Adult Male
Name: unnamed
Species: Terra Hyalus Rana
Birthday: Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Owner: Lacera

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Stage Progress: 100%
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Element: Earth An icon depicting the element Earth

Adult terra hyalus ranas are no bigger than ten centimeters in length, but despite their small size, an individual can cleanse an area as wide as three feet. Their aura of vitality extends around them over all plants and ground and gradually vitalizes them. Rotting roots will slowly come back to life, withering flowers regain their freshness, and yellowing leaves become green again. Spots that have terra hyalus ranas inhabiting them remain green and thriving even in the cold seasons. They are careful not to ruin the ecosystem, though. The terra ranas use their magic only in the places they live in, otherwise leaving nature to take its course. Ranas kept as companions with the purpose of revitalizing nature are always happy to help. However, if the mood strikes them to be lazy, they dim their magic and become almost invisible. Distinguishing a rana while like this can be rather difficult. The almost see-through body will make it hard to find one of these creatures when it decides to hide.

The terra hyalus rana is an arboreal creature, active only during nighttime. With its glass-like body and almost transparent skin, spotting one can be difficult. It blends with the leaves around it in an almost perfect way. If it wasn't for the faint magical aura that surrounds its body, the hyalus rana would be almost invisible. The rana is beneficial for its habitat. It cleanses it of all negative energies as well as of damaging elements. Using its earth magic, the terra hyalus rana gives off a faintly sparkling turquoise aura that invigorates the ground and plants. This aura is known as the aura of vitality. Although its magic does not affect sentient beings, the rana is considered a holy creature for its ability to cleanse even the most polluted spaces. The rana's magic is not limitless, however. It can only cleanse a small space before having to recharge its energy. It is often kept as a companion for its useful magic; however, a proper environment and suitable company are needed to keep the rana happy.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (adult) | Description: Real