Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by HowIBecameTheSea »

Haha, sounds about right. Ah yeah, I jumped back on to CS for a friend of mine. How's college going? What's that like?
I've been pretty chill, I'm on holidays so yeah.
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by ilton »

*the page peels out into the parking lot, and smashes through the wall in his signature BabyMannequinmobile. He leaps out and bangs a Familiar Looking Wooden Arm on the table for attention.*

Holy shit guys, don't let baywatch idle out and die. That's like, our main thing. C'mon, we've got things to do, places to be, and people to teleport 10 meters into the air onto a giant wasp!
Site advertises dragon eggs. Two beetles, a slug and a gryphon. Wat.

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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by UniquePain »

I recently got into re-conjuring my love for this rp by updating Vickys character profile. I'm ready to rock and roll, I'm gonna do my boys next. God damm I need to work on those two, Ilton whats the last post we made about that group? Btw everyone should use charahub for their characters its great, plus we can all refresh our memories for what everyone supposed to be like.
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by ilton »

Over the weak mental link he had, the very air itself around larzire felt pissed. He hollered down in reply, "You betcha!"

((Now everyone, this here's an interactive post. Before you open that spoiler, I'm going to need you to open another tab and bring up your you-tubes or your listen and repeats. Then, I'm going to need you to whip out some space jam music. Really, that's the only way this post will work.
We good? Continue.))

Feeling josh start to stir, he bodily set him astraddle the wasp in front of him, before uncovering a hand and slapping him awake. He covered his hand again before diving off the wasp. Meeting the ground with his fists, they plunged into the earth and thickened visibly. A great humanoid torso and arms of wood burst up out of the earth behind larzire, reached down and wrapped around her waist. With a creaking groan, it lifted her off her feet and suplexed her over its shoulders to the ground. Large roots shot up out of the ground and clamped around her neck, wings, muzzle and tail, pinning them to the ground. Ilton wiggled his ears and and looked eagerly to Zaura. "How's that?"
Can we just doom a timeline and resume from here-ish? Josh not being on the wasp is super gonna bug me.
Site advertises dragon eggs. Two beetles, a slug and a gryphon. Wat.

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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by UniquePain »

Turns out the last post was mine, I found it and pulled it up front
Sorry Ilton, but we have enough issues getting the story moving as it is, I really don't think anyone wants to go backwards
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by paradiseForgotten »

Full Name: Rachele Ignis
Other known names:
Gender/sexuality: Female of undetermined sexuality
Age: 20
Species: Half human, part bird
Detailed appearance: She has blonde shoulder-length hair that turns bright red when inflicted with rage and when her powers are uncontrollable. She grows orange scales on her hands during that time. Rachele has large orange wings that she’s extremely protective of because of their sensitivity. Her eyes are the colour of blue flame.
Voice Description: Shrill when angry, like an angry parrot. Her human voice is calm and controlled.
Occupation: Healer
Disposition/personality: She has an intense personality and she keeps her voice calm in order to help her concentrate on keeping her control. When others infuriate her, she tries to think of something else to prevent her powers spiralling out of control (and protect her precious wings), but if someone extremely ruffles her feathers (lol), then someone get a fire extinguisher ready. Seriously.
Sense of humor: When given an opportunity she’ll make fire puns. Despite her serious demeanor, if someone makes a stupid fire pun she’ll burst out laughing. Of course, if people who make her angry decide to use fire puns towards her she'll take it as them mocking her.
DOB: 5th August
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Stupid fire puns. Helping people. Dislikes: Pushy people and shitstirers who know that they’re annoying but keep pushing their luck anyway. She also doesn't like the feeling of water.
Family: Phoniex parents have no direct influence in raising their children so she has no family.
Weapons/Abilities: She has the ability to heal with fire however when she loses control over her emotions, this fire can become destructive. She has some influence over any other fire but mostly can only use the fire that comes from herself. When she is mortally wounded she will ‘die’, her body will burst into flames and she will be reborn from the ashes as a child. She speaks bird languages.
Quirks: Her ability to say very strange things with a strange face since she is used to controlling her emotions. Bird noises are sometimes distributed into her speech. Her wings are sensitive so she’ll allow very few people to preen the feathers she cannot reach. She likes the sound of rain even if water is irritating to the touch to her.
Also, she eats weird shit because she is a bird, LIKE WORMS AND SHIT.
Images: ... 50a60f.jpg
Last edited by paradiseForgotten on January 11th, 2015, 10:47:23 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by UniquePain »

^^ this is my friend Eden, she's very nice and writes black butler fanfiction, I've been trying to get her into role-playing for ages (this is her first attempt so be nice). She's gonna make up an RP intro soon.
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by paradiseForgotten »

((Hi guys :D I'm paradiseForgotten and I was told about this rp by a very good friend of mine. I hope I do a good job, I'm really excited about this! Anyway here's my introduction ^^))

Rachele perches on a tree to rest her wings after soaring through the sky for an hour, her lips curving into a wide smile as she remembers the magnificent view of the mountains of Elgonia. Flying was always a great way to pass the time, not having to worry about what goes on below on the surface, and only focusing on the vast blue sky and the wind brushing through her downy feathers. Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of baby birds chirping in a nest in the nearest branch. She listens closely to their chirps, hearing that they are calling out to her.

"Mommy! Mommy!" they cry. Rachele raises an eyebrow and looks at her orange feathers before looking back at their pale-blue baby feathers.

"Sorry little ones, I'm not your Mummy," she says in squawks and bird-like noises. But that didn't stop the little birds from making a fuss, in fact they chirped even louder. Rachele sighed. "Look, if you guys are hungry I'm afraid I have no food for you. The best thing you can do is be patient and wait for your real mother."

Just in time Rachele notices a larger bluebird approaching the tree, and she quickly jumps from the branch to avoid an argumentative misunderstanding. When she lands on the ground she looks up to see the mother bird feeding the baby birds, and she smiles as if to say 'I told you so' before taking off for another hour of flying in the sky.
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by UniquePain »

Well obviously I'm voting yes :3 *the knights casts out a quick shielding spell to dismiss any possibility of this vote being biased, who is the wiser? Nobody* I think it would be fun to have someone new around, might encourage us all to post more.

Btw I was flicking through our old posts on here and I found an idea about us making a thread to RP us all as ourselves playing sBurb, I still think that sounds like a fun idea, thoughts?
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Re: Be Anthing You Want OOC Thread.

Post by HowIBecameTheSea »

*The Rogue rubs their chin thoughtfully, as if stroking a beard.*
I agree with Unique, I cast my vote for yes.
*The Rogue stops rubbing their chin, before yawning and sitting up a little straighter.*

The idea of an SBURB rp is appealing, I'd quite like to try my hand at it.

I am going to assume that if paradiseForgotten is accepted, we will have another Homestuck among our ranks?

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