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Re: Abortion

Post by HobbitFeet »

AmethystFairy wrote:
BradTheMad wrote:In some cases, abortion should definitely be allowed. For instance if the developing child is dangerous to the mother because of health concerns. The existing life should always go before the one that is still in development.
Abortion merely for financial problems or as a late birth control option is IMO out of the question. In those cases I'd rather see them give the child over for adoption.
The problem with adoption is that hardly anyone adopts anymore, theyd rather adopt kids from different countries then help their own county out by helping the kids that need adoption. Like when Hati's kids were all left without parents-People adopted them.
Not only that, but the adoption process is very lengthy and difficult. And expensive. It can sometimes take several years to be able to adopt a child within the country or outside. It's not as easy as picking a pup in a pet store.
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Re: Abortion

Post by BradTheMad »

I understand all too well that adoption isn't perfect, I myself was adopted and only recently met my real family. In my case the adoption was botched to say the least. Don't want to get into the details of that as it's really painful, but even as flawed as the system is I'd rather be alive in an orphanage then aborted I guess.
By the way you'd be surprised how easy adoption used to be and I know many people who ended up with horrible families; it's become expensive and difficult for good reason! All the stories you hear about adoptive children being abused aren't fairy tales; it happened a lot.

And yes, also in my case my parents could have aborted me as I was a health risk to my mother(she died after giving birth) and there were concerns that I wouldn't be the healthiest child alive. Both are IMO viable options to have aborted me yet they chose not to. I find this a very difficult topic and therefore stated that I can understand it being done in some cases but even then it's tricky.
What illnesses are considered to be so detrimental that abortion would be in the interest of the child? I honestly don't know, especially considering my own past, but I do know that it's a choice everyone has to make for themselves. It's not so black and white.
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Re: Abortion

Post by Darkfur »

Pro-choice or pro-life?
I believe pro-choice. A woman should have that right.

Do you think young women under the age of 18 should be allowed to have an abortion without parental consent?
No I do not. I have a 14 year old daughter, and I would want her to come to me to talk to me about it. Not every teen has the (no offense intended) mental capacity to make such a mature decision. Sure there are some teens out there who are more mature than some grown women I have known. But when you take someone young and inexperienced in life to begin with, and add the extra stress of having to decide the fate of an unborn, along with all the hormonal changes that go with being pregnant, it can quickly spell disaster for both the teen AND the unborn. I would not want my daughter to make a rash decision and then hate herself for the rest of her life and regret that she had not stopped and talked to me or at least another family member or trusted adult about it first.

Should a woman have every right to her body even if it's killing off another life?
Yes. Although, I could not terminate a pregnancy unless in not doing so would mean my death in the end or the child would be so bad off as to there being NO chance for any enjoyment of life (and I would have to have some severe solid proof before I could consider aborting) or quality of life to be had.

Should a rape victim have to carry a child?
NO. They should not have to. That should be the victim's choice. I almost would dare say there should be a mandate that every person who is raped (male or female) get free counseling to aid in their recovery but in a matter of a rape victim becoming pregnant with her attackers child there should definitely be some sort of mandated counseling to help the woman decide whether or not to carry to term or abort. BUT there lies the problem, from what I understand (and this may be different from state to state and country to country) you cannot force a rape victim, pregnant or otherwise, to go to counseling, no matter how good the intent. But it should be an option so that the victim can make the best choice possible for herself AND the unborn.

Should other alternative such as adoption be considered before abortion; or do other options even matter?
Of course other alternatives should be considered. If you are just using abortion as a method of birth control then you are just wrong on so many levels, it ain't EVEN funny. Being pregnant for 9 months is serious business, and I am sure there are a lot of women out there that, after having to go through carrying to term, and labor, would not use abortion as a means of contraception. Unfortunately I know of two such women who do use abortion as their "method" of contraception, so I have some really strong feelings about those who choose to use this method as birth control...really STRONG feelings.

If you're pro-choice is late term abortion justified?
There are only a couple of EXTREME circumstances that I could think of that would justify a late term abortion. Overall though I say NO it's not justified.

What if the doctors have noticed the child may have special needs?
Depends upon what the "special needs" are. There are those out there who would say that their child having Autism would be a good reason to abort. I say not. My daughter is Autistic, and can be challenging to handle sometimes. But I would be devastated should something happen to her. And there are childless families out there that would love to adopt a child, with or without a special need. I am not including children who, when born, would have absolutely NO quality of life. They are in a special category of their own, IMHO.

