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Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

I thought I should give this a try since a bunch of them are missing. I'll paste them as I work my way through, other people are free to add on.
Here goes!

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

The following is a quest from the library with missing information; this one here

Quest - Explore Taggelisk, Start the Day
You head out to the main square of Ageti and soon find the man representing the Golden Syndicate. You tell him of your plans for the day and cheerfully he points you on your way.

Explore Taggelisk (part i)


A light rain has begun to fall, and the people preparing to head into the marshes around you suddenly begin to disperse, some cracking whips to lead their steeds hurriedly onto their journeys and some packing up wagons and pulling up tarps. Overhead, another magi takes off, the huge wings of their Roc blotting out the clouds for a moment.

"What's going on?" you ask, and a Quaitu man shakes his head, hefting his bag on his shoulder.

"Bad weather," he calls to you over his shoulder as he heads back into the city. "Drizzle at this time of day means a storm later. The marshes will flood - it's too dangerous for most."

You frown. Surely it couldn't be that dangerous. You see that some of the people getting ready to explore, though, are banding together, strangers from different parts of the world going in groups to avoid any danger.

>Wait in the city and see what happens.

>Go ahead on your own. A little rain never hurt anyone.

>Team up with a group for a while.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

>Team up with a group for a while


You accompany a group of travelers, including a few Quaitu women and an Alvean who mutters about the bad luck of mages. Staying together with someone who the Alvean has clearly hired as a guide, you avoid the worst of the flooding rivers.

"We should have made an offering to the seas," someone says. It's someone who has stayed near the back of the group, a native of Ageti.

"What do you mean?" you ask.

He points up. "The rains come from the oceans. Old beliefs say if you offer tribute, a carving of a fish or whale, the rain will not harm anyone."

You nod. It's an interesting idea. The Alvean rolls his eyes, and you opt to ignore him.

When the rain stops, you move on on your own, glad to be rid of the glares of the Alvean.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

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Explore Taggelisk, Part II


As you've walked along, you begin to realize the truth of what others have said - the paths are treacherous and ever shifting. Using your navigation skills from classes at the Keep, you make out the paths and trails that others have left behind as they pushed through brackish water and shoved branches out of the way. Rutted wagon tracks mark the most common, and probably the safest, path into the heart of the marsh.

As you walk on, though, you also spot animal prints, hooves the size of dinner plates and even the marks of claws. In spots they pass through the human tracks, and then wind away. You hope no one is being stalked.

There's so many paths to take, and the signs are hard to read. Of course, you might find rare things if you go completely on your own.

>Follow the signs of humanity. It will be safest.

>Follow the animal trails.

>Make your own path.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

>Follow the animal trails

You follow the marks of claws and hooves throughout the morning, heading into confusing, criss-crossing trails. On your way, you find a sharp fang from an unknown animal, and you pick it up to examine later.

Token- Curved Fang
A large, curved fang. You'd hate to be on the bad side of any creature with teeth like this.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

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Explore Taggelisk, Part III


It took you a while to notice, but the green of the plant life around you has dimmed, the sun beams lancing more obliquely through the gaps. You've had an interesting time wandering the marsh, but now it's time to head back.

You hear a buzzing as you begin to walk, but you ignore it, writing it off as just another sound of the marsh that's full of all sorts of noise. The usual rush of wind through the fronds and croaking of frogs begins to fall silent, though, replaced by the scratchy noise that reminds you of crickets near the keep. But it gets louder. And louder.

When something hits your elbow, you jump back, only to see a dark shape whiz past. The insect lands by your feet, and you grimace.

It's a vitrium, its carapace cracked from the impact with your arm. At least now you know the source of the noise. And its still getting louder. Even as you think that, another one zips past your ear, and then another by your legs.

They might start swarming. It would be best to take to the air to return - unless you want to see what a vitrium swarm in a marsh is like.

>Fly above and head back.

>Fly just overhead, but watch the swarm.

>Stay down. Maybe you can count them!

