Adult Female
Name: unnamed
Species: Polyura Papio
Birthday: Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Owner: mutant

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Adult papio often look larger than they are, mostly due to their thick fur, especially around their heads. A polyura adult can easily sit on a magi's shoulder but they don't often do so, preferring their high spots to be sturdier and less prone to moving. When relaxed, they're friendly creatures who spend a lot of time with family members, grooming each other and playing. They also seem to enjoy playing in shallow streams and some magi have observed that they appear to have a sense of humour, often laughing at funny things and sharing what appear to be in-jokes among family members.

Polyura papio live mostly in jungle climates, where they often congregate around rivers and streams. Less common than their adelpha cousins, they're also slightly bigger and can be more aggressive if provoked. Papio are rarely found alone, instead choosing to live in troops of various sizes, led by an adult female. Within these troops, they often communicate in a sign language that magi don't really understand, which can differ through different family groups. Polyura papio also seem to spend a lot of time around manticore prides, and often feed on whatever's left once the manticores are done with a kill.

Sprite art: process (adult) | Description: Sochitelya