2023 Christmas gift wish list thread

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Re: 2023 Christmas gift wish list thread

Post by tigercatclan »


I only got back into magistream during this year's anniversary event so I've missed out a lot since about 2015.

I don't have many crystalwings besides those from this year (I've been catching up but I do think crystalwings are super pretty all around and would love to stock up)

If you're feeling super generous and would be willing to gift donation creatures I would gladly take anything you're willing to part with

I have access to the Artificer shop but not any of the others and have no creatures from them so any of those would be cool!

Thank you in advance!!
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Re: 2023 Christmas gift wish list thread

Post by midnightem »

Would love the new event critters or any parentless creatures.

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Re: 2023 Christmas gift wish list thread

Post by dreamsandlove »

22/25 gifts & going around gifting :bounce:

I'd still be happy over any of the new cute bats, krampen beasts or any other bred past christmas creatures. :wave:
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Re: 2023 Christmas gift wish list thread

Post by Eschaton »

Eschaton wrote: December 17th, 2023, 6:39:37 pm Happy winter holidays to anyone celebrating!
I can't afford donis so thats most of what my wishlist is sry :t-cry:

please do Not gift current event creatures!! I can get plenty of them myself, thank you!
I know my list is pretty short, sorry about that ;v; I dont expect to get a full 25 gifts

