Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Pienpatou
Birthday: Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Owner: Rexsaurus

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Stage Progress: 26.58%
Overall Progress: 63.29%

Element: Fire An icon depicting the element Fire

Hatchling pienpatou are big, goofy, furry balls of energy. Most magi like to raise a pienpatou with a companion that can match the hatchling's size and enthusiasm; otherwise the magi is likely to be run ragged trying to keep up. Hatchlings can cause heat at a young age, and it's not an uncommon sight to spot large circles of melted snow where hatchlings have taken (very brief) rests while playing. As hatchlings grow, they take on more responsibilities when it comes to protecting their family and helping with heavy chores. They also love to swim and will happily spend hours in even the most frigid water, simply exploring and splashing about.

Pienpatou are usually found in more rural areas, especially in the icy territories above Arkene. Wild pienpatou are found mostly in the mountains and around the Alasre Glacier, where they've startled many a tired traveller by appearing suddenly out of the snow and darkness. But despite their formidable size, pienpatou are eager to help, especially if a traveller seems lost or needs a rest. They often lead these travellers to shelter for the night, or even to nearby towns and cities. In emergencies, pienpatou can offer their warmth; not only do they have heavy thick fur coats but they can also raise their body temperature high enough to keep anyone nearby toasty warm. When raised by magi, pienpatou are very protective of their families and often used to guard livestock, or pull sleds.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (hatchling) | Description: Sochitelya