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Malurus Oscinemus Gryphon #1546


Oscinemus gryphons are small, cute, and sociable creatures, kept by magi mostly for companionship and bred for their large variety of colors. They have some utility as companions as well, boasting surprisingly deep reserves of magic for their size. What this magic is used for is unclear - their chirps might be slightly more enticing and calming than those of ordinary birds, and they might be a bit more capable of digging through hard materials than suggested by their small claws, but these are all far more subtle effects than would be expected compared to the amount of magic they can lend to their companion. Since wild oscinemus gryphons are uncommon but usually considered pests, with their penchant for getting into small spaces to steal food, the most common theory is that they likely started out as ordinary pests that some magi adopted due to cuteness, and this relationship proved so beneficial that the sociable little gryphons started choosing to be companions instead, evolving into what they are today. Oscinemus gryphons do not like to be alone, and so it is suggested that magi keep at least a pair, with a whole flock being even better. It is not uncommon to see magi wandering around covered in them, their little claws clinging to the magi's robes, wings beating to keep themselves upright. Oscinemus and passeri gryphon enthusiasts often debate each other which is the better type to cover oneself in, but unfortunately it is not recommended to mix the two varieties, as passeri gryphons will attack oscinemus gryphons.


A pair of wings and a long tail have poked their way out of this tiny teal egg.


Newly hatched oscinemus gryphons are naked, pink, and helpless, their eyes fully closed, incapable of doing much but begging for food when they hear the sound of wings nearby. However, within only a few days, their fur and down grow in, in the same striking colors and patterns that they will display in adulthood. Oscinemus gryphons come in many colors and patterns, not all of which breed true, and so for many magi it is an exciting time when their hatchlings start displaying their colors. With their new coats in place, oscinemus gryphons become much more mobile and curious. Those being raised by gryphon parents will explore every cranny in their nest cavity while waiting for their next meal, but ones being raised by magi will often insist on hitching a ride on their companion as they go about their day.


Even fully grown, oscinemus gryphons easily fit into the palm of an adult magi's hand. With the curiosity and penchant for exploring small spaces of a mouse, and the ability to fly, they are great at finding lost trinkets and other odd things, which they will proudly bring their magi. Any insects or food crumbs encountered in their exploration quickly becomes a snack. Oscinemus gryphons are highly food motivated and enjoy digging, such that Keep folklore has it that the walls and floors of the kitchens are warded against them specifically, after a few too many instances of finding a whole flock happily raiding the larders after successfully tunneling in.


Obtained from: Donation (Sep)
Breeding: No
Renaming cost: 2000 gold
Release date: September 1st 2024

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

September 2024 3-shard Donation Pet.

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Kestrad

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