Adult Female
Name: unnamed
Species: Air Crystalwing
Birthday: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Owner: Amorfera

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Element: Air An icon depicting the element Air

Air elemental crystalwings are light, playful, and restless, and rarely keep to only one companion, since the more friends, the more adventures. They are slightly incorporeal at all times, and can travel most swiftly by dissolving further into air, floating where they wish to be in an instant. Their crystals are best used for transportation spells, and are sometimes used for illusion and invisibility spells as well.

Elemental crystalwings are strange creatures. Unlike the most well-known (if not most commonly seen) crystalwings that are creatures of earth and air, they display strong affinity for a specific element the moment they hatch, and actively seek out magi with similar affinities to partner with. Sometimes if an elemental crystalwing does not find a suitable magi, it will even seek out a creature with similar powers as a companion instead. This is uncommon, as elemental crystalwings are highly useful magical companions, making spells of their corresponding element far easier to cast in their presence. Magi speculate that elemental crystalwings seek companions so readily because they are rarely seen manipulating their element themselves, seemingly preferring to help exert their will on the world by helping a companion do so instead.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (adult) | Description: Kestrad