How clicks work and why so many threads

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How clicks work and why so many threads

Post by froglady »

OK, bear with me because I'm a scientist with a very logical brain that sometimes skips over the obvious. I was under the impression that only one click you gave to a creature each day counted.

If this is true, why do we not have just one "Click Me" thread with a request to post once a day so everyone can go click the creatures posted in the past day since their last post and be sure all their clicks registered? I see the same name as the last poster on all three click threads most days and as I go through I find that there are multiple posts each only an hour or so apart from the same 5 or 6 users. OK, so you want your eggs clicked, but I don't want to go merrily through clicking 100 creatures that don't count for either of us. I have limited clicking ability due to an injury that required me to retire and I would rather spend it giving meaningful clicks.

I understand the psychology behind "click the user above you", because you only "have" to click one user's eggs, but you can do that on any click thread, and again I often see the same people right underneath each other, so where's the benefit in that?

I could just have the wrong end of the stick entirely, but would someone then please explain to me where the error in my logic lies? Thank you.
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Re: How clicks work and why so many threads

Post by Pallastronomy »

Dropping in to say this confuses me immensely as well; I’ve come to adapt to it over time (Mainly because you just don’t get adequate clicks if you can’t keep up with all three threads at the rate they tend to progress at) but I feel a linear, singular ‘one post per day’ thread would make things significantly easier.
The only benefit I can see to the current, more post-heavy system is that forum posting is pretty much the only way to make efficient gold on your own at this point now that goldmining adults is out of the question, and I have my own array of gripes about that too; namely the fact I think that the gold prices of almost everything in shops need drastic lowering in the wake of the goldmining ban.
I’d love to hear some points from the other side on this because I struggle to see any legitimate benefit to keeping the system and the current gold prices the way they are
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Re: How clicks work and why so many threads

Post by Rosehill »

froglady wrote: December 9th, 2023, 2:15:42 pm OK, bear with me because I'm a scientist with a very logical brain that sometimes skips over the obvious. I was under the impression that only one click you gave to a creature each day counted.

Your click counts towards the progress of creatures every 6 hours. :italian:

The three click threads are a remnant from the times when the site was super active. Three click threads with a little bit different focus made it so that people's eggs actually got clicks and grew. With just one thread there thread would have moved very fast, and people who didn't manage to post their eggs every couple pages didn't get theirs clicked. Nowadays three threads is probably an overkill though. :lol:
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Re: How clicks work and why so many threads

Post by froglady »

Ah, so every six hours. That makes a difference. It's still a bit crazy to see the same person every 3 or 4 posts for a couple hours on the regular hatching thread (not "click the user above you"). I'm learning to skip the ones I would be clicking 9 times within a few minutes if I clicked the day's posts.

I want to click as many as possible to help their creatures grow, because that's what I want, too. I just have to keep my limitations in mind and avoid doing clicks that physically hurt me and help no one.
My join date says 2012, when I made an account I promptly forgot about until August 2023, so I'm really *gasp* a newbie. :)
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Re: How clicks work and why so many threads

Post by kunigund »


I don't know whether all three threads are really necessary, but I kind of like to have the choice. I remember that during this year's Magiversary all three threads were quite busy due to the high (compared to non-event/now) number of users playing and most of the time several people (and always different ones) posted before my posts finally went through. Was quite fun (and I had plenty of time).

I use all three clicking threads, but I follow some rules (my rules, they apply only to me):

- I never post simultaneously in all three. The main reason is that very often one (no specific) user posted last in all threads and my clicks help their eggs/hatchlings only once. I keep this users eggs/hatchlings available and present for others to post. (I have no idea how gold for posting decreases when posting in all three threads within 1-2 min. Even though clicking gives less gold than posting, clicking and growing eggs/hatchlings is the main purpose for me to post in these threads.)
- I only post when I have not clicked the eggs/hatchlings posted last within the last 6 hours. Of course, I don't remember this and therefor I check before posting (by clicking a random egg and refreshing/looking at the "recent clicks") that my clicks actually help the eggs/hatchlings grow.
- I edit my posts to update my eggs whenever one of my eggs hatches. I do this if they are on the last and second last page. This usually is the case for eggs of fast growing species and/or those of the element I am currently attuned to.
- I usually click the whole page or the previous one if my post is at the very beginning.
- I do not post more than once a page (some exceptions may be in "Click the eggs of the person above you") and I actually prefer to have at least one complete page between my posts.
- I don't click back in general because this is impossible for me to handle. But I sometimes look at the "recent clicks" and actually return the favor, especially if I do not recollect the user name at all.
- What I still don't like and therefor avoid as much as possible is posting after "please click in my signature" etc. messages or smilies only (not sure what that is supposed to mean anyways). I don't see signatures (on purpose) and I don't want to scroll endlessly through people's profile to reach their signature. Whenever it happens that I do post below one of these messages I search their signature of course, but otherwise most of the time not. If people want me to click their eggs/hatchlings, posting them is the way to go.
- I use a foe list for users who repeatedly post directly below me and never click. I understand that it can happen, especially when there is lag, but not always.

I never thought about this until now but I think this sums it up quite nicely. :t-weep:
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Re: How clicks work and why so many threads

Post by Shakura »

I always asked myself the same. Why three threads. Sometimes I only post in one of them, but most of the time I post them in all three because that's what people do and that's what I am used to.

The threads kind of, have their unwritten rules? You never post on a page more than once.

I myself only post there once or twice a day (in all three threads at the same time) and then click everything from everyone on the same page, or when my post lands on a new page, the previous page. And clicking only the user above me feels wrong somehow. Even if that means clicking the same creatures multiple times. What if I missed one?
During events, I post more often, but I always check if my post is still on the current page before that and if it is, I don't post until my last post is no longer "visible".

I would agree that one thread is, kind of enough?
But I can also see how it is a nice way to make gold, because I don't post a lot at the forums, so having essentially 2 extra click threads as a way to "spam" for gold, is nice.
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