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Summer Months at the Keep

Posted: August 3rd, 2014, 11:05:27 am
by GriffinHeart101
Matt sighed in exasperation from the blistering heat of the summer. His Tasharn, Sighurd, was panting and lying on the floor, trying to keep cool. It never got this hot in Arkene! He sat down at his desk and looked at the letter that was sitting there. He might as well reply now, seeing as he wasn’t going to be doing anything anytime soon. An Arkenian Kitsune curled up at his feet when he began to write with his favorite blue ink.

“Dear Emander Tyris,

My name is Matt GriffinHeart, a magi who specializes in ice magic at the Keep. Our summers are extremely hot and it is hard for me to work. Never melting ice spells are very challenging to cast, you know. One thing we do to keep cool is swim in Lake Lakira. That may be just me though.

The Keep can get very warm in the day and is sometimes challenging for the other creatures like the ones who come from colder parts of the globe or ones with thicker fur. I have to make sure all 613 of my creatures are in a good and comfortable temperature.

There are lots of festivals during the summer months, such as Pegasi racing and who has the most impressive exotic creature. They’re somewhat like this “competition”, if you can call it that. People get gold, shards or even creatures as prizes. Those are some of my favorite parts of the summer.

A lot of people hang out in the Atrium during the summer months. It’s outdoors so it isn’t as hot as inside the Keep and Remy has a stand where he serves snacks and drinks. My favorite is the Iced Dandelion Tea. Most people don’t like it and tell me it tastes terrible, but I don’t see how they couldn’t like it! My Tasharn and I like it almost completely frozen. Speaking of the Atrium, that reminds me of the time that I froze the entire Main Hall. Luckily, I didn’t get punished for it. I don’t think Thane found out about it at all!

Anyways, those are some of the things that we do here at the Keep during the summer months. Maybe you could visit sometime and see some of these events for yourself! I’m sure one of your chinchillas could easily win the exotic creature contest. That is, if you can beat my Tasharn!

Matt Griffinheart”

Matt sighed in relief and looked over at the kitsune and Sighurd, who had both fallen asleep. The sky had become dark and the air was much cooler now. After he sealed the letter with a sparkly ice blue ribbon, he got up from his desk, put on his robe and silently left his dorm. He made his way down to where he kept his creatures and looked at the Stelera Eagle with a smile. He tied the letter to its leg with more of the same ribbon and brought it outside. He moved his arm in an upward motion after saying where to take it. He watched the bird fly off with a smirk on his face as he got an idea. Maybe it was time to play another icy prank on Archemage Thane?

Word Count: 538