Adult Male
Name: unnamed
Species: Florina Honeybat
Birthday: Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Owner: emeritus

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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

The last days of summer have just passed, the air warm and dusty with the scent of leaves and the buzz of florina honeybats. Spring and summer were spent tending to a garden filled with magical plants and flowers and now with the autumnal equinox approaching it is time to see if the honeybats have been able to produce enough magical honey to ensure their survival during the winter. Your honeybat settles on your shoulder as you peek inside the hive, delighted to see that you will indeed have a small honeycomb for yourself. Florina honey is a rich deep golden color, and one spoonful will strengthen any magics performed for a day, though too much has an intoxicating effect. The honeybats guard their treasure well though, and will only allow a magi they trust to harvest their hive. Insult a Florina honeybat or take too much honey and they will swarm, flying away never to return.

Florina honeybats are found throughout the Ixan jungle though they have proven themselves very adaptable to new locations, provided they have access to enough flowers and a safe place for their hive. Generally preferring to build their hives high in the treetops as a way of keeping their delicious honey away from predators such as hungry magi, they can be enticed to use specially built boxes but only if the location is to their liking. Florina honeybats are incredibly picky about where they nest, preferring to have access to as many varieties and species of flowering plants as possible. Magi who raise them say that often a Florina honeybat will chose to only feed on the nectar of a specific species of flower, meaning that successfully raise a healthy hive one must also nurture a large and healthy flower garden. There are many magi who dream of raising Florina honeybats as a way to ensure a supply of their honey, an expensive, powerfully magical delicacy not often available at Remy's.

Sprite art: Jrap17/Lazuli (adult) | Description: ShaiNeko