Adult Male
Name: Hades
Species: Hippalectryon
Birthday: Friday, February 1, 2019
Owner: EvieAngel13

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Despite their small size, hippalectryons are handsome creatures once their adult feathers grow in. Both males and females have a rooster's sickle tail feathers, a brown speckled coat, and feathers that vary from white to coppery. Rare black hippalectryons are said to be good luck, and tend to grow slightly larger than most of these creatures. Although they have wings, hippalectryons can only fly for short distances, usually up to roosts or the tops of short buildings. On the ground, they can move surprisingly fast, usually on four legs through they may switch to their hind legs for a burst of speed. Adult hippalectryons will make a variety of noises, including chirps, clucks, crows, whinnies, grunts, snorts, and neighs, but they seem to make most of these noises somewhat at random, often as an expression of surprise or confusion.

No one is quite sure where hippalectryons first came from, but they are easy to find even in places like Synara City. Half horse and half rooster, some believe these creatures are distant relatives of the pegasi or hippogryphs, but many also entertain the story that these small creatures were first created by magical means as a practical joke millennia ago. Too small to be ridden and too affectionate for most people to consider them a food option, hippalectryons are mostly for show and companionship, and are popular pets for children because of their small size and gentle demeanor. They are not quite as sharp as an ordinary horse, but they can be trained if given enough time, encouragement, and cracked corn or apples. The magi of the Keep have long dismissed hippalectryons as being inherently non-magical, but an age-old adage that a rooster-horse in the home will protect it from hidden evils has popularized the creatures in many towns, whether as live animals or merely as depictions in art.

Sprite art: Tekla (adult) | Description: PKGriffin