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Re: Non-Binary Genders

Posted: April 19th, 2016, 5:20:34 am
by AspenBear
What gender do you recognize as/what pronouns do you use?
..::.. Im Trans myself. Female to Male, so I use MALE pronouns. He, him. but ill also accept they, them, as long as people dont call me a girl.

How do you feel about non-binary genders?
..::.. actually, im native american, and in old culture, it was believed that someoen with a different gender than their birth assigned sex, OR someone that sees themselves as more than one gender, was a blessed being, and was to be treated with high respect.
I see it as 'we are all human. ill call you whatever you wanna be called, cause its none of my buisness otherwise'
if your not harming me, then why should i harm you by calling you something your not?

Do you thing gender neutrality when not talking about specific individuals is important?
..::.. yes. i will ALWAYS use they or them if i dont know someones preferred pronouns.

Re: Non-Binary Genders

Posted: May 8th, 2016, 10:49:41 am
by wheatleyd18
What gender do you recognize as/what pronouns do you use?
Well, I'm in the middle between agender and gender fluid, because I feel that I don't fit in either gender. I mean sometimes I want to be feminine, and sometimes I want to be masculine, but more than anything, I don't understand why I'm supposed to stay in one gender. Sometimes I want to be neither, and sometimes I want to be both. Legally, I am female, since I have a fully feminine body, and I don't think I'm going to have any kind of transformation to become physically agender or genderfluid, but I'm absolutely fine with my female body. I feel very comfortable in it. I'm used to she/her because I grew up with that, but I'm very comfortable with any pronouns.

How do you feel about non-binary genders?
Yes, I grew up with the whole, "Pink is for girls, blue is for boys" kind of thing, and when I got to a certain grade, I met a boy that wanted to be a boy, but just liked the color pink. And everyone thought he was gay. He wasn't. It was weird at first, but I got accustomed to it. And when I got into the internet, the first thing I learned about was drag queens. Which interested me greatly. In middle school, I joined my school's GSA club without my parents knowing, them being slightly typical Christians, and that day they handed out an activity sheet to define a list of terms. It was basically the entire list of sexualities and genders and whatnot. So I basically learned that being gay is okay, and that there were other sexualities like bisexuality, pansexuality, asexuality, (I don't know all of them), and that you don't have to be confined to one gender. I learned about trans, gender fluid, the whole thing. I see it as be who you want to be, and don't let others put you down because of it. They can't control who you are, they can't change you, and nobody can really upset you except for you, because you control your own feelings and you're only upset if you let something get to you.

Do you think gender neutrality when not talking about specific individuals is important?
Yes, very much so. I always use they/them when talking about anyone if I don't know their gender.

Re: Non-Binary Genders

Posted: June 5th, 2016, 9:11:10 pm
by PeterCamenzind
What gender do you recognize as/what pronouns do you use?

Well, I don't know. I guess I am non-binary since I feel like both genders. Sometimes more male, sometimes more female. I don't really give it much thought. I use all sorts of pronouns.

How do you feel about non-binary genders?

Well, I feel normal? As a non-binary person I have no issue with non-binary people.

Do you thing gender neutrality when not talking about specific individuals is important?

I don't want to offend anyone but I don't think it's that important. I personally wouldn't get offended by any pronoun.

Re: Non-Binary Genders

Posted: June 22nd, 2016, 5:14:20 am
by carrolius
I'm agender! ^.^ Whatever pronounce works for me

I personally think that we always should use a gender neutral pronounce, unless we maybe want to be a bit more specific, like 'they/them' or something. It maybe won't matter for those who use 'he' and 'she' etc, but for those who don't or who has a bit 'complicated situation' I think it would be great.

Besides, I can't help but feel that the use of the 'she' and 'he' only brings expectations on you.. Like if people see you as 'she' or 'he' you are supposed, or expected/wanted, to be a certain way, which I do not like. Using a gender neutral pronounce would most probably not erase that, but I think it would lessen a bit.

Re: Non-Binary Genders

Posted: June 22nd, 2016, 2:12:00 pm
by otterpop2242
I identify as female, and i was born female. I respect ANYONE who defines themselves as ANYTHING. What i dont like it when people get really extremely offended and in my face if i accidentally misgender them. THAT annoys me. Just correct me if im wrong, and i will call you whatever you feel most comfortable with.

Re: Non-Binary Genders

Posted: June 29th, 2016, 2:40:36 pm
by perilhellfire
I ID as my birth gender, but it makes no difference what other decide whats right for themselves. Honestly I don't see the big deal that some people make over it; If it feels right, go for it, it's your identity and you have that right. So long as they are respectful in return when someone makes a mistake.

Re: Non-Binary Genders

Posted: July 3rd, 2016, 12:15:14 am
by MagiLettie
What gender do you recognize as/what pronouns do you use?
Female, and I identify as one. :3

How do you feel about non-binary genders?
Depends on who, really; I really just tend to judge on personality. In general, it's cool. ;3

Do you thing gender neutrality when not talking about specific individuals is important?
Really depends what they want. :3

(Feel free to add any other comments you have!)
I feel like people who argue against this are just... ignorant. I mean, I see their p.o.v, but seriously, there are people who identify as that! So, if nonbinary and the like don't exist, do those people exist? Yes! yes they do! We don't need opinionated shit clogging up everything.

Re: Non-Binary Genders

Posted: July 4th, 2016, 2:03:54 am
by TwistedAndDark
A pic of a list of all the genders ... 6c0a_1.jpg

Link to a closer up image of the pic;

I will be posting something soon of the list

Re: Non-Binary Genders

Posted: July 4th, 2016, 2:38:54 am
by TwistedAndDark

Re: Non-Binary Genders

Posted: July 4th, 2016, 3:00:30 am
by anarchistcarbqueen
I've been confused about my gender for 5 years but within the last year or more I've been identifying as agender. As for pronouns, they/them are preferred but she/her and he/him work for me as well. The only thing I'd take issue with is someone ONLY using she/her pronouns - but switching between the different sets is perfectly fine by me. :t-swoon:

Non-binary genders are allowing a lot of people to feel comfortable with themselves and how other people view them! I don't see why anyone would take issue with that.

It was a liberating feeling to come out as agender (to those who understood what I was talking about).