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Re: Stereotypes

Post by Aggs »

I had a similar situation back in school. Once me and my best friend were sitting together, talking about something very passionately (I don't even remember what was that... some book or game? or something completely else like philosophy) and we caught each other's hands without even thinking about it.... Yeah.. later some stupid girls were calling us lesbian couple behind our backs... Like there was anything wrong in being homosexual OR like holding someone's hand for a moment means you're a couple! We're both straight and have boyfriends now, but we're still best friends who can talk about anything. Like we can talk all night long about everything and nothing. I feel sorry for these girls if they can't talk freely with anyone even with their friends. They only communicate with each others, but they don't have any real conversation...
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by ZerKo »

Ugh I find this whole topic upsetting. Hi. Look I do not believe in positive stereotypes for ethnic minorities. Which standard are we being held up to, and who are we being held against? We are only "smart" compared to white people. We have somehow managed to overcome the impediment of being not white and make something intelligent come out of our mouths. And those of us who do not fit the stereotype? Or who are not Asian? I guess they are just dumb then. Whoops! Born into the wrong ethnic group! I also find it upsetting that racist stereotypes are being conflated with nerd stereotypes. Blonde stereotypes? Sure they have some power because they are about sexism. But do a quick google search on beauty and see who shows up. Urgh. Oh! I am desi. I go on rants easily. Is that a new stereotype now? Stereotypes are a form of dehumanization. It is reducing a full person down to what you are assuming and identifying about them. It is lazy. I carry around a few stereotypes that I have not completely defeated. But I always challenge them. ALWAYS. Learning about a person is much more interesting. Or like ignoring them and being kinda pissed but not bringing their appearance into it? We are all fed racism and sexism (and other forms of discrimination, natch) from birth and it is our duty to challenge that.

Ugh and I am gay too? And I freak out a lot about conforming to the stereotype because I am kinda femme and oh no I am showing that gay men just want to be women. Especially the receiving partner. Maybe... just maybe I am not so stuck on the idea that masculinity is superior and must be defended at all costs? But I seriously worry about it- if I am avoiding it or fitting it too closely. Humans are not meant to fit in boxes. We will hurt ourselves to fit in these boxes before we admit that the box is just too small. Gr I am all pissed off now. RARGH! ...Kinda helped?
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by crazyflight »

ZerKo wrote:We are only "smart" compared to white people.
That is a stereotype if I ever saw one. I cannot say I am offended; I know people from all races that I outsmart.
I know what you say is true. Humans are born into an impure world of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. It is not intelligent, but there you have it. Many people embrace these stereotypes, and others use them to fit in. The right thing to do is certainly not use them too often, and challenge them.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by ZerKo »

I do not see the point of ever using stereotypes. Ah yeah and just to be clear what you quoted is what the stereotype is implying. Of course there are people that you are smarter than in all races! Because we are human and have variability. That is what stereotypes try to take away. That is why I do not buy the "grain of truth" arguments either. Of course in any group you are going to find people with "x" characteristic. Why are you making it seem like all in that group now have that trait (and no others I guess)? It is only worth noting if you are trying to malign that group some way.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by Silenxia »

Stereotypes are nothing more than just a bunch of junk and foolishness that should of been stop long ago. It doesn't help anyone out and only makes things worst in many cases. No one version is better than another and no race or gender should have guidlines that tells what they can or can't do in life. Only if the cases are there, such a religion practices then I suppose we can let that go.

I get annoyed everything I read about how women couldn't do this or that. Or that a lady should be kind, gentle, and ugh! I would so want to throw their rules back in their faces.

To me Stereotypes just need to die off and people need to grow up in many cases. It would make things in this world much simpler and easier than what we already have to deal with...
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by Kori »

Never mind.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by nightstar46 »

I think stereotypes can be pretty accurate to an extent. I mean, when to cultures come together, there are almost always going to be certain things they notice about each other because it is common where they are raised. For example: Japanese have a really hard time saying "no" directly, because they were raised with the mentality that that is rude. On the opposite hand, Americans have the tendency to be more open about their feelings and opinions which other cultures would find mean, but it's not intended to be. Not everyone fits their stereotypes and some stereotypes are horribly and offensively fabricated, but sometimes they can help understand a group of people and their customs a little more, and perhaps help to avoid saying/doing something they would find offensive.

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Re: Stereotypes

Post by ZerKo »

Ah yah, observations of culture are useful, but it is already making a lot of assumptions. Even if they were fully raised in X culture and that is how they identify, everyone has their own interpretation of their identity. I guess I do not see the benefit, only potential harm. At the most mild end, I do not want to be hassled for eating a cheeseburger. Any worse than that I feel is too heavy for here.

It gives me much stress too because on one hand I am worried about acting too much like "X" (gay, Indian, whatever) but also doing "X" wrong. Because there is a one right way to do it, and if I am not doing that, I am a poser (is it possible to be a "fake" Indian if that is how you are born? Hm.) I have this constant tug-of-war going on inside of me. I get anxiety about avoiding or living up to the stereotypes. Not only am I afraid for how people will treat me but also how it will affect others in my group. That is too much pressure.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by fursonah »

Stereotypes are really harmful and annoying.
I mean, the amount of stress really IS anxiety-flaring. Even if you don't feel like you have to live up to it, someone will see you according to that stereotype.
Yeah, I'm gay so I gotta be flamboyant.
I'm trans so I gotta be gross... or something. That's a toughie.
I'm fat so I gotta be lazy.
Even the less serious ones like red hair equaling rude or cruel. I was actually harassed for that once and it was kind of weird.
There's really no benefit to using stereotypes, except the ease of generalisation, but generalisation usually doesn't require the traits of people to be combined. I mean, I could easily generalise my Cambodian neighbors as being polite. Or my boyfriend as being country. Simple stuff relevant to the conversation. Of course, those don't pertain to whole populations, but it can be adjusted accordingly if you need to. These are simple traits though, and nothing like "All Americans are obese and thus terrible and lazy" or "All people of colour are mooching and poor".

I don't know.
I just feel like stereotypes are harmful. Because people actually do believe them.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by SleepyThunder »

I don't think that stereotyping is that large a problem, but it is widespread. To me it can be another form of racism or bullying, which is where it can get bad. But, if you say it in a playful way to a friend, or something like that, then I wouldn't worry as much.
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