Shadow x rose

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Re: Shadow x rose

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Rafe held Roan when he started to cry and then gently rubbed his back when he continued to do so while also hearing what he said in his other statement and question. "Yes they should have been but it's not their fault. The hunters said that they were Alex and Hikaru and since the employees there don't know what they look like the one looking after Kai thought that's who they were. No you shouldn't and it'll be okay because after tomorrow they won't be bothering us anymore," he said in reply to both before kissing him softly on the forehead.


"Yes I know but I also know how easily you can freak out when you hear surprising news," Alex said in reply to the second question before saying in reply to the first question and the statement, "Kai's been kidnapped by hunters and yes I'm aware of that. Rafe and I will be going after the appointment to rescue Kai and you will stay with Roan in his room there while we are gone so that you can keep him company." He then kissed him softly on the lips again before pulling back afterward so as to get him to be a little less irritated with him.
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Re: Shadow x rose

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Roan listned to what Rafe said as he cried, trying to calm himself down but he couldn't because he was so worried about his baby. "How do the hunters know about Alex and HIkaru?" he whispered softly, not really looking for an answer from Rafe or anything. He just didn't understand how the hunters knew about their friends or even their names. "Rafe, why won't the hunters being bothering us anymore? They've been bothering us for as long as I can remember..."


HIkaru nodded in understanding, but he was glad that Alex wasn't going to miss the baby's appointment even though he was worried about Kai. He didn't know how he would've gone through the appointment without Alex being there with him. "In his room?" he asked questionably after Alex kissed him, furrowing his eyebrow as he tried to understand things. "Can't Roan and I just hang out in our apartment instead of just staying in his room?" Hikaru couldn't help but giggle a little bit at the thought of him and Roan being locked in a room together.
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Re: Shadow x rose

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"I'm not sure," Rafe said in reply to Roan's first question although he knew that the former wasn't really looking for an answer. He just wanted to answer it anyway. "Because I'm going to do something that I should have done a long time ago; kill them. This time they went too far and I'm angry," he said in reply to his love's second question and trailed off statement with a small growl as he continued to comfort him by continuously rubbing his back and letting him cry.


"Roan has a room at the hospital. After Rafe told him what happened to Kai at the daycare, his heart issues showed up again and Rafe took him to the emergency room to get treatment for it. That's where you'll be tomorrow after the appointment and when Rafe and I retrieve Kai," Alex said in reply to Hikaru's questions. "Rafe texted me earlier and told me what had happened as well as t let him know when we get there."
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Re: Shadow x rose

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Roan looked up at Rafe with teary eyes when he heard what Rafe was planning on doing. "No!" He gripped tightly onto the front of Rafe's shirt, tears streaming even faster as he thought of the worst possible outcome that could happen because of Rafe's stupid idea. "Do you really think that I want you to risk Kai's, Alex's, and your own life for vengence? All I want is for my baby to be home in my arms, Rafe! Do you really not know how many hunters there are in this world? You plan is a suicide mission!" Roan wasn't meaning to raise his voice or anything, but he was getting really frustrated.


HIkaru nodded at what Alex told him, letting out a concerned sigh as he tried to think things out. "Just don't do anything stupid and unnecessary while you're there, okay?" he asked softly. He was afraid that Alex, Rafe, or even Kai would get hurt, and he really didn't want that to happen to any of them. "I just don't want to lose you, you know? i worry about you a lot..."
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Re: Shadow x rose

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"Alright alright maybe I won't kill them but injure them enough in order to send a message to the other hunters to leave us alone," Rafe said in reply before kissing him softly on the lips and then pulling back again. "I didn't mean for you to yell like that or get worked up but for once I just want us to live a semi peaceful life without the hunters messing it up for us," he said while still continuing to rub his back I order for him to calm down again.


"I won't and you don't need to worry about me," Alex said in reply with a smile as he ran his hands through Hikaru's hair. "Want me to make you anything to eat or should we just go ahead and turn in for the night?" he asked the former after a few minutes of silence while still running his hands through his love's hair.
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Re: Shadow x rose

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Roan let out a sigh, knowing that Rafe was right though their lives would never be peaceful. "I know you want a peaceful life, but we're not just hiding from hunters. We're hiding from the humans in society that won't even try to accept us," he said softly as he began calming down once more, a few tears still streaming down his cheeks. To have a normal life, in Roan's opinion, they had to move away from people in general because you never knew who was okay with supernaturals and who was not. "What time is it?" he asked.


Hikaru leaned into Alex's hands when they ran through his hair, a smile forming on his face as his worry began to melt away. "Lets go ahead and go to sleep. I'm about ready to pass out," he answered with a soft giggle as he snuggled up against Alex, closing his eyes. "Plus the sooner we go to sleep, the sooner we get to go to the appointment."
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Re: Shadow x rose

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Rafe sighed as well, knowing that Roan was right about them not being able to have the kind of life that he wanted them to have before he heard the question. "It's about 8:30 or so," he said in reply as he briefly looked at his watch before looking back down at the former and rubbed his back gently.


Alex smiled down at Hikaru when he felt him snuggle into him before hearing all that he said. "Okay then let's sleep and that's very true," he said in reply with a small chuckle before falling asleep in the position he was currently in.
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Re: Shadow x rose

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Roan nodded. "Hey Rafe, do you think we should go ahead and go to sleep, or do you want to talk for a little bit longer?" he asked softly after he calmed down to the point that he wasn't even crying anymore. "Today's just been really tiring for the both of us..."


Hikaru pulled the covers over the both of him before settling back down into the previous position that he was in. It wasn't long before he fell asleep as well, gently nuzzling his face into Alex as he slept.

(Wanna just ts?)
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Re: Shadow x rose

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((sure :t-:)))

The next morning found both Rafe and Alex still sleeping at the apartment and hospital. Alex knew that he needed to wake up soon but wasn't going to just yet because he wasn't ready to do and Rafe was just flat out exhausted from the events of the previous day.

Alex did end up waking up a few minutes later before stretching a bit without disturbing the still sleeping Hikaru before getting up and going downstairs to make them breakfast. He made scrambled eggs and pancakes with the latter meal having chocolate chips in them. Once both the eggs and pancakes were made, he got out the syrup and honey before setting the table complete with plates and silverware before going back into the room to get dressed.

Rafe still slept soundly even a few minutes later. He had told one of the nurses that had come in the night before to wake him up when Alex and Hikaru for there and gave her the decriptions of what they liked like before she nodded and let them be so he planned on continuing to sleep until then.
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Re: Shadow x rose

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Hikaru squirmed a bit in bed when he felt the warmth that had been laying with him leave him, causing him to open his eyes a little groggily. He looked up at Alex when he came into the bedroom, but he was still pretty tired. "Getting ready already?" he asked before looking over at the clock on their bedside table, getting up as soon as he saw what time it was. Hikaru began to get dressed himself, wearing a roomy striped shirt and a pair of yoga pants so that he'd be comfortable. To top everything off, he wore one of his leather jackets that wouldn't button because of his baby bump being in the way. "Are you excited for today?" he asked with a smile on his face.

Even though Rafe was still asleep, Roan woke up when he heard a nurse come into his room. In her hands were two trays, one for him and one for Rafe. "Thank you," he whispered softly, taking the trays and setting one on the side table while he ate the food from the other one. He would've waited Rafe, but there was no telling when he would wake up.
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