Name: unnamed
Species: Candle Ayoti
Birthday: Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Owner: Anonymous
Mother: unnamed
Father: unnamed

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Element: Light An icon depicting the element Light

This egg has a soft, downy tail.

Candle ayotis were once thought by the people of the Candle Archipelago to be spirits, dashing at imperceptibly fast speeds between the trees late at night, the only sign of their presence their flashing orange glow. The connection between the leaping gray gliders that were seen during the day and the orange flashing spirits at night was made by Qaitu naturalists, and ever since these small creatures have been greatly respected. Not only do candle ayotis glow orange as the moon emerges, but their speed and agility increase exponentially. Few creatures can move as fast as a candle ayoti on a moonlit night, and during full moons these creatures are so quick their glow can be missed during a blink. At night they feast on insects, and keep the swarming mosquitos and gnats at bay in the thick growth of the archipelago. Their glides can take them between the tips of the tallest trees without faltering, and at night they only rarely come down to the ground. During the day, they are still energetic but lack their blistering speed, and for two to three hours each day will hide away in their burrows, deeply asleep. Perhaps due to their high energy, these creatures live extremely short lives of only one year in the wild. This has resulted in the Qaitu belief that their life cycle coincides with the visitations of their ancestors once per year, and furthered their status as sacred animals of the archipelago.

Sprite art: Xenomorph (egg) | Description: Raneth