Frozen Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Riverdancer
Birthday: Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Owner: Paradisical

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Stage Progress: 0.46%
Overall Progress: 50.23%

Element: Water An icon depicting the element Water

When the riverdancer hatched, the tiny fish that came from the egg was almost translucent, like the water it lives in. Shortly afterwards, its outlines became clearer as it absorbed its first particles of dirt. Ever since then, it has slowly but steadily turned darker, no matter how clean you have tried to keep the bowl.

The riverdancer is a water spirit that takes the form of a fish. Originally native to the Stream and Lake Lakira, these creatures have been spread to many other rivers and lakes throughout the land, as their power is very useful. Riverdancers filter pollution out of surrounding water, taking particles of dirt into their own body. For that reason, they make invaluable companions for travelling magi. Place a riverdancer into a bucket of water and no matter how dirty it is, it will be pure and clean as spring water in less than an hour. This power only works on fresh water, however. Putting a riverdancer in salt water will kill it, dissolving it within a few minutes and leaving no trace it ever existed. There is no other known way to kill a riverdancer. Even if forcibly dissolved, it will reform almost immediately.

Sprite art: Lazuli (hatchling) | Description: Morgaln