Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Naricasa Phoenix
Birthday: Friday, September 11, 2020
Owner: blackflamewolf

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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

This egg burns with a cozy yellow flame.

From north to south and from east to west the roads are home to the caravans that move people and goods across the continent. Newcomers to the trade routes are often surprised at the number of naricasa phoenixes that travel with the caravans, their cheerful songs weaving with the sounds of hoof beats, creaking wagon wheels and chattering voices. More experienced travelers know of the powerful protection magic the songs of the naricasa bestow upon those they favor and are quick to offer a few choices treats to the small birds, who will happily perch on an outstretched hand for a moment. Naricasa phoenixes can be found living alongside the roads from the depths of Silva Forest to the deepest parts of the Raza Jungle, and while more than one long running trade route lays claim to being the original home of the naricasas, no one is quick sure where they originated.

Sprite art: Jrap17 (egg) | Description: ShaiNeko