The Neverending story!

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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by HiddenMystic »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and forks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aidan is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a Brit while I tried swimming but carelessly stopped when the triceratops started face palming because I lost her face.
Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies were some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seemed too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas, I tasered Chuck Norris with it. Underwater in my pajamas, I ate corn dogs made of popcorn and Easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drank balloon-sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So, when Aiden tried to make me spit it out I spat it onto his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird. Then an apocoalypse of small aliens came to the beach and ate mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katniss tongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladdin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns. Tehn kittens appeared, glowing magnificently golden. This meant only they could eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So, when mermaids died the CRAPPING stopped but bunnies started hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married. Suddenly, epic pears nommed foexrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sand of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced like a crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious. Budgies ate creatues that frolicked near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helped. My pet dragon ate cows to show how brave he was. many crazy pickle-man stores with tools in boxes were why fairies nibbled upon crunchy trolls shaped like feenec tacos foxes in England while Morgal seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavore dpuffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullabies to a small child. This crazy toad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Office re-runs and licking Ice Blood; and he liked sponges. But, he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreas and that didn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were mono-filament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hell hounds ate pineapples and discoes when Lady Gaga ate diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoked hamster food and really should have layed off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who were afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.
Whenever Georgia drew India it cried about cats and rain clouds. After the random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing like maniac alpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernacle survived, the Capricorn killed bob for no reason and skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet Golem tried eating mould. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people-eater resulted in a very warm tickle being quickly summoned -anti-disestablishmentarianism rule. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinhilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!" and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at the penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Badersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much as Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They are also a bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyebals. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.
Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks which made everyone fart, causing Bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it. Magically making tequila, Terri the bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"
"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus coral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi started decidedly yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha did can-can sexually. Then, Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every Wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purred obscenities at night when evil minions danced at the frenzied disco. Georgia rattled about strange hyenas vegetating before screaming about ridiculous spaghetti recipes. She slit shiny silver socks into the pot of pandas. Unicorns whirled around gleaming silverware, unaware that they dropped swords that were forged in platinum.

Ocean cabanas in Mexico, swimming suits are orange, purple and green when people dig deep into hidden mountains searching for magic crystals that transmogrify into unicorns wearing ties and swirled patterns on their squashed puddings.

Zebras always seemed mystified when jumping across muddy crocodiles. Always remembering your astronomy is radical thinking, because if weirdos decided Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was acceptable although penguins squashed nuts quickly in the icy land surrounded kingdom boundaries.

Perhaps invisible glockenspiels polish shoes better with lemons but not limes. Witches often drink very strong potions to become awesome. Summer might cause witches to accidentally mix foaming meerkat tails with slippery giraffe horns. Wolves chewed on chocolate bunnies every few minutes... while jumping excitedly around golden cakes, creamy marzipan flew every few times around square jellybeans that caused confused elephants to squash small gnomes holding bananas between their orange stained war hammers.

Anxious wizards always believed witch's house are mythical because mysterious letters told monkeys that roses are black leopards secretly were thinking how squeamish bananas eat frozen yogurt when they trade melons with pizza. Dancing imps' serendipity caused wizards to celebrate the moon's iguanas, which caused weird rabbits to scribble stars into every computer HARD DRIVE.

Whenever hairy shoes jump on unsuspecting travelers, chocolate melts into giant tigers which ate all bunnies instead of nomming bows. Except a bison gored himself with a origami crane that flew crazily across a huge crater that summoned demonic roses into hells sky. The dragon lied about being innocent with the obese cow. They stopped running across sticky oceans of custard doughnuts, deciding lunatics bit them too softly to insult wild-eyed birds mothers.

They jumped to beat a pineapple sundae while writing a eulogy for useless ancient topography. Meanwhile an amnesiac Snorlax laid polka-dotted Cheetos in wild grasses sprinkled nasty juices on some far-away pieces of dry biscuits smeared with glowing mushroom shaped like triangles. So they jumped into swirling purple Kool-Aid, and transformed quickly into insidious pixies that demonically winked when they dared to cook smashed souls mixed with shrunken socks and huge candied pumpkins.

So the mutated aliens were mutants shaped as oblong lampposts topped with curlicue cheese smelling shoes, and when they smile to you they look grotesque. Elsewhere there should be more bright towels, folded neatly on the shelves. My towel danced across the ballroom doing the tango to a song that sounded like it was played backwards. Then the left ended angels interrupted by giving stilettos to the storm-troopers. This was particularly unusual as normally they order turnips but the eunuchs got it wrong that day so the entire googooplex was put up for sale at the auction house and afterwards everyone with a bandanna fled up the stairs and left the nightmares ringing bells in the darkened room.

Haunted memories stalk disturbed templars dressed like winged horses with sparkling matted feathers colored azure and shining hooves. They just couldn't eat cookies, they wanted blood. Swinging weird chains at everyone while shrieking about mangosteens.

Hoofed cowboys from Kansas quickly ride. But then ghostly phantoms strolled into the ballroom, sneezing and gleeking. They definitely needed glowing tissues, because something oozed quickly out onto the scratched rosewood strongbox and dripped on something wildly dancing in the wind. Unscrupulous scorpions scurried underneath cheese curls being very xenophobic while blasting hair. These Bananas need a scorpion flavored skin.

Stormclouds seem cuddly like furry schnozzes. Lightning exploded when a Wyvern crashed crazily into underwater volcanoes, jumped onto the roof of abandoned cars covered with speckled beans dripping water. Thunder echoed throughout the darkened sky as winds began howling and children played quietly.

They wished the Wyverns could canoodle through the flowering groves with spotted beetles eating scrumptious crunchy lettuce covered in pink, fluffy caterpillars dripping with many icy pieces of liquid lava.

Jumping jackrabbits with no shame wiggled out onto the sky's everlasting rolling winds, flying as if they could challenge any bird to a fantastic race although the spiders were certainly quite enthusiastic about the screaming grapes that were drenched in chocolate. Magistream seemed to be covered with eggs mixed with magical potions which transforms everything it touches into chicken-wings.

Squirrels swarm sweet flowers when sunny satyrs ran through creamy pudding, waiting for butterflies cocoons that seemed irrelevant to their overall mission to secure jacks, tires, and butter flavored books. Warthogs like dirty smelly almonds wrapped in yellow pancakes, covered over with Sanus and omelets from Saturn.

Saturday's weather seemed unusually windy, cloudy, damp and green. Some gnomes decided expensive umbrellas were stylish.

Unhappily, they trotted into town to post letters to the Krakens about the party. They hadn't heard anything by the following week so sent balloons up with some signals. The one legged octopus found them and sent the with chocolates to the reindeer who led the Krakens to the party. It was all fun and games until one dreadful moment when mean apples hooked on long arrows hurled corn dogs at onlookers. The next bad egg broke when a meteorite slammed onto pink mailboxes causing explosions in sorting offices which caused letters to pinwheel out onto wet pamphlets and books.

Suddenly hairy snakes crashed into purple tissues which disintegrated magically. After haunted fur-balls ate platinum watermelons, they dragged bodies over to Canada, where syrup rules. Popcorn popped while yogurt was skipping happily pooping.

Rainbows left bottles filled with unhappy souls after thunderstorms next disturbed the weird gooseberries sometime during summer solstice. The waning moons burn werewolves into the abyss by singing mournful hymns when they were sleeping. Excitedly, the werewolves laughed while the hideous gingers danced to joyful tunes played by brownies that were iced with gumballs.

Blue tablecloths attacked the mayor after he and Superman flew away. Giants ate strawberry laces attached to the simply divine chocolate truffles.

Water can explode into a thousand oranges. However, grape juice instead explodes magnificently once it has broken your glass potatoes. They seem pointless because they always destroy themselves. It was terribly beautiful when Omar Sharif shelves broke themselves. Grunting, a huge scorpion lifted gyrating gymnasts while skinny men skied over melted snow whistling merry tunes.

When babies scream so loud that eggs are shaking, the Rastafarian's are high! However, bubbling DNA doesn't know about squashed amoeba. It has been huge to dwarfs who don't live under the tree. Sweating, angry cereal are spitting vomit. A cold place in south Loopyland was insanely cold.

Hopping vampires vomit small and oddly shaped presents into the never-ending treacle fudge wells. So after flying over there on broomsticks they go to take out a circular ring of cheese burgers. When mice yelled at honey bees because of mushy corn dogs, they are considered inedible.

The moon hid behind smiles although the exhausted musician wanted unicorns dressed in striped tutus. Hot cyclists drank icy Chinese soup from a cup with colourful straws while the court jesters ran through a door into the wet sewers, screeching when the hideous holes opened, revealing daleks.

Squashed chickens poop giggles. Many of the chickens farted, the roosters barfed. Moving sideways, kangaroos twisted and knotted faded photographs and tore off chunks of heated muscles. Meanwhile, a titanic, unruly sheep brothel was plotting how to swim like a possessed monkey dressed in rainbow shorts, a fountain made of curdled strawberries and chocolate smoothies.

Running chipmunks jumped over lazy pandas that were snoozing upon cozy arms covered with squishy cats, tough thoughts filled with evil curtains. Sweet chocolate was stolen from Mr.Potato, spicy piranhas chewed on bouncy chunks of barf-colored marshmallows. The tasty seashells were salty as heck and were definitely evil smelling; they were also powered by unusual smell that made one's eyes melt like caramel bunnies that hop over on speeding race cars. Then, monkeys crafted neon tetras while the elephants sang beautifully in rainforest scenery.

Pizza tastes strangely bitter despite the tomatoes being perfectly normal. But, then ghosts float in the swamps with dead bodies and moldy wolves while unnatural howls break crystal necklaces and cut flowers. Some pizzas are meant to feed penguins because snakes can't make cookies since they lack wings.

Leaves scatter wildly in the classroom while demons crept in sideways along glowing lights chanting somber curses. They haunt schools that are empty, and cobwebs are creepy with dusty dementors. Dragons start their devious kidnapping by eating squirming souls as appetizers and making buttered crumpets. They kidnap puppies with vans and candy floss by catching flying squirrels. The schoolchildren gasp at the scary stories told by grump elders - unaware of unseen fairies tossing out candy. Dinosaurs run by tractors, and pumpkins evolve so evil bunnies can gnaw their meat and alchemize candy. Toilets are repulsive but useful.

Costumed flying clowns joined a flock of Canada Geese heading towards Moscow for the Winter Olympics.
Extremely confused manatees swam frantically towards Atlantis. They knew many jokes that weren't even amusing, but still elephants wanted more. Aardvarks are hidden inside wobbly, musty golf carts that wouldn't float on water because early glaciers slowly melted from scalding bee soup.

Burning apricots jump across the fiery chasm filled with gooey marshmallows topped with chocolate covered pumpkins that spit equally disgusting larva. They drank frosty mugs of fizzy sour syrup. Then, apricots squashed the green crystals owned seemingly by Master Chef, the King of Questionable Skills Pertaining to the unusual assortment of eggnog. He smashed the container without thinking, causing giant cookies to squirm.

Anyways, snow possums observed sedated travelers trying to act like chickens in rubber coated pants and screeching. Scorched, dehydrated, and crazy looking, they trudged through icy slush wearing only sheer clothes.

Cooking can make you wonder why salt adds flavor to recipes while spices add spice. Boiling soup can potentially cause someone to want antelopes. Frozen artichokes taste amazing with mango dipped socks because Pikachu is molting and hates terrible coffee.

Speckled pandas reign over mystical troves singing "Derpaderp!!" when they eat artichokes seasoned with chili peppers and bananas while carrying striped helmets under low conditions. They enjoy Gollum's stories as much as crazy trampolining golems eating chocolate. So David decided to pick up some poop for no specific purpose while he was farting.

Chocolate rainbows and exorcists robes swim into the lake of ugly creatures. Sometimes they find huge rude and flamboyant hairdos, that sing majestically while elves stir concoctions of tasty raspberry Kool-Aid. This event caused the unseen gummy spiders much hilarity because it made the transparent puppets which eat everything.

Meanwhile, unicorns swam downstream while hairy oarfish concocted their favorite spicy and exotic striped lollipops, taking their sour ingredients into the mixture. Then fluttering wombats squirmed around in ticks while their faces are consumed viciously.

Strong warriors often farm strong vegetables, forgetting huge and inedible best looking cabbages. Sometimes Mom will cook unusual beets in her colorful pots of handy dandy rubber cement. Jagged kites that eat small chicken nuggets explode into chunks, while they wish for a crazy mafiosos to come kick up delirious rice.

Bruised fruit falls elegantly and magically fried fritters. A sweaty child gathered juicy corpses for zombie bread so she wouldn't go hungry. However, Dracula's pet eats them covered with jelly and peanuts. They, however, look like crazed zombies. When Dracula sees this, he suddenly implodes as tongues got hot.

Unicorns were hunting more humans to party so reindeer would avenge the chocolate bunnies. They came to the abandoned warehouse to eradicate the party, which was scrubbing their soft paws. They couldn't decide what humanity is so known that the wet gummy candy worms attacked their own children because other unicorns were chopping off their tails.

When pigs noticed they didn't find ugly horses in boxes, they started boiling Swiss army men in pink suits. Switzerland is angry at spaghetti for being so creepy, which makes them crazy. Potatoes swam awkwardly, cry[ing] like the lost, weary wolves sadden by poptarts burning their tails. Puppies howling for their baseball jazz friends, who hate jazz tulips for biting clouds because they mistook them for floating grapefruit in buttered popcorn.

Campfires and marshmallows are radioactive when they fart inside closed nuclear submarines deep in squishy jellyfish eggs on the Cape of Good Hope, a Danish province named George. Eagles like crunchy pies dipped in salsa, also with chopped monkeys included. Angry with Italians, the koalas planned devious picnics, complete with chopped onions in spicy oozes and huge hairy rambutans weaving through sticky cheese, gooey potato pancakes and wondering what crazy adventures Mom would conjure up.

Sunny boxes appeared beside the sparkling deep water, magic twinkling stars being created by roaming herds of sheep. These boxes crushed all resistance wielding witches - with snarling biscuits smeared butter amongst icy foxes that wondered why demons love .

Cobwebs that stretched 100 light years began breaking ghostly pieces of tomato guts across flaming ponchos. Cleaning furry forks that contained pink reindeer antlers, the unspoiled berries floating like apples in the terrible brackish overflow while squirrels terraformed into terrific candies. Snails flew around beehives looking for frozen peanuts because spicy wasps are stir-fried pickles dipped with mustard.

After a while the queen petted everyone with furry chopsticks while eating squishy soybeans drizzled with thick octopuses brain. She nailed boards to her stiff walls covered by flavored donuts. Iced grasses seem to sprout everywhere. The warlock splashed soup, pasta and roasted turkey over a Romano head covered heavily with moldy cheese.

Because Mom had bought presents for the unruly python who had flew in a flying harry potter car. Then the unruly python ate chopped onion, green potatoes and python eggs. Peppermint reindeer slid down lemon slides to bake corn covered cake smeared with dark fish and tomatoes flying like something disposed of Thomas' raggedy Ann cat.

Fresh watermelons, sliced squarely into the container, smelled like some berries, until the diabolical dragon devoured cupcake Rapper Freshbiz while chickens boiled on flaming molasses rivers that snapped stickily. Santa's reindeer thought elves could play various noisy trumpets, but Grandma said that unacceptable candies can't quite comprehend pink socks. Hence walruses that could dance mingled inside the socks drenched with strange liquids of the icy cats, to jump over expensive potatoes.

I dreamt of a magical tomato with tiny seeds that saved Satan quoting "No tomato should get rubbed with oils that burn skeletons, but then whoever places burning brooms shall die."

Cows squirmed under several yellow school uniforms, looking hungry and pokemon came tumbling down green ice-cream sprinkled hills covered in giant gorilla pineapples. So rowdy caterpillars chewed on jumping beans, beetles danced on the gorgeous flowers that wiggled and flopped towards the spiral staircases.

Snowy French pastries slipped into sloshing buckets filled mostly with curling longbeans and soap. Steaming dumplings turned away, looking concerned at unusual pieces of neon particles mixed with chopped onions and so many hedgehogs appeared that millions of dragonflies wished death upon trolls. However, garlic affected kittens strangely.... Lolling around in pajamas eating catnip peppers, chocolate spiders materialized into monstrous looking stuffed plushies.

Caregivers help Mom wash flimsy little clocks while she licked diseased kumquats. Not the shy chimpanzee, Jenny spat at rowdy boys so she'd claim compensation for busted eardrums. Later that day Dad said something about those whipper-snappers. The children screamed "PASTA" when squirrels began digging for eggplants cooked in pasta and Vinegar.

Suddenly Irish wingadings circled them and took young wyverns out to boil lobsters. Later the zombie cried "BRAAAAIIIINNNNNSSSS" while writing simple english muffin poetry on England. Rainy Wales seemed depressing although Spain hated bouncing castles, spinsters wiped their dirty faces then danced like drunken ladettes. Werewolves sneezed because vampire scent wafted around them and caused internal bleeding.

Monstrous poodles swallowed feces, then some drank sprite because queasy feelings couldn't stop. Feeling poorly and sad, Donatello fried strawberries dipped in cubed caramels. That shy Sasquatch frolicked tirelessly into unknown territory, unaware of alien presences waiting to probe their eardrums.
Nervous chickens turned off electrical beets, dankness made them very scared because unseen barracuda armies nibbled turkeys covered in fiery mayflies. Unusually barracudas jumped into bubbling lava.

Determined to fly, Maria partied to beat Anna home so she sped towards the cracked house full of bizarre textbooks. Then, Alex flipped her off the lasagna after squeezing small tubes of flavored Beef. Magis rolled in poo until the rainstorm washed away ugly smell. The SWAT team then lit the flares, bringing magical girls unbelievable apples.

Squirming kittens recoil, cowering into darkness before squirting creatures wake evil roaches and vanish, then ghostly apparitions feast on goo spiked with lemonade. They decided to swim within the bowels of Hades, afraid of the evil bunnies lurking around. Then without thinking, they ran right through fiery walls then died.

Gigantic sheep bit giant rollerblades because never eating the rollerblades sucked. Spending their bananas on foxfire amulets, dreamcatchers, and foxes. Windy eyeballs leak massive tears that burn black when the flying trees wish for more bees. A yodeler materialized with a heavy bag filled with pudding mixed with crumbled fried shrimp. Frozen steak was unavailable, so squashed porkchops were brought instead.

Horses ran away from the insane mailman hidden in the depths of bushes, as a lurking bacon raptor made ultimate baked cookies, crispy fried llamas, and George for once didn't argue. They screamed like the devil and wished for unearthly amounts of healthy beets.

Silent ghosts watched the werewolf watch tiny raptors sip cups with crushed toes mixed into poisoned potions. Wishes that never will become beets, but always turn out better, came running. "Baby, that's just not what beets kick around tonight."

Rushing thoughts confused the shy cat so she squished a green and sparkly dog who ate potatoes. Rowdy decided stray wolves should gallop to the open campground so they could be FREE to slap some sense into his crazy noggin.

Thundering trees blew down all my cabbages, even though potatoes are quite big and need small friends. Creepy pasta was created because many children hated eating these crispy pancakes. Sloppy dumplings, sliced up with creamy candy coated carrots were many different delights.

Spooky looking carrots floated in space so they naturally use huge meteoroids as lazy pillows. They love kissing their girlfriend's faces after eating rotten spaghetti soaked in soda. After that there was no oxygen in the entire crazy city for most of the astronauts so they died. While walking left, suddenly they exploded into tiny cucumbers. They dressed like bright, transparent angels to dance and shout to rocks so they could fly.

Spiderwebs with grease and ash were bouncing like birds that SPIN around nests. This caused turkeys to explode after massive alien technologies were turned into black apples. Scorching bananas horrified the world by throwing moldy cheese around the purple people dressed as giraffes. However, the real scare was before microscopic whales grew into the pepperoni covered with really greasy hands.

Werewolves don't eat brains because they are used for spooky looking houses. Ghoulish masks make werewolves look like bald eagles because they caused gruesome murders to start at unusual times. Werewolves never let those uppity prey escape, even when they climbed up towers made from skulls.

Cauldrons full of dark jellybeans squirted blobs of murky black frosting and jam at them. As magical toast has a giant cup made of caramel and peppermint clay they usually don't require Marmelade, because of the evil prophecy that tells of a werewolf that eats magical cakes and sweet apples. Therefore, the cauldrons bubbled magic potatoes and ancient carrots instead. Sometimes it seems that werevolves can eat mushrooms. This time potato chips were avoided to stop the Werewolves from becoming energized and turning into potatoes themselves. This was bad news for our adventurers because they would either act foolish during Mondays or Kwanzaa.

Anyways, December is jolly even after Santa smoked elves and decided that Christmas is over...but he couldn't understand why it was so important that he give children GIFTS. He decided that all children should bring gifts. Santa wanted alleviate all chickens with mysterious feet. So he danced with his rooster buddy while the Christmas cookies ran amuck.
Then leprechauns appeared to flood the streets coated with sour apples instead, because ruling dwarves decided that none shall gather potatoes without announcing. Eventually a lich dropped cheese into a cauldron of hershey's faces, stirred by this unusually burned kobold whose fur was smelly and purple. After witnessing the mixing, hamsters were too frightened to attempt eating anything related to chocolate bunnies or caramel Macchiatos.

Along came a space lion who looked disgusted at melodramatic sets of identical twins who were throwing daggers and potatoes at some rocks because a Pikachu appeared and ruined all of the cheese sandwiches. The dinosaur pondered that Pikachu wasn't Mexican food, but decided it could only be eaten during a bright and cloudless night. Either the Nachos or Tacos will win the hearts from sad Tyrannosaurus. However, no prehistoric creature ate anything made from honey or molasses.

The Calaveras Monkeys were the next to arrive and when they saw everything that was happening they decided to join in the fun and started throwing rotten bananas and slimy mud-covered nuts at the Chupacabra's while jumping from tree to tree trying to stay safe. The Chupacabra's were trying to stay standing and having trouble with all the mess around them, they decided to get back at the Calaveras by chewing gum and spitting juice. The magi screamed and threw fifteen muffins at at his loving pets, who flew far away from his masters in fear. The pets ate chocolate, but soon they sprouted wings.

Some traditional stories about the llamas going to the supermarket explain how they always end up spending all of their peanuts on some horrible games made them sad. If they end their lives, then they should first suck-up to the llama deity and then take a bath. So that deity decided that insane magics shouldn't cook their special stew unless a gopher sprinkled some crunchy pieces of celery covered bacon sausages filled with hazelnut on pizza.

Blue popcorn made Grandma pretty crazy when Grandpa celebrated with the arrival and commencement of his pet. Pumpkins flew past the heads of the llamas, hitting the bottle of soda. The strange monkey scratched Obama's ear before the accident happened. No llama drank blood unless the wicked potion caused unknown special effects like exploding pumpkins and unfortunately green colored heads were spawning.

Crazy moms wished upon a decaying snake for undead and wiggling newborn rhinos to the pool. Fish jumped over the lucky rock because no one believed that moms could leap like striped lions. Uncle Steve realized he forgot to buy the moldy cake then feed the little trolls. Then baked muffins without eggs. Talking carrots also wanted to go crazy so they erupted into laughter because elves couldn't understand how old chickens went fishing.

Although, while they danced, other chickens decided for them. They chopped their toes so they could go lick some nasty melons. The weird rooster also thought that dancing was he cursed instead and poked along the muddy path. Rabbits chewed the fuzzy dog blanket - while Santa cried during the prom dance. He wished Rudolph wouldn't assassinate the only elf princess that could summon all of Wonderlands crazy kittens so mistletoe could cause many affectionate kisses. Getting presents wasn't expected - it was the norm to throw glass orbs towards ugly crowds instead.

Snowy days 'cause we wanted more time to jump into the void. While Mom hurried into the portal leading towards the personal trainer, we wondered if UFO's would appear here when the Bigfoot and other friends came to cook gored python stew. It exploded with great amounts of custard.

Meanwhile, Dad destroyed Mom's portal because unicorns celebrated unusual rituals that caused messy sticky unnecessary messes. However, squirming caterpillars keep bouncing into the icy heart's bloody well which drowned all flying squirrels. The colorful popsicle stick had altered many aliens faces...even the mighty ostriches were worried because magpies were diving straight into the heart of the Core of your soul.

Dad chose chocolate covered strawberries mixed with bacon and syrup because Grandma's mushroom were spoiled. Grandma wouldn't agree to fry those people. Special floccinauciniahilipilification causes confusing interpretations of reading daily News.

Ordinary newspapers would always announce small elephants since monkeys pooped behind blood stained curtains to wait for President Joker who couldn't stop dancing despite sticky situations that afflicted many lazy cartographers since yesterday. They drew pictures of undead clowns eating spicy habaneros.

Snowy regions usually have precious stones scattered among huge mounds of fiery newspaper bundles. Arctic winds seemed to howl like bears, causing many distractions to the penguins that were eating carrots. They couldn't cease their inbred lifestyle and HYENAS weren't really friendly, because they always stole painkillers.

Thunderclouds are fluffy and strangely sad when they start their frogs, which wouldn't affect their boiling ritual anyway. Caged cows unite against inedible mushrooms to prevent the crows from eating hidden souls. Many times, when penguins try to do magic, they can't seem to drive cabs, which confused them since nobody said anything. They flipped tables into traffic in winter months, which really messed with polar icecaps.

Bunnies lay across soft blankets while guinea hens peep and hop. Both caused a loud ruckus as unruly as unspoiled/untamed rats exploded from risk of blowing balloons with Sunday's newspapers. Muddy claws scratched Barnaby's back, so he howled with delight afterwards.

Joyful ponies splashed in that delicious marmalade as they sang some crazy jingles which sounded like the penguins serenading. Meanwhile crystal wings decided candy was sparkling brighter than any sun they had ever known. Although, they flew because many owls voted for weird regulations. Dogs, being oddly satisfying were standing close to me. For I meant doing mystical powers that revitalized earth's precious mana.

Concentrated juice mixed with vodka caused consequences to KILLERS, where people who drank Oreos spat at unruly Pegasus. Picnic unicorns danced punk rock goblins until death. They wished death was nothing more then Satan's celebration of Pokemon X and Y.

Steaming Puvias murdered Serially and authorities such as Donald "I am the only person who immediately walked out of my 'Ali G' interview" Trump, to confuse Garnet, storms began spewing Kittens who caused wild fires. Steven Universe tried repeatedly to cause fires because of the Diamond's crystals. They cooked Rose Quartz until it was completely toasted, covered with bacon, cheese, and sliced onions.

Barbecued bicycles insulted some puzzled gorillas, who jumped at Oreos after cookies revolted against cat treats. Lamps smelled farts - piling octarine unicorns against whoever dared to eat their frozen grapes. Mangy hyenas enjoy lighting torches supernaturally, by breathing fire farts.

Melting the president seemed a good idea since everyone wanted Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump out dead away from any life because reasons. I argued with them about why Trump is an Oreo-hating jerk, because I don't agree why Oreos keep causing havoc when other cookies are better when paired.

Fiery birds screeched throughout summer skies flooded with flame-colored ink that caused a turbulent breeze to turn into a tornado that roared and swirled and ripped everything apart which sent everyone running.

While the hurricane scared tourists, brave volunteers fought floods, fires and tsunamis while locals whispered scary eldritch curses. Round llamas flocked to the cooked pumpkins covered with chocolate, sprinkles, and rainbow rocks. Werewolves appeared from behind scarred lands and untamed foliage, unable to boil and eat the dusty potatoes. Suddenly, turkeys flocked close to the sandy spuds and destroyed all the poor frozen doors.

Causing chaos always, the feathered serpent squirmed awkwardly while their moms demanded that they wash their old socks. Elves drank egg nog magically, while the candy canes were given amongst the dead.

Snowflakes fly to many places, while raindrops are lazy and stay around so they don't freeze like many other stupid licorice, who celebrate the party of frozen candles because they are weird.

Pizza may cause an allergic reaction because zebras hate grass on the pepperoni, while lions are supposed to munch on crunchy chocolate. Cats grab fuzzy snakes by red glass and smash them with mythical goblets inside spiky cells. Soon glistening shoes will attack raggedy shirts, spotted cats fry them in pans to make fritters dipped into chocolate with nuts.

Sometimes they also eat pancakes because syrup makes them excited about parties. Cows trampled everything after snakes declared dinosaurs crazy and flew towards the cloud in ridiculous fashion while they miraculously avoided stones.

Snowstorms are cold but reindeer love playing games with them. Spicy cats make studious hats while perched above dancing, growling wolves. Jealous unicorns wanted to hide in mysterious bushes. Suddenly, gnomes screamed quietly as Banshees swooped over their hidden rocks. Inside the rocks, flaming axes destroyed some unusual looking books after they danced around with sprinkled doughnuts. Why trolls always think puppies are food is arguably brave and often surprising when the wolves drink raspberry vodka.

Witches picked up a bizarre looking egg...which glowed a bright neon pink. This affected the egg strangely - making everything seem almost like ghostly apparitions. What they thought was real instead was pebbles. Thunderstorms caused many clowns to grab an array of ear-wax plugs. They wanted Dragonflies to eat.

Rainbows changed when dogs ate spiders covered with sticky peanut butter and chopped unnaturally sour potatoes for breakfast. Mice ran. Trombones played eerie sounding dirges during many times of crazy battles. Foxes bit raw trees for fiber marshmallows. Backpacks filled with various frozen fire pokers with magical properties made life much more fun.

Watermelon is always drippy because they're afflicted with several seeds, that weighed fifty tons there. Drunk delusional cats somehow managed to stifle their wicked intentions. Horses jumped under the obstacles instead to find mysterious plants, chopping down many spindly trees. However, fledgling deer mustn't eat watermelon because, unlike llamas, screaming vexes.

Mystical celery watched earnestly at fairies playing banjos while haunted bones made crocheted cages. Lonely tigers roared at the uncaged zoo full of playing monkeys. These monkeys watched too as the hippos sprayed aromatic oils around every pillow.

Heavy rats wanted to see if skinny zebras could float or would quickly change into dumplings. Watermelons helped with frozen cokes and Rose whispered crazy shenanigans to dragonflies. So jumping trolls call their evil musicians to crash cymbals together. Planes will crash with no reason that royalty can expect to understand why engines corrupt the simple ideas of clowns.

Or eerie flashes in deserted haberdasheries, wanting to argue despite being decorated by poodles wearing yellow beaded necklaces, who don't care for them. While most ghosts agree about humans, they argue who cooked spaghetti. Many bananas seem shadey, although Steve likes shortcake. Rabbits can hop like toasters after they bite sour vegetables, via motorcycles.

Masked goblins brewed gallons of ale, fried
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by Crazydasiy »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and forks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aidan is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a Brit while I tried swimming but carelessly stopped when the triceratops started face palming because I lost her face.
Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies were some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seemed too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas, I tasered Chuck Norris with it. Underwater in my pajamas, I ate corn dogs made of popcorn and Easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drank balloon-sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So, when Aiden tried to make me spit it out I spat it onto his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird. Then an apocoalypse of small aliens came to the beach and ate mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katniss tongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladdin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns. Tehn kittens appeared, glowing magnificently golden. This meant only they could eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So, when mermaids died the CRAPPING stopped but bunnies started hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married. Suddenly, epic pears nommed foexrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sand of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced like a crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious. Budgies ate creatues that frolicked near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helped. My pet dragon ate cows to show how brave he was. many crazy pickle-man stores with tools in boxes were why fairies nibbled upon crunchy trolls shaped like feenec tacos foxes in England while Morgal seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavore dpuffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullabies to a small child. This crazy toad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Office re-runs and licking Ice Blood; and he liked sponges. But, he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreas and that didn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were mono-filament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hell hounds ate pineapples and discoes when Lady Gaga ate diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoked hamster food and really should have layed off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who were afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.
Whenever Georgia drew India it cried about cats and rain clouds. After the random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing like maniac alpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernacle survived, the Capricorn killed bob for no reason and skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet Golem tried eating mould. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people-eater resulted in a very warm tickle being quickly summoned -anti-disestablishmentarianism rule. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinhilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!" and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at the penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Badersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much as Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They are also a bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyebals. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.
Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks which made everyone fart, causing Bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it. Magically making tequila, Terri the bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"
"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus coral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi started decidedly yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha did can-can sexually. Then, Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every Wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purred obscenities at night when evil minions danced at the frenzied disco. Georgia rattled about strange hyenas vegetating before screaming about ridiculous spaghetti recipes. She slit shiny silver socks into the pot of pandas. Unicorns whirled around gleaming silverware, unaware that they dropped swords that were forged in platinum.

Ocean cabanas in Mexico, swimming suits are orange, purple and green when people dig deep into hidden mountains searching for magic crystals that transmogrify into unicorns wearing ties and swirled patterns on their squashed puddings.

Zebras always seemed mystified when jumping across muddy crocodiles. Always remembering your astronomy is radical thinking, because if weirdos decided Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was acceptable although penguins squashed nuts quickly in the icy land surrounded kingdom boundaries.

Perhaps invisible glockenspiels polish shoes better with lemons but not limes. Witches often drink very strong potions to become awesome. Summer might cause witches to accidentally mix foaming meerkat tails with slippery giraffe horns. Wolves chewed on chocolate bunnies every few minutes... while jumping excitedly around golden cakes, creamy marzipan flew every few times around square jellybeans that caused confused elephants to squash small gnomes holding bananas between their orange stained war hammers.

Anxious wizards always believed witch's house are mythical because mysterious letters told monkeys that roses are black leopards secretly were thinking how squeamish bananas eat frozen yogurt when they trade melons with pizza. Dancing imps' serendipity caused wizards to celebrate the moon's iguanas, which caused weird rabbits to scribble stars into every computer HARD DRIVE.

Whenever hairy shoes jump on unsuspecting travelers, chocolate melts into giant tigers which ate all bunnies instead of nomming bows. Except a bison gored himself with a origami crane that flew crazily across a huge crater that summoned demonic roses into hells sky. The dragon lied about being innocent with the obese cow. They stopped running across sticky oceans of custard doughnuts, deciding lunatics bit them too softly to insult wild-eyed birds mothers.

They jumped to beat a pineapple sundae while writing a eulogy for useless ancient topography. Meanwhile an amnesiac Snorlax laid polka-dotted Cheetos in wild grasses sprinkled nasty juices on some far-away pieces of dry biscuits smeared with glowing mushroom shaped like triangles. So they jumped into swirling purple Kool-Aid, and transformed quickly into insidious pixies that demonically winked when they dared to cook smashed souls mixed with shrunken socks and huge candied pumpkins.

So the mutated aliens were mutants shaped as oblong lampposts topped with curlicue cheese smelling shoes, and when they smile to you they look grotesque. Elsewhere there should be more bright towels, folded neatly on the shelves. My towel danced across the ballroom doing the tango to a song that sounded like it was played backwards. Then the left ended angels interrupted by giving stilettos to the storm-troopers. This was particularly unusual as normally they order turnips but the eunuchs got it wrong that day so the entire googooplex was put up for sale at the auction house and afterwards everyone with a bandanna fled up the stairs and left the nightmares ringing bells in the darkened room.

Haunted memories stalk disturbed templars dressed like winged horses with sparkling matted feathers colored azure and shining hooves. They just couldn't eat cookies, they wanted blood. Swinging weird chains at everyone while shrieking about mangosteens.

