Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Fen Bongo
Birthday: Saturday, September 1, 2012
Owner: Malitae

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Element: Life An icon depicting the element Life

Wherever this black egg is placed, plants wither and die.

These companions are usually found around the edges of the Jungle of Raza, but come the end of summer they move throughout the land. Veld bongos are welcomed by all, and their favorite treats, salt and fruits, are set out for them. In return, these companions linger for a few weeks and help greatly with reaping the harvest. Their large, curved horns act as natural scythes, and their boundless energy allows them to collect crops swiftly and easily. Though they work alongside humans, bongos are not sociable animals, and will bound off and disappear at the slightest touch. There is no way to tell where a veld bongo will go, as their travels change with each passing year, but they always offer their aid to those in need. In contrast, fen bongos are less appreciated, as crops they pass turn sour and shrivel. Flowers seem to shrink back in on themselves, as if days of growth are undone. In one example, a magi witnessed a fen bongo falling asleep next to a pumpkin, and discovered the pumpkin to be nothing more than a seed come morning. As anyone who has encountered a bongo will say, these magical abilities affect animals and humans as well. A person spending time around a veld bongo will find themselves inspired and cheerful, whereas fen bongos cause feelings of dissatisfaction and envy.

Sprite art: GlassWalker (egg) | Description: Damien