Frozen Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Arkenian Alipaca
Birthday: Saturday, March 23, 2024
Owner: Inspirit

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Stage Progress: 0.64%
Overall Progress: 50.32%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Alipaca hatchlings spend most of their days lazing about in the fields, grazing on the various plants. They love to play and will try to play with any creature nearby. It is not uncommon to see a little hatchling bounding after a butterfly into a field of tall grass, so it is always a good idea to keep an eye on them as they are easy to lose sight of. They have no sense of danger and will try to engage with dragons or any other dangerous creature if given the chance. As they age however, they begin to calm down, becoming less playful and will start becoming more weary of the creatures they surround themselves with. If kept without a group, the alipaca will spend most of its time following after its magi.

Alipacas originate from Tetzcotal where they were originally raised as working companions, used to help build the various temples. These days however, alipacas can be found most everywhere as many magis have taken to keeping them. alipacas are well-loved creatures around the keep as they have a calming energy about them. When a magi is close to an alipaca, they feel calm, at peace with the world and it is not uncommon to find students hanging around their paddocks during exam time. Popular with magis who love to knit or crochet, their wool is perfect for making various garments that are highly sought after as the clothing made from their fiber is extremely soft, light weight, fire resistant, and very warm. Many magis prefer to use clothing made from alipaca wool when traveling to the Arkene region. While not as strong as being around an alipaca, the clothing made from the wool can produce the same calming sensation.

Sprite art: Jrap17 (hatchling) | Description: Jrap17