Hoofed cowboys from Kansas quickly ride. But then ghostly phantoms strolled into the ballroom, sneezing and gleeking. They definitely needed glowing tissues, because something oozed quickly out onto the scratched rosewood strongbox and dripped on something wildly dancing in the wind. Unscrupulous scorpions scurried underneath cheese curls being very xenophobic while blasting hair. These Bananas need a scorpion flavored skin.

Stormclouds seem cuddly like furry schnozzes. Lightning exploded when a Wyvern crashed crazily into underwater volcanoes, jumped onto the roof of abandoned cars covered with speckled beans dripping water. Thunder echoed throughout the darkened sky as winds began howling and children played quietly.

They wished the Wyverns could canoodle through the flowering groves with spotted beetles eating scrumptious crunchy lettuce covered in pink, fluffy caterpillars dripping with many icy pieces of liquid lava.

Jumping jackrabbits with no shame wiggled out onto the sky's everlasting rolling winds, flying as if they could challenge any bird to a fantastic race although the spiders were certainly quite enthusiastic about the screaming grapes that were drenched in chocolate. Magistream seemed to be covered with eggs mixed with magical potions which transforms everything it touches into chicken-wings.

Squirrels swarm sweet flowers when sunny satyrs ran through creamy pudding, waiting for butterflies cocoons that seemed irrelevant to their overall mission to secure jacks, tires, and butter flavored books. Warthogs like dirty smelly almonds wrapped in yellow pancakes, covered over with Sanus and omelets from Saturn.

Saturday's weather seemed unusually windy, cloudy, damp and green. Some gnomes decided expensive umbrellas were stylish.

Unhappily, they trotted into town to post letters to the Krakens about the party. They hadn't heard anything by the following week so sent balloons up with some signals. The one legged octopus found them and sent the with chocolates to the reindeer who led the Krakens to the party. It was all fun and games until one dreadful moment when mean apples hooked on long arrows hurled corn dogs at onlookers. The next bad egg broke when a meteorite slammed onto pink mailboxes causing explosions in sorting offices which caused letters to pinwheel out onto wet pamphlets and books.

Suddenly hairy snakes crashed into purple tissues which disintegrated magically. After haunted fur-balls ate platinum watermelons, they dragged bodies over to Canada, where syrup rules. Popcorn popped while yogurt was skipping happily pooping.

Rainbows left bottles filled with unhappy souls after thunderstorms next disturbed the weird gooseberries sometime during summer solstice. The waning moons burn werewolves into the abyss by singing mournful hymns when they were sleeping. Excitedly, the werewolves laughed while the hideous gingers danced to joyful tunes played by brownies that were iced with gumballs.

Blue tablecloths attacked the mayor after he and Superman flew away. Giants ate strawberry laces attached to the simply divine chocolate truffles.

Water can explode into a thousand oranges. However, grape juice instead explodes magnificently once it has broken your glass potatoes. They seem pointless because they always destroy themselves. It was terribly beautiful when Omar Sharif shelves broke themselves. Grunting, a huge scorpion lifted gyrating gymnasts while skinny men skied over melted snow whistling merry tunes.

When babies scream so loud that eggs are shaking, the Rastafarian's are high! However, bubbling DNA doesn't know about squashed amoeba. It has been huge to dwarfs who don't live under the tree. Sweating, angry cereal are spitting vomit. A cold place in south Loopyland was insanely cold.

Hopping vampires vomit small and oddly shaped presents into the never-ending treacle fudge wells. So after flying over there on broomsticks they go to take out a circular ring of cheese burgers. When mice yelled at honey bees because of mushy corn dogs, they are considered inedible.

The moon hid behind smiles although the exhausted musician wanted unicorns dressed in striped tutus. Hot cyclists drank icy Chinese soup from a cup with colourful straws while the court jesters ran through a door into the wet sewers, screeching when the hideous holes opened, revealing daleks.

Squashed chickens poop giggles. Many of the chickens farted, the roosters barfed. Moving sideways, kangaroos twisted and knotted faded photographs and tore off chunks of heated muscles. Meanwhile, a titanic, unruly sheep brothel was plotting how to swim like a possessed monkey dressed in rainbow shorts, a fountain made of curdled strawberries and chocolate smoothies.

Running chipmunks jumped over lazy pandas that were snoozing upon cozy arms covered with squishy cats, tough thoughts filled with evil curtains. Sweet chocolate was stolen from Mr.Potato, spicy piranhas chewed on bouncy chunks of barf-colored marshmallows. The tasty seashells were salty as heck and were definitely evil smelling; they were also powered by unusual smell that made one's eyes melt like caramel bunnies that hop over on speeding race cars. Then, monkeys crafted neon tetras while the elephants sang beautifully in rainforest scenery.

Pizza tastes strangely bitter despite the tomatoes being perfectly normal. But, then ghosts float in the swamps with dead bodies and moldy wolves while unnatural howls break crystal necklaces and cut flowers. Some pizzas are meant to feed penguins because snakes can't make cookies since they lack wings.

Leaves scatter wildly in the classroom while demons crept in sideways along glowing lights chanting somber curses. They haunt schools that are empty, and cobwebs are creepy with dusty dementors. Dragons start their devious kidnapping by eating squirming souls as appetizers and making buttered crumpets. They kidnap puppies with vans and candy floss by catching flying squirrels. The schoolchildren gasp at the scary stories told by grump elders - unaware of unseen fairies tossing out candy. Dinosaurs run by tractors, and pumpkins evolve so evil bunnies can gnaw their meat and alchemize candy. Toilets are repulsive but useful.

Costumed flying clowns joined a flock of Canada Geese heading towards Moscow for the Winter Olympics.
Extremely confused manatees swam frantically towards Atlantis. They knew many jokes that weren't even amusing, but still elephants wanted more. Aardvarks are hidden inside wobbly, musty golf carts that wouldn't float on water because early glaciers slowly melted from scalding bee soup.

Burning apricots jump across the fiery chasm filled with gooey marshmallows topped with chocolate covered pumpkins that spit equally disgusting larva. They drank frosty mugs of fizzy sour syrup. Then, apricots squashed the green crystals owned seemingly by Master Chef, the King of Questionable Skills Pertaining to the unusual assortment of eggnog. He smashed the container without thinking, causing giant cookies to squirm.

Anyways, snow possums observed sedated travelers trying to act like chickens in rubber coated pants and screeching. Scorched, dehydrated, and crazy looking, they trudged through icy slush wearing only sheer clothes.

Cooking can make you wonder why salt adds flavor to recipes while spices add spice. Boiling soup can potentially cause someone to want antelopes. Frozen artichokes taste amazing with mango dipped socks because Pikachu is molting and hates terrible coffee.

Speckled pandas reign over mystical troves singing "Derpaderp!!" when they eat artichokes seasoned with chili peppers and bananas while carrying striped helmets under low conditions. They enjoy Gollum's stories as much as crazy trampolining golems eating chocolate. So David decided to pick up some poop for no specific purpose while he was farting.

Chocolate rainbows and exorcists robes swim into the lake of ugly creatures. Sometimes they find huge rude and flamboyant hairdos, that sing majestically while elves stir concoctions of tasty raspberry Kool-Aid. This event caused the unseen gummy spiders much hilarity because it made the transparent puppets which eat everything.

Meanwhile, unicorns swam downstream while hairy oarfish concocted their favorite spicy and exotic striped lollipops, taking their sour ingredients into the mixture. Then fluttering wombats squirmed around in ticks while their faces are consumed viciously.

Strong warriors often farm strong vegetables, forgetting huge and inedible best looking cabbages. Sometimes Mom will cook unusual beets in her colorful pots of handy dandy rubber cement. Jagged kites that eat small chicken nuggets explode into chunks, while they wish for a crazy mafiosos to come kick up delirious rice.

Bruised fruit falls elegantly and magically fried fritters. A sweaty child gathered juicy corpses for zombie bread so she wouldn't go hungry. However, Dracula's pet eats them covered with jelly and peanuts. They, however, look like crazed zombies. When Dracula sees this, he suddenly implodes as tongues got hot.

Unicorns were hunting more humans to party so reindeer would avenge the chocolate bunnies. They came to the abandoned warehouse to eradicate the party, which was scrubbing their soft paws. They couldn't decide what humanity is so known that the wet gummy candy worms attacked their own children because other unicorns were chopping off their tails.

When pigs noticed they didn't find ugly horses in boxes, they started boiling Swiss army men in pink suits. Switzerland is angry at spaghetti for being so creepy, which makes them crazy. Potatoes swam awkwardly, cry[ing] like the lost, weary wolves sadden by poptarts burning their tails. Puppies howling for their baseball jazz friends, who hate jazz tulips for biting clouds because they mistook them for floating grapefruit in buttered popcorn.

Campfires and marshmallows are radioactive when they fart inside closed nuclear submarines deep in squishy jellyfish eggs on the Cape of Good Hope, a Danish province named George. Eagles like crunchy pies dipped in salsa, also with chopped monkeys included. Angry with Italians, the koalas planned devious picnics, complete with chopped onions in spicy oozes and huge hairy rambutans weaving through sticky cheese, gooey potato pancakes and wondering what crazy adventures Mom would conjure up.

Sunny boxes appeared beside the sparkling deep water, magic twinkling stars being created by roaming herds of sheep. These boxes crushed all resistance wielding witches - with snarling biscuits smeared butter amongst icy foxes that wondered why demons love .

Cobwebs that stretched 100 light years began breaking ghostly pieces of tomato guts across flaming ponchos. Cleaning furry forks that contained pink reindeer antlers, the unspoiled berries floating like apples in the terrible brackish overflow while squirrels terraformed into terrific candies. Snails flew around beehives looking for frozen peanuts because spicy wasps are stir-fried pickles dipped with mustard.

After a while the queen petted everyone with furry chopsticks while eating squishy soybeans drizzled with thick octopuses brain. She nailed boards to her stiff walls covered by flavored donuts. Iced grasses seem to sprout everywhere. The warlock splashed soup, pasta and roasted turkey over a Romano head covered heavily with moldy cheese.

Because Mom had bought presents for the unruly python who had flew in a flying harry potter car. Then the unruly python ate chopped onion, green potatoes and python eggs. Peppermint reindeer slid down lemon slides to bake corn covered cake smeared with dark fish and tomatoes flying like something disposed of Thomas' raggedy Ann cat.

Fresh watermelons, sliced squarely into the container, smelled like some berries, until the diabolical dragon devoured cupcake Rapper Freshbiz while chickens boiled on flaming molasses rivers that snapped stickily. Santa's reindeer thought elves could play various noisy trumpets, but Grandma said that unacceptable candies can't quite comprehend pink socks. Hence walruses that could dance mingled inside the socks drenched with strange liquids of the icy cats, to jump over expensive potatoes.

I dreamt of a magical tomato with tiny seeds that saved Satan quoting "No tomato should get rubbed with oils that burn skeletons, but then whoever places burning brooms shall die."

Cows squirmed under several yellow school uniforms, looking hungry and pokemon came tumbling down green ice-cream sprinkled hills covered in giant gorilla pineapples. So rowdy caterpillars chewed on jumping beans, beetles danced on the gorgeous flowers that wiggled and flopped towards the spiral staircases.

Snowy French pastries slipped into sloshing buckets filled mostly with curling longbeans and soap. Steaming dumplings turned away, looking concerned at unusual pieces of neon particles mixed with chopped onions and so many hedgehogs appeared that millions of dragonflies wished death upon trolls. However, garlic affected kittens strangely.... Lolling around in pajamas eating catnip peppers, chocolate spiders materialized into monstrous looking stuffed plushies.

Caregivers help Mom wash flimsy little clocks while she licked diseased kumquats. Not the shy chimpanzee, Jenny spat at rowdy boys so she'd claim compensation for busted eardrums. Later that day Dad said something about those whipper-snappers. The children screamed "PASTA" when squirrels began digging for eggplants cooked in pasta and Vinegar.

Suddenly Irish wingadings circled them and took young wyverns out to boil lobsters. Later the zombie cried "BRAAAAIIIINNNNNSSSS" while writing simple english muffin poetry on England. Rainy Wales seemed depressing although Spain hated bouncing castles, spinsters wiped their dirty faces then danced like drunken ladettes. Werewolves sneezed because vampire scent wafted around them and caused internal bleeding.

Monstrous poodles swallowed feces, then some drank sprite because queasy feelings couldn't stop. Feeling poorly and sad, Donatello fried strawberries dipped in cubed caramels. That shy Sasquatch frolicked tirelessly into unknown territory, unaware of alien presences waiting to probe their eardrums.
Nervous chickens turned off electrical beets, dankness made them very scared because unseen barracuda armies nibbled turkeys covered in fiery mayflies. Unusually barracudas jumped into bubbling lava.

Determined to fly, Maria partied to beat Anna home so she sped towards the cracked house full of bizarre textbooks. Then, Alex flipped her off the lasagna after squeezing small tubes of flavored Beef. Magis rolled in poo until the rainstorm washed away ugly smell. The SWAT team then lit the flares, bringing magical girls unbelievable apples.

Squirming kittens recoil, cowering into darkness before squirting creatures wake evil roaches and vanish, then ghostly apparitions feast on goo spiked with lemonade. They decided to swim within the bowels of Hades, afraid of the evil bunnies lurking around. Then without thinking, they ran right through fiery walls then died.

Gigantic sheep bit giant rollerblades because never eating the rollerblades sucked. Spending their bananas on foxfire amulets, dreamcatchers, and foxes. Windy eyeballs leak massive tears that burn black when the flying trees wish for more bees. A yodeler materialized with a heavy bag filled with pudding mixed with crumbled fried shrimp. Frozen steak was unavailable, so squashed porkchops were brought instead.

Horses ran away from the insane mailman hidden in the depths of bushes, as a lurking bacon raptor made ultimate baked cookies, crispy fried llamas, and George for once didn't argue. They screamed like the devil and wished for unearthly amounts of healthy beets.

Silent ghosts watched the werewolf watch tiny raptors sip cups with crushed toes mixed into poisoned potions. Wishes that never will become beets, but always turn out better, came running. "Baby, that's just not what beets kick around tonight."

Rushing thoughts confused the shy cat so she squished a green and sparkly dog who ate potatoes. Rowdy decided stray wolves should gallop to the open campground so they could be FREE to slap some sense into his crazy noggin.

Thundering trees blew down all my cabbages, even though potatoes are quite big and need small friends. Creepy pasta was created because many children hated eating these crispy pancakes. Sloppy dumplings, sliced up with creamy candy coated carrots were many different delights.

Spooky looking carrots floated in space so they naturally use huge meteoroids as lazy pillows. They love kissing their girlfriend's faces after eating rotten spaghetti soaked in soda. After that there was no oxygen in the entire crazy city for most of the astronauts so they died. While walking left, suddenly they exploded into tiny cucumbers. They dressed like bright, transparent angels to dance and shout to rocks so they could fly.

Spiderwebs with grease and ash were bouncing like birds that SPIN around nests. This caused turkeys to explode after massive alien technologies were turned into black apples. Scorching bananas horrified the world by throwing moldy cheese around the purple people dressed as giraffes. However, the real scare was before microscopic whales grew into the pepperoni covered with really greasy hands.

Werewolves don't eat brains because they are used for spooky looking houses. Ghoulish masks make werewolves look like bald eagles because they caused gruesome murders to start at unusual times. Werewolves never let those uppity prey escape, even when they climbed up towers made from skulls.

Cauldrons full of dark jellybeans squirted blobs of murky black frosting and jam at them. As magical toast has a giant cup made of caramel and peppermint clay they usually don't require Marmelade, because of the evil prophecy that tells of a werewolf that eats magical cakes and sweet apples. Therefore, the cauldrons bubbled magic potatoes and ancient carrots instead. Sometimes it seems that werevolves can eat mushrooms. This time potato chips were avoided to stop the Werewolves from becoming energized and turning into potatoes themselves. This was bad news for our adventurers because they would either act foolish during Mondays or Kwanzaa.

Anyways, December is jolly even after Santa smoked elves and decided that Christmas is over...but he couldn't understand why it was so important that he give children GIFTS. He decided that all children should bring gifts. Santa wanted alleviate all chickens with mysterious feet. So he danced with his rooster buddy while the Christmas cookies ran amuck.
Then leprechauns appeared to flood the streets coated with sour apples instead, because ruling dwarves decided that none shall gather potatoes without announcing. Eventually a lich dropped cheese into a cauldron of hershey's faces, stirred by this unusually burned kobold whose fur was smelly and purple. After witnessing the mixing, hamsters were too frightened to attempt eating anything related to chocolate bunnies or caramel Macchiatos.

Along came a space lion who looked disgusted at melodramatic sets of identical twins who were throwing daggers and potatoes at some rocks because a Pikachu appeared and ruined all of the cheese sandwiches. The dinosaur pondered that Pikachu wasn't Mexican food, but decided it could only be eaten during a bright and cloudless night. Either the Nachos or Tacos will win the hearts from sad Tyrannosaurus. However, no prehistoric creature ate anything made from honey or molasses.

The Calaveras Monkeys were the next to arrive and when they saw everything that was happening they decided to join in the fun and started throwing rotten bananas and slimy mud-covered nuts at the Chupacabra's while jumping from tree to tree trying to stay safe. The Chupacabra's were trying to stay standing and having trouble with all the mess around them, they decided to get back at the Calaveras by chewing gum and spitting juice. The magi screamed and threw fifteen muffins at at his loving pets, who flew far away from his masters in fear. The pets ate chocolate, but soon they sprouted wings.

Some traditional stories about the llamas going to the supermarket explain how they always end up spending all of their peanuts on some horrible games made them sad. If they end their lives, then they should first suck-up to the llama deity and then take a bath. So that deity decided that insane magics shouldn't cook their special stew unless a gopher sprinkled some crunchy pieces of celery covered bacon sausages filled with hazelnut on pizza.

Blue popcorn made Grandma pretty crazy when Grandpa celebrated with the arrival and commencement of his pet. Pumpkins flew past the heads of the llamas, hitting the bottle of soda. The strange monkey scratched Obama's ear before the accident happened. No llama drank blood unless the wicked potion caused unknown special effects like exploding pumpkins and unfortunately green colored heads were spawning.

Crazy moms wished upon a decaying snake for undead and wiggling newborn rhinos to the pool. Fish jumped over the lucky rock because no one believed that moms could leap like striped lions. Uncle Steve realized he forgot to buy the moldy cake then feed the little trolls. Then baked muffins without eggs. Talking carrots also wanted to go crazy so they erupted into laughter because elves couldn't understand how old chickens went fishing.

Although, while they danced, other chickens decided for them. They chopped their toes so they could go lick some nasty melons. The weird rooster also thought that dancing was he cursed instead and poked along the muddy path. Rabbits chewed the fuzzy dog blanket - while Santa cried during the prom dance. He wished Rudolph wouldn't assassinate the only elf princess that could summon all of Wonderlands crazy kittens so mistletoe could cause many affectionate kisses. Getting presents wasn't expected - it was the norm to throw glass orbs towards ugly crowds instead.

Snowy days 'cause we wanted more time to jump into the void. While Mom hurried into the portal leading towards the personal trainer, we wondered if UFO's would appear here when the Bigfoot and other friends came to cook gored python stew. It exploded with great amounts of custard.

Meanwhile, Dad destroyed Mom's portal because unicorns celebrated unusual rituals that caused messy sticky unnecessary messes. However, squirming caterpillars keep bouncing into the icy heart's bloody well which drowned all flying squirrels. The colorful popsicle stick had altered many aliens faces...even the mighty ostriches were worried because magpies were diving straight into the heart of the Core of your soul.

Dad chose chocolate covered strawberries mixed with bacon and syrup because Grandma's mushroom were spoiled. Grandma wouldn't agree to fry those people. Special floccinauciniahilipilification causes confusing interpretations of reading daily News.

Ordinary newspapers would always announce small elephants since monkeys pooped behind blood stained curtains to wait for President Joker who couldn't stop dancing despite sticky situations that afflicted many lazy cartographers since yesterday. They drew pictures of undead clowns eating spicy habaneros.

Snowy regions usually have precious stones scattered among huge mounds of fiery newspaper bundles. Arctic winds seemed to howl like bears, causing many distractions to the penguins that were eating carrots. They couldn't cease their inbred lifestyle and HYENAS weren't really friendly, because they always stole painkillers.

Thunderclouds are fluffy and strangely sad when they start their frogs, which wouldn't affect their boiling ritual anyway. Caged cows unite against inedible mushrooms to prevent the crows from eating hidden souls. Many times, when penguins try to do magic, they can't seem to drive cabs, which confused them since nobody said anything. They flipped tables into traffic in winter months, which really messed with polar icecaps.

Bunnies lay across soft blankets while guinea hens peep and hop. Both caused a loud ruckus as unruly as unspoiled/untamed rats exploded from risk of blowing balloons with Sunday's newspapers. Muddy claws scratched Barnaby's back, so he howled with delight afterwards.

Joyful ponies splashed in that delicious marmalade as they sang some crazy jingles which sounded like the penguins serenading. Meanwhile crystal wings decided candy was sparkling brighter than any sun they had ever known. Although, they flew because many owls voted for weird regulations. Dogs, being oddly satisfying were standing close to me. For I meant doing mystical powers that revitalized earth's precious mana.

Concentrated juice mixed with vodka caused consequences to KILLERS, where people who drank Oreos spat at unruly Pegasus. Picnic unicorns danced punk rock goblins until death. They wished death was nothing more then Satan's celebration of Pokemon X and Y.

Steaming Puvias murdered Serially and authorities such as Donald "I am the only person who immediately walked out of my 'Ali G' interview" Trump, to confuse Garnet, storms began spewing Kittens who caused wild fires. Steven Universe tried repeatedly to cause fires because of the Diamond's crystals. They cooked Rose Quartz until it was completely toasted, covered with bacon, cheese, and sliced onions.

Barbecued bicycles insulted some puzzled gorillas, who jumped at Oreos after cookies revolted against cat treats. Lamps smelled farts - piling octarine unicorns against whoever dared to eat their frozen grapes. Mangy hyenas enjoy lighting torches supernaturally, by breathing fire farts.

Melting the president seemed a good idea since everyone wanted Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump out dead away from any life because reasons. I argued with them about why Trump is an Oreo-hating jerk, because I don't agree why Oreos keep causing havoc when other cookies are better when paired.

Fiery birds screeched throughout summer skies flooded with flame-colored ink that caused a turbulent breeze to turn into a tornado that roared and swirled and ripped everything apart which sent everyone running.

While the hurricane scared tourists, brave volunteers fought floods, fires and tsunamis while locals whispered scary eldritch curses. Round llamas flocked to the cooked pumpkins covered with chocolate, sprinkles, and rainbow rocks. Werewolves appeared from behind scarred lands and untamed foliage, unable to boil and eat the dusty potatoes. Suddenly, turkeys flocked close to the sandy spuds and destroyed all the poor frozen doors.

Causing chaos always, the feathered serpent squirmed awkwardly while their moms demanded that they wash their old socks. Elves drank egg nog magically, while the candy canes were given amongst the dead.

Snowflakes fly to many places, while raindrops are lazy and stay around so they don't freeze like many other stupid licorice, who celebrate the party of frozen candles because they are weird.

Pizza may cause an allergic reaction because zebras hate grass on the pepperoni, while lions are supposed to munch on crunchy chocolate. Cats grab fuzzy snakes by red glass and smash them with mythical goblets inside spiky cells. Soon glistening shoes will attack raggedy shirts, spotted cats fry them in pans to make fritters dipped into chocolate with nuts.

Sometimes they also eat pancakes because syrup makes them excited about parties. Cows trampled everything after snakes declared dinosaurs crazy and flew towards the cloud in ridiculous fashion while they miraculously avoided stones.

Snowstorms are cold but reindeer love playing games with them. Spicy cats make studious hats while perched above dancing, growling wolves. Jealous unicorns wanted to hide in mysterious bushes. Suddenly, gnomes screamed quietly as Banshees swooped over their hidden rocks. Inside the rocks, flaming axes destroyed some unusual looking books after they danced around with sprinkled doughnuts. Why trolls always think puppies are food is arguably brave and often surprising when the wolves drink raspberry vodka.

Witches picked up a bizarre looking egg...which glowed a bright neon pink. This affected the egg strangely - making everything seem almost like ghostly apparitions. What they thought was real instead was pebbles. Thunderstorms caused many clowns to grab an array of ear-wax plugs. They wanted Dragonflies to eat.

Rainbows changed when dogs ate spiders covered with sticky peanut butter and chopped unnaturally sour potatoes for breakfast. Mice ran. Trombones played eerie sounding dirges during many times of crazy battles. Foxes bit raw trees for fiber marshmallows. Backpacks filled with various frozen fire pokers with magical properties made life much more fun.

Watermelon is always drippy because they're afflicted with several seeds, that weighed fifty tons there. Drunk delusional cats somehow managed to stifle their wicked intentions. Horses jumped under the obstacles instead to find mysterious plants, chopping down many spindly trees. However, fledgling deer mustn't eat watermelon because, unlike llamas, screaming vexes.

Mystical celery watched earnestly at fairies playing banjos while haunted bones made crocheted cages. Lonely tigers roared at the uncaged zoo full of playing monkeys. These monkeys watched too as the hippos sprayed aromatic oils around every pillow.

Heavy rats wanted to see if skinny zebras could float or would quickly change into dumplings. Watermelons helped with frozen cokes and Rose whispered crazy shenanigans to dragonflies. So jumping trolls call their evil musicians to crash cymbals together. Planes will crash with no reason that royalty can expect to understand why engines corrupt the simple ideas of clowns.

Or eerie flashes in deserted haberdasheries, wanting to argue despite being decorated by poodles wearing yellow beaded necklaces, who don't care for them. While most ghosts agree about humans, they argue who cooked spaghetti. Many bananas seem shadey, although Steve likes shortcake. Rabbits can hop like toasters after they bite sour vegetables, via motorcycles
Masked goblins brewed gallons of
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by HiddenMystic »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and forks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aidan is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a Brit while I tried swimming but carelessly stopped when the triceratops started face palming because I lost her face.
Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies were some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seemed too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas, I tasered Chuck Norris with it. Underwater in my pajamas, I ate corn dogs made of popcorn and Easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drank balloon-sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So, when Aiden tried to make me spit it out I spat it onto his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird. Then an apocoalypse of small aliens came to the beach and ate mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katniss tongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladdin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns. Tehn kittens appeared, glowing magnificently golden. This meant only they could eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So, when mermaids died the CRAPPING stopped but bunnies started hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married. Suddenly, epic pears nommed foexrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sand of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced like a crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious. Budgies ate creatues that frolicked near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helped. My pet dragon ate cows to show how brave he was. many crazy pickle-man stores with tools in boxes were why fairies nibbled upon crunchy trolls shaped like feenec tacos foxes in England while Morgal seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavore dpuffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullabies to a small child. This crazy toad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Office re-runs and licking Ice Blood; and he liked sponges. But, he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreas and that didn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were mono-filament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hell hounds ate pineapples and discoes when Lady Gaga ate diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoked hamster food and really should have layed off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who were afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.
Whenever Georgia drew India it cried about cats and rain clouds. After the random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing like maniac alpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernacle survived, the Capricorn killed bob for no reason and skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet Golem tried eating mould. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people-eater resulted in a very warm tickle being quickly summoned -anti-disestablishmentarianism rule. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinhilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!" and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at the penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Badersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much as Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They are also a bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyebals. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.
Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks which made everyone fart, causing Bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it. Magically making tequila, Terri the bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"
"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus coral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi started decidedly yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha did can-can sexually. Then, Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every Wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purred obscenities at night when evil minions danced at the frenzied disco. Georgia rattled about strange hyenas vegetating before screaming about ridiculous spaghetti recipes. She slit shiny silver socks into the pot of pandas. Unicorns whirled around gleaming silverware, unaware that they dropped swords that were forged in platinum.

Ocean cabanas in Mexico, swimming suits are orange, purple and green when people dig deep into hidden mountains searching for magic crystals that transmogrify into unicorns wearing ties and swirled patterns on their squashed puddings.

Zebras always seemed mystified when jumping across muddy crocodiles. Always remembering your astronomy is radical thinking, because if weirdos decided Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was acceptable although penguins squashed nuts quickly in the icy land surrounded kingdom boundaries.

Perhaps invisible glockenspiels polish shoes better with lemons but not limes. Witches often drink very strong potions to become awesome. Summer might cause witches to accidentally mix foaming meerkat tails with slippery giraffe horns. Wolves chewed on chocolate bunnies every few minutes... while jumping excitedly around golden cakes, creamy marzipan flew every few times around square jellybeans that caused confused elephants to squash small gnomes holding bananas between their orange stained war hammers.

Anxious wizards always believed witch's house are mythical because mysterious letters told monkeys that roses are black leopards secretly were thinking how squeamish bananas eat frozen yogurt when they trade melons with pizza. Dancing imps' serendipity caused wizards to celebrate the moon's iguanas, which caused weird rabbits to scribble stars into every computer HARD DRIVE.

Whenever hairy shoes jump on unsuspecting travelers, chocolate melts into giant tigers which ate all bunnies instead of nomming bows. Except a bison gored himself with a origami crane that flew crazily across a huge crater that summoned demonic roses into hells sky. The dragon lied about being innocent with the obese cow. They stopped running across sticky oceans of custard doughnuts, deciding lunatics bit them too softly to insult wild-eyed birds mothers.

They jumped to beat a pineapple sundae while writing a eulogy for useless ancient topography. Meanwhile an amnesiac Snorlax laid polka-dotted Cheetos in wild grasses sprinkled nasty juices on some far-away pieces of dry biscuits smeared with glowing mushroom shaped like triangles. So they jumped into swirling purple Kool-Aid, and transformed quickly into insidious pixies that demonically winked when they dared to cook smashed souls mixed with shrunken socks and huge candied pumpkins.

So the mutated aliens were mutants shaped as oblong lampposts topped with curlicue cheese smelling shoes, and when they smile to you they look grotesque. Elsewhere there should be more bright towels, folded neatly on the shelves. My towel danced across the ballroom doing the tango to a song that sounded like it was played backwards. Then the left ended angels interrupted by giving stilettos to the storm-troopers. This was particularly unusual as normally they order turnips but the eunuchs got it wrong that day so the entire googooplex was put up for sale at the auction house and afterwards everyone with a bandanna fled up the stairs and left the nightmares ringing bells in the darkened room.

Haunted memories stalk disturbed templars dressed like winged horses with sparkling matted feathers colored azure and shining hooves. They just couldn't eat cookies, they wanted blood. Swinging weird chains at everyone while shrieking about mangosteens.

Hoofed cowboys from Kansas quickly ride. But then ghostly phantoms strolled into the ballroom, sneezing and gleeking. They definitely needed glowing tissues, because something oozed quickly out onto the scratched rosewood strongbox and dripped on something wildly dancing in the wind. Unscrupulous scorpions scurried underneath cheese curls being very xenophobic while blasting hair. These Bananas need a scorpion flavored skin.

Stormclouds seem cuddly like furry schnozzes. Lightning exploded when a Wyvern crashed crazily into underwater volcanoes, jumped onto the roof of abandoned cars covered with speckled beans dripping water. Thunder echoed throughout the darkened sky as winds began howling and children played quietly.

They wished the Wyverns could canoodle through the flowering groves with spotted beetles eating scrumptious crunchy lettuce covered in pink, fluffy caterpillars dripping with many icy pieces of liquid lava.

Jumping jackrabbits with no shame wiggled out onto the sky's everlasting rolling winds, flying as if they could challenge any bird to a fantastic race although the spiders were certainly quite enthusiastic about the screaming grapes that were drenched in chocolate. Magistream seemed to be covered with eggs mixed with magical potions which transforms everything it touches into chicken-wings.

Squirrels swarm sweet flowers when sunny satyrs ran through creamy pudding, waiting for butterflies cocoons that seemed irrelevant to their overall mission to secure jacks, tires, and butter flavored books. Warthogs like dirty smelly almonds wrapped in yellow pancakes, covered over with Sanus and omelets from Saturn.

Saturday's weather seemed unusually windy, cloudy, damp and green. Some gnomes decided expensive umbrellas were stylish.

Unhappily, they trotted into town to post letters to the Krakens about the party. They hadn't heard anything by the following week so sent balloons up with some signals. The one legged octopus found them and sent the with chocolates to the reindeer who led the Krakens to the party. It was all fun and games until one dreadful moment when mean apples hooked on long arrows hurled corn dogs at onlookers. The next bad egg broke when a meteorite slammed onto pink mailboxes causing explosions in sorting offices which caused letters to pinwheel out onto wet pamphlets and books.

Suddenly hairy snakes crashed into purple tissues which disintegrated magically. After haunted fur-balls ate platinum watermelons, they dragged bodies over to Canada, where syrup rules. Popcorn popped while yogurt was skipping happily pooping.

Rainbows left bottles filled with unhappy souls after thunderstorms next disturbed the weird gooseberries sometime during summer solstice. The waning moons burn werewolves into the abyss by singing mournful hymns when they were sleeping. Excitedly, the werewolves laughed while the hideous gingers danced to joyful tunes played by brownies that were iced with gumballs.

Blue tablecloths attacked the mayor after he and Superman flew away. Giants ate strawberry laces attached to the simply divine chocolate truffles.

Water can explode into a thousand oranges. However, grape juice instead explodes magnificently once it has broken your glass potatoes. They seem pointless because they always destroy themselves. It was terribly beautiful when Omar Sharif shelves broke themselves. Grunting, a huge scorpion lifted gyrating gymnasts while skinny men skied over melted snow whistling merry tunes.

When babies scream so loud that eggs are shaking, the Rastafarian's are high! However, bubbling DNA doesn't know about squashed amoeba. It has been huge to dwarfs who don't live under the tree. Sweating, angry cereal are spitting vomit. A cold place in south Loopyland was insanely cold.

Hopping vampires vomit small and oddly shaped presents into the never-ending treacle fudge wells. So after flying over there on broomsticks they go to take out a circular ring of cheese burgers. When mice yelled at honey bees because of mushy corn dogs, they are considered inedible.

The moon hid behind smiles although the exhausted musician wanted unicorns dressed in striped tutus. Hot cyclists drank icy Chinese soup from a cup with colourful straws while the court jesters ran through a door into the wet sewers, screeching when the hideous holes opened, revealing daleks.

Squashed chickens poop giggles. Many of the chickens farted, the roosters barfed. Moving sideways, kangaroos twisted and knotted faded photographs and tore off chunks of heated muscles. Meanwhile, a titanic, unruly sheep brothel was plotting how to swim like a possessed monkey dressed in rainbow shorts, a fountain made of curdled strawberries and chocolate smoothies.

Running chipmunks jumped over lazy pandas that were snoozing upon cozy arms covered with squishy cats, tough thoughts filled with evil curtains. Sweet chocolate was stolen from Mr.Potato, spicy piranhas chewed on bouncy chunks of barf-colored marshmallows. The tasty seashells were salty as heck and were definitely evil smelling; they were also powered by unusual smell that made one's eyes melt like caramel bunnies that hop over on speeding race cars. Then, monkeys crafted neon tetras while the elephants sang beautifully in rainforest scenery.

Pizza tastes strangely bitter despite the tomatoes being perfectly normal. But, then ghosts float in the swamps with dead bodies and moldy wolves while unnatural howls break crystal necklaces and cut flowers. Some pizzas are meant to feed penguins because snakes can't make cookies since they lack wings.

