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Posted: May 24th, 2019, 7:42:41 am
by fthr
Have been meaning to get started with this in order to make some stuffed animals for the gf.

Does anyone have tips? Advice? Experience?

Recommended yarn/wool/thread? Equipment?

Hit me with all of it.

Re: Crochet

Posted: August 27th, 2019, 5:38:56 pm
by pepsirat
I wish I could do it, but I'm hopeless T_T

Re: Crochet

Posted: September 3rd, 2019, 6:28:42 am
by Sassenach
I've recently started this, though most of my experience lies in blankets and ponchos. I think the only solid advice I can give is to definitely invest in metal hooks, and don't let the really soft yarn fool you: it's rude and likes to start fraying when you give your project too much attention in one sitting. I've found that even the coarser yarns, or even the cheaper ones you can find in, like, Walmart or anywhere, end up turning out super soft after being washed a couple of times. I'll usually browse Pinterest for tutorials or patterns to follow and/or modify.

A quick google search yielded this site, which has a pretty good introduction to the basic stitches in crochet. I don't think it's the exact one I was referencing when I started, but it seems familiar and straightforward. This is my personal board of projects to try, but I don't remember if I've saved any really ...good tutorials. It's been a hot minute since I've picked up my hooks tbh (adulting is garbo D: ) but I think I might have some time to settle into the chair and do some poking about for them. I'll definitely share any that I find. <3

Re: Crochet

Posted: May 8th, 2022, 1:48:42 pm
by Howltrail
I want to get into this too along with sewing, because I want to make my own plush toys :')

Re: Crochet

Posted: September 29th, 2022, 8:48:48 pm
by Rosalind1
Oh! I personally have never been able to make the face of a stuffed animal to save my LIFE, but if you know how to make a coozie(can holder) essentially making a circle, then in one row stop expanding it to create vertical fabric - the same principle applies to making stuffed animals, limbs especially. The whole gauge thing never really computed for me, but I have a decent understanding of applied physics. Best advice I have is - use a coarser yarn/harder to just pull apart yarn, and wash it a couple times. Also, 1) crocheting a line to essentially make a similar concept as braided fishing line is useful, but much more stiff(I'm using scraps of just massive lengths of chains to make a basket currently because I didn't want to buy anything) and 2) you will ALWAYS need more stuffing than you think. ALWAYS.

I learn best by just....trying, screwing up, trying again, and eventually it works. I do know there are tons of patterns/ tutorials out there of some stuffed animals! Best of luck with the endeavor.

Re: Crochet

Posted: December 20th, 2022, 4:23:52 pm
by ShadowDragonjem
If you're looking for patterns to follow, ravelry is a free site for knitters / crocheters, with a lot of patterns available to you. you need to make an account to access the site but the account is free.

Honestly for yarns it kinda depends on what you're trying to accomplish, and also what feels good to you and the person you're giving things to. I think my best recommendation as far as yarn goes is to find a shop you can visit in person that has a yarn section and visit to find the yarns that feel best to you. craft stores or hobby stores tend to have a yarn section, if you just need to find somewhere to start.

On a similar vein, I personally enjoy metal hooks or needles, but I know some people don't like working with metal hooks or needles, because they find them too slick to work in comfortably. so on that, I'd say to take a bit of time to experiment if you can. find a good pattern or good yarn and find the hook size that works for it, and try with different kinds of hooks. if the hook you use first isn't enjoyable to work with for you, try a hook made from different materials.

Re: Crochet

Posted: October 14th, 2023, 12:15:08 am
by Startedraining
I love to crochet, and I'd recommend starting with animal plushies especially if you have ADHD because if you make 170 of the same square, you'll lose your motivation really fast. With animal plushies you have to pay attention to the pattern, its the same stitches as a square, and you get a cute little animal afterwards.