Adult Male
Name: Gen's Ice Glimmer Unremember
Family: Unremember
Generation: 1st
Species: Forgotten Unicorn
Birthday: Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Owner: CinnaminDraconna
Mother: unnamed
Father: unnamed

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

The unicorn is gaunt, but loving. At least in the morning. Only the bravest can bear to see what it becomes. And only the most skilled, powerful magi let it out at night. It is driven to make more, and must be controlled. There are so many young ones that die, and so many opportunities.

Burying the dead is a good idea. Burying eggs that didn't survive is a better idea. If you don't, they may be touched by its twisted horn. What emerges isn't what you buried.

Sprite art: Xenomorph (adult) | Description: Raneth