Adult Male
Name: unnamed
Species: Tau
Birthday: Friday, December 29, 2017
Owner: Scorpionrider

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Earth An icon depicting the element Earth

An adult tau is just as social as when a hatchling, requiring not only a large territory but also companions to share it with. They are fiercely protective of their families - both hatchlings and magi - and can grow large enough to ride. Some magi have been able to teach their tau to assume a form halfway between stone and alive, which slows the tau down but allows it to continue to move while still protecting it from any harm. Tau are intelligent but can be quite lazy, preferring even as adults to spend most of their time sleeping, and will vocally complain when told to get up. They love to cuddle and will happily accept a magi curling up to nap with them.

Legend says that the first nkoe and the first tau were found in the same ancient tomb deep in the Ixan Jungle, thought to be nothing more than stone reliefs upon the tomb's walls. The magi who found them took shelter in the tomb escaping a storm and while camping there, were startled to see the reliefs on the wall unfold themselves and drop down to the stone floor. These magi were then presented with eggs to take back with them to civilization, which is where the nkoe and tau spread throughout the world as fierce protectors of magi. The descendants of these first nkoe and tau still have the ability to change into stone, both as statues and as reliefs upon convenient walls.

Sprite art: Tekla (adult) | Description: Sochitelya