2022 Christmas gifting wish list

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Re: 2022 Christmas gifting wish list

Post by Sorenteen »

Please send the current event creatures! I don't have enough time to really collect them and could use all the help I can get, please and thank you.
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Re: 2022 Christmas gifting wish list

Post by Psyber »

Happy Holiday gifting everyone!
I'll be checking this thread at least a few times each day to see if I happen have anything that's on anyone's wishlist to give as gifts.

I have 16/25 gifts so far.

Psyber wrote: I have a few kinds of creatures that I prefer to get. Please no Mortifelis, Decessus, or the newly released Holiday creatures but I'll gladly accept any gifts that I am given.


Streamborn/Bred - streamborn or any generation of bred is fine:
Any creature that's feline, especially if I don't already have it.
Rabbits, hares, and jackalopes of any kind.
Any Amagnae that I do not have yet.
Any retired event stream flood creatures that I do not have yet.
Any of the Crystalwings that I do not have yet.

Quest gained - any generation of bred are fine:
Any creature that's from a retired quest.

Event gift - any generation of bred are fine:
Any retired event creatures, especially feline.

Donation - any generation of bred is fine, primary wants have an asterisk:
Temple cat*
Black Tienko*
Any creatures that are felines.
A born/natural psion with a love for gaming and cats! Image
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Re: 2022 Christmas gifting wish list

Post by Shironiki »

Merry christmas everyone! :D <3
Having 0 gifts so far, feel free to send away!

Hi there! :t-:3:
I'm always searching to complete my pairs,
if you want to help me, you can check out my "Need Pair" section here:
(Ideally stream/shop born or first gen :D <3)

Thank you all for the gifts!! ♥♥♥
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Re: 2022 Christmas gifting wish list

Post by WWECornSerpent »

Many thanks to all who have gifted! If you have gifts to spare and no one to gift to, I still have slots open and will gladly give any creature, SB or bred, a loving home. If you want to give me something special, I love any and all dragon-like creatures and I'm really loving the new Cyathia Wyvern.
Have a Safe and Uneventful Hurricane/Cyclone Season

Please Click! ImageImageImageImageImageImage Thank you!
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Re: 2022 Christmas gifting wish list

Post by Rainwater »

Rainwater wrote:I would love the new critters. Other than that, you may consider the following.
Malachite Miu
Jasper Miu
Pumpkin Wyrms of all kinds
Prism Foxes
Never would turn down Dark Unicorns, Unicorns, Elder Crystalwings, the original Light/Dark Basilisks, female Dark Peacock Phoenix, female Alasre Nekomata
Constellation Hind
Cornu Lutrinae
Wikken Cats
Frigaes Reindeer
Calidaes Reindeer
SB Osath
Sonerus Dragons
Water shop critters
Dark Shop Critters
Solar Koi
Lunar Koi
Ouranian Koi
Many many thanks for any gifts
As I only have one gift spot left, I just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday and thank those kind enough to gift me. Now, I am off to gift others what I can.
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Re: 2022 Christmas gifting wish list

Post by Dolphinsong »

Still have loads of gift spots left! Any creature is welcome but would love shop/donis if possible =^-^=
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Re: 2022 Christmas gifting wish list

Post by CoffeeActivated »

Happy Holidays! I would love anything that you could share! Donec eggs and hatchies are especially welcome. Thanks!
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Re: 2022 Christmas gifting wish list

Post by Thyme »

Happy Holidays all. I still have plenty of room for gifts under my tree. The new event creatures would be very welcome. <3

Please do not ask for any of my creatures. I will most likely ignore any requests.

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Re: 2022 Christmas gifting wish list

Post by whitewolfjustice »

Happy Holidays!!

I would love any of the New Christmas Critters or anything from my Wishlist
https://magistream.com/8-community-disc ... #p20919073

Thank you in advance! <3 :wave:
ImageMY WISHLIST LTS Black Market
Do NOT click Hatchlings on my Main tab

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Re: 2022 Christmas gifting wish list

Post by 4clover4 »

Thanks to every gifts
I really want Every event borns
Event shop borns quest shop borns
Donis are super dream
Merry xmas
Hyper super thank to every gifts

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