Frozen Egg
Name: Zabyna's Solar M Egg
Species: Zabyna's Solar Maalas
Birthday: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Owner: CatyChan
Mother: Zabysolas
Father: Maasonao

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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

This egg is moist and sticky.

Named after their main caretaker, Zabyna, the maalas live exclusively in the Solnis' Ruins. As big as a man's forearm, maalas feed on the figs and dates that grow in these ruins. Unlike others of their kind, these creatures need to consume water to preserve the shine of their wings. For many years the maalas have been considered endangered, and only through Zabyna's toil did these creatures survive. The maala adults care little about their eggs. As the hatchling develops inside the egg, the shell has to be kept moist at all times. Otherwise, the hatchling would dry out and die before being ready to hatch. As they have little interest in bringing water to the eggs, most of their young don't survive the scorching desert days. The maalas lay their eggs on the ground, an easy meal for lazy predators. Keeping the eggs safe from predators as well as moist is an exhausting task. However, Zabyna cares for them tirelessly and assures the species' survival, for its magic is too valuable.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (egg) | Description: Real