(Considering the couple is married or the like) Does the father get any say in whether or not the mother should keep the child?
In this instance yes, so long as carrying the child to full term does not endanger the life of the woman in doing so. If the woman does not want the child, then the father should be able to have the option of keeping the child/adopting the child. I know far too many men who would have gladly bore the child themselves if it could have been made possible, rather than see the woman abort. My husband being one of them. I know when he talks about it, I can see the pain it caused him,even to this day, and he was in his early twenties then and is 43 now, and seeing how he is with our two, I know he would have been just as good a father to what would have been his first child had the woman not aborted. That does not mean that the father's word should be the final say. There should be some sort of middle ground that can be reached, compensation for the time and "hardships" that the mother might face might be one option. It is better to TRY to come up with a solution that works for both, than to not try at all.

As for myself, I could not abort a child unless to not do so would end mine or the child would have absolutely no chance at ANY quality of life. Even then I would be hopelessly emotionally scarred and would never get over my choice to abort. There would ALWAYS be the "What If?" dangling in my head.

Either way we love them, and that cannot be changed, but we must not sentence ourselves to stumble in the darkness with them.
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Re: Abortion

Post by ragdoll »

I'm half & half, really. At first I was HIGHLY against it. I thought it was
the most stupid decision a woman could ever do, & if I knew anyone who
did, I would think of them disgusting. Then I grew up, & realized that
there are reasons why a woman could choose that & it's not my life so I
can't say what goes for another person, but as for me NEVER. Well, I
ended up in a position with no money, no home, no support & all alone.
I had no choice, & no one would help me with the whole adoption process
where I could find a family who wanted to adopt an infant. So, I decided
to have an abortion myself. Honestly, I have to say it is the worst thing
anyone could ever do. I would give birth 10 days in a row than have 1
abortion which is about a whole 10 minutes if that. Because I decided to
get an abortion, I have terrible night terrors, I have a hard time eating,
my anxiety has spiked through the roof, I hate myself more than I ever have,
I have severe depression, I cry nearly every day because I hate breathing, I
over protect my daughter because of the baby who was ripped from me & I
can't let anyone babysit her to save my life. If I'm gone away from her for
more than 10 minutes, I have a panic attack. Not every case is the same, but
I had decided at the last minute I didn't want to, & the clinic I went to wanted
my money, so they gave me a shot of some sedative & forced me down to
do the procedure. I blame myself for going in the first place, but I blame them
for not listening to me & letting me go when I told them to. Because I decided
to go to that damn place, I've caused serious health issues that are hard to
deal with each day. So, really I'm against it. Abortion destroyed my life, & may
destroy my daughter's because I'll have a hard time letting her go to school,
friend's homes for the night, going out to party with friends where she could
get in a drunk car accident & never come home. The sound of the machine gets
in my head & makes me scream, the sound of vacuums make me panic & scream.

So, I have to say I hate abortion. I think it's wrong. I made a terrible choice,
& I'm dealing with the consequences of my actions because of it. If I'm going to
have sex with my partner, I should be prepared for something like a pregnancy.
I just wish I had more support from family to help me find a family. ( I know you
all are talking about the lengthly process, but I'm thinking it's because you put them
in foster care. I'm talking about finding a family who can't have babies, & they
adopt from you themselves. ) That's my two cents on abortion.

Also -- To the whole "they sedated me" & stuff, I never reported it, but a girl
who decided to change her mind at the last second like me, did. She was on
the local news & the clinic was shut down ( as well as a bunch of other clinics
that stupid doctor had ).

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Re: Abortion

Post by shiann »

I'm one of those people who thinks it depends on the situation. I don't think people should go out and be active for pleasure should get abortions because quite frankly it is their fault and they should keep the baby.

Do you think young women under the age of 18 should be allowed to have an abortion without parental consent?
Nope. I don't think it's right, morally, to go behind your parent's backs and get an abortion without them ever possibly knowing that lyou were pregnant.

Should a woman have every right to her body even if it's killing off another life?
Again, it's the situation.

Should a rape victim have to carry a child?
No, though I know I would if that happened to me. BECAUSE the baby would still be mine, at least in part.

I'm tired so that's all I got.

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Re: Abortion

Post by AssassinsCreed »

A woman should be able to do what she wishes with her body. And think here; if a 15-16 years old get pregnant should she keep the baby only because someone tells her to do that? I know she could adopt the kid. But if she dont want have a kid or are not ready to take care of one then she will just hurt the child mentally later in life, even if she dont mean to do it.... (I dont say that teen ages mom are not capable of taking care of a child. I just say that SOME of them is not ready for it. They are still kids then themself...).

