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Re: Livestock!

Post by Silenxia »

Is there any chicken experts? Well I was looking on Google at pictures of baby birds (some of them have awesome colors, more so than the adults) and I found some baby chickens that had very unusual looking colors, unusual for me who is used to seeing yellow chicks (unless they're dyed).

One of the chicks was a creamy-like tan with black spots. Another was a black and white chick (very pretty).
The Wishlist in my profile is outdated (I can't quite figure out how to edit it now, so many of the creatures there have already been obtained).

Gift ideas: I am looking for event creatures now, but most anything will go. Thank you to everyone who has helped me achieve my Crystalwing goals.

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Re: Livestock!

Post by TNHawke »

Chicken chicks come in a lot of colors. The ones I had...

Not my photos, but examples.
My first chicken was a broiler hen. She was a pet, not food. Gwen looked like this as a chick.
And like this as a hen

We also had a couple of black and white chicks when we got Gwen. Gurgi and Little Peep looked like this.
And we were super surprised when their feathers started coming in speckled! They grew up to look like this
Gurgi looked like a hen, like this picture, but behaved like a rooster, and was a jerk. We had to get rid of the two roosters because the neighbors complained about their crowing, but we kept Gwen until she died, which, sadly, was only a year and a half later. Broiler chickens weren't bred to live long.

Then, I got a couple of adult silky mix hens. One was furry and mottled grey with a smooth face. That was Carrie. And then I got a white, normal feathered one, but she had the funny poofy cheeks like most silkies do. I didn't have any roosters, and those two REALLY wanted to set on their eggs, so I got a few fertile eggs from a friend and let my hens hatch them. Her hens would lay, but wouldn't set. She had a brown cochin rooster and a mixed gold and red colored rooster, and a bunch of different hens. Most of the chicks came out looking kind of like chipmunks in different shades! Like these!
Then they grew up to look very different, most were shades of brown, a couple were small and poofy like the cochin, and most were tall and 'chicken shaped' like the other rooster. But one was all black and had brown speckles down her front. SHE was awesome. I can't find any photos that look like her, but this one, if you imagine the black dots on the breast were brown, and the brown was black, this would look kind of like her.
Then, if you want to see a truly bizarre bird, check out the Ayam Cemani chicken. I totally thought it was some kind of photo manipulation when I first saw a picture of one, but it's an actual breed! I totally want one! EVERYTHING about them is black, even their meat and bones!
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Re: Livestock!

Post by Silenxia »

They all look amazing, especially that rooster though I think I know of it by a different name. He certainly would be a sight to see...omg that would be an epic MS creature. I don't really know what breed my two chicks were, both of them were dyed for Easter (the female was purple, the male red). We did know that the bigger one was a rooster because my mom found his comb. The hen died because of my mom, but the Rooster was developing white feathers when we gave him away, he probably was a normal rooster...he ended up being killed by a wild animal.

The chicks are so cute, but none of them quite fit this one chick, I think the other chick could be a barred, though its colors seem more different from the one that you showed. Here's the two different pictures (I don't plan on getting more chickens, but the color of these two chicks awed me because I never seen it);

For this one it's the one between the yellow and goldish; Image I think the other black and white one is a barred since it looks a lot like that one chick.

For this one it's the one below the black chick and beside the yellow one; Image
The Wishlist in my profile is outdated (I can't quite figure out how to edit it now, so many of the creatures there have already been obtained).

Gift ideas: I am looking for event creatures now, but most anything will go. Thank you to everyone who has helped me achieve my Crystalwing goals.

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Re: Livestock!

Post by myultimateanswer »

At the moment we keep chickens, runner ducks and guinnie fowl.
Now we had had chickens before for many a year and my dad even got a bit crazy with breeding some rare ones but we had never had ducks or guinnie fowl before so it's interesting to see the differences.
Ducks are far dirtier, especially as ducklings. They don't have tears and so wash their eyes in the water, they don't lay in nest boxes but wherever they happen to be, they are far more of a flock than chickens and they can't really put themselves to bed.
Guinnie fowl do not nest in a house but if unclipped will naturally roost in appropriate trees, do not lay all year round but for a breeding season, and most of all... they are , very, VERY noisy in their 11 fowl pack.
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Re: Livestock!

Post by Raven »

I have a small pet farm of my own.

I love goats and have two beautiful pygmy weathers that act more like dogs. They play with my dog Megan who is a German Shorthair Pointer. She doesn't know they are goats. We've had the goats since they where old enough to leave their mother and we continued to bottle feed them, so they are real friendly.

I also have a mini bunny barn with four Mini Rex and one spoiled Flemish Giant who is the big boss of the buns. That's because he is allowed to hop around on a harness. He's about 17 pounds lol

We also have a few New Hampshire Reds that are allowed to free range for bugs to keep fleas and ticks down. Several Barred Rocks we keep for eggs. They are getting older and we need to swap them out for new girls in the springs. They will join the others and free range.

I would like to get sheep but we don't have a big enough pasture for what I would like for them..

We have five cats all fixed now, fat and happy.

I also have two corn snakes, and a ton of gerbils that I do show with the AGS.

I've been with animals all my life and now I raise my children and have my own little mini farm. I've done 4-H and been part of kennel clubs and cat clubs for my GSP and Maine Coon cats.
<3 Image

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Re: Livestock!

Post by AlumaWolf »

I get up on a farm and raised around livestock. I have raised horses, goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, turkeys, llamas, rabbits and pigeons. They only thing Ive never raised was cattle because my parents didnt want to raise a cattle for meat for over a year so we stuck with pigs. The things that really irritates me about people and livestock is rabbits. I currently raise/ show rabbits and I consider them livestock not a pet animal like horses, dogs and cats. I do love my rabbits dearly and they mean a lot to me but I would also eat them. Rabbits meat is the best meat for you and you cant tell its rabbit. They were put here on earth for their fur and meat. Yes they are livestock but they still need to be loved and respected for why they are here just like any other livestock. I do not support cruel treatment of animals of any kind. They have thought and feels too.
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Re: Livestock!

Post by Mitschell »

AlumaWolf wrote:I do not support cruel treatment of animals of any kind. They have thought and feels too.
Isn't it a little cruel to kill and eat them?
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Re: Livestock!

Post by Silenxia »

One of my co-workers at my workplace has a farm and they have bees. Hearing about that makes me happy (I love bees).
The Wishlist in my profile is outdated (I can't quite figure out how to edit it now, so many of the creatures there have already been obtained).

Gift ideas: I am looking for event creatures now, but most anything will go. Thank you to everyone who has helped me achieve my Crystalwing goals.


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