  • Chantecler Dismot
  • Welbar Dismot
  • Bantam Dismot
  • Legbar Dismot
  • Hooded Sliphaeren
  • Flint Citellan
  • Maraegian Nizari
  • Sauin Peist
  • Light Basilisk
  • Dark Basilisk
  • Autumn Kirin
  • Sanus
  • Coria Alagos
  • Amarth Alagos
  • Earth Unicorn
  • Frost Unicorn
  • Dawn Cinersi
  • Dusk Cinersi
  • Adremeri
  • Kuras Tiger
  • Light Raiju
  • Dark Raiju
  • Cascara Butterfly
  • Light Gemhog
  • Dark Gemhog
  • Jerboa Rat
  • Purple Crystalwing
  • Golden Crystalwing
  • Cadaceus Chameleon
  • Vanil Shaa
  • Ashen Shaa
  • Dodo Bird
  • Emerald Mantis
  • Onyx Mantis
  • Peryton
  • Dark Bone Dragon
  • Molten Bone Dragon
  • Red Panda
  • Solar Fox
  • Lunar Fox
  • Black Tienko
  • Savantis Bat
  • Forest Tylluan
  • Mountain Tylluan
  • Skioros
  • Tasharn
  • Sasrael Resurrection Horse
  • Valarn Resurrection Horse
  • Raznak
  • Light Zalon
  • Dark Zalon
  • Bleeding Heart Gryphon
  • Azure Liyan
  • Imperial Liyan
  • Amphiptere
  • Kelp Araxie
  • Coral Araxie
  • Kaeran
  • Ember Drake
  • Fire Drake
  • Temple Dog
  • Struana Kelpie
  • Lethe Kelpie
  • Light Pugeon
  • Dark Pugeon
  • Abaia
  • Light Saebra Unicorn
  • Dark Saebra Unicorn
  • Khatash
  • Royal Peacock Phoenix
  • Dark Peacock Phoenix
  • Kiwi Bird
  • Soulflame Cerberus
  • Hellflame Cerberus
  • Pumpkin Wyrm
  • White Keep Rat
  • Black Keep Rat
  • Argaent Kirin
  • Aerum Kirin
  • Akhlut
  • Red Sideraes
  • Karadis Dragon
  • White Soladis Swan
  • Black Soladis Swan
  • Tzunun Mouse
  • Red Asaento Butterfly
  • Blue Asaento Butterfly
  • Tenvaes Gryphon
  • Navitaes Earth Ferret
  • Prasine Earth Ferret
  • Spinetail
  • Light Atramentum
  • Dark Atramentum
  • Sohbek
  • Caul Vaether
  • Ruan Vaether
  • Forest Imp
  • Cinder Storm Steed
  • Tempest Storm Steed
  • Verikan
  • Cymatil Samean
  • Aecor Samean
  • Kotez
  • Veld Bongo
  • Fen Bongo
  • Berahn
  • Eclipse Spectral Wolf
  • Moonlight Spectral Wolf
  • Grey Vasaeken Dragon
  • Red Vasaeken Dragon
  • Naribus
  • Opulus Velox
  • Auroras Velox
  • Northern Light Fox
  • Extalis Kanthras
  • Incedius Kanthras
  • Viton
  • Solaerus Dovala
  • Lonaris Dovala
  • Veisera
  • Green Mendota
  • Ikantan
  • Brown Misoc
  • Painted Misoc
  • Viyasant
  • Scys Pazuzu
  • Azure Pazuzu
  • Jerda's Creature
  • Viridian Krusos
  • Umber Krusos
  • Timber Wolf
  • Light Silendarus Unicorn
  • Dark Silendarus Unicorn
  • Crystal Rykeir
  • Obsidian Rykeir
  • Synthetoceras
  • Red Kynrel
  • Blue Kynrel
  • Torrek
  • Falx Owl
  • Nazar Owl
  • Silex Basilisk
  • Drift Wyrmwood
  • Ash Wyrmwood
  • Luteus Owl
  • White Nivalis Bear
  • Black Nivalis Bear
  • Illabor
  • Blue Emperor Phoenix
  • Golden Emperor Phoenix
  • Wuxing Cabal
  • Stiria Hystrix
  • Silex Hystrix
  • Rekel
  • Arkenian Tantivus
  • Etainian Tantivus
  • Voro Manticore
  • Hyperborean Astacus Dragon
  • Meridian Astacus Dragon
  • Alasre Nekomata
  • Synara Nekomata
  • Stelera Eagle
  • Light Vanx
  • Dark Vanx
  • Cardoon
  • Light Voliton
  • Dark Voliton
  • Lusine Moth
  • Domestic Fox Chinchilla
  • Wild Fox Chinchilla
  • Arkenian Gulo
  • Dreamcatcher Amphithere
  • Daydreamer Amphithere
  • Caerulean Hammerhead
  • Mercurial Imp
  • Infernal Imp
  • Voltarian Phoenix
  • Acheron Sphingid
  • Styx Sphingid
  • Fire Kitsune
  • Collared Stoat
  • Masked Stoat
  • Koi Sailfin Wyrm
  • Regal Sailfin Wyrm
  • Haietlik
  • Caramel Mokaia
  • Cherry Mokaia
  • Muyang
  • Beishi Nian
  • Nanshi Nian
  • Constella
  • Seleu Kirin
  • Haulos Kirin
  • Zaya Kenhound
  • Ridged Setova
  • Squall Setova
  • Santule Marska
  • Suchul Praefervi
  • Maastrin Praefervi
  • Thehuti Ibis
  • Foenaran Runner
  • Crested Foenaran Runner
  • Filigree Cat
  • Rok Hvalur
  • Thurr Hvalur
  • Ixan Capybara
  • Mountain Calour
  • Fanged Calour
  • Riverdancer
  • Ceras
  • Polyceras
  • Skellion
  • Sunburst Kirin
  • Lunar Eclipse Kirin
  • Vogelhond
  • Siku Tanzerin
  • Mauja Tanzerin
  • Painted Hind
  • Pacis Moebian Fox
  • Bellon Moebian Fox
  • Hvitamarr
  • Vedhrmarr
  • Wildfire Theropith
  • Silvan Passeri Gryphon
  • Alasre Passeri Gryphon
  • Vernal Butterfly
  • Prismatic Sepiida
  • Sepia Sepiida
  • Lumen
  • Llamhigyn y dwr
  • Llamhigyn y awyr
  • Stargazer Cat
  • Abyssal Chromodor Leviathan
  • Basalt Chromodor Leviathan
  • Wadjuto
  • Corus Gryp
  • Tacis Gryp
  • Meurin
  • Glaucus Meurin
  • Angshonae
  • Patchy Hippocampus
  • Kelpy Hippocampus
  • Opal Turtle
  • Myacin Lichenthrope
  • Fungoid Lichenthrope
  • Maniwearg
  • Solwearg
  • Blue-faced Martelus
  • White-faced Martelus
  • Hylephage
  • Nyctophage
  • Alasrean Cipetir
  • Sarx Cipetir
  • Lianhua Anthosuchus
  • Thulta'marn Anthosuchus
  • Tulguc
  • Stream Crystalfin
  • Lakireldar
  • Fjallaugar
  • Alcelon
  • Adelpha Papio
  • Polyura Papio
  • Choerop
  • Reef Deshkivari
  • Lagoon Deshkivari
  • Arabo Kabomani Tapirucorn
  • Anta Tapirucorn
  • Kasandar Tityrid
  • Kajiki Istiora
  • Paxir Istiora
  • Serterix
  • Sol Hesten
  • Nox Hesten
  • Alucinari
  • Delta Orix
  • Rufous Orix
  • Copera
  • Tau
  • Nkoe
  • Borean Chirrups
  • Riguang Fenghuang
  • Riluo Fenghuang
  • Opaline Xhimrau
  • Brimstone Xhimrau
  • Taiyang
  • Leocampus
  • Tigershark
  • Aquifereptis
  • Aegyr Jormungandr
  • Jord Jormungandr
  • Iluntz Crystalwing
  • Avgi Crystalwing
  • Atieno
  • Vermillion Heligre
  • Fenrir
  • Verlinga
  • Myrmeco
  • Temple Trickster
  • Coronate Leviathan
  • Aphotic Leviathan
  • Suricata
  • Karera Gangurru
  • Spiked Cazaui
  • Rebalin
  • Leporis Rabbitsune
  • Synaranian
  • Ixan Pere
  • Xoctol Ratu
  • Silvan Tamina
  • Fulvous Pseudonox
  • Grizzled Pseudonox
  • Indigo Gurita
  • Olive Filcher
  • Thistle Filcher
  • Orindan Pheasant Gryphon
  • Arkenian Ice Worm
  • Voltarian Reef Worm
  • Anpean Alphyn
  • Sunset Vishyrm
  • Sunrise Vishyrm
  • Ortus Lunestre Dragon
  • Voidshark
  • Aethershark
  • Malicorn
  • Lightbringer Fish
  • Lighteater Fish
  • Thunder Rat
  • Clouded Keeatl
  • Pearled Weiroatl
  • Hopizeryx
  • Ilescent Hydrodrake
  • Iversin Hydrodrake
  • Dreamspeaker
  • Golden Vojkabayo
  • Aqua Vojkabayo
  • Tetragamen Chimera
  • Fancy Russet Ratumbidae
  • Fancy Spotted Ratumbidae
  • Solar Avrael
  • Lunar Avrael
  • Therezi
  • Aaru Sphinx Cat
  • Amenthes Sphinx Cat
  • Pieni Ursa
  • Light Aura Whale
  • Dark Aura Whale
  • Platergé
  • Soul Briar Rosa Dove
  • Heart Briar Rosa Dove
  • Alasre Wild Wyvern
  • Voltarian Wild Wyvern
  • Jade Yagua
  • Meo May
  • Meo Nuoc
  • Haitu
  • Corrupt Fell Peryton
  • Fallen Fell Peryton
  • Radiant Nautilus
  • Sapphire Dorrian Basilisk
  • Ruby Dorrian Basilisk
  • Alvean Yale
  • Kestrel Fox Simurgh
  • Arkenian Fox Simurgh
  • Pienpatou
  • Vespertine Thorn Imp
  • Nocturnal Thorn Imp
  • Azull Quetzalcoatl
  • Goules Quetzalcoatl
  • Light Sailipsid
  • Dark Sailipsid
  • Elisium Kirin
  • Swamp Arkados
  • Lake Arkados
  • Raza Loong
  • Nareaun Loong
  • Calcite Crystalhog
  • Gang-gang Cockatoo
  • Galah Cockatoo
Bump! 19/25, Almost there <3
Doing my daily gifting, too~
Image Happy Baltic Pride ♥ Image
  • My wishlist: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    • (older donis)
    • Dismot (Chantecler, Welbar, Bantam, Legbar)
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Re: 2023 Christmas gift wish list thread