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

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>Stay down. Maybe you can count them!

You stay as still as you can, curious about why the vitriums are swarming this way and where they're headed. You put up a small magic shield to protect yourself and your mount, making is as soft as you can so the vitriums don't hurt themselves as they leap about.

Their numbers are staggering, flowing through the trees in a susurrus of leaping legs and flitting wings, and you quickly give up on the thought of counting them. Instead you wait, hoping to catch sight of what they may be running from.

Your wait is in vain, however, as you see nothing else through the trees and bushes. In almost a minute the swarm is gone, as though absorbed into the marsh itself, but a few telltale shivers in the greenery let you know where they are heading. Perhaps it was simply a normal migration.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

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Explore Taggelisk, Part IV

You've stayed out late, content with the areas of the marsh you've explored. Your bag is full of bits and bobs you've collected, and you're confident that you'll get something for it and help out the expeditions.

The marshy area you're walking through has even firmed up with the onset of night, and you watch the sky overhead as you walk back toward the city. You've found an open part of the marsh, and the stars overhead are strange, with some familiar constellations and others you've never seen before.

In the corner of your vision, one star moves, and you hold you breath. When the star drifts back, you realize it's not a star at all - and it's a lot closer than you think.

The floating light is soon joined by another, and then another, until you're surrounded by glowing lights of many different colors, sending shimmers of blue, green and red over the marsh. They look like small orbs of flame, like the will o' wisps that your professors spoke of the in past or that you see sometimes around fire kitsunes.

The orbs seem to collect around a certain part of the marsh, the colors combining into a strange sort of aurora in the distance. It could be worth investigating. Then again, it could be dangerous. It might be safer to wait for another traveler to come by before exploring.

>Check out the lights.

>Wait for someone else.

>Forget it. It might be dangerous.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

>Check out the lights

The lights dance in strange patterns as you walk. They don't seem to be moving in any particular direction, yet you sense you're getting close to something as you move. The mud of the ground beneath you sucks at your feet, your steps making sickening slopping sounds, but you take no notice. Your mount's wing brushes your face, insistent.

The lights have grown brighter, or maybe it's just that there's more of them, but you can't quite put your finger on when it became so bright. The light shines ahead like dancing moonbeams, illuminating the dips and valleys of the mud you're walking through.

The stars begin to fade in the face of the light, and the treeline grows closer. The lights flank something, a pit of darkness, and you finally stop, your heart pounding. You can't quite remember why you came here.

You blink, and something flashes in your vision. It's no longer night, but day, and an enormous tree has fallen in front of you, the roots exposed. A tunnel leads down below the marsh, which isn't a marsh at all but a green field of flowers. People have gathered by the tree, carrying what look like platters of food.

"This should appease the gods of the seas," someone says. "The floods should stop, and they will bless our new village." The air around you is humid and hot, hotter than a desert. You turn, and where Ageti would be is a flat, green expanse with only a few small buildings.

"But what about the wyrm god?" another person asks.

You blink again, and the vision is gone, but the lights are much closer. Your mount has come up next to you, nuzzling you and blocking your path, and you realize that the moon overhead has traveled much farther in the night sky than you thought. Your stomach is cramped with hunger.

A voice echoes in your ears, but you can't make out what it says, and when it fades the lights fade too. You stand in pitch darkness, cold and hungry and tired.

You're not sure what happened, but you know it's time to leave.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

Explore Taggelisk, the End of Day

Your explorations have been long and tiring, but fruitful. Its dark when you return to the city, and you see many caravans pulled up outside the city gates, and a few people who look to have camped out just outside, eager to explore again the following day.

You spot other magis gathered around a familiar person - Carise. She looks up as you approach.

"So, let's see what you've found and review." She nods as you tell her of your explorations. "The Syndicate is grateful. We would be happy to offer you a creature egg from our own collections. You mages can make more use of them than we can, and we hope this will be the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship. Come back tomorrow if you'd like to explore again."

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