by Lestat on May 10th, 2024, 6:41:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Searching for non parents
Dark Umbral Fox
Penumbral Fox
Fenrir Male
White Fenrir M and F
Vermillion Heligre f and m
Masked Heligre f and m
Atieno m and f
Jord Jormungandr
Aegyr Jormungandr
Brimstone Xhimrau
Opaline Xhimrau

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