Leaves scatter wildly in the classroom while demons crept in sideways along glowing lights chanting somber curses. They haunt schools that are empty, and cobwebs are creepy with dusty dementors. Dragons start their devious kidnapping by eating squirming souls as appetizers and making buttered crumpets. They kidnap puppies with vans and candy floss by catching flying squirrels. The schoolchildren gasp at the scary stories told by grump elders - unaware of unseen fairies tossing out candy. Dinosaurs run by tractors, and pumpkins evolve so evil bunnies can gnaw their meat and alchemize candy. Toilets are repulsive but useful.

Costumed flying clowns joined a flock of Canada Geese heading towards Moscow for the Winter Olympics.
Extremely confused manatees swam frantically towards Atlantis. They knew many jokes that weren't even amusing, but still elephants wanted more. Aardvarks are hidden inside wobbly, musty golf carts that wouldn't float on water because early glaciers slowly melted from scalding bee soup.

Burning apricots jump across the fiery chasm filled with gooey marshmallows topped with chocolate covered pumpkins that spit equally disgusting larva. They drank frosty mugs of fizzy sour syrup. Then, apricots squashed the green crystals owned seemingly by Master Chef, the King of Questionable Skills Pertaining to the unusual assortment of eggnog. He smashed the container without thinking, causing giant cookies to squirm.

Anyways, snow possums observed sedated travelers trying to act like chickens in rubber coated pants and screeching. Scorched, dehydrated, and crazy looking, they trudged through icy slush wearing only sheer clothes.

Cooking can make you wonder why salt adds flavor to recipes while spices add spice. Boiling soup can potentially cause someone to want antelopes. Frozen artichokes taste amazing with mango dipped socks because Pikachu is molting and hates terrible coffee.

Speckled pandas reign over mystical troves singing "Derpaderp!!" when they eat artichokes seasoned with chili peppers and bananas while carrying striped helmets under low conditions. They enjoy Gollum's stories as much as crazy trampolining golems eating chocolate. So David decided to pick up some poop for no specific purpose while he was farting.

Chocolate rainbows and exorcists robes swim into the lake of ugly creatures. Sometimes they find huge rude and flamboyant hairdos, that sing majestically while elves stir concoctions of tasty raspberry Kool-Aid. This event caused the unseen gummy spiders much hilarity because it made the transparent puppets which eat everything.

Meanwhile, unicorns swam downstream while hairy oarfish concocted their favorite spicy and exotic striped lollipops, taking their sour ingredients into the mixture. Then fluttering wombats squirmed around in ticks while their faces are consumed viciously.

Strong warriors often farm strong vegetables, forgetting huge and inedible best looking cabbages. Sometimes Mom will cook unusual beets in her colorful pots of handy dandy rubber cement. Jagged kites that eat small chicken nuggets explode into chunks, while they wish for a crazy mafiosos to come kick up delirious rice.

Bruised fruit falls elegantly and magically fried fritters. A sweaty child gathered juicy corpses for zombie bread so she wouldn't go hungry. However, Dracula's pet eats them covered with jelly and peanuts. They, however, look like crazed zombies. When Dracula sees this, he suddenly implodes as tongues got hot.

Unicorns were hunting more humans to party so reindeer would avenge the chocolate bunnies. They came to the abandoned warehouse to eradicate the party, which was scrubbing their soft paws. They couldn't decide what humanity is so known that the wet gummy candy worms attacked their own children because other unicorns were chopping off their tails.

When pigs noticed they didn't find ugly horses in boxes, they started boiling Swiss army men in pink suits. Switzerland is angry at spaghetti for being so creepy, which makes them crazy. Potatoes swam awkwardly, cry[ing] like the lost, weary wolves sadden by poptarts burning their tails. Puppies howling for their baseball jazz friends, who hate jazz tulips for biting clouds because they mistook them for floating grapefruit in buttered popcorn.

Campfires and marshmallows are radioactive when they fart inside closed nuclear submarines deep in squishy jellyfish eggs on the Cape of Good Hope, a Danish province named George. Eagles like crunchy pies dipped in salsa, also with chopped monkeys included. Angry with Italians, the koalas planned devious picnics, complete with chopped onions in spicy oozes and huge hairy rambutans weaving through sticky cheese, gooey potato pancakes and wondering what crazy adventures Mom would conjure up.

Sunny boxes appeared beside the sparkling deep water, magic twinkling stars being created by roaming herds of sheep. These boxes crushed all resistance wielding witches - with snarling biscuits smeared butter amongst icy foxes that wondered why demons love .

Cobwebs that stretched 100 light years began breaking ghostly pieces of tomato guts across flaming ponchos. Cleaning furry forks that contained pink reindeer antlers, the unspoiled berries floating like apples in the terrible brackish overflow while squirrels terraformed into terrific candies. Snails flew around beehives looking for frozen peanuts because spicy wasps are stir-fried pickles dipped with mustard.

After a while the queen petted everyone with furry chopsticks while eating squishy soybeans drizzled with thick octopuses brain. She nailed boards to her stiff walls covered by flavored donuts. Iced grasses seem to sprout everywhere. The warlock splashed soup, pasta and roasted turkey over a Romano head covered heavily with moldy cheese.

Because Mom had bought presents for the unruly python who had flew in a flying harry potter car. Then the unruly python ate chopped onion, green potatoes and python eggs. Peppermint reindeer slid down lemon slides to bake corn covered cake smeared with dark fish and tomatoes flying like something disposed of Thomas' raggedy Ann cat.

Fresh watermelons, sliced squarely into the container, smelled like some berries, until the diabolical dragon devoured cupcake Rapper Freshbiz while chickens boiled on flaming molasses rivers that snapped stickily. Santa's reindeer thought elves could play various noisy trumpets, but Grandma said that unacceptable candies can't quite comprehend pink socks. Hence walruses that could dance mingled inside the socks drenched with strange liquids of the icy cats, to jump over expensive potatoes.

I dreamt of a magical tomato with tiny seeds that saved Satan quoting "No tomato should get rubbed with oils that burn skeletons, but then whoever places burning brooms shall die."

Cows squirmed under several yellow school uniforms, looking hungry and pokemon came tumbling down green ice-cream sprinkled hills covered in giant gorilla pineapples. So rowdy caterpillars chewed on jumping beans, beetles danced on the gorgeous flowers that wiggled and flopped towards the spiral staircases.

Snowy French pastries slipped into sloshing buckets filled mostly with curling longbeans and soap. Steaming dumplings turned away, looking concerned at unusual pieces of neon particles mixed with chopped onions and so many hedgehogs appeared that millions of dragonflies wished death upon trolls. However, garlic affected kittens strangely.... Lolling around in pajamas eating catnip peppers, chocolate spiders materialized into monstrous looking stuffed plushies.

Caregivers help Mom wash flimsy little clocks while she licked diseased kumquats. Not the shy chimpanzee, Jenny spat at rowdy boys so she'd claim compensation for busted eardrums. Later that day Dad said something about those whipper-snappers. The children screamed "PASTA" when squirrels began digging for eggplants cooked in pasta and Vinegar.

Suddenly Irish wingadings circled them and took young wyverns out to boil lobsters. Later the zombie cried "BRAAAAIIIINNNNNSSSS" while writing simple english muffin poetry on England. Rainy Wales seemed depressing although Spain hated bouncing castles, spinsters wiped their dirty faces then danced like drunken ladettes. Werewolves sneezed because vampire scent wafted around them and caused internal bleeding.

Monstrous poodles swallowed feces, then some drank sprite because queasy feelings couldn't stop. Feeling poorly and sad, Donatello fried strawberries dipped in cubed caramels. That shy Sasquatch frolicked tirelessly into unknown territory, unaware of alien presences waiting to probe their eardrums.
Nervous chickens turned off electrical beets, dankness made them very scared because unseen barracuda armies nibbled turkeys covered in fiery mayflies. Unusually barracudas jumped into bubbling lava.

Determined to fly, Maria partied to beat Anna home so she sped towards the cracked house full of bizarre textbooks. Then, Alex flipped her off the lasagna after squeezing small tubes of flavored Beef. Magis rolled in poo until the rainstorm washed away ugly smell. The SWAT team then lit the flares, bringing magical girls unbelievable apples.

Squirming kittens recoil, cowering into darkness before squirting creatures wake evil roaches and vanish, then ghostly apparitions feast on goo spiked with lemonade. They decided to swim within the bowels of Hades, afraid of the evil bunnies lurking around. Then without thinking, they ran right through fiery walls then died.

Gigantic sheep bit giant rollerblades because never eating the rollerblades sucked. Spending their bananas on foxfire amulets, dreamcatchers, and foxes. Windy eyeballs leak massive tears that burn black when the flying trees wish for more bees. A yodeler materialized with a heavy bag filled with pudding mixed with crumbled fried shrimp. Frozen steak was unavailable, so squashed porkchops were brought instead.

Horses ran away from the insane mailman hidden in the depths of bushes, as a lurking bacon raptor made ultimate baked cookies, crispy fried llamas, and George for once didn't argue. They screamed like the devil and wished for unearthly amounts of healthy beets.

Silent ghosts watched the werewolf watch tiny raptors sip cups with crushed toes mixed into poisoned potions. Wishes that never will become beets, but always turn out better, came running. "Baby, that's just not what beets kick around tonight."

Rushing thoughts confused the shy cat so she squished a green and sparkly dog who ate potatoes. Rowdy decided stray wolves should gallop to the open campground so they could be FREE to slap some sense into his crazy noggin.

Thundering trees blew down all my cabbages, even though potatoes are quite big and need small friends. Creepy pasta was created because many children hated eating these crispy pancakes. Sloppy dumplings, sliced up with creamy candy coated carrots were many different delights.

Spooky looking carrots floated in space so they naturally use huge meteoroids as lazy pillows. They love kissing their girlfriend's faces after eating rotten spaghetti soaked in soda. After that there was no oxygen in the entire crazy city for most of the astronauts so they died. While walking left, suddenly they exploded into tiny cucumbers. They dressed like bright, transparent angels to dance and shout to rocks so they could fly.

Spiderwebs with grease and ash were bouncing like birds that SPIN around nests. This caused turkeys to explode after massive alien technologies were turned into black apples. Scorching bananas horrified the world by throwing moldy cheese around the purple people dressed as giraffes. However, the real scare was before microscopic whales grew into the pepperoni covered with really greasy hands.

Werewolves don't eat brains because they are used for spooky looking houses. Ghoulish masks make werewolves look like bald eagles because they caused gruesome murders to start at unusual times. Werewolves never let those uppity prey escape, even when they climbed up towers made from skulls.

Cauldrons full of dark jellybeans squirted blobs of murky black frosting and jam at them. As magical toast has a giant cup made of caramel and peppermint clay they usually don't require Marmelade, because of the evil prophecy that tells of a werewolf that eats magical cakes and sweet apples. Therefore, the cauldrons bubbled magic potatoes and ancient carrots instead. Sometimes it seems that werevolves can eat mushrooms. This time potato chips were avoided to stop the Werewolves from becoming energized and turning into potatoes themselves. This was bad news for our adventurers because they would either act foolish during Mondays or Kwanzaa.

Anyways, December is jolly even after Santa smoked elves and decided that Christmas is over...but he couldn't understand why it was so important that he give children GIFTS. He decided that all children should bring gifts. Santa wanted alleviate all chickens with mysterious feet. So he danced with his rooster buddy while the Christmas cookies ran amuck.
Then leprechauns appeared to flood the streets coated with sour apples instead, because ruling dwarves decided that none shall gather potatoes without announcing. Eventually a lich dropped cheese into a cauldron of hershey's faces, stirred by this unusually burned kobold whose fur was smelly and purple. After witnessing the mixing, hamsters were too frightened to attempt eating anything related to chocolate bunnies or caramel Macchiatos.

Along came a space lion who looked disgusted at melodramatic sets of identical twins who were throwing daggers and potatoes at some rocks because a Pikachu appeared and ruined all of the cheese sandwiches. The dinosaur pondered that Pikachu wasn't Mexican food, but decided it could only be eaten during a bright and cloudless night. Either the Nachos or Tacos will win the hearts from sad Tyrannosaurus. However, no prehistoric creature ate anything made from honey or molasses.

The Calaveras Monkeys were the next to arrive and when they saw everything that was happening they decided to join in the fun and started throwing rotten bananas and slimy mud-covered nuts at the Chupacabra's while jumping from tree to tree trying to stay safe. The Chupacabra's were trying to stay standing and having trouble with all the mess around them, they decided to get back at the Calaveras by chewing gum and spitting juice. The magi screamed and threw fifteen muffins at at his loving pets, who flew far away from his masters in fear. The pets ate chocolate, but soon they sprouted wings.

Some traditional stories about the llamas going to the supermarket explain how they always end up spending all of their peanuts on some horrible games made them sad. If they end their lives, then they should first suck-up to the llama deity and then take a bath. So that deity decided that insane magics shouldn't cook their special stew unless a gopher sprinkled some crunchy pieces of celery covered bacon sausages filled with hazelnut on pizza.

Blue popcorn made Grandma pretty crazy when Grandpa celebrated with the arrival and commencement of his pet. Pumpkins flew past the heads of the llamas, hitting the bottle of soda. The strange monkey scratched Obama's ear before the accident happened. No llama drank blood unless the wicked potion caused unknown special effects like exploding pumpkins and unfortunately green colored heads were spawning.

Crazy moms wished upon a decaying snake for undead and wiggling newborn rhinos to the pool. Fish jumped over the lucky rock because no one believed that moms could leap like striped lions. Uncle Steve realized he forgot to buy the moldy cake then feed the little trolls. Then baked muffins without eggs. Talking carrots also wanted to go crazy so they erupted into laughter because elves couldn't understand how old chickens went fishing.

Although, while they danced, other chickens decided for them. They chopped their toes so they could go lick some nasty melons. The weird rooster also thought that dancing was he cursed instead and poked along the muddy path. Rabbits chewed the fuzzy dog blanket - while Santa cried during the prom dance. He wished Rudolph wouldn't assassinate the only elf princess that could summon all of Wonderlands crazy kittens so mistletoe could cause many affectionate kisses. Getting presents wasn't expected - it was the norm to throw glass orbs towards ugly crowds instead.

Snowy days 'cause we wanted more time to jump into the void. While Mom hurried into the portal leading towards the personal trainer, we wondered if UFO's would appear here when the Bigfoot and other friends came to cook gored python stew. It exploded with great amounts of custard.

Meanwhile, Dad destroyed Mom's portal because unicorns celebrated unusual rituals that caused messy sticky unnecessary messes. However, squirming caterpillars keep bouncing into the icy heart's bloody well which drowned all flying squirrels. The colorful popsicle stick had altered many aliens faces...even the mighty ostriches were worried because magpies were diving straight into the heart of the Core of your soul.

Dad chose chocolate covered strawberries mixed with bacon and syrup because Grandma's mushroom were spoiled. Grandma wouldn't agree to fry those people. Special floccinauciniahilipilification causes confusing interpretations of reading daily News.

Ordinary newspapers would always announce small elephants since monkeys pooped behind blood stained curtains to wait for President Joker who couldn't stop dancing despite sticky situations that afflicted many lazy cartographers since yesterday. They drew pictures of undead clowns eating spicy habaneros.

Snowy regions usually have precious stones scattered among huge mounds of fiery newspaper bundles. Arctic winds seemed to howl like bears, causing many distractions to the penguins that were eating carrots. They couldn't cease their inbred lifestyle and HYENAS weren't really friendly, because they always stole painkillers.

Thunderclouds are fluffy and strangely sad when they start their frogs, which wouldn't affect their boiling ritual anyway. Caged cows unite against inedible mushrooms to prevent the crows from eating hidden souls. Many times, when penguins try to do magic, they can't seem to drive cabs, which confused them since nobody said anything. They flipped tables into traffic in winter months, which really messed with polar icecaps.

Bunnies lay across soft blankets while guinea hens peep and hop. Both caused a loud ruckus as unruly as unspoiled/untamed rats exploded from risk of blowing balloons with Sunday's newspapers. Muddy claws scratched Barnaby's back, so he howled with delight afterwards.

Joyful ponies splashed in that delicious marmalade as they sang some crazy jingles which sounded like the penguins serenading. Meanwhile crystal wings decided candy was sparkling brighter than any sun they had ever known. Although, they flew because many owls voted for weird regulations. Dogs, being oddly satisfying were standing close to me. For I meant doing mystical powers that revitalized earth's precious mana.

Concentrated juice mixed with vodka caused consequences to KILLERS, where people who drank Oreos spat at unruly Pegasus. Picnic unicorns danced punk rock goblins until death. They wished death was nothing more then Satan's celebration of Pokemon X and Y.

Steaming Puvias murdered Serially and authorities such as Donald "I am the only person who immediately walked out of my 'Ali G' interview" Trump, to confuse Garnet, storms began spewing Kittens who caused wild fires. Steven Universe tried repeatedly to cause fires because of the Diamond's crystals. They cooked Rose Quartz until it was completely toasted, covered with bacon, cheese, and sliced onions.

Barbecued bicycles insulted some puzzled gorillas, who jumped at Oreos after cookies revolted against cat treats. Lamps smelled farts - piling octarine unicorns against whoever dared to eat their frozen grapes. Mangy hyenas enjoy lighting torches supernaturally, by breathing fire farts.

Melting the president seemed a good idea since everyone wanted Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump out dead away from any life because reasons. I argued with them about why Trump is an Oreo-hating jerk, because I don't agree why Oreos keep causing havoc when other cookies are better when paired.

Fiery birds screeched throughout summer skies flooded with flame-colored ink that caused a turbulent breeze to turn into a tornado that roared and swirled and ripped everything apart which sent everyone running.

While the hurricane scared tourists, brave volunteers fought floods, fires and tsunamis while locals whispered scary eldritch curses. Round llamas flocked to the cooked pumpkins covered with chocolate, sprinkles, and rainbow rocks. Werewolves appeared from behind scarred lands and untamed foliage, unable to boil and eat the dusty potatoes. Suddenly, turkeys flocked close to the sandy spuds and destroyed all the poor frozen doors.

Causing chaos always, the feathered serpent squirmed awkwardly while their moms demanded that they wash their old socks. Elves drank egg nog magically, while the candy canes were given amongst the dead.

Snowflakes fly to many places, while raindrops are lazy and stay around so they don't freeze like many other stupid licorice, who celebrate the party of frozen candles because they are weird.

Pizza may cause an allergic reaction because zebras hate grass on the pepperoni, while lions are supposed to munch on crunchy chocolate. Cats grab fuzzy snakes by red glass and smash them with mythical goblets inside spiky cells. Soon glistening shoes will attack raggedy shirts, spotted cats fry them in pans to make fritters dipped into chocolate with nuts.

Sometimes they also eat pancakes because syrup makes them excited about parties. Cows trampled everything after snakes declared dinosaurs crazy and flew towards the cloud in ridiculous fashion while they miraculously avoided stones.

Snowstorms are cold but reindeer love playing games with them. Spicy cats make studious hats while perched above dancing, growling wolves. Jealous unicorns wanted to hide in mysterious bushes. Suddenly, gnomes screamed quietly as Banshees swooped over their hidden rocks. Inside the rocks, flaming axes destroyed some unusual looking books after they danced around with sprinkled doughnuts. Why trolls always think puppies are food is arguably brave and often surprising when the wolves drink raspberry vodka.

Witches picked up a bizarre looking egg...which glowed a bright neon pink. This affected the egg strangely - making everything seem almost like ghostly apparitions. What they thought was real instead was pebbles. Thunderstorms caused many clowns to grab an array of ear-wax plugs. They wanted Dragonflies to eat.

Rainbows changed when dogs ate spiders covered with sticky peanut butter and chopped unnaturally sour potatoes for breakfast. Mice ran. Trombones played eerie sounding dirges during many times of crazy battles. Foxes bit raw trees for fiber marshmallows. Backpacks filled with various frozen fire pokers with magical properties made life much more fun.

Watermelon is always drippy because they're afflicted with several seeds, that weighed fifty tons there. Drunk delusional cats somehow managed to stifle their wicked intentions. Horses jumped under the obstacles instead to find mysterious plants, chopping down many spindly trees. However, fledgling deer mustn't eat watermelon because, unlike llamas, screaming vexes.

Mystical celery watched earnestly at fairies playing banjos while haunted bones made crocheted cages. Lonely tigers roared at the uncaged zoo full of playing monkeys. These monkeys watched too as the hippos sprayed aromatic oils around every pillow.

Heavy rats wanted to see if skinny zebras could float or would quickly change into dumplings. Watermelons helped with frozen cokes and Rose whispered crazy shenanigans to dragonflies. So jumping trolls call their evil musicians to crash cymbals together. Planes will crash with no reason that royalty can expect to understand why engines corrupt the simple ideas of clowns.

Or eerie flashes in deserted haberdasheries, wanting to argue despite being decorated by poodles wearing yellow beaded necklaces, who don't care for them. While most ghosts agree about humans, they argue who cooked spaghetti. Many bananas seem shadey, although Steve likes shortcake. Rabbits can hop like toasters after they bite sour vegetables, via motorcycles.

Masked goblins brewed gallons of fruity
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by HiddenMystic »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and forks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aidan is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a Brit while I tried swimming but carelessly stopped when the triceratops started face palming because I lost her face.
Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies were some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seemed too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas, I tasered Chuck Norris with it. Underwater in my pajamas, I ate corn dogs made of popcorn and Easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drank balloon-sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So, when Aiden tried to make me spit it out I spat it onto his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird. Then an apocoalypse of small aliens came to the beach and ate mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katniss tongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladdin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns. Tehn kittens appeared, glowing magnificently golden. This meant only they could eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So, when mermaids died the CRAPPING stopped but bunnies started hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married. Suddenly, epic pears nommed foexrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sand of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced like a crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious. Budgies ate creatues that frolicked near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helped. My pet dragon ate cows to show how brave he was. many crazy pickle-man stores with tools in boxes were why fairies nibbled upon crunchy trolls shaped like feenec tacos foxes in England while Morgal seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavore dpuffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullabies to a small child. This crazy toad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Office re-runs and licking Ice Blood; and he liked sponges. But, he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreas and that didn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were mono-filament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hell hounds ate pineapples and discoes when Lady Gaga ate diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoked hamster food and really should have layed off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who were afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.
Whenever Georgia drew India it cried about cats and rain clouds. After the random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing like maniac alpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernacle survived, the Capricorn killed bob for no reason and skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet Golem tried eating mould. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people-eater resulted in a very warm tickle being quickly summoned -anti-disestablishmentarianism rule. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinhilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!" and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at the penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Badersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much as Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They are also a bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyebals. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.
Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks which made everyone fart, causing Bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it. Magically making tequila, Terri the bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"
"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus coral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi started decidedly yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha did can-can sexually. Then, Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every Wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purred obscenities at night when evil minions danced at the frenzied disco. Georgia rattled about strange hyenas vegetating before screaming about ridiculous spaghetti recipes. She slit shiny silver socks into the pot of pandas. Unicorns whirled around gleaming silverware, unaware that they dropped swords that were forged in platinum.

Ocean cabanas in Mexico, swimming suits are orange, purple and green when people dig deep into hidden mountains searching for magic crystals that transmogrify into unicorns wearing ties and swirled patterns on their squashed puddings.

Zebras always seemed mystified when jumping across muddy crocodiles. Always remembering your astronomy is radical thinking, because if weirdos decided Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was acceptable although penguins squashed nuts quickly in the icy land surrounded kingdom boundaries.

Perhaps invisible glockenspiels polish shoes better with lemons but not limes. Witches often drink very strong potions to become awesome. Summer might cause witches to accidentally mix foaming meerkat tails with slippery giraffe horns. Wolves chewed on chocolate bunnies every few minutes... while jumping excitedly around golden cakes, creamy marzipan flew every few times around square jellybeans that caused confused elephants to squash small gnomes holding bananas between their orange stained war hammers.

Anxious wizards always believed witch's house are mythical because mysterious letters told monkeys that roses are black leopards secretly were thinking how squeamish bananas eat frozen yogurt when they trade melons with pizza. Dancing imps' serendipity caused wizards to celebrate the moon's iguanas, which caused weird rabbits to scribble stars into every computer HARD DRIVE.

Whenever hairy shoes jump on unsuspecting travelers, chocolate melts into giant tigers which ate all bunnies instead of nomming bows. Except a bison gored himself with a origami crane that flew crazily across a huge crater that summoned demonic roses into hells sky. The dragon lied about being innocent with the obese cow. They stopped running across sticky oceans of custard doughnuts, deciding lunatics bit them too softly to insult wild-eyed birds mothers.

They jumped to beat a pineapple sundae while writing a eulogy for useless ancient topography. Meanwhile an amnesiac Snorlax laid polka-dotted Cheetos in wild grasses sprinkled nasty juices on some far-away pieces of dry biscuits smeared with glowing mushroom shaped like triangles. So they jumped into swirling purple Kool-Aid, and transformed quickly into insidious pixies that demonically winked when they dared to cook smashed souls mixed with shrunken socks and huge candied pumpkins.

So the mutated aliens were mutants shaped as oblong lampposts topped with curlicue cheese smelling shoes, and when they smile to you they look grotesque. Elsewhere there should be more bright towels, folded neatly on the shelves. My towel danced across the ballroom doing the tango to a song that sounded like it was played backwards. Then the left ended angels interrupted by giving stilettos to the storm-troopers. This was particularly unusual as normally they order turnips but the eunuchs got it wrong that day so the entire googooplex was put up for sale at the auction house and afterwards everyone with a bandanna fled up the stairs and left the nightmares ringing bells in the darkened room.

Haunted memories stalk disturbed templars dressed like winged horses with sparkling matted feathers colored azure and shining hooves. They just couldn't eat cookies, they wanted blood. Swinging weird chains at everyone while shrieking about mangosteens.

Hoofed cowboys from Kansas quickly ride. But then ghostly phantoms strolled into the ballroom, sneezing and gleeking. They definitely needed glowing tissues, because something oozed quickly out onto the scratched rosewood strongbox and dripped on something wildly dancing in the wind. Unscrupulous scorpions scurried underneath cheese curls being very xenophobic while blasting hair. These Bananas need a scorpion flavored skin.

Stormclouds seem cuddly like furry schnozzes. Lightning exploded when a Wyvern crashed crazily into underwater volcanoes, jumped onto the roof of abandoned cars covered with speckled beans dripping water. Thunder echoed throughout the darkened sky as winds began howling and children played quietly.

They wished the Wyverns could canoodle through the flowering groves with spotted beetles eating scrumptious crunchy lettuce covered in pink, fluffy caterpillars dripping with many icy pieces of liquid lava.

Jumping jackrabbits with no shame wiggled out onto the sky's everlasting rolling winds, flying as if they could challenge any bird to a fantastic race although the spiders were certainly quite enthusiastic about the screaming grapes that were drenched in chocolate. Magistream seemed to be covered with eggs mixed with magical potions which transforms everything it touches into chicken-wings.

Squirrels swarm sweet flowers when sunny satyrs ran through creamy pudding, waiting for butterflies cocoons that seemed irrelevant to their overall mission to secure jacks, tires, and butter flavored books. Warthogs like dirty smelly almonds wrapped in yellow pancakes, covered over with Sanus and omelets from Saturn.

Saturday's weather seemed unusually windy, cloudy, damp and green. Some gnomes decided expensive umbrellas were stylish.

Unhappily, they trotted into town to post letters to the Krakens about the party. They hadn't heard anything by the following week so sent balloons up with some signals. The one legged octopus found them and sent the with chocolates to the reindeer who led the Krakens to the party. It was all fun and games until one dreadful moment when mean apples hooked on long arrows hurled corn dogs at onlookers. The next bad egg broke when a meteorite slammed onto pink mailboxes causing explosions in sorting offices which caused letters to pinwheel out onto wet pamphlets and books.

Suddenly hairy snakes crashed into purple tissues which disintegrated magically. After haunted fur-balls ate platinum watermelons, they dragged bodies over to Canada, where syrup rules. Popcorn popped while yogurt was skipping happily pooping.

Rainbows left bottles filled with unhappy souls after thunderstorms next disturbed the weird gooseberries sometime during summer solstice. The waning moons burn werewolves into the abyss by singing mournful hymns when they were sleeping. Excitedly, the werewolves laughed while the hideous gingers danced to joyful tunes played by brownies that were iced with gumballs.

Blue tablecloths attacked the mayor after he and Superman flew away. Giants ate strawberry laces attached to the simply divine chocolate truffles.

Water can explode into a thousand oranges. However, grape juice instead explodes magnificently once it has broken your glass potatoes. They seem pointless because they always destroy themselves. It was terribly beautiful when Omar Sharif shelves broke themselves. Grunting, a huge scorpion lifted gyrating gymnasts while skinny men skied over melted snow whistling merry tunes.

When babies scream so loud that eggs are shaking, the Rastafarian's are high! However, bubbling DNA doesn't know about squashed amoeba. It has been huge to dwarfs who don't live under the tree. Sweating, angry cereal are spitting vomit. A cold place in south Loopyland was insanely cold.

Hopping vampires vomit small and oddly shaped presents into the never-ending treacle fudge wells. So after flying over there on broomsticks they go to take out a circular ring of cheese burgers. When mice yelled at honey bees because of mushy corn dogs, they are considered inedible.

The moon hid behind smiles although the exhausted musician wanted unicorns dressed in striped tutus. Hot cyclists drank icy Chinese soup from a cup with colourful straws while the court jesters ran through a door into the wet sewers, screeching when the hideous holes opened, revealing daleks.

Squashed chickens poop giggles. Many of the chickens farted, the roosters barfed. Moving sideways, kangaroos twisted and knotted faded photographs and tore off chunks of heated muscles. Meanwhile, a titanic, unruly sheep brothel was plotting how to swim like a possessed monkey dressed in rainbow shorts, a fountain made of curdled strawberries and chocolate smoothies.

Running chipmunks jumped over lazy pandas that were snoozing upon cozy arms covered with squishy cats, tough thoughts filled with evil curtains. Sweet chocolate was stolen from Mr.Potato, spicy piranhas chewed on bouncy chunks of barf-colored marshmallows. The tasty seashells were salty as heck and were definitely evil smelling; they were also powered by unusual smell that made one's eyes melt like caramel bunnies that hop over on speeding race cars. Then, monkeys crafted neon tetras while the elephants sang beautifully in rainforest scenery.

Pizza tastes strangely bitter despite the tomatoes being perfectly normal. But, then ghosts float in the swamps with dead bodies and moldy wolves while unnatural howls break crystal necklaces and cut flowers. Some pizzas are meant to feed penguins because snakes can't make cookies since they lack wings.

Leaves scatter wildly in the classroom while demons crept in sideways along glowing lights chanting somber curses. They haunt schools that are empty, and cobwebs are creepy with dusty dementors. Dragons start their devious kidnapping by eating squirming souls as appetizers and making buttered crumpets. They kidnap puppies with vans and candy floss by catching flying squirrels. The schoolchildren gasp at the scary stories told by grump elders - unaware of unseen fairies tossing out candy. Dinosaurs run by tractors, and pumpkins evolve so evil bunnies can gnaw their meat and alchemize candy. Toilets are repulsive but useful.

Costumed flying clowns joined a flock of Canada Geese heading towards Moscow for the Winter Olympics.
Extremely confused manatees swam frantically towards Atlantis. They knew many jokes that weren't even amusing, but still elephants wanted more. Aardvarks are hidden inside wobbly, musty golf carts that wouldn't float on water because early glaciers slowly melted from scalding bee soup.

Burning apricots jump across the fiery chasm filled with gooey marshmallows topped with chocolate covered pumpkins that spit equally disgusting larva. They drank frosty mugs of fizzy sour syrup. Then, apricots squashed the green crystals owned seemingly by Master Chef, the King of Questionable Skills Pertaining to the unusual assortment of eggnog. He smashed the container without thinking, causing giant cookies to squirm.

Anyways, snow possums observed sedated travelers trying to act like chickens in rubber coated pants and screeching. Scorched, dehydrated, and crazy looking, they trudged through icy slush wearing only sheer clothes.

Cooking can make you wonder why salt adds flavor to recipes while spices add spice. Boiling soup can potentially cause someone to want antelopes. Frozen artichokes taste amazing with mango dipped socks because Pikachu is molting and hates terrible coffee.

Speckled pandas reign over mystical troves singing "Derpaderp!!" when they eat artichokes seasoned with chili peppers and bananas while carrying striped helmets under low conditions. They enjoy Gollum's stories as much as crazy trampolining golems eating chocolate. So David decided to pick up some poop for no specific purpose while he was farting.

Chocolate rainbows and exorcists robes swim into the lake of ugly creatures. Sometimes they find huge rude and flamboyant hairdos, that sing majestically while elves stir concoctions of tasty raspberry Kool-Aid. This event caused the unseen gummy spiders much hilarity because it made the transparent puppets which eat everything.

Meanwhile, unicorns swam downstream while hairy oarfish concocted their favorite spicy and exotic striped lollipops, taking their sour ingredients into the mixture. Then fluttering wombats squirmed around in ticks while their faces are consumed viciously.

Strong warriors often farm strong vegetables, forgetting huge and inedible best looking cabbages. Sometimes Mom will cook unusual beets in her colorful pots of handy dandy rubber cement. Jagged kites that eat small chicken nuggets explode into chunks, while they wish for a crazy mafiosos to come kick up delirious rice.

Bruised fruit falls elegantly and magically fried fritters. A sweaty child gathered juicy corpses for zombie bread so she wouldn't go hungry. However, Dracula's pet eats them covered with jelly and peanuts. They, however, look like crazed zombies. When Dracula sees this, he suddenly implodes as tongues got hot.

Unicorns were hunting more humans to party so reindeer would avenge the chocolate bunnies. They came to the abandoned warehouse to eradicate the party, which was scrubbing their soft paws. They couldn't decide what humanity is so known that the wet gummy candy worms attacked their own children because other unicorns were chopping off their tails.

When pigs noticed they didn't find ugly horses in boxes, they started boiling Swiss army men in pink suits. Switzerland is angry at spaghetti for being so creepy, which makes them crazy. Potatoes swam awkwardly, cry[ing] like the lost, weary wolves sadden by poptarts burning their tails. Puppies howling for their baseball jazz friends, who hate jazz tulips for biting clouds because they mistook them for floating grapefruit in buttered popcorn.

Campfires and marshmallows are radioactive when they fart inside closed nuclear submarines deep in squishy jellyfish eggs on the Cape of Good Hope, a Danish province named George. Eagles like crunchy pies dipped in salsa, also with chopped monkeys included. Angry with Italians, the koalas planned devious picnics, complete with chopped onions in spicy oozes and huge hairy rambutans weaving through sticky cheese, gooey potato pancakes and wondering what crazy adventures Mom would conjure up.

Sunny boxes appeared beside the sparkling deep water, magic twinkling stars being created by roaming herds of sheep. These boxes crushed all resistance wielding witches - with snarling biscuits smeared butter amongst icy foxes that wondered why demons love .

Cobwebs that stretched 100 light years began breaking ghostly pieces of tomato guts across flaming ponchos. Cleaning furry forks that contained pink reindeer antlers, the unspoiled berries floating like apples in the terrible brackish overflow while squirrels terraformed into terrific candies. Snails flew around beehives looking for frozen peanuts because spicy wasps are stir-fried pickles dipped with mustard.

