Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Light Vanx
Birthday: Sunday, June 1, 2014
Owner: xXAvalonXx

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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

An odd appendage that emits light is emerging from this tan egg.

Vanx are considered by most to be horrid little creatures. They are voracious eaters, consuming anything that moves and much that doesn't. It’s fortunate that they never stray far from water, or else the kitchens would certainly be under siege. Vanxes are also terribly hot headed, antagonizing other companions in hopes of goading them into a fight. It’s agreed that vanxes would be barred from anywhere inhabited by humans, if only they were a little larger. As is, these foul tempered beasts only reach up to a man’s hand in length, and are unable to cause much damage. This doesn’t mean they don’t try, though, snarling and snapping at any humans. Even their magi are targets, though these companions land blows too weak to cause serious harm. A vanx’s favorite past time is stalking an unsuspecting animal or human, waiting for them to let their guard down. Should their target step even one foot in water, the vanx will use the opportunity to stab and pinch at their feet. Vanx have sharp claws that draw blood quite easily.

Sprite art: Tekla (egg) | Description: Damien