Phobias.. we all have one.

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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Goldenwings »

I have a fear of hypodermic needles, more generally anything going under my skin. Needles are the worst though. I get shivers just thinking about it. It's not the pain, it's just the idea of having something inserted into my body through a layer that's supposed to keep things out, nuh-uh not happening. I act like a three year old every time I have to go to the doctor's office. Tears, crying, the whole nine yards. I'm not an anti-vaxxer by any means and I completely understand the importance of vaccinations but that thought that it's under my skin makes me squirm.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Beguiled »

I'm Trypophobic. Any clusters of holes, bubbles or certain other types of things and I lose it. Especially if it's involving skin. If a cluster of something looks like it's growing out of the skin, I feel like I'm going to vomit. The clusters of holes in a plant can do it to, or certain structures. I just can't take it. I squirm, gag and even vomit if I'm pushed far enough.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by wildclaw »

This might sound weird, but I don't really have a phobia for anything that I would ever encounter, but I do have a phobia for being in the deep ocean. I love watching nature documentaries, including the ones where they explore the ocean floor. However, I get extremely anxious whenever I watch these because I imagine all the tons of water surround those divers in the submarines. I also think about how if one really large and angry fish came and knocked that little air bubble around enough, it would collapse and instantly crush the people inside. I love fishing and swimming and being ON TOP of the ocean, but I will never be able to go any more than a few feet into the water because of this.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Fuiuki »

I have a fear of both pain and living things in my body. I don't mind what's naturally in there, like bacteria in my digestive system, but the thought of getting worms, parasites, that fish that swims up your private place... uuurgh, or worse yet, things in my ears... It's a huge fear of mine, and a single tiny fly can sometimes keep me up all night because I'm scared it'll crawl into my ear...

I also think I might have a (admittedly rational) fear of my teeth falling out. Every time I had a loose baby tooth I would get terrified if it seemed like it was coming off, or if it was tugged at or turned. It made it a bit difficult to get them out, but that's long since over now, thankfully ^_^' I jsut get scared occasionally that my teeth will fall out from hits to my mouth, or biting something wrong.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by PepperMint »

I'm not sure if these count as phobias since they are mostly fears, but it's somewhat related so I think it's okay to post?

You expect me to have a single phobia? Well, I'd expect the same honestly. Unfortunately, I have many worries and many things can creep into my mind to give me a fright. I'm downright terrified of manikins and objects that move behind your back when you're not looking (Weeping Angels could be an example). I find confined spaces and large spaces that are crowded to be quite a stressful experience. I can't look people in the eye - I'm scared of eyes. I'm scared of the dark, or anything that is unknown to me. I'm scared of rooms that have no other people inside them aside from myself (This... This one is extremely difficult to deal with yet happens to be the one I deal with everyday). I have quite a large fear of snakes, worms, snails, slugs and anything with that kind of body shape/movement.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by YunoGasai »

The phobia of Non-Existence. I used to have over ten full phobia's, but since I'm a Counterphobe, i.e. I force myself to face my phobia's, I'm down to one left. This one though, I may never face again. It's too bad.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Frostbitten828 »

I wouldn't say its a phobia because it doesn't cripple me or negatively affect my life on a daily basis, but I fear the unknown. Dark rooms, waking up at 3 am and unsure what else is in the room with you. Going into the basement alone while you know there could be someone hiding right around the corner (even if you are home alone). Tornado sirens going off, but its too dark to see if there's any worry outside and you can't tell if the sirens are close or far away. We got cameras for the driveway and front door so I don't have to paranoidly worry that someone is outside, but then I'm scared to review video because you see all those things online about someone standing, staring into the lens.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Tankypooo »

Im actually, legitimately, diagnosed with a mild case of Coulrophobia- or, fear of clowns.

It started when I was very little, on my very first day of kindergarten (may have been a meet and greet?), where they had a clown making balloon animals, and I waited in line for a balloon dog, unaware of what I was about to learn... I got to the clown and everything was fine, he laughed and teased me and made the dog.. I dont remember feeling anything at all unusual, except that my daddy asked me if I was OK right before I started crying. And I didn't stop. Not until I fell asleep that night. I didn't know why I was acting that way, why I was legitimately afraid. I woke up the next morning to a head full of evil clowns. My mind had tormented me during the night with visions of popping balloon animals, scary clowns and fear. I recovered quickly, due to mom and dad hugs.

This happened every single time I saw a clown. After dozens of clowns (it was the 90s and my dad was very involved with the Shriners), my mom and dad stopped asking me if I didn't like them, and took me to a child therapist.

I distinctly remember her playing a video of a clown performing. After the video finished, she asked me some generic questions and we left. After that, my parents took extra precautions to avoid me seeing clowns.

It's funny, I recently explained to them what it feels like when I see a clown- and it's not a pee my pants run away crying kind of fear... It's always been, since that first encounter, a kind of nervousness... Like, why in gods name is this dude dressed that way...? He must be hiding something if he needs to wear so much makeup and gaudy clothes...

A general discomfort. A general... waryness towards them.

Now everyone teases me, because I'm the one that had to get diagnosed before realising I didn't like clowns XD!



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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Aethris »

Oh boy... Spiders. Any and all spiders, even the small harmless ones. I wish I could control this fear, I don't even know why I'm afraid of them. I know they kill other and potentially more harmful bugs like mosquitoes but something about spiders just creeps me out and makes me want to run away.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by birdiebeeps »

I wouldn't call it a phobia, but the concept of being stuck underwater freaks me out. I'm generally okay with water, and confined spaces for that matter, but combining the two? No way. Those tanks magicians use to make people 'disappear' are a nightmare. I just don't know what's worse, the concept of that + complete darkness, or being able to see breathable air inches from your face, completely unable to get to it... yeesh.
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