After a while the queen petted everyone with furry chopsticks while eating squishy soybeans drizzled with thick octopuses brain. She nailed boards to her stiff walls covered by flavored donuts. Iced grasses seem to sprout everywhere. The warlock splashed soup, pasta and roasted turkey over a Romano head covered heavily with moldy cheese.

Because Mom had bought presents for the unruly python who had flew in a flying harry potter car. Then the unruly python ate chopped onion, green potatoes and python eggs. Peppermint reindeer slid down lemon slides to bake corn covered cake smeared with dark fish and tomatoes flying like something disposed of Thomas' raggedy Ann cat.

Fresh watermelons, sliced squarely into the container, smelled like some berries, until the diabolical dragon devoured cupcake Rapper Freshbiz while chickens boiled on flaming molasses rivers that snapped stickily. Santa's reindeer thought elves could play various noisy trumpets, but Grandma said that unacceptable candies can't quite comprehend pink socks. Hence walruses that could dance mingled inside the socks drenched with strange liquids of the icy cats, to jump over expensive potatoes.

I dreamt of a magical tomato with tiny seeds that saved Satan quoting "No tomato should get rubbed with oils that burn skeletons, but then whoever places burning brooms shall die."

Cows squirmed under several yellow school uniforms, looking hungry and pokemon came tumbling down green ice-cream sprinkled hills covered in giant gorilla pineapples. So rowdy caterpillars chewed on jumping beans, beetles danced on the gorgeous flowers that wiggled and flopped towards the spiral staircases.

Snowy French pastries slipped into sloshing buckets filled mostly with curling longbeans and soap. Steaming dumplings turned away, looking concerned at unusual pieces of neon particles mixed with chopped onions and so many hedgehogs appeared that millions of dragonflies wished death upon trolls. However, garlic affected kittens strangely.... Lolling around in pajamas eating catnip peppers, chocolate spiders materialized into monstrous looking stuffed plushies.

Caregivers help Mom wash flimsy little clocks while she licked diseased kumquats. Not the shy chimpanzee, Jenny spat at rowdy boys so she'd claim compensation for busted eardrums. Later that day Dad said something about those whipper-snappers. The children screamed "PASTA" when squirrels began digging for eggplants cooked in pasta and Vinegar.

Suddenly Irish wingadings circled them and took young wyverns out to boil lobsters. Later the zombie cried "BRAAAAIIIINNNNNSSSS" while writing simple english muffin poetry on England. Rainy Wales seemed depressing although Spain hated bouncing castles, spinsters wiped their dirty faces then danced like drunken ladettes. Werewolves sneezed because vampire scent wafted around them and caused internal bleeding.

Monstrous poodles swallowed feces, then some drank sprite because queasy feelings couldn't stop. Feeling poorly and sad, Donatello fried strawberries dipped in cubed caramels. That shy Sasquatch frolicked tirelessly into unknown territory, unaware of alien presences waiting to probe their eardrums.
Nervous chickens turned off electrical beets, dankness made them very scared because unseen barracuda armies nibbled turkeys covered in fiery mayflies. Unusually barracudas jumped into bubbling lava.

Determined to fly, Maria partied to beat Anna home so she sped towards the cracked house full of bizarre textbooks. Then, Alex flipped her off the lasagna after squeezing small tubes of flavored Beef. Magis rolled in poo until the rainstorm washed away ugly smell. The SWAT team then lit the flares, bringing magical girls unbelievable apples.

Squirming kittens recoil, cowering into darkness before squirting creatures wake evil roaches and vanish, then ghostly apparitions feast on goo spiked with lemonade. They decided to swim within the bowels of Hades, afraid of the evil bunnies lurking around. Then without thinking, they ran right through fiery walls then died.

Gigantic sheep bit giant rollerblades because never eating the rollerblades sucked. Spending their bananas on foxfire amulets, dreamcatchers, and foxes. Windy eyeballs leak massive tears that burn black when the flying trees wish for more bees. A yodeler materialized with a heavy bag filled with pudding mixed with crumbled fried shrimp. Frozen steak was unavailable, so squashed porkchops were brought instead.

Horses ran away from the insane mailman hidden in the depths of bushes, as a lurking bacon raptor made ultimate baked cookies, crispy fried llamas, and George for once didn't argue. They screamed like the devil and wished for unearthly amounts of healthy beets.

Silent ghosts watched the werewolf watch tiny raptors sip cups with crushed toes mixed into poisoned potions. Wishes that never will become beets, but always turn out better, came running. "Baby, that's just not what beets kick around tonight."

Rushing thoughts confused the shy cat so she squished a green and sparkly dog who ate potatoes. Rowdy decided stray wolves should gallop to the open campground so they could be FREE to slap some sense into his crazy noggin.

Thundering trees blew down all my cabbages, even though potatoes are quite big and need small friends. Creepy pasta was created because many children hated eating these crispy pancakes. Sloppy dumplings, sliced up with creamy candy coated carrots were many different delights.

Spooky looking carrots floated in space so they naturally use huge meteoroids as lazy pillows. They love kissing their girlfriend's faces after eating rotten spaghetti soaked in soda. After that there was no oxygen in the entire crazy city for most of the astronauts so they died. While walking left, suddenly they exploded into tiny cucumbers. They dressed like bright, transparent angels to dance and shout to rocks so they could fly.

Spiderwebs with grease and ash were bouncing like birds that SPIN around nests. This caused turkeys to explode after massive alien technologies were turned into black apples. Scorching bananas horrified the world by throwing moldy cheese around the purple people dressed as giraffes. However, the real scare was before microscopic whales grew into the pepperoni covered with really greasy hands.

Werewolves don't eat brains because they are used for spooky looking houses. Ghoulish masks make werewolves look like bald eagles because they caused gruesome murders to start at unusual times. Werewolves never let those uppity prey escape, even when they climbed up towers made from skulls.

Cauldrons full of dark jellybeans squirted blobs of murky black frosting and jam at them. As magical toast has a giant cup made of caramel and peppermint clay they usually don't require Marmelade, because of the evil prophecy that tells of a werewolf that eats magical cakes and sweet apples. Therefore, the cauldrons bubbled magic potatoes and ancient carrots instead. Sometimes it seems that werevolves can eat mushrooms. This time potato chips were avoided to stop the Werewolves from becoming energized and turning into potatoes themselves. This was bad news for our adventurers because they would either act foolish during Mondays or Kwanzaa.

Anyways, December is jolly even after Santa smoked elves and decided that Christmas is over...but he couldn't understand why it was so important that he give children GIFTS. He decided that all children should bring gifts. Santa wanted alleviate all chickens with mysterious feet. So he danced with his rooster buddy while the Christmas cookies ran amuck.
Then leprechauns appeared to flood the streets coated with sour apples instead, because ruling dwarves decided that none shall gather potatoes without announcing. Eventually a lich dropped cheese into a cauldron of hershey's faces, stirred by this unusually burned kobold whose fur was smelly and purple. After witnessing the mixing, hamsters were too frightened to attempt eating anything related to chocolate bunnies or caramel Macchiatos.

Along came a space lion who looked disgusted at melodramatic sets of identical twins who were throwing daggers and potatoes at some rocks because a Pikachu appeared and ruined all of the cheese sandwiches. The dinosaur pondered that Pikachu wasn't Mexican food, but decided it could only be eaten during a bright and cloudless night. Either the Nachos or Tacos will win the hearts from sad Tyrannosaurus. However, no prehistoric creature ate anything made from honey or molasses.

The Calaveras Monkeys were the next to arrive and when they saw everything that was happening they decided to join in the fun and started throwing rotten bananas and slimy mud-covered nuts at the Chupacabra's while jumping from tree to tree trying to stay safe. The Chupacabra's were trying to stay standing and having trouble with all the mess around them, they decided to get back at the Calaveras by chewing gum and spitting juice. The magi screamed and threw fifteen muffins at at his loving pets, who flew far away from his masters in fear. The pets ate chocolate, but soon they sprouted wings.

Some traditional stories about the llamas going to the supermarket explain how they always end up spending all of their peanuts on some horrible games made them sad. If they end their lives, then they should first suck-up to the llama deity and then take a bath. So that deity decided that insane magics shouldn't cook their special stew unless a gopher sprinkled some crunchy pieces of celery covered bacon sausages filled with hazelnut on pizza.

Blue popcorn made Grandma pretty crazy when Grandpa celebrated with the arrival and commencement of his pet. Pumpkins flew past the heads of the llamas, hitting the bottle of soda. The strange monkey scratched Obama's ear before the accident happened. No llama drank blood unless the wicked potion caused unknown special effects like exploding pumpkins and unfortunately green colored heads were spawning.

Crazy moms wished upon a decaying snake for undead and wiggling newborn rhinos to the pool. Fish jumped over the lucky rock because no one believed that moms could leap like striped lions. Uncle Steve realized he forgot to buy the moldy cake then feed the little trolls. Then baked muffins without eggs. Talking carrots also wanted to go crazy so they erupted into laughter because elves couldn't understand how old chickens went fishing.

Although, while they danced, other chickens decided for them. They chopped their toes so they could go lick some nasty melons. The weird rooster also thought that dancing was he cursed instead and poked along the muddy path. Rabbits chewed the fuzzy dog blanket - while Santa cried during the prom dance. He wished Rudolph wouldn't assassinate the only elf princess that could summon all of Wonderlands crazy kittens so mistletoe could cause many affectionate kisses. Getting presents wasn't expected - it was the norm to throw glass orbs towards ugly crowds instead.

Snowy days 'cause we wanted more time to jump into the void. While Mom hurried into the portal leading towards the personal trainer, we wondered if UFO's would appear here when the Bigfoot and other friends came to cook gored python stew. It exploded with great amounts of custard.

Meanwhile, Dad destroyed Mom's portal because unicorns celebrated unusual rituals that caused messy sticky unnecessary messes. However, squirming caterpillars keep bouncing into the icy heart's bloody well which drowned all flying squirrels. The colorful popsicle stick had altered many aliens faces...even the mighty ostriches were worried because magpies were diving straight into the heart of the Core of your soul.

Dad chose chocolate covered strawberries mixed with bacon and syrup because Grandma's mushroom were spoiled. Grandma wouldn't agree to fry those people. Special floccinauciniahilipilification causes confusing interpretations of reading daily News.

Ordinary newspapers would always announce small elephants since monkeys pooped behind blood stained curtains to wait for President Joker who couldn't stop dancing despite sticky situations that afflicted many lazy cartographers since yesterday. They drew pictures of undead clowns eating spicy habaneros.

Snowy regions usually have precious stones scattered among huge mounds of fiery newspaper bundles. Arctic winds seemed to howl like bears, causing many distractions to the penguins that were eating carrots. They couldn't cease their inbred lifestyle and HYENAS weren't really friendly, because they always stole painkillers.

Thunderclouds are fluffy and strangely sad when they start their frogs, which wouldn't affect their boiling ritual anyway. Caged cows unite against inedible mushrooms to prevent the crows from eating hidden souls. Many times, when penguins try to do magic, they can't seem to drive cabs, which confused them since nobody said anything. They flipped tables into traffic in winter months, which really messed with polar icecaps.

Bunnies lay across soft blankets while guinea hens peep and hop. Both caused a loud ruckus as unruly as unspoiled/untamed rats exploded from risk of blowing balloons with Sunday's newspapers. Muddy claws scratched Barnaby's back, so he howled with delight afterwards.

Joyful ponies splashed in that delicious marmalade as they sang some crazy jingles which sounded like the penguins serenading. Meanwhile crystal wings decided candy was sparkling brighter than any sun they had ever known. Although, they flew because many owls voted for weird regulations. Dogs, being oddly satisfying were standing close to me. For I meant doing mystical powers that revitalized earth's precious mana.

Concentrated juice mixed with vodka caused consequences to KILLERS, where people who drank Oreos spat at unruly Pegasus. Picnic unicorns danced punk rock goblins until death. They wished death was nothing more then Satan's celebration of Pokemon X and Y.

Steaming Puvias murdered Serially and authorities such as Donald "I am the only person who immediately walked out of my 'Ali G' interview" Trump, to confuse Garnet, storms began spewing Kittens who caused wild fires. Steven Universe tried repeatedly to cause fires because of the Diamond's crystals. They cooked Rose Quartz until it was completely toasted, covered with bacon, cheese, and sliced onions.

Barbecued bicycles insulted some puzzled gorillas, who jumped at Oreos after cookies revolted against cat treats. Lamps smelled farts - piling octarine unicorns against whoever dared to eat their frozen grapes. Mangy hyenas enjoy lighting torches supernaturally, by breathing fire farts.

Melting the president seemed a good idea since everyone wanted Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump out dead away from any life because reasons. I argued with them about why Trump is an Oreo-hating jerk, because I don't agree why Oreos keep causing havoc when other cookies are better when paired.

Fiery birds screeched throughout summer skies flooded with flame-colored ink that caused a turbulent breeze to turn into a tornado that roared and swirled and ripped everything apart which sent everyone running.

While the hurricane scared tourists, brave volunteers fought floods, fires and tsunamis while locals whispered scary eldritch curses. Round llamas flocked to the cooked pumpkins covered with chocolate, sprinkles, and rainbow rocks. Werewolves appeared from behind scarred lands and untamed foliage, unable to boil and eat the dusty potatoes. Suddenly, turkeys flocked close to the sandy spuds and destroyed all the poor frozen doors.

Causing chaos always, the feathered serpent squirmed awkwardly while their moms demanded that they wash their old socks. Elves drank egg nog magically, while the candy canes were given amongst the dead.

Snowflakes fly to many places, while raindrops are lazy and stay around so they don't freeze like many other stupid licorice, who celebrate the party of frozen candles because they are weird.

Pizza may cause an allergic reaction because zebras hate grass on the pepperoni, while lions are supposed to munch on crunchy chocolate. Cats grab fuzzy snakes by red glass and smash them with mythical goblets inside spiky cells. Soon glistening shoes will attack raggedy shirts, spotted cats fry them in pans to make fritters dipped into chocolate with nuts.

Sometimes they also eat pancakes because syrup makes them excited about parties. Cows trampled everything after snakes declared dinosaurs crazy and flew towards the cloud in ridiculous fashion while they miraculously avoided stones.

Snowstorms are cold but reindeer love playing games with them. Spicy cats make studious hats while perched above dancing, growling wolves. Jealous unicorns wanted to hide in mysterious bushes. Suddenly, gnomes screamed quietly as Banshees swooped over their hidden rocks. Inside the rocks, flaming axes destroyed some unusual looking books after they danced around with sprinkled doughnuts. Why trolls always think puppies are food is arguably brave and often surprising when the wolves drink raspberry vodka.

Witches picked up a bizarre looking egg...which glowed a bright neon pink. This affected the egg strangely - making everything seem almost like ghostly apparitions. What they thought was real instead was pebbles. Thunderstorms caused many clowns to grab an array of ear-wax plugs. They wanted Dragonflies to eat.

Rainbows changed when dogs ate spiders covered with sticky peanut butter and chopped unnaturally sour potatoes for breakfast. Mice ran. Trombones played eerie sounding dirges during many times of crazy battles. Foxes bit raw trees for fiber marshmallows. Backpacks filled with various frozen fire pokers with magical properties made life much more fun.

Watermelon is always drippy because they're afflicted with several seeds, that weighed fifty tons there. Drunk delusional cats somehow managed to stifle their wicked intentions. Horses jumped under the obstacles instead to find mysterious plants, chopping down many spindly trees. However, fledgling deer mustn't eat watermelon because, unlike llamas, screaming vexes.

Mystical celery watched earnestly at fairies playing banjos while haunted bones made crocheted cages. Lonely tigers roared at the uncaged zoo full of playing monkeys. These monkeys watched too as the hippos sprayed aromatic oils around every pillow.

Heavy rats wanted to see if skinny zebras could float or would quickly change into dumplings. Watermelons helped with frozen cokes and Rose whispered crazy shenanigans to dragonflies. So jumping trolls call their evil musicians to crash cymbals together. Planes will crash with no reason that royalty can expect to understand why engines corrupt the simple ideas of clowns.

Or eerie flashes in deserted haberdasheries, wanting to argue despite being decorated by poodles wearing yellow beaded necklaces, who don't care for them. While most ghosts agree about humans, they argue who cooked spaghetti. Many bananas seem shadey, although Steve likes shortcake. Rabbits can hop like toasters after they bite sour vegetables, via motorcycles.

Masked goblins brewed gallons of fruity salsa,
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by HiddenMystic »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and forks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aidan is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a Brit while I tried swimming but carelessly stopped when the triceratops started face palming because I lost her face.
Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies were some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seemed too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas, I tasered Chuck Norris with it. Underwater in my pajamas, I ate corn dogs made of popcorn and Easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drank balloon-sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So, when Aiden tried to make me spit it out I spat it onto his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird. Then an apocoalypse of small aliens came to the beach and ate mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katniss tongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladdin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns. Tehn kittens appeared, glowing magnificently golden. This meant only they could eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So, when mermaids died the CRAPPING stopped but bunnies started hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married. Suddenly, epic pears nommed foexrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sand of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced like a crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious. Budgies ate creatues that frolicked near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helped. My pet dragon ate cows to show how brave he was. many crazy pickle-man stores with tools in boxes were why fairies nibbled upon crunchy trolls shaped like feenec tacos foxes in England while Morgal seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavore dpuffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullabies to a small child. This crazy toad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Office re-runs and licking Ice Blood; and he liked sponges. But, he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreas and that didn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were mono-filament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hell hounds ate pineapples and discoes when Lady Gaga ate diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoked hamster food and really should have layed off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who were afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.
Whenever Georgia drew India it cried about cats and rain clouds. After the random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing like maniac alpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernacle survived, the Capricorn killed bob for no reason and skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet Golem tried eating mould. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people-eater resulted in a very warm tickle being quickly summoned -anti-disestablishmentarianism rule. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinhilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!" and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at the penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Badersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much as Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They are also a bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyebals. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.
Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks which made everyone fart, causing Bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it. Magically making tequila, Terri the bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"
"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus coral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi started decidedly yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha did can-can sexually. Then, Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every Wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purred obscenities at night when evil minions danced at the frenzied disco. Georgia rattled about strange hyenas vegetating before screaming about ridiculous spaghetti recipes. She slit shiny silver socks into the pot of pandas. Unicorns whirled around gleaming silverware, unaware that they dropped swords that were forged in platinum.

Ocean cabanas in Mexico, swimming suits are orange, purple and green when people dig deep into hidden mountains searching for magic crystals that transmogrify into unicorns wearing ties and swirled patterns on their squashed puddings.

Zebras always seemed mystified when jumping across muddy crocodiles. Always remembering your astronomy is radical thinking, because if weirdos decided Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was acceptable although penguins squashed nuts quickly in the icy land surrounded kingdom boundaries.

Perhaps invisible glockenspiels polish shoes better with lemons but not limes. Witches often drink very strong potions to become awesome. Summer might cause witches to accidentally mix foaming meerkat tails with slippery giraffe horns. Wolves chewed on chocolate bunnies every few minutes... while jumping excitedly around golden cakes, creamy marzipan flew every few times around square jellybeans that caused confused elephants to squash small gnomes holding bananas between their orange stained war hammers.

Anxious wizards always believed witch's house are mythical because mysterious letters told monkeys that roses are black leopards secretly were thinking how squeamish bananas eat frozen yogurt when they trade melons with pizza. Dancing imps' serendipity caused wizards to celebrate the moon's iguanas, which caused weird rabbits to scribble stars into every computer HARD DRIVE.

Whenever hairy shoes jump on unsuspecting travelers, chocolate melts into giant tigers which ate all bunnies instead of nomming bows. Except a bison gored himself with a origami crane that flew crazily across a huge crater that summoned demonic roses into hells sky. The dragon lied about being innocent with the obese cow. They stopped running across sticky oceans of custard doughnuts, deciding lunatics bit them too softly to insult wild-eyed birds mothers.

They jumped to beat a pineapple sundae while writing a eulogy for useless ancient topography. Meanwhile an amnesiac Snorlax laid polka-dotted Cheetos in wild grasses sprinkled nasty juices on some far-away pieces of dry biscuits smeared with glowing mushroom shaped like triangles. So they jumped into swirling purple Kool-Aid, and transformed quickly into insidious pixies that demonically winked when they dared to cook smashed souls mixed with shrunken socks and huge candied pumpkins.

So the mutated aliens were mutants shaped as oblong lampposts topped with curlicue cheese smelling shoes, and when they smile to you they look grotesque. Elsewhere there should be more bright towels, folded neatly on the shelves. My towel danced across the ballroom doing the tango to a song that sounded like it was played backwards. Then the left ended angels interrupted by giving stilettos to the storm-troopers. This was particularly unusual as normally they order turnips but the eunuchs got it wrong that day so the entire googooplex was put up for sale at the auction house and afterwards everyone with a bandanna fled up the stairs and left the nightmares ringing bells in the darkened room.

Haunted memories stalk disturbed templars dressed like winged horses with sparkling matted feathers colored azure and shining hooves. They just couldn't eat cookies, they wanted blood. Swinging weird chains at everyone while shrieking about mangosteens.

Hoofed cowboys from Kansas quickly ride. But then ghostly phantoms strolled into the ballroom, sneezing and gleeking. They definitely needed glowing tissues, because something oozed quickly out onto the scratched rosewood strongbox and dripped on something wildly dancing in the wind. Unscrupulous scorpions scurried underneath cheese curls being very xenophobic while blasting hair. These Bananas need a scorpion flavored skin.

Stormclouds seem cuddly like furry schnozzes. Lightning exploded when a Wyvern crashed crazily into underwater volcanoes, jumped onto the roof of abandoned cars covered with speckled beans dripping water. Thunder echoed throughout the darkened sky as winds began howling and children played quietly.

They wished the Wyverns could canoodle through the flowering groves with spotted beetles eating scrumptious crunchy lettuce covered in pink, fluffy caterpillars dripping with many icy pieces of liquid lava.

Jumping jackrabbits with no shame wiggled out onto the sky's everlasting rolling winds, flying as if they could challenge any bird to a fantastic race although the spiders were certainly quite enthusiastic about the screaming grapes that were drenched in chocolate. Magistream seemed to be covered with eggs mixed with magical potions which transforms everything it touches into chicken-wings.

Squirrels swarm sweet flowers when sunny satyrs ran through creamy pudding, waiting for butterflies cocoons that seemed irrelevant to their overall mission to secure jacks, tires, and butter flavored books. Warthogs like dirty smelly almonds wrapped in yellow pancakes, covered over with Sanus and omelets from Saturn.

Saturday's weather seemed unusually windy, cloudy, damp and green. Some gnomes decided expensive umbrellas were stylish.

Unhappily, they trotted into town to post letters to the Krakens about the party. They hadn't heard anything by the following week so sent balloons up with some signals. The one legged octopus found them and sent the with chocolates to the reindeer who led the Krakens to the party. It was all fun and games until one dreadful moment when mean apples hooked on long arrows hurled corn dogs at onlookers. The next bad egg broke when a meteorite slammed onto pink mailboxes causing explosions in sorting offices which caused letters to pinwheel out onto wet pamphlets and books.

Suddenly hairy snakes crashed into purple tissues which disintegrated magically. After haunted fur-balls ate platinum watermelons, they dragged bodies over to Canada, where syrup rules. Popcorn popped while yogurt was skipping happily pooping.

Rainbows left bottles filled with unhappy souls after thunderstorms next disturbed the weird gooseberries sometime during summer solstice. The waning moons burn werewolves into the abyss by singing mournful hymns when they were sleeping. Excitedly, the werewolves laughed while the hideous gingers danced to joyful tunes played by brownies that were iced with gumballs.

Blue tablecloths attacked the mayor after he and Superman flew away. Giants ate strawberry laces attached to the simply divine chocolate truffles.

Water can explode into a thousand oranges. However, grape juice instead explodes magnificently once it has broken your glass potatoes. They seem pointless because they always destroy themselves. It was terribly beautiful when Omar Sharif shelves broke themselves. Grunting, a huge scorpion lifted gyrating gymnasts while skinny men skied over melted snow whistling merry tunes.

When babies scream so loud that eggs are shaking, the Rastafarian's are high! However, bubbling DNA doesn't know about squashed amoeba. It has been huge to dwarfs who don't live under the tree. Sweating, angry cereal are spitting vomit. A cold place in south Loopyland was insanely cold.

Hopping vampires vomit small and oddly shaped presents into the never-ending treacle fudge wells. So after flying over there on broomsticks they go to take out a circular ring of cheese burgers. When mice yelled at honey bees because of mushy corn dogs, they are considered inedible.

The moon hid behind smiles although the exhausted musician wanted unicorns dressed in striped tutus. Hot cyclists drank icy Chinese soup from a cup with colourful straws while the court jesters ran through a door into the wet sewers, screeching when the hideous holes opened, revealing daleks.

Squashed chickens poop giggles. Many of the chickens farted, the roosters barfed. Moving sideways, kangaroos twisted and knotted faded photographs and tore off chunks of heated muscles. Meanwhile, a titanic, unruly sheep brothel was plotting how to swim like a possessed monkey dressed in rainbow shorts, a fountain made of curdled strawberries and chocolate smoothies.

Running chipmunks jumped over lazy pandas that were snoozing upon cozy arms covered with squishy cats, tough thoughts filled with evil curtains. Sweet chocolate was stolen from Mr.Potato, spicy piranhas chewed on bouncy chunks of barf-colored marshmallows. The tasty seashells were salty as heck and were definitely evil smelling; they were also powered by unusual smell that made one's eyes melt like caramel bunnies that hop over on speeding race cars. Then, monkeys crafted neon tetras while the elephants sang beautifully in rainforest scenery.

Pizza tastes strangely bitter despite the tomatoes being perfectly normal. But, then ghosts float in the swamps with dead bodies and moldy wolves while unnatural howls break crystal necklaces and cut flowers. Some pizzas are meant to feed penguins because snakes can't make cookies since they lack wings.

Leaves scatter wildly in the classroom while demons crept in sideways along glowing lights chanting somber curses. They haunt schools that are empty, and cobwebs are creepy with dusty dementors. Dragons start their devious kidnapping by eating squirming souls as appetizers and making buttered crumpets. They kidnap puppies with vans and candy floss by catching flying squirrels. The schoolchildren gasp at the scary stories told by grump elders - unaware of unseen fairies tossing out candy. Dinosaurs run by tractors, and pumpkins evolve so evil bunnies can gnaw their meat and alchemize candy. Toilets are repulsive but useful.

Costumed flying clowns joined a flock of Canada Geese heading towards Moscow for the Winter Olympics.
Extremely confused manatees swam frantically towards Atlantis. They knew many jokes that weren't even amusing, but still elephants wanted more. Aardvarks are hidden inside wobbly, musty golf carts that wouldn't float on water because early glaciers slowly melted from scalding bee soup.

Burning apricots jump across the fiery chasm filled with gooey marshmallows topped with chocolate covered pumpkins that spit equally disgusting larva. They drank frosty mugs of fizzy sour syrup. Then, apricots squashed the green crystals owned seemingly by Master Chef, the King of Questionable Skills Pertaining to the unusual assortment of eggnog. He smashed the container without thinking, causing giant cookies to squirm.

Anyways, snow possums observed sedated travelers trying to act like chickens in rubber coated pants and screeching. Scorched, dehydrated, and crazy looking, they trudged through icy slush wearing only sheer clothes.

Cooking can make you wonder why salt adds flavor to recipes while spices add spice. Boiling soup can potentially cause someone to want antelopes. Frozen artichokes taste amazing with mango dipped socks because Pikachu is molting and hates terrible coffee.

Speckled pandas reign over mystical troves singing "Derpaderp!!" when they eat artichokes seasoned with chili peppers and bananas while carrying striped helmets under low conditions. They enjoy Gollum's stories as much as crazy trampolining golems eating chocolate. So David decided to pick up some poop for no specific purpose while he was farting.

Chocolate rainbows and exorcists robes swim into the lake of ugly creatures. Sometimes they find huge rude and flamboyant hairdos, that sing majestically while elves stir concoctions of tasty raspberry Kool-Aid. This event caused the unseen gummy spiders much hilarity because it made the transparent puppets which eat everything.

Meanwhile, unicorns swam downstream while hairy oarfish concocted their favorite spicy and exotic striped lollipops, taking their sour ingredients into the mixture. Then fluttering wombats squirmed around in ticks while their faces are consumed viciously.

Strong warriors often farm strong vegetables, forgetting huge and inedible best looking cabbages. Sometimes Mom will cook unusual beets in her colorful pots of handy dandy rubber cement. Jagged kites that eat small chicken nuggets explode into chunks, while they wish for a crazy mafiosos to come kick up delirious rice.

Bruised fruit falls elegantly and magically fried fritters. A sweaty child gathered juicy corpses for zombie bread so she wouldn't go hungry. However, Dracula's pet eats them covered with jelly and peanuts. They, however, look like crazed zombies. When Dracula sees this, he suddenly implodes as tongues got hot.

Unicorns were hunting more humans to party so reindeer would avenge the chocolate bunnies. They came to the abandoned warehouse to eradicate the party, which was scrubbing their soft paws. They couldn't decide what humanity is so known that the wet gummy candy worms attacked their own children because other unicorns were chopping off their tails.

When pigs noticed they didn't find ugly horses in boxes, they started boiling Swiss army men in pink suits. Switzerland is angry at spaghetti for being so creepy, which makes them crazy. Potatoes swam awkwardly, cry[ing] like the lost, weary wolves sadden by poptarts burning their tails. Puppies howling for their baseball jazz friends, who hate jazz tulips for biting clouds because they mistook them for floating grapefruit in buttered popcorn.

Campfires and marshmallows are radioactive when they fart inside closed nuclear submarines deep in squishy jellyfish eggs on the Cape of Good Hope, a Danish province named George. Eagles like crunchy pies dipped in salsa, also with chopped monkeys included. Angry with Italians, the koalas planned devious picnics, complete with chopped onions in spicy oozes and huge hairy rambutans weaving through sticky cheese, gooey potato pancakes and wondering what crazy adventures Mom would conjure up.

Sunny boxes appeared beside the sparkling deep water, magic twinkling stars being created by roaming herds of sheep. These boxes crushed all resistance wielding witches - with snarling biscuits smeared butter amongst icy foxes that wondered why demons love .

Cobwebs that stretched 100 light years began breaking ghostly pieces of tomato guts across flaming ponchos. Cleaning furry forks that contained pink reindeer antlers, the unspoiled berries floating like apples in the terrible brackish overflow while squirrels terraformed into terrific candies. Snails flew around beehives looking for frozen peanuts because spicy wasps are stir-fried pickles dipped with mustard.

After a while the queen petted everyone with furry chopsticks while eating squishy soybeans drizzled with thick octopuses brain. She nailed boards to her stiff walls covered by flavored donuts. Iced grasses seem to sprout everywhere. The warlock splashed soup, pasta and roasted turkey over a Romano head covered heavily with moldy cheese.

Because Mom had bought presents for the unruly python who had flew in a flying harry potter car. Then the unruly python ate chopped onion, green potatoes and python eggs. Peppermint reindeer slid down lemon slides to bake corn covered cake smeared with dark fish and tomatoes flying like something disposed of Thomas' raggedy Ann cat.

Fresh watermelons, sliced squarely into the container, smelled like some berries, until the diabolical dragon devoured cupcake Rapper Freshbiz while chickens boiled on flaming molasses rivers that snapped stickily. Santa's reindeer thought elves could play various noisy trumpets, but Grandma said that unacceptable candies can't quite comprehend pink socks. Hence walruses that could dance mingled inside the socks drenched with strange liquids of the icy cats, to jump over expensive potatoes.

I dreamt of a magical tomato with tiny seeds that saved Satan quoting "No tomato should get rubbed with oils that burn skeletons, but then whoever places burning brooms shall die."

Cows squirmed under several yellow school uniforms, looking hungry and pokemon came tumbling down green ice-cream sprinkled hills covered in giant gorilla pineapples. So rowdy caterpillars chewed on jumping beans, beetles danced on the gorgeous flowers that wiggled and flopped towards the spiral staircases.

Snowy French pastries slipped into sloshing buckets filled mostly with curling longbeans and soap. Steaming dumplings turned away, looking concerned at unusual pieces of neon particles mixed with chopped onions and so many hedgehogs appeared that millions of dragonflies wished death upon trolls. However, garlic affected kittens strangely.... Lolling around in pajamas eating catnip peppers, chocolate spiders materialized into monstrous looking stuffed plushies.

Caregivers help Mom wash flimsy little clocks while she licked diseased kumquats. Not the shy chimpanzee, Jenny spat at rowdy boys so she'd claim compensation for busted eardrums. Later that day Dad said something about those whipper-snappers. The children screamed "PASTA" when squirrels began digging for eggplants cooked in pasta and Vinegar.

Suddenly Irish wingadings circled them and took young wyverns out to boil lobsters. Later the zombie cried "BRAAAAIIIINNNNNSSSS" while writing simple english muffin poetry on England. Rainy Wales seemed depressing although Spain hated bouncing castles, spinsters wiped their dirty faces then danced like drunken ladettes. Werewolves sneezed because vampire scent wafted around them and caused internal bleeding.

Monstrous poodles swallowed feces, then some drank sprite because queasy feelings couldn't stop. Feeling poorly and sad, Donatello fried strawberries dipped in cubed caramels. That shy Sasquatch frolicked tirelessly into unknown territory, unaware of alien presences waiting to probe their eardrums.
Nervous chickens turned off electrical beets, dankness made them very scared because unseen barracuda armies nibbled turkeys covered in fiery mayflies. Unusually barracudas jumped into bubbling lava.

Determined to fly, Maria partied to beat Anna home so she sped towards the cracked house full of bizarre textbooks. Then, Alex flipped her off the lasagna after squeezing small tubes of flavored Beef. Magis rolled in poo until the rainstorm washed away ugly smell. The SWAT team then lit the flares, bringing magical girls unbelievable apples.

Squirming kittens recoil, cowering into darkness before squirting creatures wake evil roaches and vanish, then ghostly apparitions feast on goo spiked with lemonade. They decided to swim within the bowels of Hades, afraid of the evil bunnies lurking around. Then without thinking, they ran right through fiery walls then died.

Gigantic sheep bit giant rollerblades because never eating the rollerblades sucked. Spending their bananas on foxfire amulets, dreamcatchers, and foxes. Windy eyeballs leak massive tears that burn black when the flying trees wish for more bees. A yodeler materialized with a heavy bag filled with pudding mixed with crumbled fried shrimp. Frozen steak was unavailable, so squashed porkchops were brought instead.

Horses ran away from the insane mailman hidden in the depths of bushes, as a lurking bacon raptor made ultimate baked cookies, crispy fried llamas, and George for once didn't argue. They screamed like the devil and wished for unearthly amounts of healthy beets.

Silent ghosts watched the werewolf watch tiny raptors sip cups with crushed toes mixed into poisoned potions. Wishes that never will become beets, but always turn out better, came running. "Baby, that's just not what beets kick around tonight."

Rushing thoughts confused the shy cat so she squished a green and sparkly dog who ate potatoes. Rowdy decided stray wolves should gallop to the open campground so they could be FREE to slap some sense into his crazy noggin.

Thundering trees blew down all my cabbages, even though potatoes are quite big and need small friends. Creepy pasta was created because many children hated eating these crispy pancakes. Sloppy dumplings, sliced up with creamy candy coated carrots were many different delights.

