Adult Female
Name: unnamed
Species: Constella
Birthday: Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Owner: GargyGoddess

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Element: Void An icon depicting the element Void

As they age, constellas lose their sidereal glow, but develop other qualities. They are incredibly steadfast companions to those who gain their loyalty. Predictable as the sunrise, they follow their magi unbidden, no matter how far the journey. Tireless but weaponless, they are peaceful birds who avoid confrontation with camouflage and slight illusion. Their plumage shifts to match that of the sky around them, becoming a deep midnight tone in the evenings, even going so far as to reflect their favorite constellation, and lightening to match the carefree blue with touches of white clouds during daylight. They can enhance this effect with minor illusion magic, which they gradually become more adept at using over the years. No one has ever recorded a constella dying of old age; when their magi passes away, these birds fly straight up into the sky and are never seen again.

Sailors had ancient stories of these birds long before they were ever seen at the Keep, brought there by a wandering Magi whose focus of study was on the night sky. He spent most of his time at the far northern regions where long winter nights gave him much scope for his research. It was in the summer, however, that he discovered these elusive companions. Never afterwards able to fully explicate the process, records from the time give only a hint in his phrasing: "The stars sang to me one night, and in the pale blue dawn as the constellation disappeared, the singing remained -and it was coming from my new companion".

Sprite art: Tekla (adult) | Description: ApprenticeCrone