Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Fire Drake
Birthday: Friday, June 3, 2011
Owner: pigeonfly

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Element: Fire An icon depicting the element Fire

This egg is constantly aflame, and a magi must wear thick gloves when handling it.

Though they look much like dragons, drakes are in fact their distant cousins. Though they share the same hard scales and powers over fire, their personalities vary from their draconian brethren. Dragons are generally peaceful and good natured, drakes like to sneak about and are very sly. Drakes do not grow as large, either, though their size is rather impressive, with larger drakes reaching twice the height of a man. They are picky eaters, deigning only to eat the most delectable meals. Meat is the main part of their diet, and they hunt for it themselves in the depths of the forests and along the mountains. Along with eating more common foods, they also enjoy a few human foods, such as raja berries and, surprisingly, chocolate. Only the finest meal is acceptable, and drakes will travel great distances to exotic places to satisfy their hunger. These companions have great stashes of food at any one time, and are very possessive of it. They are famous for hoarding anything they can get their paws on, and their nests are full of things they consider precious. Piles of food, jewelry and gems surround them, and the drakes do not seem to mind sleeping on top of these items. If anyone is foolish enough to enter their caves without permission, a wall of fire will quickly stop the intruder. If the person in question was just their magi, seeking company, a present must be given to get back in the drake's good graces. Although they are very picky creatures, with delicate temperaments, their perfect control over flame is one so powerful that any irritating behavior is easily overlooked.

Sprite art: GlassWalker (egg) | Description: Damien