Favorite Thing About MagiStream

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What's YOUR favorite thing about MS?

The Creatures!
The Magi (Users)
The Forum
The Shops
The Quests
Other (Feel free to list what that 'other' is)
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Re: Favorite Thing About MagiStream

Post by LutemiNovora »

The creatures and the wide variety of types of them
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Re: Favorite Thing About MagiStream

Post by mulan »

I like creatures & the forum^^
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Re: Favorite Thing About MagiStream

Post by AliceMorte »

I love the creatures! Especially the Halloween ones! The spoopier the better ^^
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Re: Favorite Thing About MagiStream

Post by bredloaf »

i love the creature designs, the pets dont take long to hatch, im eager to hatch the animals, its a fun little site to play every day for a short while and i notice the community is pretty friendly too!
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Re: Favorite Thing About MagiStream

Post by prettyiggy7 »

I like the creatures and the games. It's pretty easy to gain enough points in 2 weeks time to buy more rare creatures at Remy's.

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Re: Favorite Thing About MagiStream

Post by CaptainDucky »

Definitely creatures, especially very several specific ones that I really need to get my hands on, and manage to get quite a bit few of them through gifting from lovely user on here! I was thrilled to manage to get my hands on my possibly absolute favorites...

Forgotten Unicorn
Dust Bunny
Tenabre Fox

Of course can't forget Potootos too!

25/25 gifts
Thank you!! I love any of spooky things. <3 <3
Thank you all for the gifts! Happy 15th Anniversary Magistream!

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Re: Favorite Thing About MagiStream

Post by ShrimpMan »

Definitely the creatures. I adore the pixel art and it keeps me coming back every so often. I like the casualty -- games like DragCave turned me off because of the constant threat of my creatures dying, but here that's not a concern.
Sincere thanks if you click on any of my creatures!
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Re: Favorite Thing About MagiStream

Post by Kittemmmmmm »

Love creatures some of them are very cute and the forums cause it’s earns gold :cool:

Click me eggos >:) below if youre kind enough

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Re: Favorite Thing About MagiStream

Post by CorruptedUnicorn »

Alright, I'm back ...hic... wid wwhat I ...hic... hope it'sh ...hic... a ...hic... lenghtier and more ...hic... in-detail reply (but it'sh moshtly becaushhe II feel chummy when I'm drunk*)..

One ...hic... ding I like fromm Magishtweeam issh how mmanny ...hic... of itsh creaturesh feel liike believvable fantaasshhy ccreaturesh yyou'dd find in a fantashy film from de 80sh in de vibe off De Dark Cryshtal and de Neverending Shtory. I like to ...hic... picture de Meowlsh ash an examplle of dish: it'sh a sheamlesh blend betwween cat and barn owwl, and I ...hic... coould even believe a cat-owl hybridd foormsh part of shome folkloree or mydologgy.

Anoder ding I like ish dde lore behind every shingle creaature. Even de mosht unashuming animal ...hic... heere ...hic... hash an iintereshting and detailled shttory of itsh behaviour ...hic... ashh hatchllingsh and adultsh. And de world conttainsh more shtoriesh and llegendsh about it. I musht ...hic... admit, it ish a lot of text and more often dan not I ...hic... finnd myshhelf too bushy to ...hic... read de +1000 ...hic... entwiiesh ...hic... on de BBeshtiary, but I am very shuurpprished sho much eeffort hash been put here ...hic... to givee each creature a place in dee world of Magishtweam.

*In Maagishtweam, ...hic... not in ...hic... real liffe. Drink reshponshibly.
ImageImage<--- This is Flux! I keep him unnamed because I like to see him shapeshift :]
Thank you everybody for the wonderful gifts! I hope you enjoy yours, too!

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