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Re: Pets

Post by Willowwindy »

I really don't like it either when people don't pick up after their dogs. I live in a Canadian city in Ontario that's quite small and it's filled with walking trails that go through the whole city. And you have to be careful and watch your step because you're always likely to step in something if you don't. There is dog excrement all over the place. So what we started lately is we have a group of volunteers that walk the trails hike the trails often. We carry our phones with us and have several times had to take pictures of people who don't pick up after their dogs. Unfortunately there's miles of trails and it's hard to cover them all.
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Re: Pets

Post by oxygenbreather »

i myself have guinea pigs! they're cute and super friendly little fluff balls, but what bothers me the most is how many people don't do proper research before getting them. they need daily handling in order to be tamer and avoid biting, they can't produce vitamin c on their own so they need a lot of veggies and fruits in their diets, they need a constant supply of hay to aid with digestion, and they're quite vocal so they're not a quiet pet. they also need ample room to move and play, and lots of places to hide. if i had a dime for everyone ive met with guinea pigs that stuck them in a 10 gallon aquarium with nothing except a food bowl, a water bottle, and a plastic hide, i'd have enough money to build my two girls a little guinea mansion.
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Re: Pets

Post by Amyloid »

I have two dogs. One is named Oreo and the other one Tea. I got them in my neighborhood when someone abandoned a box of puppies, and they are both female. They are sisters, but don't look very similar. Just had their one year old birthdays.

White with a bit of brown on her ear.
Seems to have some disorders. Has two nails on her back paws, but they don't affect her walking. Also can't have puppies because of natural disorder.
big but gentle. rarely barks.
hates bathing, brushing, and clipping nails.
very lazy at home but zooms around outside.
loves treats and belly rubs.
Recently got parasites but is now okay.

White with beige speckles.
Totally normal dog.
smaller, looks better than Oreo but is meaner. She is still very nice tho.
very picky about food.
knows how to get attention and treats. Every time we eat at the table she jump on us and pat my arm with her paw.
Hates anything black, wheelchairs, bicycles, and cats.
Barks very loudly but gets scared easily.

I love these dogs. they are sooo cute.
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Re: Pets

Post by Rosalind1 »

I currently just have a cat, her name's Nova - or dumpster kitty, it depends if she's trying to fight me. She's a year old, black/gray tabby, and a big baby, but only for me. We recently applied to get a greyhound through one of the greyhound associations, and while the chances of being successful are really low, I would love a dog, especially one as lowkey as me and the boyfriend tend to be. Even the cat is independent and aloof 80% of the time, and I'm the only person she actively likes.

The only downside of potentially being successful(other than $, but that's fine) is if I have to visit my parents. They, regardless of the education and information provided, don't believe in indoor pets really, and only tolerate them when I visit...whether or not they would tolerate the dog is a big question, and I would hate to bring him there, with at least 3 ADHD having children under 11 and no concept of personal space live. Personally, I would love an excuse to never make more than a day trip back, and I know the boyfriend would willingly stay home to keep an eye while I'm gone.
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Re: Pets

Post by VirtusVita »

NodoBird wrote:I have 15 cats, a dog, and a crested gecko. I live in a tiny house lol.
I have found my people. I have 10 cats, 4 dogs, 2 very old rats. I live in my parents house so space isn’t too bad. Making sure everyone is taken care of runs a toll on me. The cats just looove to get into trouble. Several times, I’ve woken up to the water running. My tabby Frank was given to me after his mom passed. I nursed the little guy back to health and we’ve been best buds ever since.
The 4 dogs are family dogs but I spend a lot of time hanging out and snuggling as they’re getting older now. We’ve got 2 mutts, a border collie and a doxin (aka daschund). My rats were rescues, I’d never owned rats before and it has definitely been eye opening. They truly are small dogs!
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Re: Pets

Post by KillerScreen »

I've really wanted to start keeping scorpions, I find it interesting that one of the best ones in my opinion (large size, docile temperament, beautiful solid black color) is considered to be the good beginner one. The only problem preventing me from doing this is that I hear they tend to be very secretive, like, they kind of just stay in their burrows all the time and it's hard to get a good look at them (they're sometimes called "pet holes" for this reason). This is why I've considered maybe looking into reptiles instead, but I don't think there's any other animal that I would give my utmost love to more. I think that's the most important part about deciding on a pet. You have to be completely sure you'll always love that animal and care for it to the best of your ability no matter what. Even if I never see it, I still feel like I'd be this way. Not sure if there are any arachnid owners here who'd like to talk about their pets, because I'd love to hear about them.
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Re: Pets