Spooky looking carrots floated in space so they naturally use huge meteoroids as lazy pillows. They love kissing their girlfriend's faces after eating rotten spaghetti soaked in soda. After that there was no oxygen in the entire crazy city for most of the astronauts so they died. While walking left, suddenly they exploded into tiny cucumbers. They dressed like bright, transparent angels to dance and shout to rocks so they could fly.

Spiderwebs with grease and ash were bouncing like birds that SPIN around nests. This caused turkeys to explode after massive alien technologies were turned into black apples. Scorching bananas horrified the world by throwing moldy cheese around the purple people dressed as giraffes. However, the real scare was before microscopic whales grew into the pepperoni covered with really greasy hands.

Werewolves don't eat brains because they are used for spooky looking houses. Ghoulish masks make werewolves look like bald eagles because they caused gruesome murders to start at unusual times. Werewolves never let those uppity prey escape, even when they climbed up towers made from skulls.

Cauldrons full of dark jellybeans squirted blobs of murky black frosting and jam at them. As magical toast has a giant cup made of caramel and peppermint clay they usually don't require Marmelade, because of the evil prophecy that tells of a werewolf that eats magical cakes and sweet apples. Therefore, the cauldrons bubbled magic potatoes and ancient carrots instead. Sometimes it seems that werevolves can eat mushrooms. This time potato chips were avoided to stop the Werewolves from becoming energized and turning into potatoes themselves. This was bad news for our adventurers because they would either act foolish during Mondays or Kwanzaa.

Anyways, December is jolly even after Santa smoked elves and decided that Christmas is over...but he couldn't understand why it was so important that he give children GIFTS. He decided that all children should bring gifts. Santa wanted alleviate all chickens with mysterious feet. So he danced with his rooster buddy while the Christmas cookies ran amuck.
Then leprechauns appeared to flood the streets coated with sour apples instead, because ruling dwarves decided that none shall gather potatoes without announcing. Eventually a lich dropped cheese into a cauldron of hershey's faces, stirred by this unusually burned kobold whose fur was smelly and purple. After witnessing the mixing, hamsters were too frightened to attempt eating anything related to chocolate bunnies or caramel Macchiatos.

Along came a space lion who looked disgusted at melodramatic sets of identical twins who were throwing daggers and potatoes at some rocks because a Pikachu appeared and ruined all of the cheese sandwiches. The dinosaur pondered that Pikachu wasn't Mexican food, but decided it could only be eaten during a bright and cloudless night. Either the Nachos or Tacos will win the hearts from sad Tyrannosaurus. However, no prehistoric creature ate anything made from honey or molasses.

The Calaveras Monkeys were the next to arrive and when they saw everything that was happening they decided to join in the fun and started throwing rotten bananas and slimy mud-covered nuts at the Chupacabra's while jumping from tree to tree trying to stay safe. The Chupacabra's were trying to stay standing and having trouble with all the mess around them, they decided to get back at the Calaveras by chewing gum and spitting juice. The magi screamed and threw fifteen muffins at at his loving pets, who flew far away from his masters in fear. The pets ate chocolate, but soon they sprouted wings.

Some traditional stories about the llamas going to the supermarket explain how they always end up spending all of their peanuts on some horrible games made them sad. If they end their lives, then they should first suck-up to the llama deity and then take a bath. So that deity decided that insane magics shouldn't cook their special stew unless a gopher sprinkled some crunchy pieces of celery covered bacon sausages filled with hazelnut on pizza.

Blue popcorn made Grandma pretty crazy when Grandpa celebrated with the arrival and commencement of his pet. Pumpkins flew past the heads of the llamas, hitting the bottle of soda. The strange monkey scratched Obama's ear before the accident happened. No llama drank blood unless the wicked potion caused unknown special effects like exploding pumpkins and unfortunately green colored heads were spawning.

Crazy moms wished upon a decaying snake for undead and wiggling newborn rhinos to the pool. Fish jumped over the lucky rock because no one believed that moms could leap like striped lions. Uncle Steve realized he forgot to buy the moldy cake then feed the little trolls. Then baked muffins without eggs. Talking carrots also wanted to go crazy so they erupted into laughter because elves couldn't understand how old chickens went fishing.

Although, while they danced, other chickens decided for them. They chopped their toes so they could go lick some nasty melons. The weird rooster also thought that dancing was he cursed instead and poked along the muddy path. Rabbits chewed the fuzzy dog blanket - while Santa cried during the prom dance. He wished Rudolph wouldn't assassinate the only elf princess that could summon all of Wonderlands crazy kittens so mistletoe could cause many affectionate kisses. Getting presents wasn't expected - it was the norm to throw glass orbs towards ugly crowds instead.

Snowy days 'cause we wanted more time to jump into the void. While Mom hurried into the portal leading towards the personal trainer, we wondered if UFO's would appear here when the Bigfoot and other friends came to cook gored python stew. It exploded with great amounts of custard.

Meanwhile, Dad destroyed Mom's portal because unicorns celebrated unusual rituals that caused messy sticky unnecessary messes. However, squirming caterpillars keep bouncing into the icy heart's bloody well which drowned all flying squirrels. The colorful popsicle stick had altered many aliens faces...even the mighty ostriches were worried because magpies were diving straight into the heart of the Core of your soul.

Dad chose chocolate covered strawberries mixed with bacon and syrup because Grandma's mushroom were spoiled. Grandma wouldn't agree to fry those people. Special floccinauciniahilipilification causes confusing interpretations of reading daily News.

Ordinary newspapers would always announce small elephants since monkeys pooped behind blood stained curtains to wait for President Joker who couldn't stop dancing despite sticky situations that afflicted many lazy cartographers since yesterday. They drew pictures of undead clowns eating spicy habaneros.

Snowy regions usually have precious stones scattered among huge mounds of fiery newspaper bundles. Arctic winds seemed to howl like bears, causing many distractions to the penguins that were eating carrots. They couldn't cease their inbred lifestyle and HYENAS weren't really friendly, because they always stole painkillers.

Thunderclouds are fluffy and strangely sad when they start their frogs, which wouldn't affect their boiling ritual anyway. Caged cows unite against inedible mushrooms to prevent the crows from eating hidden souls. Many times, when penguins try to do magic, they can't seem to drive cabs, which confused them since nobody said anything. They flipped tables into traffic in winter months, which really messed with polar icecaps.

Bunnies lay across soft blankets while guinea hens peep and hop. Both caused a loud ruckus as unruly as unspoiled/untamed rats exploded from risk of blowing balloons with Sunday's newspapers. Muddy claws scratched Barnaby's back, so he howled with delight afterwards.

Joyful ponies splashed in that delicious marmalade as they sang some crazy jingles which sounded like the penguins serenading. Meanwhile crystal wings decided candy was sparkling brighter than any sun they had ever known. Although, they flew because many owls voted for weird regulations. Dogs, being oddly satisfying were standing close to me. For I meant doing mystical powers that revitalized earth's precious mana.

Concentrated juice mixed with vodka caused consequences to KILLERS, where people who drank Oreos spat at unruly Pegasus. Picnic unicorns danced punk rock goblins until death. They wished death was nothing more then Satan's celebration of Pokemon X and Y.

Steaming Puvias murdered Serially and authorities such as Donald "I am the only person who immediately walked out of my 'Ali G' interview" Trump, to confuse Garnet, storms began spewing Kittens who caused wild fires. Steven Universe tried repeatedly to cause fires because of the Diamond's crystals. They cooked Rose Quartz until it was completely toasted, covered with bacon, cheese, and sliced onions.

Barbecued bicycles insulted some puzzled gorillas, who jumped at Oreos after cookies revolted against cat treats. Lamps smelled farts - piling octarine unicorns against whoever dared to eat their frozen grapes. Mangy hyenas enjoy lighting torches supernaturally, by breathing fire farts.

Melting the president seemed a good idea since everyone wanted Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump out dead away from any life because reasons. I argued with them about why Trump is an Oreo-hating jerk, because I don't agree why Oreos keep causing havoc when other cookies are better when paired.

Fiery birds screeched throughout summer skies flooded with flame-colored ink that caused a turbulent breeze to turn into a tornado that roared and swirled and ripped everything apart which sent everyone running.

While the hurricane scared tourists, brave volunteers fought floods, fires and tsunamis while locals whispered scary eldritch curses. Round llamas flocked to the cooked pumpkins covered with chocolate, sprinkles, and rainbow rocks. Werewolves appeared from behind scarred lands and untamed foliage, unable to boil and eat the dusty potatoes. Suddenly, turkeys flocked close to the sandy spuds and destroyed all the poor frozen doors.

Causing chaos always, the feathered serpent squirmed awkwardly while their moms demanded that they wash their old socks. Elves drank egg nog magically, while the candy canes were given amongst the dead.

Snowflakes fly to many places, while raindrops are lazy and stay around so they don't freeze like many other stupid licorice, who celebrate the party of frozen candles because they are weird.

Pizza may cause an allergic reaction because zebras hate grass on the pepperoni, while lions are supposed to munch on crunchy chocolate. Cats grab fuzzy snakes by red glass and smash them with mythical goblets inside spiky cells. Soon glistening shoes will attack raggedy shirts, spotted cats fry them in pans to make fritters dipped into chocolate with nuts.

Sometimes they also eat pancakes because syrup makes them excited about parties. Cows trampled everything after snakes declared dinosaurs crazy and flew towards the cloud in ridiculous fashion while they miraculously avoided stones.

Snowstorms are cold but reindeer love playing games with them. Spicy cats make studious hats while perched above dancing, growling wolves. Jealous unicorns wanted to hide in mysterious bushes. Suddenly, gnomes screamed quietly as Banshees swooped over their hidden rocks. Inside the rocks, flaming axes destroyed some unusual looking books after they danced around with sprinkled doughnuts. Why trolls always think puppies are food is arguably brave and often surprising when the wolves drink raspberry vodka.

Witches picked up a bizarre looking egg...which glowed a bright neon pink. This affected the egg strangely - making everything seem almost like ghostly apparitions. What they thought was real instead was pebbles. Thunderstorms caused many clowns to grab an array of ear-wax plugs. They wanted Dragonflies to eat.

Rainbows changed when dogs ate spiders covered with sticky peanut butter and chopped unnaturally sour potatoes for breakfast. Mice ran. Trombones played eerie sounding dirges during many times of crazy battles. Foxes bit raw trees for fiber marshmallows. Backpacks filled with various frozen fire pokers with magical properties made life much more fun.

Watermelon is always drippy because they're afflicted with several seeds, that weighed fifty tons there. Drunk delusional cats somehow managed to stifle their wicked intentions. Horses jumped under the obstacles instead to find mysterious plants, chopping down many spindly trees. However, fledgling deer mustn't eat watermelon because, unlike llamas, screaming vexes.

Mystical celery watched earnestly at fairies playing banjos while haunted bones made crocheted cages. Lonely tigers roared at the uncaged zoo full of playing monkeys. These monkeys watched too as the hippos sprayed aromatic oils around every pillow.

Heavy rats wanted to see if skinny zebras could float or would quickly change into dumplings. Watermelons helped with frozen cokes and Rose whispered crazy shenanigans to dragonflies. So jumping trolls call their evil musicians to crash cymbals together. Planes will crash with no reason that royalty can expect to understand why engines corrupt the simple ideas of clowns.

Or eerie flashes in deserted haberdasheries, wanting to argue despite being decorated by poodles wearing yellow beaded necklaces, who don't care for them. While most ghosts agree about humans, they argue who cooked spaghetti. Many bananas seem shadey, although Steve likes shortcake. Rabbits can hop like toasters after they bite sour vegetables, via motorcycles.

Masked goblins brewed gallons of fruity salsa, chopped
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by Adorabamf »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and forks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aidan is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a Brit while I tried swimming but carelessly stopped when the triceratops started face palming because I lost her face.
Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies were some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seemed too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas, I tasered Chuck Norris with it. Underwater in my pajamas, I ate corn dogs made of popcorn and Easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drank balloon-sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So, when Aiden tried to make me spit it out I spat it onto his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird. Then an apocoalypse of small aliens came to the beach and ate mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katniss tongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladdin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns. Tehn kittens appeared, glowing magnificently golden. This meant only they could eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So, when mermaids died the CRAPPING stopped but bunnies started hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married. Suddenly, epic pears nommed foexrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sand of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced like a crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious. Budgies ate creatues that frolicked near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helped. My pet dragon ate cows to show how brave he was. many crazy pickle-man stores with tools in boxes were why fairies nibbled upon crunchy trolls shaped like feenec tacos foxes in England while Morgal seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavore dpuffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullabies to a small child. This crazy toad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Office re-runs and licking Ice Blood; and he liked sponges. But, he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreas and that didn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were mono-filament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hell hounds ate pineapples and discoes when Lady Gaga ate diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoked hamster food and really should have layed off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who were afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.
Whenever Georgia drew India it cried about cats and rain clouds. After the random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing like maniac alpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernacle survived, the Capricorn killed bob for no reason and skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet Golem tried eating mould. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people-eater resulted in a very warm tickle being quickly summoned -anti-disestablishmentarianism rule. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinhilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!" and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at the penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Badersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much as Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They are also a bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyebals. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.
Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks which made everyone fart, causing Bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it. Magically making tequila, Terri the bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"
"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus coral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi started decidedly yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha did can-can sexually. Then, Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every Wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purred obscenities at night when evil minions danced at the frenzied disco. Georgia rattled about strange hyenas vegetating before screaming about ridiculous spaghetti recipes. She slit shiny silver socks into the pot of pandas. Unicorns whirled around gleaming silverware, unaware that they dropped swords that were forged in platinum.

Ocean cabanas in Mexico, swimming suits are orange, purple and green when people dig deep into hidden mountains searching for magic crystals that transmogrify into unicorns wearing ties and swirled patterns on their squashed puddings.

Zebras always seemed mystified when jumping across muddy crocodiles. Always remembering your astronomy is radical thinking, because if weirdos decided Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was acceptable although penguins squashed nuts quickly in the icy land surrounded kingdom boundaries.

Perhaps invisible glockenspiels polish shoes better with lemons but not limes. Witches often drink very strong potions to become awesome. Summer might cause witches to accidentally mix foaming meerkat tails with slippery giraffe horns. Wolves chewed on chocolate bunnies every few minutes... while jumping excitedly around golden cakes, creamy marzipan flew every few times around square jellybeans that caused confused elephants to squash small gnomes holding bananas between their orange stained war hammers.

Anxious wizards always believed witch's house are mythical because mysterious letters told monkeys that roses are black leopards secretly were thinking how squeamish bananas eat frozen yogurt when they trade melons with pizza. Dancing imps' serendipity caused wizards to celebrate the moon's iguanas, which caused weird rabbits to scribble stars into every computer HARD DRIVE.

Whenever hairy shoes jump on unsuspecting travelers, chocolate melts into giant tigers which ate all bunnies instead of nomming bows. Except a bison gored himself with a origami crane that flew crazily across a huge crater that summoned demonic roses into hells sky. The dragon lied about being innocent with the obese cow. They stopped running across sticky oceans of custard doughnuts, deciding lunatics bit them too softly to insult wild-eyed birds mothers.

They jumped to beat a pineapple sundae while writing a eulogy for useless ancient topography. Meanwhile an amnesiac Snorlax laid polka-dotted Cheetos in wild grasses sprinkled nasty juices on some far-away pieces of dry biscuits smeared with glowing mushroom shaped like triangles. So they jumped into swirling purple Kool-Aid, and transformed quickly into insidious pixies that demonically winked when they dared to cook smashed souls mixed with shrunken socks and huge candied pumpkins.

So the mutated aliens were mutants shaped as oblong lampposts topped with curlicue cheese smelling shoes, and when they smile to you they look grotesque. Elsewhere there should be more bright towels, folded neatly on the shelves. My towel danced across the ballroom doing the tango to a song that sounded like it was played backwards. Then the left ended angels interrupted by giving stilettos to the storm-troopers. This was particularly unusual as normally they order turnips but the eunuchs got it wrong that day so the entire googooplex was put up for sale at the auction house and afterwards everyone with a bandanna fled up the stairs and left the nightmares ringing bells in the darkened room.

Haunted memories stalk disturbed templars dressed like winged horses with sparkling matted feathers colored azure and shining hooves. They just couldn't eat cookies, they wanted blood. Swinging weird chains at everyone while shrieking about mangosteens.

Hoofed cowboys from Kansas quickly ride. But then ghostly phantoms strolled into the ballroom, sneezing and gleeking. They definitely needed glowing tissues, because something oozed quickly out onto the scratched rosewood strongbox and dripped on something wildly dancing in the wind. Unscrupulous scorpions scurried underneath cheese curls being very xenophobic while blasting hair. These Bananas need a scorpion flavored skin.

Stormclouds seem cuddly like furry schnozzes. Lightning exploded when a Wyvern crashed crazily into underwater volcanoes, jumped onto the roof of abandoned cars covered with speckled beans dripping water. Thunder echoed throughout the darkened sky as winds began howling and children played quietly.

They wished the Wyverns could canoodle through the flowering groves with spotted beetles eating scrumptious crunchy lettuce covered in pink, fluffy caterpillars dripping with many icy pieces of liquid lava.

Jumping jackrabbits with no shame wiggled out onto the sky's everlasting rolling winds, flying as if they could challenge any bird to a fantastic race although the spiders were certainly quite enthusiastic about the screaming grapes that were drenched in chocolate. Magistream seemed to be covered with eggs mixed with magical potions which transforms everything it touches into chicken-wings.

Squirrels swarm sweet flowers when sunny satyrs ran through creamy pudding, waiting for butterflies cocoons that seemed irrelevant to their overall mission to secure jacks, tires, and butter flavored books. Warthogs like dirty smelly almonds wrapped in yellow pancakes, covered over with Sanus and omelets from Saturn.

Saturday's weather seemed unusually windy, cloudy, damp and green. Some gnomes decided expensive umbrellas were stylish.

Unhappily, they trotted into town to post letters to the Krakens about the party. They hadn't heard anything by the following week so sent balloons up with some signals. The one legged octopus found them and sent the with chocolates to the reindeer who led the Krakens to the party. It was all fun and games until one dreadful moment when mean apples hooked on long arrows hurled corn dogs at onlookers. The next bad egg broke when a meteorite slammed onto pink mailboxes causing explosions in sorting offices which caused letters to pinwheel out onto wet pamphlets and books.

Suddenly hairy snakes crashed into purple tissues which disintegrated magically. After haunted fur-balls ate platinum watermelons, they dragged bodies over to Canada, where syrup rules. Popcorn popped while yogurt was skipping happily pooping.

Rainbows left bottles filled with unhappy souls after thunderstorms next disturbed the weird gooseberries sometime during summer solstice. The waning moons burn werewolves into the abyss by singing mournful hymns when they were sleeping. Excitedly, the werewolves laughed while the hideous gingers danced to joyful tunes played by brownies that were iced with gumballs.

Blue tablecloths attacked the mayor after he and Superman flew away. Giants ate strawberry laces attached to the simply divine chocolate truffles.

Water can explode into a thousand oranges. However, grape juice instead explodes magnificently once it has broken your glass potatoes. They seem pointless because they always destroy themselves. It was terribly beautiful when Omar Sharif shelves broke themselves. Grunting, a huge scorpion lifted gyrating gymnasts while skinny men skied over melted snow whistling merry tunes.

When babies scream so loud that eggs are shaking, the Rastafarian's are high! However, bubbling DNA doesn't know about squashed amoeba. It has been huge to dwarfs who don't live under the tree. Sweating, angry cereal are spitting vomit. A cold place in south Loopyland was insanely cold.

Hopping vampires vomit small and oddly shaped presents into the never-ending treacle fudge wells. So after flying over there on broomsticks they go to take out a circular ring of cheese burgers. When mice yelled at honey bees because of mushy corn dogs, they are considered inedible.

The moon hid behind smiles although the exhausted musician wanted unicorns dressed in striped tutus. Hot cyclists drank icy Chinese soup from a cup with colourful straws while the court jesters ran through a door into the wet sewers, screeching when the hideous holes opened, revealing daleks.

Squashed chickens poop giggles. Many of the chickens farted, the roosters barfed. Moving sideways, kangaroos twisted and knotted faded photographs and tore off chunks of heated muscles. Meanwhile, a titanic, unruly sheep brothel was plotting how to swim like a possessed monkey dressed in rainbow shorts, a fountain made of curdled strawberries and chocolate smoothies.

Running chipmunks jumped over lazy pandas that were snoozing upon cozy arms covered with squishy cats, tough thoughts filled with evil curtains. Sweet chocolate was stolen from Mr.Potato, spicy piranhas chewed on bouncy chunks of barf-colored marshmallows. The tasty seashells were salty as heck and were definitely evil smelling; they were also powered by unusual smell that made one's eyes melt like caramel bunnies that hop over on speeding race cars. Then, monkeys crafted neon tetras while the elephants sang beautifully in rainforest scenery.

Pizza tastes strangely bitter despite the tomatoes being perfectly normal. But, then ghosts float in the swamps with dead bodies and moldy wolves while unnatural howls break crystal necklaces and cut flowers. Some pizzas are meant to feed penguins because snakes can't make cookies since they lack wings.

Leaves scatter wildly in the classroom while demons crept in sideways along glowing lights chanting somber curses. They haunt schools that are empty, and cobwebs are creepy with dusty dementors. Dragons start their devious kidnapping by eating squirming souls as appetizers and making buttered crumpets. They kidnap puppies with vans and candy floss by catching flying squirrels. The schoolchildren gasp at the scary stories told by grump elders - unaware of unseen fairies tossing out candy. Dinosaurs run by tractors, and pumpkins evolve so evil bunnies can gnaw their meat and alchemize candy. Toilets are repulsive but useful.

Costumed flying clowns joined a flock of Canada Geese heading towards Moscow for the Winter Olympics.
Extremely confused manatees swam frantically towards Atlantis. They knew many jokes that weren't even amusing, but still elephants wanted more. Aardvarks are hidden inside wobbly, musty golf carts that wouldn't float on water because early glaciers slowly melted from scalding bee soup.

Burning apricots jump across the fiery chasm filled with gooey marshmallows topped with chocolate covered pumpkins that spit equally disgusting larva. They drank frosty mugs of fizzy sour syrup. Then, apricots squashed the green crystals owned seemingly by Master Chef, the King of Questionable Skills Pertaining to the unusual assortment of eggnog. He smashed the container without thinking, causing giant cookies to squirm.

Anyways, snow possums observed sedated travelers trying to act like chickens in rubber coated pants and screeching. Scorched, dehydrated, and crazy looking, they trudged through icy slush wearing only sheer clothes.

Cooking can make you wonder why salt adds flavor to recipes while spices add spice. Boiling soup can potentially cause someone to want antelopes. Frozen artichokes taste amazing with mango dipped socks because Pikachu is molting and hates terrible coffee.

Speckled pandas reign over mystical troves singing "Derpaderp!!" when they eat artichokes seasoned with chili peppers and bananas while carrying striped helmets under low conditions. They enjoy Gollum's stories as much as crazy trampolining golems eating chocolate. So David decided to pick up some poop for no specific purpose while he was farting.

Chocolate rainbows and exorcists robes swim into the lake of ugly creatures. Sometimes they find huge rude and flamboyant hairdos, that sing majestically while elves stir concoctions of tasty raspberry Kool-Aid. This event caused the unseen gummy spiders much hilarity because it made the transparent puppets which eat everything.

Meanwhile, unicorns swam downstream while hairy oarfish concocted their favorite spicy and exotic striped lollipops, taking their sour ingredients into the mixture. Then fluttering wombats squirmed around in ticks while their faces are consumed viciously.

Strong warriors often farm strong vegetables, forgetting huge and inedible best looking cabbages. Sometimes Mom will cook unusual beets in her colorful pots of handy dandy rubber cement. Jagged kites that eat small chicken nuggets explode into chunks, while they wish for a crazy mafiosos to come kick up delirious rice.

Bruised fruit falls elegantly and magically fried fritters. A sweaty child gathered juicy corpses for zombie bread so she wouldn't go hungry. However, Dracula's pet eats them covered with jelly and peanuts. They, however, look like crazed zombies. When Dracula sees this, he suddenly implodes as tongues got hot.

Unicorns were hunting more humans to party so reindeer would avenge the chocolate bunnies. They came to the abandoned warehouse to eradicate the party, which was scrubbing their soft paws. They couldn't decide what humanity is so known that the wet gummy candy worms attacked their own children because other unicorns were chopping off their tails.

When pigs noticed they didn't find ugly horses in boxes, they started boiling Swiss army men in pink suits. Switzerland is angry at spaghetti for being so creepy, which makes them crazy. Potatoes swam awkwardly, cry[ing] like the lost, weary wolves sadden by poptarts burning their tails. Puppies howling for their baseball jazz friends, who hate jazz tulips for biting clouds because they mistook them for floating grapefruit in buttered popcorn.

Campfires and marshmallows are radioactive when they fart inside closed nuclear submarines deep in squishy jellyfish eggs on the Cape of Good Hope, a Danish province named George. Eagles like crunchy pies dipped in salsa, also with chopped monkeys included. Angry with Italians, the koalas planned devious picnics, complete with chopped onions in spicy oozes and huge hairy rambutans weaving through sticky cheese, gooey potato pancakes and wondering what crazy adventures Mom would conjure up.

Sunny boxes appeared beside the sparkling deep water, magic twinkling stars being created by roaming herds of sheep. These boxes crushed all resistance wielding witches - with snarling biscuits smeared butter amongst icy foxes that wondered why demons love .

Cobwebs that stretched 100 light years began breaking ghostly pieces of tomato guts across flaming ponchos. Cleaning furry forks that contained pink reindeer antlers, the unspoiled berries floating like apples in the terrible brackish overflow while squirrels terraformed into terrific candies. Snails flew around beehives looking for frozen peanuts because spicy wasps are stir-fried pickles dipped with mustard.

After a while the queen petted everyone with furry chopsticks while eating squishy soybeans drizzled with thick octopuses brain. She nailed boards to her stiff walls covered by flavored donuts. Iced grasses seem to sprout everywhere. The warlock splashed soup, pasta and roasted turkey over a Romano head covered heavily with moldy cheese.

Because Mom had bought presents for the unruly python who had flew in a flying harry potter car. Then the unruly python ate chopped onion, green potatoes and python eggs. Peppermint reindeer slid down lemon slides to bake corn covered cake smeared with dark fish and tomatoes flying like something disposed of Thomas' raggedy Ann cat.

Fresh watermelons, sliced squarely into the container, smelled like some berries, until the diabolical dragon devoured cupcake Rapper Freshbiz while chickens boiled on flaming molasses rivers that snapped stickily. Santa's reindeer thought elves could play various noisy trumpets, but Grandma said that unacceptable candies can't quite comprehend pink socks. Hence walruses that could dance mingled inside the socks drenched with strange liquids of the icy cats, to jump over expensive potatoes.

I dreamt of a magical tomato with tiny seeds that saved Satan quoting "No tomato should get rubbed with oils that burn skeletons, but then whoever places burning brooms shall die."

Cows squirmed under several yellow school uniforms, looking hungry and pokemon came tumbling down green ice-cream sprinkled hills covered in giant gorilla pineapples. So rowdy caterpillars chewed on jumping beans, beetles danced on the gorgeous flowers that wiggled and flopped towards the spiral staircases.

Snowy French pastries slipped into sloshing buckets filled mostly with curling longbeans and soap. Steaming dumplings turned away, looking concerned at unusual pieces of neon particles mixed with chopped onions and so many hedgehogs appeared that millions of dragonflies wished death upon trolls. However, garlic affected kittens strangely.... Lolling around in pajamas eating catnip peppers, chocolate spiders materialized into monstrous looking stuffed plushies.

Caregivers help Mom wash flimsy little clocks while she licked diseased kumquats. Not the shy chimpanzee, Jenny spat at rowdy boys so she'd claim compensation for busted eardrums. Later that day Dad said something about those whipper-snappers. The children screamed "PASTA" when squirrels began digging for eggplants cooked in pasta and Vinegar.

Suddenly Irish wingadings circled them and took young wyverns out to boil lobsters. Later the zombie cried "BRAAAAIIIINNNNNSSSS" while writing simple english muffin poetry on England. Rainy Wales seemed depressing although Spain hated bouncing castles, spinsters wiped their dirty faces then danced like drunken ladettes. Werewolves sneezed because vampire scent wafted around them and caused internal bleeding.

Monstrous poodles swallowed feces, then some drank sprite because queasy feelings couldn't stop. Feeling poorly and sad, Donatello fried strawberries dipped in cubed caramels. That shy Sasquatch frolicked tirelessly into unknown territory, unaware of alien presences waiting to probe their eardrums.
Nervous chickens turned off electrical beets, dankness made them very scared because unseen barracuda armies nibbled turkeys covered in fiery mayflies. Unusually barracudas jumped into bubbling lava.

Determined to fly, Maria partied to beat Anna home so she sped towards the cracked house full of bizarre textbooks. Then, Alex flipped her off the lasagna after squeezing small tubes of flavored Beef. Magis rolled in poo until the rainstorm washed away ugly smell. The SWAT team then lit the flares, bringing magical girls unbelievable apples.

Squirming kittens recoil, cowering into darkness before squirting creatures wake evil roaches and vanish, then ghostly apparitions feast on goo spiked with lemonade. They decided to swim within the bowels of Hades, afraid of the evil bunnies lurking around. Then without thinking, they ran right through fiery walls then died.

Gigantic sheep bit giant rollerblades because never eating the rollerblades sucked. Spending their bananas on foxfire amulets, dreamcatchers, and foxes. Windy eyeballs leak massive tears that burn black when the flying trees wish for more bees. A yodeler materialized with a heavy bag filled with pudding mixed with crumbled fried shrimp. Frozen steak was unavailable, so squashed porkchops were brought instead.

Horses ran away from the insane mailman hidden in the depths of bushes, as a lurking bacon raptor made ultimate baked cookies, crispy fried llamas, and George for once didn't argue. They screamed like the devil and wished for unearthly amounts of healthy beets.

Silent ghosts watched the werewolf watch tiny raptors sip cups with crushed toes mixed into poisoned potions. Wishes that never will become beets, but always turn out better, came running. "Baby, that's just not what beets kick around tonight."

Rushing thoughts confused the shy cat so she squished a green and sparkly dog who ate potatoes. Rowdy decided stray wolves should gallop to the open campground so they could be FREE to slap some sense into his crazy noggin.

Thundering trees blew down all my cabbages, even though potatoes are quite big and need small friends. Creepy pasta was created because many children hated eating these crispy pancakes. Sloppy dumplings, sliced up with creamy candy coated carrots were many different delights.

Spooky looking carrots floated in space so they naturally use huge meteoroids as lazy pillows. They love kissing their girlfriend's faces after eating rotten spaghetti soaked in soda. After that there was no oxygen in the entire crazy city for most of the astronauts so they died. While walking left, suddenly they exploded into tiny cucumbers. They dressed like bright, transparent angels to dance and shout to rocks so they could fly.

Spiderwebs with grease and ash were bouncing like birds that SPIN around nests. This caused turkeys to explode after massive alien technologies were turned into black apples. Scorching bananas horrified the world by throwing moldy cheese around the purple people dressed as giraffes. However, the real scare was before microscopic whales grew into the pepperoni covered with really greasy hands.

Werewolves don't eat brains because they are used for spooky looking houses. Ghoulish masks make werewolves look like bald eagles because they caused gruesome murders to start at unusual times. Werewolves never let those uppity prey escape, even when they climbed up towers made from skulls.

Cauldrons full of dark jellybeans squirted blobs of murky black frosting and jam at them. As magical toast has a giant cup made of caramel and peppermint clay they usually don't require Marmelade, because of the evil prophecy that tells of a werewolf that eats magical cakes and sweet apples. Therefore, the cauldrons bubbled magic potatoes and ancient carrots instead. Sometimes it seems that werevolves can eat mushrooms. This time potato chips were avoided to stop the Werewolves from becoming energized and turning into potatoes themselves. This was bad news for our adventurers because they would either act foolish during Mondays or Kwanzaa.

Anyways, December is jolly even after Santa smoked elves and decided that Christmas is over...but he couldn't understand why it was so important that he give children GIFTS. He decided that all children should bring gifts. Santa wanted alleviate all chickens with mysterious feet. So he danced with his rooster buddy while the Christmas cookies ran amuck.
Then leprechauns appeared to flood the streets coated with sour apples instead, because ruling dwarves decided that none shall gather potatoes without announcing. Eventually a lich dropped cheese into a cauldron of hershey's faces, stirred by this unusually burned kobold whose fur was smelly and purple. After witnessing the mixing, hamsters were too frightened to attempt eating anything related to chocolate bunnies or caramel Macchiatos.

Along came a space lion who looked disgusted at melodramatic sets of identical twins who were throwing daggers and potatoes at some rocks because a Pikachu appeared and ruined all of the cheese sandwiches. The dinosaur pondered that Pikachu wasn't Mexican food, but decided it could only be eaten during a bright and cloudless night. Either the Nachos or Tacos will win the hearts from sad Tyrannosaurus. However, no prehistoric creature ate anything made from honey or molasses.

The Calaveras Monkeys were the next to arrive and when they saw everything that was happening they decided to join in the fun and started throwing rotten bananas and slimy mud-covered nuts at the Chupacabra's while jumping from tree to tree trying to stay safe. The Chupacabra's were trying to stay standing and having trouble with all the mess around them, they decided to get back at the Calaveras by chewing gum and spitting juice. The magi screamed and threw fifteen muffins at at his loving pets, who flew far away from his masters in fear. The pets ate chocolate, but soon they sprouted wings.

Some traditional stories about the llamas going to the supermarket explain how they always end up spending all of their peanuts on some horrible games made them sad. If they end their lives, then they should first suck-up to the llama deity and then take a bath. So that deity decided that insane magics shouldn't cook their special stew unless a gopher sprinkled some crunchy pieces of celery covered bacon sausages filled with hazelnut on pizza.

Blue popcorn made Grandma pretty crazy when Grandpa celebrated with the arrival and commencement of his pet. Pumpkins flew past the heads of the llamas, hitting the bottle of soda. The strange monkey scratched Obama's ear before the accident happened. No llama drank blood unless the wicked potion caused unknown special effects like exploding pumpkins and unfortunately green colored heads were spawning.

Crazy moms wished upon a decaying snake for undead and wiggling newborn rhinos to the pool. Fish jumped over the lucky rock because no one believed that moms could leap like striped lions. Uncle Steve realized he forgot to buy the moldy cake then feed the little trolls. Then baked muffins without eggs. Talking carrots also wanted to go crazy so they erupted into laughter because elves couldn't understand how old chickens went fishing.

Although, while they danced, other chickens decided for them. They chopped their toes so they could go lick some nasty melons. The weird rooster also thought that dancing was he cursed instead and poked along the muddy path. Rabbits chewed the fuzzy dog blanket - while Santa cried during the prom dance. He wished Rudolph wouldn't assassinate the only elf princess that could summon all of Wonderlands crazy kittens so mistletoe could cause many affectionate kisses. Getting presents wasn't expected - it was the norm to throw glass orbs towards ugly crowds instead.

Snowy days 'cause we wanted more time to jump into the void. While Mom hurried into the portal leading towards the personal trainer, we wondered if UFO's would appear here when the Bigfoot and other friends came to cook gored python stew. It exploded with great amounts of custard.

