The Atrium

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Re: The Atrium

Post by AuraDragoness »

Sorry to eavesdrop but, don't Hippocampi and Koi help with the no-air-underwater thing?
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Re: The Atrium

Post by jmilana »

Isn't it possible that those creatures would freeze to death in the frigid water? I think they're used to warmer temperatures. That could pose a problem. :t-shrug:
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Re: The Atrium

Post by Mathcat »

Ekaira glanced up from her book. "Glacial koi? Or does "glacial" just refer to their coloration?"
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Re: The Atrium

Post by Dancingstar »

“Coloring sounds correct.” Star said, as she smoothed our her dress. “Perhaps you could brew a potion that were to keep you warm and give you underwater breathing abilities...” she trailed off. Perhaps it was just a pipe dream?
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Re: The Atrium

Post by mom1995577 »

Arriving late and startled by several eggs sailing though the open door of the atrium M has been watching from the hall. Not wanting to get her ice gyphon eggs damaged she waited until the clean up started. walking carefully in she catches the conversation about deep water travel and a spark of an idea comes to mind.
"I'm not very knowledgeable about potions but I know I've traveled to the Callisto Islands with my leviathan, Waveburn. Maybe one of those could get you deep underwater, Talyn? And then with a warmth potion or something all you would need is a glacial koi, right?" the second half of the question being directed at star.

M seems awkward as she tries to be part of the conversation, but unsure how. a minute later a hell hound cantered in and rested her snout in the magi's hand. She seems to warm up to the atmosphere almost instantly, whispering a thanks to Sheba.

((I'm so late to the party and i've never done this before this seems so fun))
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Re: The Atrium

Post by Nekoi »

Nekoi walks in having just heard the last bit of that conversation and starts thinking out loud regarding the question.

Hmmm...According to our bestiary the Glacial Koi, "...are gentle, patient animals, found in rivers or streams, though they can travel to most bodies of water.... enables the master to breathe under water for short periods of time."

So regardless of the possibility of a warmth potion, it might not work even with the glacial Koi, unless one can somehow extend the length of time for the enchantment. Or maybe those underwater ice caverns aren't that far from a breathing hole and have enough air pockets that one doesn't need a constant alternate source of air? Can the Glacial Koi even withstand the freezing temperatures of those waters? Narwhals can easily survive in those waters, as that is their preferred environment, but they don't have the magic of the koi...hmmm.....Hippocampi actually might work better...They share the magic of the koi, and since they migrate between the Arkene and the islands, one presumes they might have a greater tolerance for the extreme temperatures of the they are big enough to ride, which means the distance of the caverns underwater shouldn't be too much of a problem or negated entirely.

But you know...that brings to mind something I recall reading once about Frost Unicorns...lessee...what was it...Ah! I remember!

Nekoi pulls out a small book and starts flipping through it excitedly.

There it is! I knew this pocket edition of the bestiary would come in handy someday, it says here, "[Frost] Unicorn eggs are among the hardest to find, hidden in glaciers miles below the surface of the northern seas."

Looking up triumphantly, Nekoi waves the book around. So you see, if these are the same caverns Talyn is talking about, all you need is a Frost Unicorn companion to help you get there. They presumably have a way to get their eggs there after all, and they are land creatures like us. And since they have control over ice and snow, they can supposedly also prevent it, which may not be a warmth potion, but could at least keep the worst of the cold away.

Smiling contentedly, and glad she was able to contribute to the conversation, Nekoi tucks her book away and walks off, determined to continue her current line of investigation regarding the whereabouts and activities of one missing shopkeeper.
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Re: The Atrium

Post by AuraDragoness »

Aura thought about the logic behind the things that the three new Magi that had entered the conversation said. Putting all those facts together, one could easily find a solution to the cold waters and lack-of-air. The very thought of possible ice cavern exploration thrilled her, the girl always did love adventure.

Still, however, that would have to wait until another time. Sure she didn't know much about whatever methods Alethin used to get his wares, nor how questionable they were, but the mystery as to what had happened was intriguing to say the least.
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Re: The Atrium

Post by Dancingstar »

Stars pondered for a moment. “Is it possible” she asked slowly, fiddling with the obsidian ring on her finger. “That he could have several different routes?” She stood up and went over to the map of the world that was tacked to the wall. “Yes. That would be smart” she said, looking up at the map. “A smuggler, a smart one at that, would avoid taking the same route.” But then again, she had no idea how smugglers operated. She was someone who domesticated hedgehogs. Not someone who practiced anything illegal.
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Re: The Atrium

Post by mom1995577 »

M blinked at the map before realizing what the topic could be about.
"Is this about the missing prototype from the artificer's shop?" she walked over to the map and frowned "or is it about Alethin?" Sheba sat and looked up at the map as well, cocking her head to the side in time with her magi companion.
"If he has multiple routes it would make sense to have multiple ways to remember them. Maybe that alley way where that note was found is a route!" she gets excited and takes out a book, taking notes. "I've heard rumors about a black snake in The Keep's gardens and wanted to ask some nature magi if they've seen anything."
She gives the room a ounce over.
"Maybe Ridan has seen it?"
While the curious magi took notes Sheba sat and gazed around the room, equally as curious as her friend but knowing better than to dart out. The other hellhounds in the room catch her attention and, not used to seeing others of her own kind, locks eyes with them.
"Oh!" M flips though the book again. "I forgot about that prank Gwendolyn tried to pull on me... maybe shes behind the black snake sightings."
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Re: The Atrium

Post by vipor »

"Stop moving! It's for the best!"
Nearly tripping over his own robes, Vipor runs into the atrium chasing a black and purple raza cobra.
Besides him runs a tenera dog also partly covered in black soot. The dog manages to jump ontop of the raza cobra, starts licking the snake and runs off to greet other people wil sloppy and black licks.

Vipor manages to crab the raza and uses his sleeve to clean some of the slobber off before looking around at the people nearby.
"Sorry about that and the slobber.
Listen, I know this seems weird. Stupid and insane. But it is for a good cause. They can't find a certian black snake if there are many black snakes. If anybody has raza's that are willing to spread far and wide for a while, please send them to my room."

For a brief moment Vipor looks at his hands including one stained pitch black. "And using black inkt might have not been the best idea. But this one and miss licks-A-Lot over there are just covered in a soot mixture. Gotta go."

As he starts to move away, he casts a glance at the map on the wall. "Don't forget some paths are close to migratory paths of creatures not friendly in herds and centaur hunting trails. Depending of the time of year they can or ca't be used."
Snapping his fingers to get the tenera's attention he starts moving again.
"Kokoro, Heel. And don't eat my heels this time. Please. Drat. Gotta run!"

In the hallway a loud crash is heard, most likely of a certian tenera crashing into a certian idiot. Resulting in the black and purple raza slither through the atrium again and dissapearing in some bushes near an open window.
Low prices high quality.
Vipor's mini mall

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