The Atrium

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Re: The Atrium

Post by Mathcat »

The advantage to favoring dark clothing was that most stains didn't show. Still, Ekaira had accumulated enough potion strikes over the past few days - most from the same magi, as they were apparently having a spontaneous potion battle - to dye her blue robes purple. Grinning broadly - she did like these events, even if they did tend to be rather painful - she made her way to a clear patch of the unexpectedly crowded Atrium and settled down to wait. If her impromptu rival happened by, she would be ready.

Noticing Lachesis, she made her way over to where the magi was kneeling in front of Talyn. "Look, if you need to get him to the infirmary, I can walk in front of the pair of you as a shield," she said. "I'm tall enough that I make a much more tempting target."
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Re: The Atrium

Post by Kestrad »

"Oh, hey Ekaira," Lachesis said, looking up. Ekaira had clearly been taking part enthusiastically in the potion-throwing, as evidenced by the color of her robes. It made Lachesis glad that her own robes were already purple. "Thanks for the offer, but it looks like he might actually be fine? His aim certainly doesn't seem to be affected."
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Re: The Atrium

Post by Danafox »

"You can say that again, Lachesis, his aim is just fine, he's been dousing me with potions every chance he gets!" said Dana as she comes out from her hiding place covered in potion and pieces of glass stuck on her robes.

"That's it....I'm making a run for it!" *she shapeshifts into catform and starts running through the halls and tries to find the way out from the Atrium, how did she end up here, who knows, she's always been terrible with directions, could that have been it?, she wonders if those dusky potions had something to do with it, can they make people teleport to random unknown places?*

*continues running through the hallways and dodging potions as she goes*
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Re: The Atrium

Post by Esko »

He was just trying to enjoy some meat and his tea when a potion landed in the mug and splashed everywhere. At first the magi sat there, frozen and registering what happened. Then, he put a furry hand on his muzzle, trying to keep his anger from spilling over and unleashing.
That failed.
Ht let out a large yell and jumped up on a table. Grrrrah! That is IT! He took two potions out of his bag and threw them at other Magi, angrily joining the throwing fest.
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Re: The Atrium

Post by Bloopalooza »

As the potion throwing climaxed, Sorrel frantically searched through the leathery satchel hanging at her hip for small bottles of potion to retaliate with. Puri was getting agitated, several glass bottles had already smashed at the Amagnae's feet, dousing the external bone in glittery purple liquid. The avian reared up, snapping her beak angrily in the air while her webbed wings flapped furiously in front of her. Sorrel tugged hard at her reigns to calm her and tied the braided leather to a metal loop on the floor, once finished, she gripped a small glass bottle swirling inside with dark purple liquid and raised it over her head with a playful smirk.

The magi blindly launched the potion into a crowd of people doing the same, unsure of exactly who it was the bottle would hit. Grinning wildly, the woman pulled out another potion and ducked behind the table she'd been sitting at, peering over the edge of the now stained wood.
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Re: The Atrium

Post by Jarick »

Jari sat, sipping her tea, listening to the rumbles of her Sohbek, and watching the other Magi lob the strange bottles at each other. It was intriguing, to say the least. Well, until a bottle landed on the table she occupied and splashed up enough to smear her cheek. She blinked, startled, before a giggle bubbled from her.

"Well. That one broke."

The woman stood and quickly turned the table on it's side for a barricade, hiding behind. She glanced about, trying to locate the source of the bottle, but this was quickly becoming chaotic as she tossed her own potions into the fray.
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Re: The Atrium

Post by Danafox »

*runs through the halls and finds an opened doorway, stumbles through and notices a table on it's side and quickly hides behind it for some cover to take a brief rest for a while*

*suddenly notices she's not alone and sees Jari just sitting there drinking a new cup of tea while hiding. Seems she's not startled seeing a huge purple cat, that's a relief....BUT WAIT...what if she attacks me with a potion....IS SHE JUST WAITING for my BACK to be TURNED?....Dana gets into a pounce-ready-position...when suddenly she hears a familiar sound out in the hallway.....Dana crawls slowly towards the doorway and takes a peek and sees a ball with a little bell inside just sitting there in the hallway*

D: "IT'S A TRAP!", she yells. *she pounces on Jari and makes sure they both duck for cover behind the table again, Jari of course spilled her tea and broke her tea cup*

*the ball with the little bell jingles and rolls away......Dana peeks out again and notices an almost invisible thread on it*

:yarly: "I KNEW IT....I knew it was a trap", she says.
*crosses her furry arms and sits with her back against the table and tries to rest*
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Re: The Atrium

Post by Mathcat »

Ekaira chuckled. "Hard head, obviously. Why am I not surprised?" she said to Lachesis. That was all she had time to say before chaos erupted as a massive potion fight broke out. Ekaira waded into the fray, giving as good as she got as fresh potion stained her robes an even deeper shade of purple.

Noticing Dana's cat form, Ekaira got an idea for how she could make the battle more interesting. Shifting into tenabre fox form (a recently-acquired skill, so she welcomed the chance to have a little fun with it), she grabbed a potion bottle in her mouth and faded into shadow. Admittedly, this would have been more effective had she not been leaving purple pawprints wherever she went, but she was still able to launch a sneak attack on one unsuspecting magi.
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Re: The Atrium

Post by StormCry »

I quietly crept up to the entrance of the Atrium and glanced around, making sure there were no unidentified flying potions sailing through the air. I'd been conked in the head with a few a while back, and that was more than enough.
I'd kept myself locked up in my room since then. I might still have been in there, except that I ran out of reading material. Also, the material I had been pouring over had given me some questions, questions that I really needed to asked an Archmage... or one of the more elite Mages... or a mage that was at least a little more experienced than me.... anyone but ol' whats-his-name. I'd heard things about him.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped away from my sheltered spot, and straightened my green and purple robes. I was about to take my first step into the Atrium when something rushed by me suddenly, causing me do an impressive cork screw and fall onto my bum.
I rattled my head and brushed the hair out of my eyes to see the tail end of my Jaktus dragon.
"Likahn! Don't you... You rascal!" I scrambled to my feet and rushed after him. He put his front feet on top of the beverage table and flicked his long tongue out, slurping up Remy's Acorn Sip from open glasses like it was liquid candy. He emptied two glasses before I was able to get to him.
I wrapped my arms around one of his front legs and tried to pull him away.
"No! Likahn! You know what that drink does to you, you overgrown alcho...." My hair stood on end and my whole body twitched, then I fell to the ground when one of Likahn's floating electric orbs smacked into my head. I could practically see stars floating around me.
I sat up slowly, dazed, my whole body numb from the shock.
"Fleecun... vu thubbrn lagon." I groaned while trying to get to my feet. I knew coming out into public was a mistake. It always was, for me. No mage would take me seriously now.
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Re: The Atrium

Post by Talyn »

That was the longest trip ever, but I'm back! My shoulders are killing me, and I lost two bags full of stuff, but I made it!

Now to prepare my awesome speech!
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