Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Mountain Tylluan
Birthday: Friday, November 5, 2010
Owner: clairie

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Jutting out of this pale egg is a beautifully feathered wing.

Beautiful though they are, mountain tylluans are not very liked among magi. Nocturnal creatures tend to be more vicious and prone to violence, and these birds are no exception. Scattered bones can be seen around their homes, and they take great pleasure in frightening people. They live in hollowed out trees, and if they see someone walking past in the dark, will swoop out and pretend to attack. They can be totally silent in flight if that is what they wish. Their eyes glow in the darkness, and their hunting call is quite chilling. The only person that mountain tylluans are genuinely affectionate to is their human companion. There are also vague accounts of how these birds have some power over souls, though magi are not foolish enough to believe these ancient myths. Still, there is something odd about these creatures... their wide, knowing eyes follow those are sick with great interest, as if waiting... If their magi companion is ill, the creature will refuse to move from their bedside, guarding the human against all danger. This is not necessarily a helpful thing, as the bird will sometimes attack people coming to care for the sick magi. This is particularly disconcerting for those who believe in the few mysterious rumors about these avians. Old tales tell of how mountain tylluans are kind creatures, who care for and transfer souls to alternate planes of existence. Sometimes your avian companion leaves for a few days, flying away in a perfectly straight line. These times occur when your companion looks more tired than usual, feathers somewhat bedraggled. The creature always returns looking well rested, and is noticeably faster and full of energy. You have no idea what transpires during the animal's absence, as all attempts at tracking it have failed.

Sprite art: Niwer/GlassWalker (egg) | Description: Damien