Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Lesoni Crystalwing
Birthday: Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Owner: Xaneas

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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

This is a soft brown egg, with a shiny protrusion that looks like a tail.

No one is sure where these enigmatic creatures originated. The only theory comes from the journal of a traveling magi who followed the stream???s path for days, walking on foot without aid of any sort of magic. According to their journal, as the magi walked, a small lakiran platypus egg bobbed along beside them, a forgotten egg from the times when the stream becomes overrun with them. It even floated past Lake Lakira, where adult Lakiran platypi typically pick up care of eggs passed over by magi. After days of traveling, and floating for the egg, it finally washed up on the riverbank next to an old, moss-covered carving of a crystalwing. The magi moved to pick it up, feeling sorry for the lonely egg, when it hatched into a winged platypus that looked very much like the crystalwing on the carving. The magi went on to write that the egg itself had wished for it, and that the fate of all forgotten lakiran platypus eggs that flood the stream is to travel here, where they can become a creature magi will want more. Of course, that???s only speculation. What is known to be true is that a lesoni crystalwing can always be relied on to find things, creatures, or even people that are lost.

Sprite art: DarrkestDrow (egg) | Description: Raneth