Post by BradTheMad »

KillerScreen wrote:Not sure if there are any arachnid owners here who'd like to talk about their pets, because I'd love to hear about them.
KillerScreen wrote:Not sure if there are any arachnid owners here who'd like to talk about their pets, because I'd love to hear about them.
I keep tarantulas and true spiders. I absolutely adore spiders but you need to keep in mind they aren't the interaction kind of pets but pets you observe. There's currently a huge jumping spider hype going on but I find that most people do not treat them as spiders but tiny humans. Spiders have spider needs.
The only spiders I interact with are most of my tree-dwelling tarantulas as they are quite docile and a few of my more inquisitive jumping spiders who show no fear. They decide if they want to get out and explore; not the other way around.

There are a lot of spiders that are just as, sometimes even more, secretive than scorpions. We've got pet-holes, pet-bark, pet-plants etc. :lol:
For me it is the amazement when they do show their beautiful selves that makes it worth the while. They are just so beautiful and utterly fascinating. I love the fact that they are pretty low maintenance and do not give a hoot about interaction. I used to breed chameleons, had poisoned dart frogs and a complete zoo consisting of lots of reptiles but it was daily maintenance. Invertebrates are much easier in that regard.

Spiders have their own individual and quirky characters though. Some species are definitely for more advanced keepers than others but when people call a certain species 'docile' you can laugh that off. I have a few spiders from docile species who are raging psychopaths and some from so-called aggressive species who are really gentle.
I advice future owners to look at beginners' species but keep in mind that their new pets might not appreciate being handled. My spiders handle me :lol:

Scorpions are awesome too. Never really got into them myself but they are beautiful and fascinating. Might eventually want one in the future but for now I'm stuck with my spiders and fully enjoying keeping and breeding them.

Like any pet it's good to inform beforehand and know if they can meet your expectations or not.
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Re: Pets

Post by LunatheDragoness »

Not sure when I posted but since then I now have 7 cats

Freya (not mine but roommates)
Apollo "Habanero Jr"

My baby girl Nugget passed away in April due to kidney failure. She was living on borrowed time though. I found her as a kitten almost dead in my grandmas backyard. Took her to the vet and they said she was born with one fully formed kidney and one small kidney. Due to the small kidney she could've gone at anytime. She got 2 loving years though. She was my little travel buddy. She wasn't even trained and I was able to walk her on a leash and harness. She went on a 10 hour road trip with me and my husband. Not once did she complain or go potty in the car. She wouldnt even go outside or when I put her box down outside. She waited till we got to our hotel room to use her litter box.
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Re: Pets

Post by LightningDragon »

I'm pretty sure that I was still living with my parents when I last posted in here, so some things have changed.

In my tiny home, I now have three dogs (all Boston terriers), a colony of discoids, three colonies of isopods (powder blue/orange, dairy cow, and magic potion), and eleven reptiles (a green iguana, a white throat monitor, a bearded dragon, two uromastyx geyri, a merauke blue tongue skink, two leopard geckos, a Florida softshell turtle, a red-eared slider, and a Hermann's tortoise).

I also lay claim to and care for the critters that are still at my parents', including two more dogs (both are mixed breeds), seven cats (one Bengal of unknown generation, the rest being DSH/DLH), and three more reptiles (an eastern river cooter, a Florida red-bellied cooter, and a Mississippi map turtle).

There is also a gopher tortoise who has lived in my backyard for almost a year, so I'll claim him in spirit. :lol:
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Re: Pets

Post by tigercatclan »

I currently have two cats named Jynx and Bo. Both are foster fails.
They're a funny duo. Both are tabby cats, with Jynx being exceptionally big, round, and dense, and Bo being extremely small, lithe, and light.

Jynx and I passed ringworm back and forth to one another when he was a kitten and then he got bladder stones when I left college. So now I feed him special(expensive) food. He has 3 paws (all four legs, just missing the front right paw) and the people who originally surrendered him didn't really have a convincing backstory as to how it happened. Jynx isn't aware that anything is off and uses his nub for exploration (thumping on any closed door he sees).

Bo had a plethora of problems as a kitten. I got him in the summer of 2020 when he weighed less than a pound and I had nothing better to do than devote myself to raising a little guy. When I got him into the vet at six months, my mother (vet receptionist) brought him back to me while sobbing after an evaluation saying he wouldn't live to a year. He's almost three now, but he's also gone through at least three of his nine lives. He's not concerned.

I <3 cats but I want a dog so bad. I haven't had full access to a dog in six years and it is really weighing heavily on me.
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