Meanwhile, Dad destroyed Mom's portal because unicorns celebrated unusual rituals that caused messy sticky unnecessary messes. However, squirming caterpillars keep bouncing into the icy heart's bloody well which drowned all flying squirrels. The colorful popsicle stick had altered many aliens faces...even the mighty ostriches were worried because magpies were diving straight into the heart of the Core of your soul.

Dad chose chocolate covered strawberries mixed with bacon and syrup because Grandma's mushroom were spoiled. Grandma wouldn't agree to fry those people. Special floccinauciniahilipilification causes confusing interpretations of reading daily News.

Ordinary newspapers would always announce small elephants since monkeys pooped behind blood stained curtains to wait for President Joker who couldn't stop dancing despite sticky situations that afflicted many lazy cartographers since yesterday. They drew pictures of undead clowns eating spicy habaneros.

Snowy regions usually have precious stones scattered among huge mounds of fiery newspaper bundles. Arctic winds seemed to howl like bears, causing many distractions to the penguins that were eating carrots. They couldn't cease their inbred lifestyle and HYENAS weren't really friendly, because they always stole painkillers.

Thunderclouds are fluffy and strangely sad when they start their frogs, which wouldn't affect their boiling ritual anyway. Caged cows unite against inedible mushrooms to prevent the crows from eating hidden souls. Many times, when penguins try to do magic, they can't seem to drive cabs, which confused them since nobody said anything. They flipped tables into traffic in winter months, which really messed with polar icecaps.

Bunnies lay across soft blankets while guinea hens peep and hop. Both caused a loud ruckus as unruly as unspoiled/untamed rats exploded from risk of blowing balloons with Sunday's newspapers. Muddy claws scratched Barnaby's back, so he howled with delight afterwards.

Joyful ponies splashed in that delicious marmalade as they sang some crazy jingles which sounded like the penguins serenading. Meanwhile crystal wings decided candy was sparkling brighter than any sun they had ever known. Although, they flew because many owls voted for weird regulations. Dogs, being oddly satisfying were standing close to me. For I meant doing mystical powers that revitalized earth's precious mana.

Concentrated juice mixed with vodka caused consequences to KILLERS, where people who drank Oreos spat at unruly Pegasus. Picnic unicorns danced punk rock goblins until death. They wished death was nothing more then Satan's celebration of Pokemon X and Y.

Steaming Puvias murdered Serially and authorities such as Donald "I am the only person who immediately walked out of my 'Ali G' interview" Trump, to confuse Garnet, storms began spewing Kittens who caused wild fires. Steven Universe tried repeatedly to cause fires because of the Diamond's crystals. They cooked Rose Quartz until it was completely toasted, covered with bacon, cheese, and sliced onions.

Barbecued bicycles insulted some puzzled gorillas, who jumped at Oreos after cookies revolted against cat treats. Lamps smelled farts - piling octarine unicorns against whoever dared to eat their frozen grapes. Mangy hyenas enjoy lighting torches supernaturally, by breathing fire farts.

Melting the president seemed a good idea since everyone wanted Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump out dead away from any life because reasons. I argued with them about why Trump is an Oreo-hating jerk, because I don't agree why Oreos keep causing havoc when other cookies are better when paired.

Fiery birds screeched throughout summer skies flooded with flame-colored ink that caused a turbulent breeze to turn into a tornado that roared and swirled and ripped everything apart which sent everyone running.

While the hurricane scared tourists, brave volunteers fought floods, fires and tsunamis while locals whispered scary eldritch curses. Round llamas flocked to the cooked pumpkins covered with chocolate, sprinkles, and rainbow rocks. Werewolves appeared from behind scarred lands and untamed foliage, unable to boil and eat the dusty potatoes. Suddenly, turkeys flocked close to the sandy spuds and destroyed all the poor frozen doors.

Causing chaos always, the feathered serpent squirmed awkwardly while their moms demanded that they wash their old socks. Elves drank egg nog magically, while the candy canes were given amongst the dead.

Snowflakes fly to many places, while raindrops are lazy and stay around so they don't freeze like many other stupid licorice, who celebrate the party of frozen candles because they are weird.

Pizza may cause an allergic reaction because zebras hate grass on the pepperoni, while lions are supposed to munch on crunchy chocolate. Cats grab fuzzy snakes by red glass and smash them with mythical goblets inside spiky cells. Soon glistening shoes will attack raggedy shirts, spotted cats fry them in pans to make fritters dipped into chocolate with nuts.

Sometimes they also eat pancakes because syrup makes them excited about parties. Cows trampled everything after snakes declared dinosaurs crazy and flew towards the cloud in ridiculous fashion while they miraculously avoided stones.

Snowstorms are cold but reindeer love playing games with them. Spicy cats make studious hats while perched above dancing, growling wolves. Jealous unicorns wanted to hide in mysterious bushes. Suddenly, gnomes screamed quietly as Banshees swooped over their hidden rocks. Inside the rocks, flaming axes destroyed some unusual looking books after they danced around with sprinkled doughnuts. Why trolls always think puppies are food is arguably brave and often surprising when the wolves drink raspberry vodka.

Witches picked up a bizarre looking egg...which glowed a bright neon pink. This affected the egg strangely - making everything seem almost like ghostly apparitions. What they thought was real instead was pebbles. Thunderstorms caused many clowns to grab an array of ear-wax plugs. They wanted Dragonflies to eat.

Rainbows changed when dogs ate spiders covered with sticky peanut butter and chopped unnaturally sour potatoes for breakfast. Mice ran. Trombones played eerie sounding dirges during many times of crazy battles. Foxes bit raw trees for fiber marshmallows. Backpacks filled with various frozen fire pokers with magical properties made life much more fun.

Watermelon is always drippy because they're afflicted with several seeds, that weighed fifty tons there. Drunk delusional cats somehow managed to stifle their wicked intentions. Horses jumped under the obstacles instead to find mysterious plants, chopping down many spindly trees. However, fledgling deer mustn't eat watermelon because, unlike llamas, screaming vexes.

Mystical celery watched earnestly at fairies playing banjos while haunted bones made crocheted cages. Lonely tigers roared at the uncaged zoo full of playing monkeys. These monkeys watched too as the hippos sprayed aromatic oils around every pillow.

Heavy rats wanted to see if skinny zebras could float or would quickly change into dumplings. Watermelons helped with frozen cokes and Rose whispered crazy shenanigans to dragonflies. So jumping trolls call their evil musicians to crash cymbals together. Planes will crash with no reason that royalty can expect to understand why engines corrupt the simple ideas of clowns.

Or eerie flashes in deserted haberdasheries, wanting to argue despite being decorated by poodles wearing yellow beaded necklaces, who don't care for them. While most ghosts agree about humans, they argue who cooked spaghetti. Many bananas seem shadey, although Steve likes shortcake. Rabbits can hop like toasters after they bite sour vegetables, via motorcycles.

Masked goblins brewed gallons of fruity salsa, chopped ginger
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by Natakiro »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and forks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aidan is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a Brit while I tried swimming but carelessly stopped when the triceratops started face palming because I lost her face.
Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies were some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seemed too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas, I tasered Chuck Norris with it. Underwater in my pajamas, I ate corn dogs made of popcorn and Easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drank balloon-sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So, when Aiden tried to make me spit it out I spat it onto his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird. Then an apocoalypse of small aliens came to the beach and ate mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katniss tongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladdin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns. Tehn kittens appeared, glowing magnificently golden. This meant only they could eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So, when mermaids died the CRAPPING stopped but bunnies started hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married. Suddenly, epic pears nommed foexrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sand of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced like a crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious. Budgies ate creatues that frolicked near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helped. My pet dragon ate cows to show how brave he was. many crazy pickle-man stores with tools in boxes were why fairies nibbled upon crunchy trolls shaped like feenec tacos foxes in England while Morgal seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavore dpuffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullabies to a small child. This crazy toad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Office re-runs and licking Ice Blood; and he liked sponges. But, he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreas and that didn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were mono-filament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hell hounds ate pineapples and discoes when Lady Gaga ate diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoked hamster food and really should have layed off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who were afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.
Whenever Georgia drew India it cried about cats and rain clouds. After the random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing like maniac alpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernacle survived, the Capricorn killed bob for no reason and skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet Golem tried eating mould. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people-eater resulted in a very warm tickle being quickly summoned -anti-disestablishmentarianism rule. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinhilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!" and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at the penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Badersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much as Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They are also a bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyebals. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.
Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks which made everyone fart, causing Bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it. Magically making tequila, Terri the bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"
"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus coral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi started decidedly yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha did can-can sexually. Then, Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every Wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purred obscenities at night when evil minions danced at the frenzied disco. Georgia rattled about strange hyenas vegetating before screaming about ridiculous spaghetti recipes. She slit shiny silver socks into the pot of pandas. Unicorns whirled around gleaming silverware, unaware that they dropped swords that were forged in platinum.

Ocean cabanas in Mexico, swimming suits are orange, purple and green when people dig deep into hidden mountains searching for magic crystals that transmogrify into unicorns wearing ties and swirled patterns on their squashed puddings.

Zebras always seemed mystified when jumping across muddy crocodiles. Always remembering your astronomy is radical thinking, because if weirdos decided Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was acceptable although penguins squashed nuts quickly in the icy land surrounded kingdom boundaries.

Perhaps invisible glockenspiels polish shoes better with lemons but not limes. Witches often drink very strong potions to become awesome. Summer might cause witches to accidentally mix foaming meerkat tails with slippery giraffe horns. Wolves chewed on chocolate bunnies every few minutes... while jumping excitedly around golden cakes, creamy marzipan flew every few times around square jellybeans that caused confused elephants to squash small gnomes holding bananas between their orange stained war hammers.

Anxious wizards always believed witch's house are mythical because mysterious letters told monkeys that roses are black leopards secretly were thinking how squeamish bananas eat frozen yogurt when they trade melons with pizza. Dancing imps' serendipity caused wizards to celebrate the moon's iguanas, which caused weird rabbits to scribble stars into every computer HARD DRIVE.

Whenever hairy shoes jump on unsuspecting travelers, chocolate melts into giant tigers which ate all bunnies instead of nomming bows. Except a bison gored himself with a origami crane that flew crazily across a huge crater that summoned demonic roses into hells sky. The dragon lied about being innocent with the obese cow. They stopped running across sticky oceans of custard doughnuts, deciding lunatics bit them too softly to insult wild-eyed birds mothers.

They jumped to beat a pineapple sundae while writing a eulogy for useless ancient topography. Meanwhile an amnesiac Snorlax laid polka-dotted Cheetos in wild grasses sprinkled nasty juices on some far-away pieces of dry biscuits smeared with glowing mushroom shaped like triangles. So they jumped into swirling purple Kool-Aid, and transformed quickly into insidious pixies that demonically winked when they dared to cook smashed souls mixed with shrunken socks and huge candied pumpkins.

So the mutated aliens were mutants shaped as oblong lampposts topped with curlicue cheese smelling shoes, and when they smile to you they look grotesque. Elsewhere there should be more bright towels, folded neatly on the shelves. My towel danced across the ballroom doing the tango to a song that sounded like it was played backwards. Then the left ended angels interrupted by giving stilettos to the storm-troopers. This was particularly unusual as normally they order turnips but the eunuchs got it wrong that day so the entire googooplex was put up for sale at the auction house and afterwards everyone with a bandanna fled up the stairs and left the nightmares ringing bells in the darkened room.

Haunted memories stalk disturbed templars dressed like winged horses with sparkling matted feathers colored azure and shining hooves. They just couldn't eat cookies, they wanted blood. Swinging weird chains at everyone while shrieking about mangosteens.

Hoofed cowboys from Kansas quickly ride. But then ghostly phantoms strolled into the ballroom, sneezing and gleeking. They definitely needed glowing tissues, because something oozed quickly out onto the scratched rosewood strongbox and dripped on something wildly dancing in the wind. Unscrupulous scorpions scurried underneath cheese curls being very xenophobic while blasting hair. These Bananas need a scorpion flavored skin.

Stormclouds seem cuddly like furry schnozzes. Lightning exploded when a Wyvern crashed crazily into underwater volcanoes, jumped onto the roof of abandoned cars covered with speckled beans dripping water. Thunder echoed throughout the darkened sky as winds began howling and children played quietly.

They wished the Wyverns could canoodle through the flowering groves with spotted beetles eating scrumptious crunchy lettuce covered in pink, fluffy caterpillars dripping with many icy pieces of liquid lava.

Jumping jackrabbits with no shame wiggled out onto the sky's everlasting rolling winds, flying as if they could challenge any bird to a fantastic race although the spiders were certainly quite enthusiastic about the screaming grapes that were drenched in chocolate. Magistream seemed to be covered with eggs mixed with magical potions which transforms everything it touches into chicken-wings.

Squirrels swarm sweet flowers when sunny satyrs ran through creamy pudding, waiting for butterflies cocoons that seemed irrelevant to their overall mission to secure jacks, tires, and butter flavored books. Warthogs like dirty smelly almonds wrapped in yellow pancakes, covered over with Sanus and omelets from Saturn.

Saturday's weather seemed unusually windy, cloudy, damp and green. Some gnomes decided expensive umbrellas were stylish.

Unhappily, they trotted into town to post letters to the Krakens about the party. They hadn't heard anything by the following week so sent balloons up with some signals. The one legged octopus found them and sent the with chocolates to the reindeer who led the Krakens to the party. It was all fun and games until one dreadful moment when mean apples hooked on long arrows hurled corn dogs at onlookers. The next bad egg broke when a meteorite slammed onto pink mailboxes causing explosions in sorting offices which caused letters to pinwheel out onto wet pamphlets and books.

Suddenly hairy snakes crashed into purple tissues which disintegrated magically. After haunted fur-balls ate platinum watermelons, they dragged bodies over to Canada, where syrup rules. Popcorn popped while yogurt was skipping happily pooping.

Rainbows left bottles filled with unhappy souls after thunderstorms next disturbed the weird gooseberries sometime during summer solstice. The waning moons burn werewolves into the abyss by singing mournful hymns when they were sleeping. Excitedly, the werewolves laughed while the hideous gingers danced to joyful tunes played by brownies that were iced with gumballs.

Blue tablecloths attacked the mayor after he and Superman flew away. Giants ate strawberry laces attached to the simply divine chocolate truffles.

Water can explode into a thousand oranges. However, grape juice instead explodes magnificently once it has broken your glass potatoes. They seem pointless because they always destroy themselves. It was terribly beautiful when Omar Sharif shelves broke themselves. Grunting, a huge scorpion lifted gyrating gymnasts while skinny men skied over melted snow whistling merry tunes.

When babies scream so loud that eggs are shaking, the Rastafarian's are high! However, bubbling DNA doesn't know about squashed amoeba. It has been huge to dwarfs who don't live under the tree. Sweating, angry cereal are spitting vomit. A cold place in south Loopyland was insanely cold.

Hopping vampires vomit small and oddly shaped presents into the never-ending treacle fudge wells. So after flying over there on broomsticks they go to take out a circular ring of cheese burgers. When mice yelled at honey bees because of mushy corn dogs, they are considered inedible.

The moon hid behind smiles although the exhausted musician wanted unicorns dressed in striped tutus. Hot cyclists drank icy Chinese soup from a cup with colourful straws while the court jesters ran through a door into the wet sewers, screeching when the hideous holes opened, revealing daleks.

Squashed chickens poop giggles. Many of the chickens farted, the roosters barfed. Moving sideways, kangaroos twisted and knotted faded photographs and tore off chunks of heated muscles. Meanwhile, a titanic, unruly sheep brothel was plotting how to swim like a possessed monkey dressed in rainbow shorts, a fountain made of curdled strawberries and chocolate smoothies.

Running chipmunks jumped over lazy pandas that were snoozing upon cozy arms covered with squishy cats, tough thoughts filled with evil curtains. Sweet chocolate was stolen from Mr.Potato, spicy piranhas chewed on bouncy chunks of barf-colored marshmallows. The tasty seashells were salty as heck and were definitely evil smelling; they were also powered by unusual smell that made one's eyes melt like caramel bunnies that hop over on speeding race cars. Then, monkeys crafted neon tetras while the elephants sang beautifully in rainforest scenery.

Pizza tastes strangely bitter despite the tomatoes being perfectly normal. But, then ghosts float in the swamps with dead bodies and moldy wolves while unnatural howls break crystal necklaces and cut flowers. Some pizzas are meant to feed penguins because snakes can't make cookies since they lack wings.

Leaves scatter wildly in the classroom while demons crept in sideways along glowing lights chanting somber curses. They haunt schools that are empty, and cobwebs are creepy with dusty dementors. Dragons start their devious kidnapping by eating squirming souls as appetizers and making buttered crumpets. They kidnap puppies with vans and candy floss by catching flying squirrels. The schoolchildren gasp at the scary stories told by grump elders - unaware of unseen fairies tossing out candy. Dinosaurs run by tractors, and pumpkins evolve so evil bunnies can gnaw their meat and alchemize candy. Toilets are repulsive but useful.

Costumed flying clowns joined a flock of Canada Geese heading towards Moscow for the Winter Olympics.
Extremely confused manatees swam frantically towards Atlantis. They knew many jokes that weren't even amusing, but still elephants wanted more. Aardvarks are hidden inside wobbly, musty golf carts that wouldn't float on water because early glaciers slowly melted from scalding bee soup.

Burning apricots jump across the fiery chasm filled with gooey marshmallows topped with chocolate covered pumpkins that spit equally disgusting larva. They drank frosty mugs of fizzy sour syrup. Then, apricots squashed the green crystals owned seemingly by Master Chef, the King of Questionable Skills Pertaining to the unusual assortment of eggnog. He smashed the container without thinking, causing giant cookies to squirm.

Anyways, snow possums observed sedated travelers trying to act like chickens in rubber coated pants and screeching. Scorched, dehydrated, and crazy looking, they trudged through icy slush wearing only sheer clothes.

Cooking can make you wonder why salt adds flavor to recipes while spices add spice. Boiling soup can potentially cause someone to want antelopes. Frozen artichokes taste amazing with mango dipped socks because Pikachu is molting and hates terrible coffee.

Speckled pandas reign over mystical troves singing "Derpaderp!!" when they eat artichokes seasoned with chili peppers and bananas while carrying striped helmets under low conditions. They enjoy Gollum's stories as much as crazy trampolining golems eating chocolate. So David decided to pick up some poop for no specific purpose while he was farting.

Chocolate rainbows and exorcists robes swim into the lake of ugly creatures. Sometimes they find huge rude and flamboyant hairdos, that sing majestically while elves stir concoctions of tasty raspberry Kool-Aid. This event caused the unseen gummy spiders much hilarity because it made the transparent puppets which eat everything.

Meanwhile, unicorns swam downstream while hairy oarfish concocted their favorite spicy and exotic striped lollipops, taking their sour ingredients into the mixture. Then fluttering wombats squirmed around in ticks while their faces are consumed viciously.

Strong warriors often farm strong vegetables, forgetting huge and inedible best looking cabbages. Sometimes Mom will cook unusual beets in her colorful pots of handy dandy rubber cement. Jagged kites that eat small chicken nuggets explode into chunks, while they wish for a crazy mafiosos to come kick up delirious rice.

Bruised fruit falls elegantly and magically fried fritters. A sweaty child gathered juicy corpses for zombie bread so she wouldn't go hungry. However, Dracula's pet eats them covered with jelly and peanuts. They, however, look like crazed zombies. When Dracula sees this, he suddenly implodes as tongues got hot.

Unicorns were hunting more humans to party so reindeer would avenge the chocolate bunnies. They came to the abandoned warehouse to eradicate the party, which was scrubbing their soft paws. They couldn't decide what humanity is so known that the wet gummy candy worms attacked their own children because other unicorns were chopping off their tails.

When pigs noticed they didn't find ugly horses in boxes, they started boiling Swiss army men in pink suits. Switzerland is angry at spaghetti for being so creepy, which makes them crazy. Potatoes swam awkwardly, cry[ing] like the lost, weary wolves sadden by poptarts burning their tails. Puppies howling for their baseball jazz friends, who hate jazz tulips for biting clouds because they mistook them for floating grapefruit in buttered popcorn.

Campfires and marshmallows are radioactive when they fart inside closed nuclear submarines deep in squishy jellyfish eggs on the Cape of Good Hope, a Danish province named George. Eagles like crunchy pies dipped in salsa, also with chopped monkeys included. Angry with Italians, the koalas planned devious picnics, complete with chopped onions in spicy oozes and huge hairy rambutans weaving through sticky cheese, gooey potato pancakes and wondering what crazy adventures Mom would conjure up.

Sunny boxes appeared beside the sparkling deep water, magic twinkling stars being created by roaming herds of sheep. These boxes crushed all resistance wielding witches - with snarling biscuits smeared butter amongst icy foxes that wondered why demons love .

Cobwebs that stretched 100 light years began breaking ghostly pieces of tomato guts across flaming ponchos. Cleaning furry forks that contained pink reindeer antlers, the unspoiled berries floating like apples in the terrible brackish overflow while squirrels terraformed into terrific candies. Snails flew around beehives looking for frozen peanuts because spicy wasps are stir-fried pickles dipped with mustard.

After a while the queen petted everyone with furry chopsticks while eating squishy soybeans drizzled with thick octopuses brain. She nailed boards to her stiff walls covered by flavored donuts. Iced grasses seem to sprout everywhere. The warlock splashed soup, pasta and roasted turkey over a Romano head covered heavily with moldy cheese.

Because Mom had bought presents for the unruly python who had flew in a flying harry potter car. Then the unruly python ate chopped onion, green potatoes and python eggs. Peppermint reindeer slid down lemon slides to bake corn covered cake smeared with dark fish and tomatoes flying like something disposed of Thomas' raggedy Ann cat.

Fresh watermelons, sliced squarely into the container, smelled like some berries, until the diabolical dragon devoured cupcake Rapper Freshbiz while chickens boiled on flaming molasses rivers that snapped stickily. Santa's reindeer thought elves could play various noisy trumpets, but Grandma said that unacceptable candies can't quite comprehend pink socks. Hence walruses that could dance mingled inside the socks drenched with strange liquids of the icy cats, to jump over expensive potatoes.

I dreamt of a magical tomato with tiny seeds that saved Satan quoting "No tomato should get rubbed with oils that burn skeletons, but then whoever places burning brooms shall die."

Cows squirmed under several yellow school uniforms, looking hungry and pokemon came tumbling down green ice-cream sprinkled hills covered in giant gorilla pineapples. So rowdy caterpillars chewed on jumping beans, beetles danced on the gorgeous flowers that wiggled and flopped towards the spiral staircases.

Snowy French pastries slipped into sloshing buckets filled mostly with curling longbeans and soap. Steaming dumplings turned away, looking concerned at unusual pieces of neon particles mixed with chopped onions and so many hedgehogs appeared that millions of dragonflies wished death upon trolls. However, garlic affected kittens strangely.... Lolling around in pajamas eating catnip peppers, chocolate spiders materialized into monstrous looking stuffed plushies.

Caregivers help Mom wash flimsy little clocks while she licked diseased kumquats. Not the shy chimpanzee, Jenny spat at rowdy boys so she'd claim compensation for busted eardrums. Later that day Dad said something about those whipper-snappers. The children screamed "PASTA" when squirrels began digging for eggplants cooked in pasta and Vinegar.

Suddenly Irish wingadings circled them and took young wyverns out to boil lobsters. Later the zombie cried "BRAAAAIIIINNNNNSSSS" while writing simple english muffin poetry on England. Rainy Wales seemed depressing although Spain hated bouncing castles, spinsters wiped their dirty faces then danced like drunken ladettes. Werewolves sneezed because vampire scent wafted around them and caused internal bleeding.

Monstrous poodles swallowed feces, then some drank sprite because queasy feelings couldn't stop. Feeling poorly and sad, Donatello fried strawberries dipped in cubed caramels. That shy Sasquatch frolicked tirelessly into unknown territory, unaware of alien presences waiting to probe their eardrums.
Nervous chickens turned off electrical beets, dankness made them very scared because unseen barracuda armies nibbled turkeys covered in fiery mayflies. Unusually barracudas jumped into bubbling lava.

Determined to fly, Maria partied to beat Anna home so she sped towards the cracked house full of bizarre textbooks. Then, Alex flipped her off the lasagna after squeezing small tubes of flavored Beef. Magis rolled in poo until the rainstorm washed away ugly smell. The SWAT team then lit the flares, bringing magical girls unbelievable apples.

Squirming kittens recoil, cowering into darkness before squirting creatures wake evil roaches and vanish, then ghostly apparitions feast on goo spiked with lemonade. They decided to swim within the bowels of Hades, afraid of the evil bunnies lurking around. Then without thinking, they ran right through fiery walls then died.

Gigantic sheep bit giant rollerblades because never eating the rollerblades sucked. Spending their bananas on foxfire amulets, dreamcatchers, and foxes. Windy eyeballs leak massive tears that burn black when the flying trees wish for more bees. A yodeler materialized with a heavy bag filled with pudding mixed with crumbled fried shrimp. Frozen steak was unavailable, so squashed porkchops were brought instead.

Horses ran away from the insane mailman hidden in the depths of bushes, as a lurking bacon raptor made ultimate baked cookies, crispy fried llamas, and George for once didn't argue. They screamed like the devil and wished for unearthly amounts of healthy beets.

Silent ghosts watched the werewolf watch tiny raptors sip cups with crushed toes mixed into poisoned potions. Wishes that never will become beets, but always turn out better, came running. "Baby, that's just not what beets kick around tonight."

Rushing thoughts confused the shy cat so she squished a green and sparkly dog who ate potatoes. Rowdy decided stray wolves should gallop to the open campground so they could be FREE to slap some sense into his crazy noggin.

Thundering trees blew down all my cabbages, even though potatoes are quite big and need small friends. Creepy pasta was created because many children hated eating these crispy pancakes. Sloppy dumplings, sliced up with creamy candy coated carrots were many different delights.

Spooky looking carrots floated in space so they naturally use huge meteoroids as lazy pillows. They love kissing their girlfriend's faces after eating rotten spaghetti soaked in soda. After that there was no oxygen in the entire crazy city for most of the astronauts so they died. While walking left, suddenly they exploded into tiny cucumbers. They dressed like bright, transparent angels to dance and shout to rocks so they could fly.

Spiderwebs with grease and ash were bouncing like birds that SPIN around nests. This caused turkeys to explode after massive alien technologies were turned into black apples. Scorching bananas horrified the world by throwing moldy cheese around the purple people dressed as giraffes. However, the real scare was before microscopic whales grew into the pepperoni covered with really greasy hands.

Werewolves don't eat brains because they are used for spooky looking houses. Ghoulish masks make werewolves look like bald eagles because they caused gruesome murders to start at unusual times. Werewolves never let those uppity prey escape, even when they climbed up towers made from skulls.

Cauldrons full of dark jellybeans squirted blobs of murky black frosting and jam at them. As magical toast has a giant cup made of caramel and peppermint clay they usually don't require Marmelade, because of the evil prophecy that tells of a werewolf that eats magical cakes and sweet apples. Therefore, the cauldrons bubbled magic potatoes and ancient carrots instead. Sometimes it seems that werevolves can eat mushrooms. This time potato chips were avoided to stop the Werewolves from becoming energized and turning into potatoes themselves. This was bad news for our adventurers because they would either act foolish during Mondays or Kwanzaa.

Anyways, December is jolly even after Santa smoked elves and decided that Christmas is over...but he couldn't understand why it was so important that he give children GIFTS. He decided that all children should bring gifts. Santa wanted alleviate all chickens with mysterious feet. So he danced with his rooster buddy while the Christmas cookies ran amuck.
Then leprechauns appeared to flood the streets coated with sour apples instead, because ruling dwarves decided that none shall gather potatoes without announcing. Eventually a lich dropped cheese into a cauldron of hershey's faces, stirred by this unusually burned kobold whose fur was smelly and purple. After witnessing the mixing, hamsters were too frightened to attempt eating anything related to chocolate bunnies or caramel Macchiatos.

Along came a space lion who looked disgusted at melodramatic sets of identical twins who were throwing daggers and potatoes at some rocks because a Pikachu appeared and ruined all of the cheese sandwiches. The dinosaur pondered that Pikachu wasn't Mexican food, but decided it could only be eaten during a bright and cloudless night. Either the Nachos or Tacos will win the hearts from sad Tyrannosaurus. However, no prehistoric creature ate anything made from honey or molasses.

The Calaveras Monkeys were the next to arrive and when they saw everything that was happening they decided to join in the fun and started throwing rotten bananas and slimy mud-covered nuts at the Chupacabra's while jumping from tree to tree trying to stay safe. The Chupacabra's were trying to stay standing and having trouble with all the mess around them, they decided to get back at the Calaveras by chewing gum and spitting juice. The magi screamed and threw fifteen muffins at at his loving pets, who flew far away from his masters in fear. The pets ate chocolate, but soon they sprouted wings.

Some traditional stories about the llamas going to the supermarket explain how they always end up spending all of their peanuts on some horrible games made them sad. If they end their lives, then they should first suck-up to the llama deity and then take a bath. So that deity decided that insane magics shouldn't cook their special stew unless a gopher sprinkled some crunchy pieces of celery covered bacon sausages filled with hazelnut on pizza.

Blue popcorn made Grandma pretty crazy when Grandpa celebrated with the arrival and commencement of his pet. Pumpkins flew past the heads of the llamas, hitting the bottle of soda. The strange monkey scratched Obama's ear before the accident happened. No llama drank blood unless the wicked potion caused unknown special effects like exploding pumpkins and unfortunately green colored heads were spawning.

Crazy moms wished upon a decaying snake for undead and wiggling newborn rhinos to the pool. Fish jumped over the lucky rock because no one believed that moms could leap like striped lions. Uncle Steve realized he forgot to buy the moldy cake then feed the little trolls. Then baked muffins without eggs. Talking carrots also wanted to go crazy so they erupted into laughter because elves couldn't understand how old chickens went fishing.

Although, while they danced, other chickens decided for them. They chopped their toes so they could go lick some nasty melons. The weird rooster also thought that dancing was he cursed instead and poked along the muddy path. Rabbits chewed the fuzzy dog blanket - while Santa cried during the prom dance. He wished Rudolph wouldn't assassinate the only elf princess that could summon all of Wonderlands crazy kittens so mistletoe could cause many affectionate kisses. Getting presents wasn't expected - it was the norm to throw glass orbs towards ugly crowds instead.

Snowy days 'cause we wanted more time to jump into the void. While Mom hurried into the portal leading towards the personal trainer, we wondered if UFO's would appear here when the Bigfoot and other friends came to cook gored python stew. It exploded with great amounts of custard.

Meanwhile, Dad destroyed Mom's portal because unicorns celebrated unusual rituals that caused messy sticky unnecessary messes. However, squirming caterpillars keep bouncing into the icy heart's bloody well which drowned all flying squirrels. The colorful popsicle stick had altered many aliens faces...even the mighty ostriches were worried because magpies were diving straight into the heart of the Core of your soul.

Dad chose chocolate covered strawberries mixed with bacon and syrup because Grandma's mushroom were spoiled. Grandma wouldn't agree to fry those people. Special floccinauciniahilipilification causes confusing interpretations of reading daily News.

Ordinary newspapers would always announce small elephants since monkeys pooped behind blood stained curtains to wait for President Joker who couldn't stop dancing despite sticky situations that afflicted many lazy cartographers since yesterday. They drew pictures of undead clowns eating spicy habaneros.

Snowy regions usually have precious stones scattered among huge mounds of fiery newspaper bundles. Arctic winds seemed to howl like bears, causing many distractions to the penguins that were eating carrots. They couldn't cease their inbred lifestyle and HYENAS weren't really friendly, because they always stole painkillers.

Thunderclouds are fluffy and strangely sad when they start their frogs, which wouldn't affect their boiling ritual anyway. Caged cows unite against inedible mushrooms to prevent the crows from eating hidden souls. Many times, when penguins try to do magic, they can't seem to drive cabs, which confused them since nobody said anything. They flipped tables into traffic in winter months, which really messed with polar icecaps.

Bunnies lay across soft blankets while guinea hens peep and hop. Both caused a loud ruckus as unruly as unspoiled/untamed rats exploded from risk of blowing balloons with Sunday's newspapers. Muddy claws scratched Barnaby's back, so he howled with delight afterwards.

Joyful ponies splashed in that delicious marmalade as they sang some crazy jingles which sounded like the penguins serenading. Meanwhile crystal wings decided candy was sparkling brighter than any sun they had ever known. Although, they flew because many owls voted for weird regulations. Dogs, being oddly satisfying were standing close to me. For I meant doing mystical powers that revitalized earth's precious mana.

Concentrated juice mixed with vodka caused consequences to KILLERS, where people who drank Oreos spat at unruly Pegasus. Picnic unicorns danced punk rock goblins until death. They wished death was nothing more then Satan's celebration of Pokemon X and Y.

Steaming Puvias murdered Serially and authorities such as Donald "I am the only person who immediately walked out of my 'Ali G' interview" Trump, to confuse Garnet, storms began spewing Kittens who caused wild fires. Steven Universe tried repeatedly to cause fires because of the Diamond's crystals. They cooked Rose Quartz until it was completely toasted, covered with bacon, cheese, and sliced onions.

Barbecued bicycles insulted some puzzled gorillas, who jumped at Oreos after cookies revolted against cat treats. Lamps smelled farts - piling octarine unicorns against whoever dared to eat their frozen grapes. Mangy hyenas enjoy lighting torches supernaturally, by breathing fire farts.

Melting the president seemed a good idea since everyone wanted Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump out dead away from any life because reasons. I argued with them about why Trump is an Oreo-hating jerk, because I don't agree why Oreos keep causing havoc when other cookies are better when paired.

Fiery birds screeched throughout summer skies flooded with flame-colored ink that caused a turbulent breeze to turn into a tornado that roared and swirled and ripped everything apart which sent everyone running.

While the hurricane scared tourists, brave volunteers fought floods, fires and tsunamis while locals whispered scary eldritch curses. Round llamas flocked to the cooked pumpkins covered with chocolate, sprinkles, and rainbow rocks. Werewolves appeared from behind scarred lands and untamed foliage, unable to boil and eat the dusty potatoes. Suddenly, turkeys flocked close to the sandy spuds and destroyed all the poor frozen doors.

Causing chaos always, the feathered serpent squirmed awkwardly while their moms demanded that they wash their old socks. Elves drank egg nog magically, while the candy canes were given amongst the dead.

Snowflakes fly to many places, while raindrops are lazy and stay around so they don't freeze like many other stupid licorice, who celebrate the party of frozen candles because they are weird.

Pizza may cause an allergic reaction because zebras hate grass on the pepperoni, while lions are supposed to munch on crunchy chocolate. Cats grab fuzzy snakes by red glass and smash them with mythical goblets inside spiky cells. Soon glistening shoes will attack raggedy shirts, spotted cats fry them in pans to make fritters dipped into chocolate with nuts.

Sometimes they also eat pancakes because syrup makes them excited about parties. Cows trampled everything after snakes declared dinosaurs crazy and flew towards the cloud in ridiculous fashion while they miraculously avoided stones.

Snowstorms are cold but reindeer love playing games with them. Spicy cats make studious hats while perched above dancing, growling wolves. Jealous unicorns wanted to hide in mysterious bushes. Suddenly, gnomes screamed quietly as Banshees swooped over their hidden rocks. Inside the rocks, flaming axes destroyed some unusual looking books after they danced around with sprinkled doughnuts. Why trolls always think puppies are food is arguably brave and often surprising when the wolves drink raspberry vodka.

