Turkey Trot (Creature 945 + 946)

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Turkey Trot (Creature 945 + 946)

Post by Arrias »

When, oh when will the cute little turkeys appear?! What kind of subspecies do you think Madd's cooked up this time?

The wild amagnae have been spotted in the stream again. They will flood up to and including November 30th 2018 EST.

You can get one of the new creatures - Dulcine Amagnae - through the quest.

Quest - A Sweet Little Cottage
Location: The Keep

A light frost of snow coats the ground as you wander the farm paths near the Keep. It's about the time of year that Aderyn has new amagnae around, so you start to head over to her house for a visit. Before you arrive, however, a quartet of small, silvery hatchling amagnae runs in front of you. They glance at you expectantly but you don't have any seeds in your pocket. Still, the young birds follow you as you turn the corner to a wide, open field and a farmyard. The animals don't seem perturbed by the snow and you spot a few dozen plump domestic amagnae scratching for insects just under the frozen soil.

The small hatchlings following you look like they belong to a different breed, one you've never seen before. They rush through the fence posts and into Aderyn's yard, ducking between the much larger adults who briefly pause to regard them before returning to their scratching. The hatchlings lead you through the yard to the edge of the property, where you find a new paddock you don't remember being there before. A short way up a flat stone path is a sod house and what look to be the early beginnings of a wooden barn, though to say it's half-built would be praise. There's smoke rising from the petite chimney.

Your curiosity piqued by Aderyn's new neighbor, you knock on the door. There's a lovely smell of fresh-baked cookies coming from inside the cottage. A short round man answers, his moustache flecked with colorful sugar and four unusual amagnae in his arms. The hatchlings you've been travelling with swarm into his house.

"Oh, blast, you're tracking mud all over the place!" he chides the hatchlings. Momentarily forgetting you, he sets the much less frantic adult amagnae on a chair and they all wait patiently as he gathers up his hatchlings.

The house is surprisingly immaculate on the inside, lined with bright stone walls and tile floors, all decorated with floral patterns. The cottage only looks to be two rooms, but it's far from cramped, even with half of the main room taken up by a large stone oven and a series of cupboards. Several of the counters are stacked with various baking ingredients like flour and sugar, and a large round table is set with about two dozen pies, cakes, sweetbreads, pastries, tarts, and other baked goods. They're all topped with delicate figures in the shapes of magical creatures.

Once the man has caught all of his amagnae hatchlings, he sets them on an odd ceramic plate that sticks partway out of the wall. He pulls a battered wand out from his apron and taps it to the plate, and in a moment the hatchlings' feathers puff up and a purplish glow surrounds them. The glow fades as they shake themselves, now free of any bits of snow or dust on their feathers. The man gently places them in a straw-lined box in the corner.

Smiling and wiping his brow, the man says, "Sorry about that. I didn't anticipate they would be so good at climbing. What can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for Aderyn," you say.

"Ah, well, I'm afraid she's off at a fair in Voltar, showing off some new prize birds. Torren's there too, I think. Said something about 'not letting her win the Firelight Poultry Show this time.' Were you hoping to get some amagnae?"

You suppose you were.

"Well, I don't have much in the way of amagnae, but I'm a fine confectioner if I do say so myself. I studied potion-making at the Keep in my youth, and now I make all manner of magical treats. I've actually been playing around with creating a new breed of all-sugar amagnae, like the ones you retrieved for me. I've been looking to start a little flock of my own. If you bring me two wild amagnae hatchlings, I'll give you an item that can turn your amagnae into my sugar-spun variety."

You agree to return with the hatchlings. As you head off, he stumbles to the door and calls back, "I'm Mendalaus, by the way! Tell your friends to drop by my baked goods stall at the harvest festival!"

Bring him 2 turkey hatchlings

Quest - A Sweet Little Cottage
Location: The Keep

You present Mendalaus with the fluffy young amagnae and he scoops them up in his hands excitedly. He runs them through his curious little cleaning plate as he did the sugar-spun hatchlings and they come out with spotless feathers. Satisfied, Mendalaus adds them to his nursery box. He then grabs a handful of brightly colored corn kernels from a sack in his pantry and offers them to you.

"Here you go. I threw in a little something extra. Enjoy!"


"Oh, and I'm always looking for more wild amagnae hatchlings so if you find any more wandering about, bring them my way!"

You get two kernels of corn, a purple and an orange, which can be used on Amagnae eggs. They don't work on hatchlings or adults. Orange turns your Amagnae into the new Dulcine Amagnae and the Purple turns them into one of the past Amagnae, randomly (Domestic, Otrovian, or Ocellata Amagnaes).

NB: Chromatic Wugu and Pastel Wugu Amagnaes can be bought from the Black Market.

