Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Ariessa
Birthday: Sunday, June 3, 2012
Owner: Blighthound

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Element: Earth An icon depicting the element Earth

This green egg has a little flower blooming from its shell.

There are few creatures as seasonal in appearance as the ariessa, for they are made from the earth itself. Instead of the typical fur or scales, these sheep are formed from the very ground beneath us. Flowers bloom from their backs, and vibrant green grass takes the place of a fleecy coat. This strange grass is very durable, and if sheared still maintains life. Cloaks woven from this material are highly sought after, as they are the ultimate attire for camouflage. Their fleeces are not the only strange thing about ariessa, however: they do boast other powers. At the first sign of danger, these sheep can call upon a most unique magic. They appear to sink into the earth! Upon inspection, there will no trace of them, just a few more flowers nestled in the grass than before. In the blink of an eye they can reform, rising from the ground and reshaping into their previous bodies. These unique creatures can remain in their non-corporeal forms for days, until any danger is long past. Predators do not usually bother with these sheep, as they are understandably very hard to catch. The males do boast strong horns, however, which can pierce most materials. When they reach adulthood, males fight over the females, clashing their horns together to establish dominance. These animals are some of the most fertile companions, and their kind can be found around the known world. Ariessa are wanderers, and do not live in any specific parts of the world. They avoid the colder regions, but can be found as far north as Synara City to the outer plains of Voltar. No one knows where they originated from; they are one of the oldest species known. Children's tales say they are born from the earth itself, brought forth one day perfectly formed.

Sprite art: GlassWalker (egg) | Description: Damien