Witches picked up a bizarre looking egg...which glowed a bright neon pink. This affected the egg strangely - making everything seem almost like ghostly apparitions. What they thought was real instead was pebbles. Thunderstorms caused many clowns to grab an array of ear-wax plugs. They wanted Dragonflies to eat.

Rainbows changed when dogs ate spiders covered with sticky peanut butter and chopped unnaturally sour potatoes for breakfast. Mice ran. Trombones played eerie sounding dirges during many times of crazy battles. Foxes bit raw trees for fiber marshmallows. Backpacks filled with various frozen fire pokers with magical properties made life much more fun.

Watermelon is always drippy because they're afflicted with several seeds, that weighed fifty tons there. Drunk delusional cats somehow managed to stifle their wicked intentions. Horses jumped under the obstacles instead to find mysterious plants, chopping down many spindly trees. However, fledgling deer mustn't eat watermelon because, unlike llamas, screaming vexes.

Mystical celery watched earnestly at fairies playing banjos while haunted bones made crocheted cages. Lonely tigers roared at the uncaged zoo full of playing monkeys. These monkeys watched too as the hippos sprayed aromatic oils around every pillow.

Heavy rats wanted to see if skinny zebras could float or would quickly change into dumplings. Watermelons helped with frozen cokes and Rose whispered crazy shenanigans to dragonflies. So jumping trolls call their evil musicians to crash cymbals together. Planes will crash with no reason that royalty can expect to understand why engines corrupt the simple ideas of clowns.

Or eerie flashes in deserted haberdasheries, wanting to argue despite being decorated by poodles wearing yellow beaded necklaces, who don't care for them. While most ghosts agree about humans, they argue who cooked spaghetti. Many bananas seem shadey, although Steve likes shortcake. Rabbits can hop like toasters after they bite sour vegetables, via motorcycles.

Masked goblins brewed gallons of fruity salsa, chopped ginger with
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by Jaytheking »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and forks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aidan is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a Brit while I tried swimming but carelessly stopped when the triceratops started face palming because I lost her face.
Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies were some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seemed too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas, I tasered Chuck Norris with it. Underwater in my pajamas, I ate corn dogs made of popcorn and Easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drank balloon-sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So, when Aiden tried to make me spit it out I spat it onto his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird. Then an apocoalypse of small aliens came to the beach and ate mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katniss tongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladdin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns. Tehn kittens appeared, glowing magnificently golden. This meant only they could eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So, when mermaids died the CRAPPING stopped but bunnies started hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married. Suddenly, epic pears nommed foexrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sand of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced like a crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious. Budgies ate creatues that frolicked near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helped. My pet dragon ate cows to show how brave he was. many crazy pickle-man stores with tools in boxes were why fairies nibbled upon crunchy trolls shaped like feenec tacos foxes in England while Morgal seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavore dpuffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullabies to a small child. This crazy toad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Office re-runs and licking Ice Blood; and he liked sponges. But, he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreas and that didn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were mono-filament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hell hounds ate pineapples and discoes when Lady Gaga ate diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoked hamster food and really should have layed off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who were afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.
Whenever Georgia drew India it cried about cats and rain clouds. After the random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing like maniac alpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernacle survived, the Capricorn killed bob for no reason and skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet Golem tried eating mould. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people-eater resulted in a very warm tickle being quickly summoned -anti-disestablishmentarianism rule. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinhilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!" and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at the penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Badersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much as Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They are also a bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyebals. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.
Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks which made everyone fart, causing Bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it. Magically making tequila, Terri the bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"
"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus coral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi started decidedly yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha did can-can sexually. Then, Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every Wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purred obscenities at night when evil minions danced at the frenzied disco. Georgia rattled about strange hyenas vegetating before screaming about ridiculous spaghetti recipes. She slit shiny silver socks into the pot of pandas. Unicorns whirled around gleaming silverware, unaware that they dropped swords that were forged in platinum.

Ocean cabanas in Mexico, swimming suits are orange, purple and green when people dig deep into hidden mountains searching for magic crystals that transmogrify into unicorns wearing ties and swirled patterns on their squashed puddings.

Zebras always seemed mystified when jumping across muddy crocodiles. Always remembering your astronomy is radical thinking, because if weirdos decided Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was acceptable although penguins squashed nuts quickly in the icy land surrounded kingdom boundaries.

Perhaps invisible glockenspiels polish shoes better with lemons but not limes. Witches often drink very strong potions to become awesome. Summer might cause witches to accidentally mix foaming meerkat tails with slippery giraffe horns. Wolves chewed on chocolate bunnies every few minutes... while jumping excitedly around golden cakes, creamy marzipan flew every few times around square jellybeans that caused confused elephants to squash small gnomes holding bananas between their orange stained war hammers.

Anxious wizards always believed witch's house are mythical because mysterious letters told monkeys that roses are black leopards secretly were thinking how squeamish bananas eat frozen yogurt when they trade melons with pizza. Dancing imps' serendipity caused wizards to celebrate the moon's iguanas, which caused weird rabbits to scribble stars into every computer HARD DRIVE.

Whenever hairy shoes jump on unsuspecting travelers, chocolate melts into giant tigers which ate all bunnies instead of nomming bows. Except a bison gored himself with a origami crane that flew crazily across a huge crater that summoned demonic roses into hells sky. The dragon lied about being innocent with the obese cow. They stopped running across sticky oceans of custard doughnuts, deciding lunatics bit them too softly to insult wild-eyed birds mothers.

They jumped to beat a pineapple sundae while writing a eulogy for useless ancient topography. Meanwhile an amnesiac Snorlax laid polka-dotted Cheetos in wild grasses sprinkled nasty juices on some far-away pieces of dry biscuits smeared with glowing mushroom shaped like triangles. So they jumped into swirling purple Kool-Aid, and transformed quickly into insidious pixies that demonically winked when they dared to cook smashed souls mixed with shrunken socks and huge candied pumpkins.

So the mutated aliens were mutants shaped as oblong lampposts topped with curlicue cheese smelling shoes, and when they smile to you they look grotesque. Elsewhere there should be more bright towels, folded neatly on the shelves. My towel danced across the ballroom doing the tango to a song that sounded like it was played backwards. Then the left ended angels interrupted by giving stilettos to the storm-troopers. This was particularly unusual as normally they order turnips but the eunuchs got it wrong that day so the entire googooplex was put up for sale at the auction house and afterwards everyone with a bandanna fled up the stairs and left the nightmares ringing bells in the darkened room.

Haunted memories stalk disturbed templars dressed like winged horses with sparkling matted feathers colored azure and shining hooves. They just couldn't eat cookies, they wanted blood. Swinging weird chains at everyone while shrieking about mangosteens.

Hoofed cowboys from Kansas quickly ride. But then ghostly phantoms strolled into the ballroom, sneezing and gleeking. They definitely needed glowing tissues, because something oozed quickly out onto the scratched rosewood strongbox and dripped on something wildly dancing in the wind. Unscrupulous scorpions scurried underneath cheese curls being very xenophobic while blasting hair. These Bananas need a scorpion flavored skin.

Stormclouds seem cuddly like furry schnozzes. Lightning exploded when a Wyvern crashed crazily into underwater volcanoes, jumped onto the roof of abandoned cars covered with speckled beans dripping water. Thunder echoed throughout the darkened sky as winds began howling and children played quietly.

They wished the Wyverns could canoodle through the flowering groves with spotted beetles eating scrumptious crunchy lettuce covered in pink, fluffy caterpillars dripping with many icy pieces of liquid lava.

Jumping jackrabbits with no shame wiggled out onto the sky's everlasting rolling winds, flying as if they could challenge any bird to a fantastic race although the spiders were certainly quite enthusiastic about the screaming grapes that were drenched in chocolate. Magistream seemed to be covered with eggs mixed with magical potions which transforms everything it touches into chicken-wings.

Squirrels swarm sweet flowers when sunny satyrs ran through creamy pudding, waiting for butterflies cocoons that seemed irrelevant to their overall mission to secure jacks, tires, and butter flavored books. Warthogs like dirty smelly almonds wrapped in yellow pancakes, covered over with Sanus and omelets from Saturn.

Saturday's weather seemed unusually windy, cloudy, damp and green. Some gnomes decided expensive umbrellas were stylish.

Unhappily, they trotted into town to post letters to the Krakens about the party. They hadn't heard anything by the following week so sent balloons up with some signals. The one legged octopus found them and sent the with chocolates to the reindeer who led the Krakens to the party. It was all fun and games until one dreadful moment when mean apples hooked on long arrows hurled corn dogs at onlookers. The next bad egg broke when a meteorite slammed onto pink mailboxes causing explosions in sorting offices which caused letters to pinwheel out onto wet pamphlets and books.

Suddenly hairy snakes crashed into purple tissues which disintegrated magically. After haunted fur-balls ate platinum watermelons, they dragged bodies over to Canada, where syrup rules. Popcorn popped while yogurt was skipping happily pooping.

Rainbows left bottles filled with unhappy souls after thunderstorms next disturbed the weird gooseberries sometime during summer solstice. The waning moons burn werewolves into the abyss by singing mournful hymns when they were sleeping. Excitedly, the werewolves laughed while the hideous gingers danced to joyful tunes played by brownies that were iced with gumballs.

Blue tablecloths attacked the mayor after he and Superman flew away. Giants ate strawberry laces attached to the simply divine chocolate truffles.

Water can explode into a thousand oranges. However, grape juice instead explodes magnificently once it has broken your glass potatoes. They seem pointless because they always destroy themselves. It was terribly beautiful when Omar Sharif shelves broke themselves. Grunting, a huge scorpion lifted gyrating gymnasts while skinny men skied over melted snow whistling merry tunes.

When babies scream so loud that eggs are shaking, the Rastafarian's are high! However, bubbling DNA doesn't know about squashed amoeba. It has been huge to dwarfs who don't live under the tree. Sweating, angry cereal are spitting vomit. A cold place in south Loopyland was insanely cold.

Hopping vampires vomit small and oddly shaped presents into the never-ending treacle fudge wells. So after flying over there on broomsticks they go to take out a circular ring of cheese burgers. When mice yelled at honey bees because of mushy corn dogs, they are considered inedible.

The moon hid behind smiles although the exhausted musician wanted unicorns dressed in striped tutus. Hot cyclists drank icy Chinese soup from a cup with colourful straws while the court jesters ran through a door into the wet sewers, screeching when the hideous holes opened, revealing daleks.

Squashed chickens poop giggles. Many of the chickens farted, the roosters barfed. Moving sideways, kangaroos twisted and knotted faded photographs and tore off chunks of heated muscles. Meanwhile, a titanic, unruly sheep brothel was plotting how to swim like a possessed monkey dressed in rainbow shorts, a fountain made of curdled strawberries and chocolate smoothies.

Running chipmunks jumped over lazy pandas that were snoozing upon cozy arms covered with squishy cats, tough thoughts filled with evil curtains. Sweet chocolate was stolen from Mr.Potato, spicy piranhas chewed on bouncy chunks of barf-colored marshmallows. The tasty seashells were salty as heck and were definitely evil smelling; they were also powered by unusual smell that made one's eyes melt like caramel bunnies that hop over on speeding race cars. Then, monkeys crafted neon tetras while the elephants sang beautifully in rainforest scenery.

Pizza tastes strangely bitter despite the tomatoes being perfectly normal. But, then ghosts float in the swamps with dead bodies and moldy wolves while unnatural howls break crystal necklaces and cut flowers. Some pizzas are meant to feed penguins because snakes can't make cookies since they lack wings.

Leaves scatter wildly in the classroom while demons crept in sideways along glowing lights chanting somber curses. They haunt schools that are empty, and cobwebs are creepy with dusty dementors. Dragons start their devious kidnapping by eating squirming souls as appetizers and making buttered crumpets. They kidnap puppies with vans and candy floss by catching flying squirrels. The schoolchildren gasp at the scary stories told by grump elders - unaware of unseen fairies tossing out candy. Dinosaurs run by tractors, and pumpkins evolve so evil bunnies can gnaw their meat and alchemize candy. Toilets are repulsive but useful.

Costumed flying clowns joined a flock of Canada Geese heading towards Moscow for the Winter Olympics.
Extremely confused manatees swam frantically towards Atlantis. They knew many jokes that weren't even amusing, but still elephants wanted more. Aardvarks are hidden inside wobbly, musty golf carts that wouldn't float on water because early glaciers slowly melted from scalding bee soup.

Burning apricots jump across the fiery chasm filled with gooey marshmallows topped with chocolate covered pumpkins that spit equally disgusting larva. They drank frosty mugs of fizzy sour syrup. Then, apricots squashed the green crystals owned seemingly by Master Chef, the King of Questionable Skills Pertaining to the unusual assortment of eggnog. He smashed the container without thinking, causing giant cookies to squirm.

Anyways, snow possums observed sedated travelers trying to act like chickens in rubber coated pants and screeching. Scorched, dehydrated, and crazy looking, they trudged through icy slush wearing only sheer clothes.

Cooking can make you wonder why salt adds flavor to recipes while spices add spice. Boiling soup can potentially cause someone to want antelopes. Frozen artichokes taste amazing with mango dipped socks because Pikachu is molting and hates terrible coffee.

Speckled pandas reign over mystical troves singing "Derpaderp!!" when they eat artichokes seasoned with chili peppers and bananas while carrying striped helmets under low conditions. They enjoy Gollum's stories as much as crazy trampolining golems eating chocolate. So David decided to pick up some poop for no specific purpose while he was farting.

Chocolate rainbows and exorcists robes swim into the lake of ugly creatures. Sometimes they find huge rude and flamboyant hairdos, that sing majestically while elves stir concoctions of tasty raspberry Kool-Aid. This event caused the unseen gummy spiders much hilarity because it made the transparent puppets which eat everything.

Meanwhile, unicorns swam downstream while hairy oarfish concocted their favorite spicy and exotic striped lollipops, taking their sour ingredients into the mixture. Then fluttering wombats squirmed around in ticks while their faces are consumed viciously.

Strong warriors often farm strong vegetables, forgetting huge and inedible best looking cabbages. Sometimes Mom will cook unusual beets in her colorful pots of handy dandy rubber cement. Jagged kites that eat small chicken nuggets explode into chunks, while they wish for a crazy mafiosos to come kick up delirious rice.

Bruised fruit falls elegantly and magically fried fritters. A sweaty child gathered juicy corpses for zombie bread so she wouldn't go hungry. However, Dracula's pet eats them covered with jelly and peanuts. They, however, look like crazed zombies. When Dracula sees this, he suddenly implodes as tongues got hot.

Unicorns were hunting more humans to party so reindeer would avenge the chocolate bunnies. They came to the abandoned warehouse to eradicate the party, which was scrubbing their soft paws. They couldn't decide what humanity is so known that the wet gummy candy worms attacked their own children because other unicorns were chopping off their tails.

When pigs noticed they didn't find ugly horses in boxes, they started boiling Swiss army men in pink suits. Switzerland is angry at spaghetti for being so creepy, which makes them crazy. Potatoes swam awkwardly, cry[ing] like the lost, weary wolves sadden by poptarts burning their tails. Puppies howling for their baseball jazz friends, who hate jazz tulips for biting clouds because they mistook them for floating grapefruit in buttered popcorn.

Campfires and marshmallows are radioactive when they fart inside closed nuclear submarines deep in squishy jellyfish eggs on the Cape of Good Hope, a Danish province named George. Eagles like crunchy pies dipped in salsa, also with chopped monkeys included. Angry with Italians, the koalas planned devious picnics, complete with chopped onions in spicy oozes and huge hairy rambutans weaving through sticky cheese, gooey potato pancakes and wondering what crazy adventures Mom would conjure up.

Sunny boxes appeared beside the sparkling deep water, magic twinkling stars being created by roaming herds of sheep. These boxes crushed all resistance wielding witches - with snarling biscuits smeared butter amongst icy foxes that wondered why demons love .

Cobwebs that stretched 100 light years began breaking ghostly pieces of tomato guts across flaming ponchos. Cleaning furry forks that contained pink reindeer antlers, the unspoiled berries floating like apples in the terrible brackish overflow while squirrels terraformed into terrific candies. Snails flew around beehives looking for frozen peanuts because spicy wasps are stir-fried pickles dipped with mustard.

After a while the queen petted everyone with furry chopsticks while eating squishy soybeans drizzled with thick octopuses brain. She nailed boards to her stiff walls covered by flavored donuts. Iced grasses seem to sprout everywhere. The warlock splashed soup, pasta and roasted turkey over a Romano head covered heavily with moldy cheese.

Because Mom had bought presents for the unruly python who had flew in a flying harry potter car. Then the unruly python ate chopped onion, green potatoes and python eggs. Peppermint reindeer slid down lemon slides to bake corn covered cake smeared with dark fish and tomatoes flying like something disposed of Thomas' raggedy Ann cat.

Fresh watermelons, sliced squarely into the container, smelled like some berries, until the diabolical dragon devoured cupcake Rapper Freshbiz while chickens boiled on flaming molasses rivers that snapped stickily. Santa's reindeer thought elves could play various noisy trumpets, but Grandma said that unacceptable candies can't quite comprehend pink socks. Hence walruses that could dance mingled inside the socks drenched with strange liquids of the icy cats, to jump over expensive potatoes.

I dreamt of a magical tomato with tiny seeds that saved Satan quoting "No tomato should get rubbed with oils that burn skeletons, but then whoever places burning brooms shall die."

Cows squirmed under several yellow school uniforms, looking hungry and pokemon came tumbling down green ice-cream sprinkled hills covered in giant gorilla pineapples. So rowdy caterpillars chewed on jumping beans, beetles danced on the gorgeous flowers that wiggled and flopped towards the spiral staircases.

Snowy French pastries slipped into sloshing buckets filled mostly with curling longbeans and soap. Steaming dumplings turned away, looking concerned at unusual pieces of neon particles mixed with chopped onions and so many hedgehogs appeared that millions of dragonflies wished death upon trolls. However, garlic affected kittens strangely.... Lolling around in pajamas eating catnip peppers, chocolate spiders materialized into monstrous looking stuffed plushies.

Caregivers help Mom wash flimsy little clocks while she licked diseased kumquats. Not the shy chimpanzee, Jenny spat at rowdy boys so she'd claim compensation for busted eardrums. Later that day Dad said something about those whipper-snappers. The children screamed "PASTA" when squirrels began digging for eggplants cooked in pasta and Vinegar.

Suddenly Irish wingadings circled them and took young wyverns out to boil lobsters. Later the zombie cried "BRAAAAIIIINNNNNSSSS" while writing simple english muffin poetry on England. Rainy Wales seemed depressing although Spain hated bouncing castles, spinsters wiped their dirty faces then danced like drunken ladettes. Werewolves sneezed because vampire scent wafted around them and caused internal bleeding.

Monstrous poodles swallowed feces, then some drank sprite because queasy feelings couldn't stop. Feeling poorly and sad, Donatello fried strawberries dipped in cubed caramels. That shy Sasquatch frolicked tirelessly into unknown territory, unaware of alien presences waiting to probe their eardrums.
Nervous chickens turned off electrical beets, dankness made them very scared because unseen barracuda armies nibbled turkeys covered in fiery mayflies. Unusually barracudas jumped into bubbling lava.

Determined to fly, Maria partied to beat Anna home so she sped towards the cracked house full of bizarre textbooks. Then, Alex flipped her off the lasagna after squeezing small tubes of flavored Beef. Magis rolled in poo until the rainstorm washed away ugly smell. The SWAT team then lit the flares, bringing magical girls unbelievable apples.

Squirming kittens recoil, cowering into darkness before squirting creatures wake evil roaches and vanish, then ghostly apparitions feast on goo spiked with lemonade. They decided to swim within the bowels of Hades, afraid of the evil bunnies lurking around. Then without thinking, they ran right through fiery walls then died.

Gigantic sheep bit giant rollerblades because never eating the rollerblades sucked. Spending their bananas on foxfire amulets, dreamcatchers, and foxes. Windy eyeballs leak massive tears that burn black when the flying trees wish for more bees. A yodeler materialized with a heavy bag filled with pudding mixed with crumbled fried shrimp. Frozen steak was unavailable, so squashed porkchops were brought instead.

Horses ran away from the insane mailman hidden in the depths of bushes, as a lurking bacon raptor made ultimate baked cookies, crispy fried llamas, and George for once didn't argue. They screamed like the devil and wished for unearthly amounts of healthy beets.

Silent ghosts watched the werewolf watch tiny raptors sip cups with crushed toes mixed into poisoned potions. Wishes that never will become beets, but always turn out better, came running. "Baby, that's just not what beets kick around tonight."

Rushing thoughts confused the shy cat so she squished a green and sparkly dog who ate potatoes. Rowdy decided stray wolves should gallop to the open campground so they could be FREE to slap some sense into his crazy noggin.

Thundering trees blew down all my cabbages, even though potatoes are quite big and need small friends. Creepy pasta was created because many children hated eating these crispy pancakes. Sloppy dumplings, sliced up with creamy candy coated carrots were many different delights.

Spooky looking carrots floated in space so they naturally use huge meteoroids as lazy pillows. They love kissing their girlfriend's faces after eating rotten spaghetti soaked in soda. After that there was no oxygen in the entire crazy city for most of the astronauts so they died. While walking left, suddenly they exploded into tiny cucumbers. They dressed like bright, transparent angels to dance and shout to rocks so they could fly.

Spiderwebs with grease and ash were bouncing like birds that SPIN around nests. This caused turkeys to explode after massive alien technologies were turned into black apples. Scorching bananas horrified the world by throwing moldy cheese around the purple people dressed as giraffes. However, the real scare was before microscopic whales grew into the pepperoni covered with really greasy hands.

Werewolves don't eat brains because they are used for spooky looking houses. Ghoulish masks make werewolves look like bald eagles because they caused gruesome murders to start at unusual times. Werewolves never let those uppity prey escape, even when they climbed up towers made from skulls.

Cauldrons full of dark jellybeans squirted blobs of murky black frosting and jam at them. As magical toast has a giant cup made of caramel and peppermint clay they usually don't require Marmelade, because of the evil prophecy that tells of a werewolf that eats magical cakes and sweet apples. Therefore, the cauldrons bubbled magic potatoes and ancient carrots instead. Sometimes it seems that werevolves can eat mushrooms. This time potato chips were avoided to stop the Werewolves from becoming energized and turning into potatoes themselves. This was bad news for our adventurers because they would either act foolish during Mondays or Kwanzaa.

Anyways, December is jolly even after Santa smoked elves and decided that Christmas is over...but he couldn't understand why it was so important that he give children GIFTS. He decided that all children should bring gifts. Santa wanted alleviate all chickens with mysterious feet. So he danced with his rooster buddy while the Christmas cookies ran amuck.
Then leprechauns appeared to flood the streets coated with sour apples instead, because ruling dwarves decided that none shall gather potatoes without announcing. Eventually a lich dropped cheese into a cauldron of hershey's faces, stirred by this unusually burned kobold whose fur was smelly and purple. After witnessing the mixing, hamsters were too frightened to attempt eating anything related to chocolate bunnies or caramel Macchiatos.

Along came a space lion who looked disgusted at melodramatic sets of identical twins who were throwing daggers and potatoes at some rocks because a Pikachu appeared and ruined all of the cheese sandwiches. The dinosaur pondered that Pikachu wasn't Mexican food, but decided it could only be eaten during a bright and cloudless night. Either the Nachos or Tacos will win the hearts from sad Tyrannosaurus. However, no prehistoric creature ate anything made from honey or molasses.

The Calaveras Monkeys were the next to arrive and when they saw everything that was happening they decided to join in the fun and started throwing rotten bananas and slimy mud-covered nuts at the Chupacabra's while jumping from tree to tree trying to stay safe. The Chupacabra's were trying to stay standing and having trouble with all the mess around them, they decided to get back at the Calaveras by chewing gum and spitting juice. The magi screamed and threw fifteen muffins at at his loving pets, who flew far away from his masters in fear. The pets ate chocolate, but soon they sprouted wings.

Some traditional stories about the llamas going to the supermarket explain how they always end up spending all of their peanuts on some horrible games made them sad. If they end their lives, then they should first suck-up to the llama deity and then take a bath. So that deity decided that insane magics shouldn't cook their special stew unless a gopher sprinkled some crunchy pieces of celery covered bacon sausages filled with hazelnut on pizza.

Blue popcorn made Grandma pretty crazy when Grandpa celebrated with the arrival and commencement of his pet. Pumpkins flew past the heads of the llamas, hitting the bottle of soda. The strange monkey scratched Obama's ear before the accident happened. No llama drank blood unless the wicked potion caused unknown special effects like exploding pumpkins and unfortunately green colored heads were spawning.

Crazy moms wished upon a decaying snake for undead and wiggling newborn rhinos to the pool. Fish jumped over the lucky rock because no one believed that moms could leap like striped lions. Uncle Steve realized he forgot to buy the moldy cake then feed the little trolls. Then baked muffins without eggs. Talking carrots also wanted to go crazy so they erupted into laughter because elves couldn't understand how old chickens went fishing.

Although, while they danced, other chickens decided for them. They chopped their toes so they could go lick some nasty melons. The weird rooster also thought that dancing was he cursed instead and poked along the muddy path. Rabbits chewed the fuzzy dog blanket - while Santa cried during the prom dance. He wished Rudolph wouldn't assassinate the only elf princess that could summon all of Wonderlands crazy kittens so mistletoe could cause many affectionate kisses. Getting presents wasn't expected - it was the norm to throw glass orbs towards ugly crowds instead.

Snowy days 'cause we wanted more time to jump into the void. While Mom hurried into the portal leading towards the personal trainer, we wondered if UFO's would appear here when the Bigfoot and other friends came to cook gored python stew. It exploded with great amounts of custard.

Meanwhile, Dad destroyed Mom's portal because unicorns celebrated unusual rituals that caused messy sticky unnecessary messes. However, squirming caterpillars keep bouncing into the icy heart's bloody well which drowned all flying squirrels. The colorful popsicle stick had altered many aliens faces...even the mighty ostriches were worried because magpies were diving straight into the heart of the Core of your soul.

Dad chose chocolate covered strawberries mixed with bacon and syrup because Grandma's mushroom were spoiled. Grandma wouldn't agree to fry those people. Special floccinauciniahilipilification causes confusing interpretations of reading daily News.

Ordinary newspapers would always announce small elephants since monkeys pooped behind blood stained curtains to wait for President Joker who couldn't stop dancing despite sticky situations that afflicted many lazy cartographers since yesterday. They drew pictures of undead clowns eating spicy habaneros.

Snowy regions usually have precious stones scattered among huge mounds of fiery newspaper bundles. Arctic winds seemed to howl like bears, causing many distractions to the penguins that were eating carrots. They couldn't cease their inbred lifestyle and HYENAS weren't really friendly, because they always stole painkillers.

Thunderclouds are fluffy and strangely sad when they start their frogs, which wouldn't affect their boiling ritual anyway. Caged cows unite against inedible mushrooms to prevent the crows from eating hidden souls. Many times, when penguins try to do magic, they can't seem to drive cabs, which confused them since nobody said anything. They flipped tables into traffic in winter months, which really messed with polar icecaps.

Bunnies lay across soft blankets while guinea hens peep and hop. Both caused a loud ruckus as unruly as unspoiled/untamed rats exploded from risk of blowing balloons with Sunday's newspapers. Muddy claws scratched Barnaby's back, so he howled with delight afterwards.

Joyful ponies splashed in that delicious marmalade as they sang some crazy jingles which sounded like the penguins serenading. Meanwhile crystal wings decided candy was sparkling brighter than any sun they had ever known. Although, they flew because many owls voted for weird regulations. Dogs, being oddly satisfying were standing close to me. For I meant doing mystical powers that revitalized earth's precious mana.

Concentrated juice mixed with vodka caused consequences to KILLERS, where people who drank Oreos spat at unruly Pegasus. Picnic unicorns danced punk rock goblins until death. They wished death was nothing more then Satan's celebration of Pokemon X and Y.

Steaming Puvias murdered Serially and authorities such as Donald "I am the only person who immediately walked out of my 'Ali G' interview" Trump, to confuse Garnet, storms began spewing Kittens who caused wild fires. Steven Universe tried repeatedly to cause fires because of the Diamond's crystals. They cooked Rose Quartz until it was completely toasted, covered with bacon, cheese, and sliced onions.

Barbecued bicycles insulted some puzzled gorillas, who jumped at Oreos after cookies revolted against cat treats. Lamps smelled farts - piling octarine unicorns against whoever dared to eat their frozen grapes. Mangy hyenas enjoy lighting torches supernaturally, by breathing fire farts.

Melting the president seemed a good idea since everyone wanted Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump out dead away from any life because reasons. I argued with them about why Trump is an Oreo-hating jerk, because I don't agree why Oreos keep causing havoc when other cookies are better when paired.

Fiery birds screeched throughout summer skies flooded with flame-colored ink that caused a turbulent breeze to turn into a tornado that roared and swirled and ripped everything apart which sent everyone running.

While the hurricane scared tourists, brave volunteers fought floods, fires and tsunamis while locals whispered scary eldritch curses. Round llamas flocked to the cooked pumpkins covered with chocolate, sprinkles, and rainbow rocks. Werewolves appeared from behind scarred lands and untamed foliage, unable to boil and eat the dusty potatoes. Suddenly, turkeys flocked close to the sandy spuds and destroyed all the poor frozen doors.

Causing chaos always, the feathered serpent squirmed awkwardly while their moms demanded that they wash their old socks. Elves drank egg nog magically, while the candy canes were given amongst the dead.

Snowflakes fly to many places, while raindrops are lazy and stay around so they don't freeze like many other stupid licorice, who celebrate the party of frozen candles because they are weird.

Pizza may cause an allergic reaction because zebras hate grass on the pepperoni, while lions are supposed to munch on crunchy chocolate. Cats grab fuzzy snakes by red glass and smash them with mythical goblets inside spiky cells. Soon glistening shoes will attack raggedy shirts, spotted cats fry them in pans to make fritters dipped into chocolate with nuts.

Sometimes they also eat pancakes because syrup makes them excited about parties. Cows trampled everything after snakes declared dinosaurs crazy and flew towards the cloud in ridiculous fashion while they miraculously avoided stones.

Snowstorms are cold but reindeer love playing games with them. Spicy cats make studious hats while perched above dancing, growling wolves. Jealous unicorns wanted to hide in mysterious bushes. Suddenly, gnomes screamed quietly as Banshees swooped over their hidden rocks. Inside the rocks, flaming axes destroyed some unusual looking books after they danced around with sprinkled doughnuts. Why trolls always think puppies are food is arguably brave and often surprising when the wolves drink raspberry vodka.

Witches picked up a bizarre looking egg...which glowed a bright neon pink. This affected the egg strangely - making everything seem almost like ghostly apparitions. What they thought was real instead was pebbles. Thunderstorms caused many clowns to grab an array of ear-wax plugs. They wanted Dragonflies to eat.

Rainbows changed when dogs ate spiders covered with sticky peanut butter and chopped unnaturally sour potatoes for breakfast. Mice ran. Trombones played eerie sounding dirges during many times of crazy battles. Foxes bit raw trees for fiber marshmallows. Backpacks filled with various frozen fire pokers with magical properties made life much more fun.

Watermelon is always drippy because they're afflicted with several seeds, that weighed fifty tons there. Drunk delusional cats somehow managed to stifle their wicked intentions. Horses jumped under the obstacles instead to find mysterious plants, chopping down many spindly trees. However, fledgling deer mustn't eat watermelon because, unlike llamas, screaming vexes.

Mystical celery watched earnestly at fairies playing banjos while haunted bones made crocheted cages. Lonely tigers roared at the uncaged zoo full of playing monkeys. These monkeys watched too as the hippos sprayed aromatic oils around every pillow.

Heavy rats wanted to see if skinny zebras could float or would quickly change into dumplings. Watermelons helped with frozen cokes and Rose whispered crazy shenanigans to dragonflies. So jumping trolls call their evil musicians to crash cymbals together. Planes will crash with no reason that royalty can expect to understand why engines corrupt the simple ideas of clowns.

Or eerie flashes in deserted haberdasheries, wanting to argue despite being decorated by poodles wearing yellow beaded necklaces, who don't care for them. While most ghosts agree about humans, they argue who cooked spaghetti. Many bananas seem shadey, although Steve likes shortcake. Rabbits can hop like toasters after they bite sour vegetables, via motorcycles.

Masked goblins brewed gallons of fruity salsa, chopped ginger with cinnamon
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by Adorabamf »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and forks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aidan is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a Brit while I tried swimming but carelessly stopped when the triceratops started face palming because I lost her face.
Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies were some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seemed too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas, I tasered Chuck Norris with it. Underwater in my pajamas, I ate corn dogs made of popcorn and Easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drank balloon-sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So, when Aiden tried to make me spit it out I spat it onto his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird. Then an apocoalypse of small aliens came to the beach and ate mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katniss tongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladdin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns. Tehn kittens appeared, glowing magnificently golden. This meant only they could eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So, when mermaids died the CRAPPING stopped but bunnies started hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married. Suddenly, epic pears nommed foexrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sand of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced like a crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious. Budgies ate creatues that frolicked near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helped. My pet dragon ate cows to show how brave he was. many crazy pickle-man stores with tools in boxes were why fairies nibbled upon crunchy trolls shaped like feenec tacos foxes in England while Morgal seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavore dpuffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullabies to a small child. This crazy toad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Office re-runs and licking Ice Blood; and he liked sponges. But, he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreas and that didn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were mono-filament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hell hounds ate pineapples and discoes when Lady Gaga ate diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoked hamster food and really should have layed off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who were afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.
Whenever Georgia drew India it cried about cats and rain clouds. After the random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing like maniac alpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernacle survived, the Capricorn killed bob for no reason and skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet Golem tried eating mould. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people-eater resulted in a very warm tickle being quickly summoned -anti-disestablishmentarianism rule. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinhilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!" and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at the penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Badersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much as Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They are also a bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyebals. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.
Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks which made everyone fart, causing Bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it. Magically making tequila, Terri the bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"
"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus coral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi started decidedly yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha did can-can sexually. Then, Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every Wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purred obscenities at night when evil minions danced at the frenzied disco. Georgia rattled about strange hyenas vegetating before screaming about ridiculous spaghetti recipes. She slit shiny silver socks into the pot of pandas. Unicorns whirled around gleaming silverware, unaware that they dropped swords that were forged in platinum.

Ocean cabanas in Mexico, swimming suits are orange, purple and green when people dig deep into hidden mountains searching for magic crystals that transmogrify into unicorns wearing ties and swirled patterns on their squashed puddings.

Zebras always seemed mystified when jumping across muddy crocodiles. Always remembering your astronomy is radical thinking, because if weirdos decided Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was acceptable although penguins squashed nuts quickly in the icy land surrounded kingdom boundaries.

Perhaps invisible glockenspiels polish shoes better with lemons but not limes. Witches often drink very strong potions to become awesome. Summer might cause witches to accidentally mix foaming meerkat tails with slippery giraffe horns. Wolves chewed on chocolate bunnies every few minutes... while jumping excitedly around golden cakes, creamy marzipan flew every few times around square jellybeans that caused confused elephants to squash small gnomes holding bananas between their orange stained war hammers.