She have to be warned for the consequences before she do a abortion trough. There is no turning back later after that...
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Re: Abortion

Post by shiann »

if a 15-16 years old get pregnant should she keep the baby only because someone tells her to do that?
I just think people should live with consequences like that... There are SO MANY WAYS to prevent pregnancy. The only sure-fire way that I know of is to be abstinate (sp?), but there are ways to keep from getting pregnant.

Just my opinion.

Of course if her parents aren't financially sound, they probably wouldn't make her have the baby.
But if she dont want have a kid or are not ready to take care of one then she will just hurt the child mentally later in life

Again, she knew the consequenses of being active in that way.

I know, some of you aren't going to like my opinion, but that's what the Hall of Speakers is for, is it not?

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Re: Abortion

Post by Atuin »

shiann wrote:
if a 15-16 years old get pregnant should she keep the baby only because someone tells her to do that?
I just think people should live with consequences like that... There are SO MANY WAYS to prevent pregnancy. The only sure-fire way that I know of is to be abstinate (sp?), but there are ways to keep from getting pregnant.

Just my opinion.

Of course if her parents aren't financially sound, they probably wouldn't make her have the baby.
But if she dont want have a kid or are not ready to take care of one then she will just hurt the child mentally later in life

Again, she knew the consequenses of being active in that way.

I know, some of you aren't going to like my opinion, but that's what the Hall of Speakers is for, is it not?
I disagree with your opinion, but what is debate if not for differing perceptions? :wave:

Abstinance can be helpful in reducing the risk of pregnancy, but I wouldn't say full proof. Rape is a possiblity.
There would be some who would blame a victim of rape by saying they got drunk or were walking in a dangerous area or were wearing provocative clothing. And as such, say that the women knew of the consequences and should therefore bear the brunt of the pregnancy.

But for me pregnancy should never be forced as a consequence of someone's actions. That just makes the pregnancy a weapon, or a punishment. And I don't think even pro-lifers want a child to be used as such. That demeans the "future" child as a lesson to the woman. Children should be wanted. And if a Woman through whatever circumstance ends up pregnant decides to abort, the consequences prior shouldn't matter.
I find I dislike women who use abortion as a means of burth control, but I couldn't in my right mind deny them the right to abort. If a serial aborter then I would prefer sterilisation. (Which is another topic entirely)
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Re: Abortion

Post by shiann »

shiann wrote:Should a rape victim have to carry a child?
No, though I know I would if that happened to me. BECAUSE the baby would still be mine, at least in part.
I do agree with you there, though, as stated earlier. :wave:

I'm talking about girls (like the ones at, say, my high school) that are highly active to get what their way, or just because they think it's fun. Rape is an entirely different subject than I meant in my last post.

I suppose I'm talking mainly about teenagers, since I am one and can't speak for a full-grown woman. Obviously I have never been one, so I can't say what they should or shouldn't do.

In my opinion if the parents make their pregnant hypothetical daughter keep the baby they will end up raising the baby themselves. That's what has happened multiple times around where I live. Although the main reason the parent even knew was because (yes, I'm speaking about multiple situations) the teenager couldn't legally drive because they didn't like to study. >>

As you can see I have strong opinions about my peers... :t-corner:

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Re: Abortion

Post by ShadowWolf199 »

Pro-choice or pro-life?
Pro Choice, People should be able to make any choice they want. Truly if the child or adult can't pay for the child then they shouldn't have one. Some people I have heard have kids to get money on taxes and tanif and things of the like.

Do you think young women under the age of 18 should be allowed to have an abortion without parental consent?
Yes they should. Some parents might make the child have a child and that is excessively wrong. Yes they are doing acts of adults but that doesn't mean they can care for a child.

Should a woman have every right to her body even if it's killing off another life?
Yes, there are plenty of lives being brought into this world, if no abortions happened then there would be way too many humans.

Should a rape victim have to carry a child?
Not at all.

Should other alternative such as adoption be considered before abortion; or do other options even matter?
Edit: If you're pro-choice is late term abortion justified?
Shouldn't matter

What if the doctors have noticed the child may have special needs?
I think that abortion should be an option.

(Considering the couple is married or the like) Does the father get any say in whether or not the mother should keep the child?
I would say it depends.
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