Dulcine Amagnae


Few things can harm a dulcine amagnae, and the poults are eager to exploit this ability. They aren't especially strong, but their sugary feathers can become quite sticky if they get even slightly wet, allowing them to climb quite easily and make a mess of anything they touch. Their thick hides protect them from light amounts of heat or moisture with only a bit of sticky sap to show for it, but open flames and water can dissolve them entirely if they're not careful. However, even this won't deter an over-inquisitive youngster; once the water dries or the fire goes out, the sugary particles that make up their bodies will reform into the fluffy birds they were before. They seem to find the experience mildly unpleasant, so caretakers are encouraged to keep a close eye on their poults, immortal or not.


Dulcine amagnae are made entirely out of sugar and have quite the taste for it. Like glass phoenixes, they only eat the substances that make up their bodies, both to heal and simply because they seem to like it. Whatever they consume along with the sugar is incorporated into their wispy feathers, which can become scented or colored if they eat sugar locked up in some other sort of treat. Unlike glass phoenixes, however, dulcine amagnae are surprisingly gentle and obedient as adults, easy to train with rewards of brightly-dyed sugar. They act much like living animals, following their caretakers around and even cuddling. The birds make excellent family companions, provided any children around them don't try to pluck and eat their sweet feathers. Taken carefully, small clippings of dulcine amagnae feathers can be added to foods to make them more magically potent and delicious.

These birds are the sweetest around -- in every sense of the word! Dulcine amagnae are odd little creatures, more akin to the crafted animals of the Artificers Association than the creatures you might find in the Stream. These amagnae appear to be nearly immortal, able to repair themselves from almost any wound by consuming sugar and similar sweet treats like honey. The baker Mendalaus originally spun them from enchanted sugar, though related spells can be placed on living amagnae to turn them into the dulcine variety. Although amagnae tend not to have magical abilities of their own, their life energy can sustain the enchantment and allow them to live with a sugary body as long as they like. Dulcine amagnae transformed from flesh-and-blood birds seem to retain the memories of the originals, though their behavior tends to mellow somewhat.

Ice Luteus Owl - Black Market


Two waving feathers can be seen jutting from the top of this bright blue egg.


These little ones refuse to go near The Keep, but they are friendly enough. When their magi enter the woods, luteus owl hatchlings swoop down at once, finding a shoulder or bag to perch on. They are inquisitive and feisty hatchlings, prone to investigating the pockets of passersby. Unfortunately, they will fly off with anything they find interesting, and getting them to return items is tricky. Leaving cups of sweet syrups will catch their attention, though. When luteus owls are busy guzzling maple syrup, they are so focused on their treat that it is relatively easy to sidle up and retrieve the stolen goods.


No one has ever seen one of these companions venture far from a forest, and they have never been known to enter the castle. Luteus owls seem to grow weak without the presence of trees, becoming lethargic and then slipping out of consciousness. It would be easy enough to pick up a luteus owl in this state, perhaps transferring it to a cage. This doesn't mean that it's a good idea to try and transport them – rather, quite the opposite. When luteus owls awaken far from trees, they fly into fits of rage. These companions will lash out at anyone, and are capable of inflicting great damage. As one can imagine, they are not considered to be the best travel companions. When surrounded by trees, however, these companions possess quiet temperaments and bond well with their magi. Their thirst for blood is reserved for the hunt. Borean luteus owls are most ravenous during the late autumn, when the warmth finally relinquishes its hold and the nights begin to leave frost on the ground. As soon as the first traces of snow appear, these companions are spotted more, flitting from tree to tree. Unlike other owls, these companions move as comfortably in daylight as they do in the dark, and hunt at all hours. Their appearances allow them to go all but unnoticed. Luteus owls will often remain still for an entire day, blending in seamlessly with the surrounding foliage. Younger owls will swoop down on unsuspecting passerby, finding their surprised yells to be greatly amusing.
Last edited by Arrias on November 25th, 2018, 11:55:45 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Turkey Trot

Post by Sanax »

It's two days until Thanksgiving... hopefully soon? I can't wait to be able to hoard some more cute turkeys than the couple I bought! :t-swoon:
To hatchling only, please.

To adult, thank you. c:
None at the moment.
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Re: Turkey Trot

Post by VilaWolf »

Any word on a new quest?

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Re: Turkey Trot

Post by Arrias »

VilaWolf wrote:Any word on a new quest?
Nothing yet, but I'm loving the new "Newest Creature" section on the main page. That's going to make it really easy to keep track of when they release new event creatures.
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Re: Turkey Trot

Post by Magics »

Sanax wrote:It's two days until Thanksgiving... hopefully soon? I can't wait to be able to hoard some more cute turkeys than the couple I bought! :t-swoon:
I need an army of Amagnae hatchies <3
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Re: Turkey Trot

Post by Desade »

I'm really hoping the domestics and the wugus come back. Really need their hatchlings and eggs. D:
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Re: Turkey Trot

Post by blockEdragon »

Really hoping turduckens make a comeback. They amuse me.
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Re: Turkey Trot

Post by Dancingstar »

i need more turkeys for my collection
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Re: Turkey Trot

Post by Cyrinus »

Bring on the turkeys!!!
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Re: Turkey Trot

Post by Arrias »

I feel like they were released a lot earlier last year?
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