Post by Sochitelya »


Mostly want Yulspiro, but also like dinosaurs and anything I wrote the description for. Please no spiders or bugs.
If you see me posting nonsense, give me a smack and tell me to go write.


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Re: 2023 Christmas gift wish list thread

Post by spirithawk06 »

Good evening and happy holidays! Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, etc.!

I would love any recently released creatures as life has kept me too busy to play much.

I'll be gifting shortly.

Thank you in advance!
ISO Phoenix Arkai (F)
Rederan Spider, Lakiran/Razan/Red Eyed (M) Kalistavri, shop creatures, onapae flea, orange farir, chocolate vidris crab, bred-only agaori, pygmy gemdragon/crystalwings, M charubi, blushing charubi
Thank you: Ryokotori, pcysmiles, and Ryves
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Re: 2023 Christmas gift wish list thread

Post by jsub55 »

happy holiday!
i wish 25/25 ..
new critters please
quest shop borns are welcome too

donis are very precious
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Re: 2023 Christmas gift wish list thread

Post by fireflii »

Currently at 1/25. Honestly anything is fine! :) Thanks much, and Merry Christmas! ^^
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Re: 2023 Christmas gift wish list thread

Post by gkangkan »

new events please
I got fully gift :D
Thanks to every gifts <3
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Re: 2023 Christmas gift wish list thread

Post by Dolphinsong »

As the holiday draws ever closer so does the excitement!

Would love to see some shop/doni/missed event creatures the most but will love everything =)
Gifting others where I can!

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