Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Umber Arkai
Birthday: Sunday, January 1, 2012
Owner: canis7

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Element: Light An icon depicting the element Light

A brilliantly bright tail has burned its way through this dark shell.

Arkai birds are so named because of their resemblance to the magical lights that the Arkai magi create. These magi use their scientific and magical skills to create dazzling displays known as firelights. The lights come in many different colors, much like the arkai birds themselves. The arkai are almost exclusively found in the lands surrounding the arkai magi's homes, as those magi have taken them as their favorite companions. The order of the Arkai believe light holds the secrets of the universe, and they have dedicated their lives to studying the element. Because of this, arkai birds are usually their companions, as the birds hold power over light. These beautiful creatures also are more than happy to assist their human companions in their work, in exchange for friendship and a safe place to make their nests. Arkai birds do not have many enemies, for the ability to produce explosions that devastate the landscape is all the protection they have need of. The only threat is the occasional poacher, who would be foolish to approach one of these valuable birds or steal an egg. Wild arkai birds are found south of Voltar, where the land is too hot for most creatures to survive. Here, where volcanoes erupt often and dangerous lava forms streams, is where the arkai magi make their homes. It is most stunning during the night, when the heat loses some of its strength. Then these birds show up beautifully against the dark sky, their feathers bright against the blackness. They almost seem to shine from within, making the hot journey more than worth the effort.

Sprite art: Rijolt/GlassWalker (egg) | Description: Damien