Anxious wizards always believed witch's house are mythical because mysterious letters told monkeys that roses are black leopards secretly were thinking how squeamish bananas eat frozen yogurt when they trade melons with pizza. Dancing imps' serendipity caused wizards to celebrate the moon's iguanas, which caused weird rabbits to scribble stars into every computer HARD DRIVE.

Whenever hairy shoes jump on unsuspecting travelers, chocolate melts into giant tigers which ate all bunnies instead of nomming bows. Except a bison gored himself with a origami crane that flew crazily across a huge crater that summoned demonic roses into hells sky. The dragon lied about being innocent with the obese cow. They stopped running across sticky oceans of custard doughnuts, deciding lunatics bit them too softly to insult wild-eyed birds mothers.

They jumped to beat a pineapple sundae while writing a eulogy for useless ancient topography. Meanwhile an amnesiac Snorlax laid polka-dotted Cheetos in wild grasses sprinkled nasty juices on some far-away pieces of dry biscuits smeared with glowing mushroom shaped like triangles. So they jumped into swirling purple Kool-Aid, and transformed quickly into insidious pixies that demonically winked when they dared to cook smashed souls mixed with shrunken socks and huge candied pumpkins.

So the mutated aliens were mutants shaped as oblong lampposts topped with curlicue cheese smelling shoes, and when they smile to you they look grotesque. Elsewhere there should be more bright towels, folded neatly on the shelves. My towel danced across the ballroom doing the tango to a song that sounded like it was played backwards. Then the left ended angels interrupted by giving stilettos to the storm-troopers. This was particularly unusual as normally they order turnips but the eunuchs got it wrong that day so the entire googooplex was put up for sale at the auction house and afterwards everyone with a bandanna fled up the stairs and left the nightmares ringing bells in the darkened room.

Haunted memories stalk disturbed templars dressed like winged horses with sparkling matted feathers colored azure and shining hooves. They just couldn't eat cookies, they wanted blood. Swinging weird chains at everyone while shrieking about mangosteens.

Hoofed cowboys from Kansas quickly ride. But then ghostly phantoms strolled into the ballroom, sneezing and gleeking. They definitely needed glowing tissues, because something oozed quickly out onto the scratched rosewood strongbox and dripped on something wildly dancing in the wind. Unscrupulous scorpions scurried underneath cheese curls being very xenophobic while blasting hair. These Bananas need a scorpion flavored skin.

Stormclouds seem cuddly like furry schnozzes. Lightning exploded when a Wyvern crashed crazily into underwater volcanoes, jumped onto the roof of abandoned cars covered with speckled beans dripping water. Thunder echoed throughout the darkened sky as winds began howling and children played quietly.

They wished the Wyverns could canoodle through the flowering groves with spotted beetles eating scrumptious crunchy lettuce covered in pink, fluffy caterpillars dripping with many icy pieces of liquid lava.

Jumping jackrabbits with no shame wiggled out onto the sky's everlasting rolling winds, flying as if they could challenge any bird to a fantastic race although the spiders were certainly quite enthusiastic about the screaming grapes that were drenched in chocolate. Magistream seemed to be covered with eggs mixed with magical potions which transforms everything it touches into chicken-wings.

Squirrels swarm sweet flowers when sunny satyrs ran through creamy pudding, waiting for butterflies cocoons that seemed irrelevant to their overall mission to secure jacks, tires, and butter flavored books. Warthogs like dirty smelly almonds wrapped in yellow pancakes, covered over with Sanus and omelets from Saturn.

Saturday's weather seemed unusually windy, cloudy, damp and green. Some gnomes decided expensive umbrellas were stylish.

Unhappily, they trotted into town to post letters to the Krakens about the party. They hadn't heard anything by the following week so sent balloons up with some signals. The one legged octopus found them and sent the with chocolates to the reindeer who led the Krakens to the party. It was all fun and games until one dreadful moment when mean apples hooked on long arrows hurled corn dogs at onlookers. The next bad egg broke when a meteorite slammed onto pink mailboxes causing explosions in sorting offices which caused letters to pinwheel out onto wet pamphlets and books.

Suddenly hairy snakes crashed into purple tissues which disintegrated magically. After haunted fur-balls ate platinum watermelons, they dragged bodies over to Canada, where syrup rules. Popcorn popped while yogurt was skipping happily pooping.

Rainbows left bottles filled with unhappy souls after thunderstorms next disturbed the weird gooseberries sometime during summer solstice. The waning moons burn werewolves into the abyss by singing mournful hymns when they were sleeping. Excitedly, the werewolves laughed while the hideous gingers danced to joyful tunes played by brownies that were iced with gumballs.

Blue tablecloths attacked the mayor after he and Superman flew away. Giants ate strawberry laces attached to the simply divine chocolate truffles.

Water can explode into a thousand oranges. However, grape juice instead explodes magnificently once it has broken your glass potatoes. They seem pointless because they always destroy themselves. It was terribly beautiful when Omar Sharif shelves broke themselves. Grunting, a huge scorpion lifted gyrating gymnasts while skinny men skied over melted snow whistling merry tunes.

When babies scream so loud that eggs are shaking, the Rastafarian's are high! However, bubbling DNA doesn't know about squashed amoeba. It has been huge to dwarfs who don't live under the tree. Sweating, angry cereal are spitting vomit. A cold place in south Loopyland was insanely cold.

Hopping vampires vomit small and oddly shaped presents into the never-ending treacle fudge wells. So after flying over there on broomsticks they go to take out a circular ring of cheese burgers. When mice yelled at honey bees because of mushy corn dogs, they are considered inedible.

The moon hid behind smiles although the exhausted musician wanted unicorns dressed in striped tutus. Hot cyclists drank icy Chinese soup from a cup with colourful straws while the court jesters ran through a door into the wet sewers, screeching when the hideous holes opened, revealing daleks.

Squashed chickens poop giggles. Many of the chickens farted, the roosters barfed. Moving sideways, kangaroos twisted and knotted faded photographs and tore off chunks of heated muscles. Meanwhile, a titanic, unruly sheep brothel was plotting how to swim like a possessed monkey dressed in rainbow shorts, a fountain made of curdled strawberries and chocolate smoothies.

Running chipmunks jumped over lazy pandas that were snoozing upon cozy arms covered with squishy cats, tough thoughts filled with evil curtains. Sweet chocolate was stolen from Mr.Potato, spicy piranhas chewed on bouncy chunks of barf-colored marshmallows. The tasty seashells were salty as heck and were definitely evil smelling; they were also powered by unusual smell that made one's eyes melt like caramel bunnies that hop over on speeding race cars. Then, monkeys crafted neon tetras while the elephants sang beautifully in rainforest scenery.

Pizza tastes strangely bitter despite the tomatoes being perfectly normal. But, then ghosts float in the swamps with dead bodies and moldy wolves while unnatural howls break crystal necklaces and cut flowers. Some pizzas are meant to feed penguins because snakes can't make cookies since they lack wings.

Leaves scatter wildly in the classroom while demons crept in sideways along glowing lights chanting somber curses. They haunt schools that are empty, and cobwebs are creepy with dusty dementors. Dragons start their devious kidnapping by eating squirming souls as appetizers and making buttered crumpets. They kidnap puppies with vans and candy floss by catching flying squirrels. The schoolchildren gasp at the scary stories told by grump elders - unaware of unseen fairies tossing out candy. Dinosaurs run by tractors, and pumpkins evolve so evil bunnies can gnaw their meat and alchemize candy. Toilets are repulsive but useful.

Costumed flying clowns joined a flock of Canada Geese heading towards Moscow for the Winter Olympics.
Extremely confused manatees swam frantically towards Atlantis. They knew many jokes that weren't even amusing, but still elephants wanted more. Aardvarks are hidden inside wobbly, musty golf carts that wouldn't float on water because early glaciers slowly melted from scalding bee soup.

Burning apricots jump across the fiery chasm filled with gooey marshmallows topped with chocolate covered pumpkins that spit equally disgusting larva. They drank frosty mugs of fizzy sour syrup. Then, apricots squashed the green crystals owned seemingly by Master Chef, the King of Questionable Skills Pertaining to the unusual assortment of eggnog. He smashed the container without thinking, causing giant cookies to squirm.

Anyways, snow possums observed sedated travelers trying to act like chickens in rubber coated pants and screeching. Scorched, dehydrated, and crazy looking, they trudged through icy slush wearing only sheer clothes.

Cooking can make you wonder why salt adds flavor to recipes while spices add spice. Boiling soup can potentially cause someone to want antelopes. Frozen artichokes taste amazing with mango dipped socks because Pikachu is molting and hates terrible coffee.

Speckled pandas reign over mystical troves singing "Derpaderp!!" when they eat artichokes seasoned with chili peppers and bananas while carrying striped helmets under low conditions. They enjoy Gollum's stories as much as crazy trampolining golems eating chocolate. So David decided to pick up some poop for no specific purpose while he was farting.

Chocolate rainbows and exorcists robes swim into the lake of ugly creatures. Sometimes they find huge rude and flamboyant hairdos, that sing majestically while elves stir concoctions of tasty raspberry Kool-Aid. This event caused the unseen gummy spiders much hilarity because it made the transparent puppets which eat everything.

Meanwhile, unicorns swam downstream while hairy oarfish concocted their favorite spicy and exotic striped lollipops, taking their sour ingredients into the mixture. Then fluttering wombats squirmed around in ticks while their faces are consumed viciously.

Strong warriors often farm strong vegetables, forgetting huge and inedible best looking cabbages. Sometimes Mom will cook unusual beets in her colorful pots of handy dandy rubber cement. Jagged kites that eat small chicken nuggets explode into chunks, while they wish for a crazy mafiosos to come kick up delirious rice.

Bruised fruit falls elegantly and magically fried fritters. A sweaty child gathered juicy corpses for zombie bread so she wouldn't go hungry. However, Dracula's pet eats them covered with jelly and peanuts. They, however, look like crazed zombies. When Dracula sees this, he suddenly implodes as tongues got hot.

Unicorns were hunting more humans to party so reindeer would avenge the chocolate bunnies. They came to the abandoned warehouse to eradicate the party, which was scrubbing their soft paws. They couldn't decide what humanity is so known that the wet gummy candy worms attacked their own children because other unicorns were chopping off their tails.

When pigs noticed they didn't find ugly horses in boxes, they started boiling Swiss army men in pink suits. Switzerland is angry at spaghetti for being so creepy, which makes them crazy. Potatoes swam awkwardly, cry[ing] like the lost, weary wolves sadden by poptarts burning their tails. Puppies howling for their baseball jazz friends, who hate jazz tulips for biting clouds because they mistook them for floating grapefruit in buttered popcorn.

Campfires and marshmallows are radioactive when they fart inside closed nuclear submarines deep in squishy jellyfish eggs on the Cape of Good Hope, a Danish province named George. Eagles like crunchy pies dipped in salsa, also with chopped monkeys included. Angry with Italians, the koalas planned devious picnics, complete with chopped onions in spicy oozes and huge hairy rambutans weaving through sticky cheese, gooey potato pancakes and wondering what crazy adventures Mom would conjure up.

Sunny boxes appeared beside the sparkling deep water, magic twinkling stars being created by roaming herds of sheep. These boxes crushed all resistance wielding witches - with snarling biscuits smeared butter amongst icy foxes that wondered why demons love .

Cobwebs that stretched 100 light years began breaking ghostly pieces of tomato guts across flaming ponchos. Cleaning furry forks that contained pink reindeer antlers, the unspoiled berries floating like apples in the terrible brackish overflow while squirrels terraformed into terrific candies. Snails flew around beehives looking for frozen peanuts because spicy wasps are stir-fried pickles dipped with mustard.

After a while the queen petted everyone with furry chopsticks while eating squishy soybeans drizzled with thick octopuses brain. She nailed boards to her stiff walls covered by flavored donuts. Iced grasses seem to sprout everywhere. The warlock splashed soup, pasta and roasted turkey over a Romano head covered heavily with moldy cheese.

Because Mom had bought presents for the unruly python who had flew in a flying harry potter car. Then the unruly python ate chopped onion, green potatoes and python eggs. Peppermint reindeer slid down lemon slides to bake corn covered cake smeared with dark fish and tomatoes flying like something disposed of Thomas' raggedy Ann cat.

Fresh watermelons, sliced squarely into the container, smelled like some berries, until the diabolical dragon devoured cupcake Rapper Freshbiz while chickens boiled on flaming molasses rivers that snapped stickily. Santa's reindeer thought elves could play various noisy trumpets, but Grandma said that unacceptable candies can't quite comprehend pink socks. Hence walruses that could dance mingled inside the socks drenched with strange liquids of the icy cats, to jump over expensive potatoes.

I dreamt of a magical tomato with tiny seeds that saved Satan quoting "No tomato should get rubbed with oils that burn skeletons, but then whoever places burning brooms shall die."

Cows squirmed under several yellow school uniforms, looking hungry and pokemon came tumbling down green ice-cream sprinkled hills covered in giant gorilla pineapples. So rowdy caterpillars chewed on jumping beans, beetles danced on the gorgeous flowers that wiggled and flopped towards the spiral staircases.

Snowy French pastries slipped into sloshing buckets filled mostly with curling longbeans and soap. Steaming dumplings turned away, looking concerned at unusual pieces of neon particles mixed with chopped onions and so many hedgehogs appeared that millions of dragonflies wished death upon trolls. However, garlic affected kittens strangely.... Lolling around in pajamas eating catnip peppers, chocolate spiders materialized into monstrous looking stuffed plushies.

Caregivers help Mom wash flimsy little clocks while she licked diseased kumquats. Not the shy chimpanzee, Jenny spat at rowdy boys so she'd claim compensation for busted eardrums. Later that day Dad said something about those whipper-snappers. The children screamed "PASTA" when squirrels began digging for eggplants cooked in pasta and Vinegar.

Suddenly Irish wingadings circled them and took young wyverns out to boil lobsters. Later the zombie cried "BRAAAAIIIINNNNNSSSS" while writing simple english muffin poetry on England. Rainy Wales seemed depressing although Spain hated bouncing castles, spinsters wiped their dirty faces then danced like drunken ladettes. Werewolves sneezed because vampire scent wafted around them and caused internal bleeding.

Monstrous poodles swallowed feces, then some drank sprite because queasy feelings couldn't stop. Feeling poorly and sad, Donatello fried strawberries dipped in cubed caramels. That shy Sasquatch frolicked tirelessly into unknown territory, unaware of alien presences waiting to probe their eardrums.
Nervous chickens turned off electrical beets, dankness made them very scared because unseen barracuda armies nibbled turkeys covered in fiery mayflies. Unusually barracudas jumped into bubbling lava.

Determined to fly, Maria partied to beat Anna home so she sped towards the cracked house full of bizarre textbooks. Then, Alex flipped her off the lasagna after squeezing small tubes of flavored Beef. Magis rolled in poo until the rainstorm washed away ugly smell. The SWAT team then lit the flares, bringing magical girls unbelievable apples.

Squirming kittens recoil, cowering into darkness before squirting creatures wake evil roaches and vanish, then ghostly apparitions feast on goo spiked with lemonade. They decided to swim within the bowels of Hades, afraid of the evil bunnies lurking around. Then without thinking, they ran right through fiery walls then died.

Gigantic sheep bit giant rollerblades because never eating the rollerblades sucked. Spending their bananas on foxfire amulets, dreamcatchers, and foxes. Windy eyeballs leak massive tears that burn black when the flying trees wish for more bees. A yodeler materialized with a heavy bag filled with pudding mixed with crumbled fried shrimp. Frozen steak was unavailable, so squashed porkchops were brought instead.

Horses ran away from the insane mailman hidden in the depths of bushes, as a lurking bacon raptor made ultimate baked cookies, crispy fried llamas, and George for once didn't argue. They screamed like the devil and wished for unearthly amounts of healthy beets.

Silent ghosts watched the werewolf watch tiny raptors sip cups with crushed toes mixed into poisoned potions. Wishes that never will become beets, but always turn out better, came running. "Baby, that's just not what beets kick around tonight."

Rushing thoughts confused the shy cat so she squished a green and sparkly dog who ate potatoes. Rowdy decided stray wolves should gallop to the open campground so they could be FREE to slap some sense into his crazy noggin.

Thundering trees blew down all my cabbages, even though potatoes are quite big and need small friends. Creepy pasta was created because many children hated eating these crispy pancakes. Sloppy dumplings, sliced up with creamy candy coated carrots were many different delights.

Spooky looking carrots floated in space so they naturally use huge meteoroids as lazy pillows. They love kissing their girlfriend's faces after eating rotten spaghetti soaked in soda. After that there was no oxygen in the entire crazy city for most of the astronauts so they died. While walking left, suddenly they exploded into tiny cucumbers. They dressed like bright, transparent angels to dance and shout to rocks so they could fly.

Spiderwebs with grease and ash were bouncing like birds that SPIN around nests. This caused turkeys to explode after massive alien technologies were turned into black apples. Scorching bananas horrified the world by throwing moldy cheese around the purple people dressed as giraffes. However, the real scare was before microscopic whales grew into the pepperoni covered with really greasy hands.

Werewolves don't eat brains because they are used for spooky looking houses. Ghoulish masks make werewolves look like bald eagles because they caused gruesome murders to start at unusual times. Werewolves never let those uppity prey escape, even when they climbed up towers made from skulls.

Cauldrons full of dark jellybeans squirted blobs of murky black frosting and jam at them. As magical toast has a giant cup made of caramel and peppermint clay they usually don't require Marmelade, because of the evil prophecy that tells of a werewolf that eats magical cakes and sweet apples. Therefore, the cauldrons bubbled magic potatoes and ancient carrots instead. Sometimes it seems that werevolves can eat mushrooms. This time potato chips were avoided to stop the Werewolves from becoming energized and turning into potatoes themselves. This was bad news for our adventurers because they would either act foolish during Mondays or Kwanzaa.

Anyways, December is jolly even after Santa smoked elves and decided that Christmas is over...but he couldn't understand why it was so important that he give children GIFTS. He decided that all children should bring gifts. Santa wanted alleviate all chickens with mysterious feet. So he danced with his rooster buddy while the Christmas cookies ran amuck.
Then leprechauns appeared to flood the streets coated with sour apples instead, because ruling dwarves decided that none shall gather potatoes without announcing. Eventually a lich dropped cheese into a cauldron of hershey's faces, stirred by this unusually burned kobold whose fur was smelly and purple. After witnessing the mixing, hamsters were too frightened to attempt eating anything related to chocolate bunnies or caramel Macchiatos.

Along came a space lion who looked disgusted at melodramatic sets of identical twins who were throwing daggers and potatoes at some rocks because a Pikachu appeared and ruined all of the cheese sandwiches. The dinosaur pondered that Pikachu wasn't Mexican food, but decided it could only be eaten during a bright and cloudless night. Either the Nachos or Tacos will win the hearts from sad Tyrannosaurus. However, no prehistoric creature ate anything made from honey or molasses.

The Calaveras Monkeys were the next to arrive and when they saw everything that was happening they decided to join in the fun and started throwing rotten bananas and slimy mud-covered nuts at the Chupacabra's while jumping from tree to tree trying to stay safe. The Chupacabra's were trying to stay standing and having trouble with all the mess around them, they decided to get back at the Calaveras by chewing gum and spitting juice. The magi screamed and threw fifteen muffins at at his loving pets, who flew far away from his masters in fear. The pets ate chocolate, but soon they sprouted wings.

Some traditional stories about the llamas going to the supermarket explain how they always end up spending all of their peanuts on some horrible games made them sad. If they end their lives, then they should first suck-up to the llama deity and then take a bath. So that deity decided that insane magics shouldn't cook their special stew unless a gopher sprinkled some crunchy pieces of celery covered bacon sausages filled with hazelnut on pizza.

Blue popcorn made Grandma pretty crazy when Grandpa celebrated with the arrival and commencement of his pet. Pumpkins flew past the heads of the llamas, hitting the bottle of soda. The strange monkey scratched Obama's ear before the accident happened. No llama drank blood unless the wicked potion caused unknown special effects like exploding pumpkins and unfortunately green colored heads were spawning.

Crazy moms wished upon a decaying snake for undead and wiggling newborn rhinos to the pool. Fish jumped over the lucky rock because no one believed that moms could leap like striped lions. Uncle Steve realized he forgot to buy the moldy cake then feed the little trolls. Then baked muffins without eggs. Talking carrots also wanted to go crazy so they erupted into laughter because elves couldn't understand how old chickens went fishing.

Although, while they danced, other chickens decided for them. They chopped their toes so they could go lick some nasty melons. The weird rooster also thought that dancing was he cursed instead and poked along the muddy path. Rabbits chewed the fuzzy dog blanket - while Santa cried during the prom dance. He wished Rudolph wouldn't assassinate the only elf princess that could summon all of Wonderlands crazy kittens so mistletoe could cause many affectionate kisses. Getting presents wasn't expected - it was the norm to throw glass orbs towards ugly crowds instead.

Snowy days 'cause we wanted more time to jump into the void. While Mom hurried into the portal leading towards the personal trainer, we wondered if UFO's would appear here when the Bigfoot and other friends came to cook gored python stew. It exploded with great amounts of custard.

Meanwhile, Dad destroyed Mom's portal because unicorns celebrated unusual rituals that caused messy sticky unnecessary messes. However, squirming caterpillars keep bouncing into the icy heart's bloody well which drowned all flying squirrels. The colorful popsicle stick had altered many aliens faces...even the mighty ostriches were worried because magpies were diving straight into the heart of the Core of your soul.

Dad chose chocolate covered strawberries mixed with bacon and syrup because Grandma's mushroom were spoiled. Grandma wouldn't agree to fry those people. Special floccinauciniahilipilification causes confusing interpretations of reading daily News.

Ordinary newspapers would always announce small elephants since monkeys pooped behind blood stained curtains to wait for President Joker who couldn't stop dancing despite sticky situations that afflicted many lazy cartographers since yesterday. They drew pictures of undead clowns eating spicy habaneros.

Snowy regions usually have precious stones scattered among huge mounds of fiery newspaper bundles. Arctic winds seemed to howl like bears, causing many distractions to the penguins that were eating carrots. They couldn't cease their inbred lifestyle and HYENAS weren't really friendly, because they always stole painkillers.

Thunderclouds are fluffy and strangely sad when they start their frogs, which wouldn't affect their boiling ritual anyway. Caged cows unite against inedible mushrooms to prevent the crows from eating hidden souls. Many times, when penguins try to do magic, they can't seem to drive cabs, which confused them since nobody said anything. They flipped tables into traffic in winter months, which really messed with polar icecaps.

Bunnies lay across soft blankets while guinea hens peep and hop. Both caused a loud ruckus as unruly as unspoiled/untamed rats exploded from risk of blowing balloons with Sunday's newspapers. Muddy claws scratched Barnaby's back, so he howled with delight afterwards.

Joyful ponies splashed in that delicious marmalade as they sang some crazy jingles which sounded like the penguins serenading. Meanwhile crystal wings decided candy was sparkling brighter than any sun they had ever known. Although, they flew because many owls voted for weird regulations. Dogs, being oddly satisfying were standing close to me. For I meant doing mystical powers that revitalized earth's precious mana.

Concentrated juice mixed with vodka caused consequences to KILLERS, where people who drank Oreos spat at unruly Pegasus. Picnic unicorns danced punk rock goblins until death. They wished death was nothing more then Satan's celebration of Pokemon X and Y.

Steaming Puvias murdered Serially and authorities such as Donald "I am the only person who immediately walked out of my 'Ali G' interview" Trump, to confuse Garnet, storms began spewing Kittens who caused wild fires. Steven Universe tried repeatedly to cause fires because of the Diamond's crystals. They cooked Rose Quartz until it was completely toasted, covered with bacon, cheese, and sliced onions.

Barbecued bicycles insulted some puzzled gorillas, who jumped at Oreos after cookies revolted against cat treats. Lamps smelled farts - piling octarine unicorns against whoever dared to eat their frozen grapes. Mangy hyenas enjoy lighting torches supernaturally, by breathing fire farts.

Melting the president seemed a good idea since everyone wanted Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump out dead away from any life because reasons. I argued with them about why Trump is an Oreo-hating jerk, because I don't agree why Oreos keep causing havoc when other cookies are better when paired.

Fiery birds screeched throughout summer skies flooded with flame-colored ink that caused a turbulent breeze to turn into a tornado that roared and swirled and ripped everything apart which sent everyone running.

While the hurricane scared tourists, brave volunteers fought floods, fires and tsunamis while locals whispered scary eldritch curses. Round llamas flocked to the cooked pumpkins covered with chocolate, sprinkles, and rainbow rocks. Werewolves appeared from behind scarred lands and untamed foliage, unable to boil and eat the dusty potatoes. Suddenly, turkeys flocked close to the sandy spuds and destroyed all the poor frozen doors.

Causing chaos always, the feathered serpent squirmed awkwardly while their moms demanded that they wash their old socks. Elves drank egg nog magically, while the candy canes were given amongst the dead.

Snowflakes fly to many places, while raindrops are lazy and stay around so they don't freeze like many other stupid licorice, who celebrate the party of frozen candles because they are weird.

Pizza may cause an allergic reaction because zebras hate grass on the pepperoni, while lions are supposed to munch on crunchy chocolate. Cats grab fuzzy snakes by red glass and smash them with mythical goblets inside spiky cells. Soon glistening shoes will attack raggedy shirts, spotted cats fry them in pans to make fritters dipped into chocolate with nuts.

Sometimes they also eat pancakes because syrup makes them excited about parties. Cows trampled everything after snakes declared dinosaurs crazy and flew towards the cloud in ridiculous fashion while they miraculously avoided stones.

Snowstorms are cold but reindeer love playing games with them. Spicy cats make studious hats while perched above dancing, growling wolves. Jealous unicorns wanted to hide in mysterious bushes. Suddenly, gnomes screamed quietly as Banshees swooped over their hidden rocks. Inside the rocks, flaming axes destroyed some unusual looking books after they danced around with sprinkled doughnuts. Why trolls always think puppies are food is arguably brave and often surprising when the wolves drink raspberry vodka.

Witches picked up a bizarre looking egg...which glowed a bright neon pink. This affected the egg strangely - making everything seem almost like ghostly apparitions. What they thought was real instead was pebbles. Thunderstorms caused many clowns to grab an array of ear-wax plugs. They wanted Dragonflies to eat.

Rainbows changed when dogs ate spiders covered with sticky peanut butter and chopped unnaturally sour potatoes for breakfast. Mice ran. Trombones played eerie sounding dirges during many times of crazy battles. Foxes bit raw trees for fiber marshmallows. Backpacks filled with various frozen fire pokers with magical properties made life much more fun.

Watermelon is always drippy because they're afflicted with several seeds, that weighed fifty tons there. Drunk delusional cats somehow managed to stifle their wicked intentions. Horses jumped under the obstacles instead to find mysterious plants, chopping down many spindly trees. However, fledgling deer mustn't eat watermelon because, unlike llamas, screaming vexes.

Mystical celery watched earnestly at fairies playing banjos while haunted bones made crocheted cages. Lonely tigers roared at the uncaged zoo full of playing monkeys. These monkeys watched too as the hippos sprayed aromatic oils around every pillow.

Heavy rats wanted to see if skinny zebras could float or would quickly change into dumplings. Watermelons helped with frozen cokes and Rose whispered crazy shenanigans to dragonflies. So jumping trolls call their evil musicians to crash cymbals together. Planes will crash with no reason that royalty can expect to understand why engines corrupt the simple ideas of clowns.

Or eerie flashes in deserted haberdasheries, wanting to argue despite being decorated by poodles wearing yellow beaded necklaces, who don't care for them. While most ghosts agree about humans, they argue who cooked spaghetti. Many bananas seem shadey, although Steve likes shortcake. Rabbits can hop like toasters after they bite sour vegetables, via motorcycles.

Masked goblins brewed gallons of fruity salsa, chopped ginger with cinnamon sugar
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by snowyblue »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and forks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aidan is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a Brit while I tried swimming but carelessly stopped when the triceratops started face palming because I lost her face.
Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies were some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seemed too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas, I tasered Chuck Norris with it. Underwater in my pajamas, I ate corn dogs made of popcorn and Easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drank balloon-sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So, when Aiden tried to make me spit it out I spat it onto his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird. Then an apocoalypse of small aliens came to the beach and ate mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katniss tongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladdin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns. Tehn kittens appeared, glowing magnificently golden. This meant only they could eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So, when mermaids died the CRAPPING stopped but bunnies started hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married. Suddenly, epic pears nommed foexrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sand of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced like a crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious. Budgies ate creatues that frolicked near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helped. My pet dragon ate cows to show how brave he was. many crazy pickle-man stores with tools in boxes were why fairies nibbled upon crunchy trolls shaped like feenec tacos foxes in England while Morgal seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavore dpuffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullabies to a small child. This crazy toad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Office re-runs and licking Ice Blood; and he liked sponges. But, he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreas and that didn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were mono-filament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hell hounds ate pineapples and discoes when Lady Gaga ate diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoked hamster food and really should have layed off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who were afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.
Whenever Georgia drew India it cried about cats and rain clouds. After the random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing like maniac alpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernacle survived, the Capricorn killed bob for no reason and skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet Golem tried eating mould. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people-eater resulted in a very warm tickle being quickly summoned -anti-disestablishmentarianism rule. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinhilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!" and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at the penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Badersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much as Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They are also a bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyebals. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.
Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks which made everyone fart, causing Bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it. Magically making tequila, Terri the bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"
"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus coral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi started decidedly yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha did can-can sexually. Then, Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every Wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purred obscenities at night when evil minions danced at the frenzied disco. Georgia rattled about strange hyenas vegetating before screaming about ridiculous spaghetti recipes. She slit shiny silver socks into the pot of pandas. Unicorns whirled around gleaming silverware, unaware that they dropped swords that were forged in platinum.

Ocean cabanas in Mexico, swimming suits are orange, purple and green when people dig deep into hidden mountains searching for magic crystals that transmogrify into unicorns wearing ties and swirled patterns on their squashed puddings.

Zebras always seemed mystified when jumping across muddy crocodiles. Always remembering your astronomy is radical thinking, because if weirdos decided Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was acceptable although penguins squashed nuts quickly in the icy land surrounded kingdom boundaries.

Perhaps invisible glockenspiels polish shoes better with lemons but not limes. Witches often drink very strong potions to become awesome. Summer might cause witches to accidentally mix foaming meerkat tails with slippery giraffe horns. Wolves chewed on chocolate bunnies every few minutes... while jumping excitedly around golden cakes, creamy marzipan flew every few times around square jellybeans that caused confused elephants to squash small gnomes holding bananas between their orange stained war hammers.

Anxious wizards always believed witch's house are mythical because mysterious letters told monkeys that roses are black leopards secretly were thinking how squeamish bananas eat frozen yogurt when they trade melons with pizza. Dancing imps' serendipity caused wizards to celebrate the moon's iguanas, which caused weird rabbits to scribble stars into every computer HARD DRIVE.

Whenever hairy shoes jump on unsuspecting travelers, chocolate melts into giant tigers which ate all bunnies instead of nomming bows. Except a bison gored himself with a origami crane that flew crazily across a huge crater that summoned demonic roses into hells sky. The dragon lied about being innocent with the obese cow. They stopped running across sticky oceans of custard doughnuts, deciding lunatics bit them too softly to insult wild-eyed birds mothers.

They jumped to beat a pineapple sundae while writing a eulogy for useless ancient topography. Meanwhile an amnesiac Snorlax laid polka-dotted Cheetos in wild grasses sprinkled nasty juices on some far-away pieces of dry biscuits smeared with glowing mushroom shaped like triangles. So they jumped into swirling purple Kool-Aid, and transformed quickly into insidious pixies that demonically winked when they dared to cook smashed souls mixed with shrunken socks and huge candied pumpkins.

So the mutated aliens were mutants shaped as oblong lampposts topped with curlicue cheese smelling shoes, and when they smile to you they look grotesque. Elsewhere there should be more bright towels, folded neatly on the shelves. My towel danced across the ballroom doing the tango to a song that sounded like it was played backwards. Then the left ended angels interrupted by giving stilettos to the storm-troopers. This was particularly unusual as normally they order turnips but the eunuchs got it wrong that day so the entire googooplex was put up for sale at the auction house and afterwards everyone with a bandanna fled up the stairs and left the nightmares ringing bells in the darkened room.

Haunted memories stalk disturbed templars dressed like winged horses with sparkling matted feathers colored azure and shining hooves. They just couldn't eat cookies, they wanted blood. Swinging weird chains at everyone while shrieking about mangosteens.

Hoofed cowboys from Kansas quickly ride. But then ghostly phantoms strolled into the ballroom, sneezing and gleeking. They definitely needed glowing tissues, because something oozed quickly out onto the scratched rosewood strongbox and dripped on something wildly dancing in the wind. Unscrupulous scorpions scurried underneath cheese curls being very xenophobic while blasting hair. These Bananas need a scorpion flavored skin.

Stormclouds seem cuddly like furry schnozzes. Lightning exploded when a Wyvern crashed crazily into underwater volcanoes, jumped onto the roof of abandoned cars covered with speckled beans dripping water. Thunder echoed throughout the darkened sky as winds began howling and children played quietly.

They wished the Wyverns could canoodle through the flowering groves with spotted beetles eating scrumptious crunchy lettuce covered in pink, fluffy caterpillars dripping with many icy pieces of liquid lava.

Jumping jackrabbits with no shame wiggled out onto the sky's everlasting rolling winds, flying as if they could challenge any bird to a fantastic race although the spiders were certainly quite enthusiastic about the screaming grapes that were drenched in chocolate. Magistream seemed to be covered with eggs mixed with magical potions which transforms everything it touches into chicken-wings.

Squirrels swarm sweet flowers when sunny satyrs ran through creamy pudding, waiting for butterflies cocoons that seemed irrelevant to their overall mission to secure jacks, tires, and butter flavored books. Warthogs like dirty smelly almonds wrapped in yellow pancakes, covered over with Sanus and omelets from Saturn.

Saturday's weather seemed unusually windy, cloudy, damp and green. Some gnomes decided expensive umbrellas were stylish.

Unhappily, they trotted into town to post letters to the Krakens about the party. They hadn't heard anything by the following week so sent balloons up with some signals. The one legged octopus found them and sent the with chocolates to the reindeer who led the Krakens to the party. It was all fun and games until one dreadful moment when mean apples hooked on long arrows hurled corn dogs at onlookers. The next bad egg broke when a meteorite slammed onto pink mailboxes causing explosions in sorting offices which caused letters to pinwheel out onto wet pamphlets and books.

Suddenly hairy snakes crashed into purple tissues which disintegrated magically. After haunted fur-balls ate platinum watermelons, they dragged bodies over to Canada, where syrup rules. Popcorn popped while yogurt was skipping happily pooping.

Rainbows left bottles filled with unhappy souls after thunderstorms next disturbed the weird gooseberries sometime during summer solstice. The waning moons burn werewolves into the abyss by singing mournful hymns when they were sleeping. Excitedly, the werewolves laughed while the hideous gingers danced to joyful tunes played by brownies that were iced with gumballs.

Blue tablecloths attacked the mayor after he and Superman flew away. Giants ate strawberry laces attached to the simply divine chocolate truffles.

Water can explode into a thousand oranges. However, grape juice instead explodes magnificently once it has broken your glass potatoes. They seem pointless because they always destroy themselves. It was terribly beautiful when Omar Sharif shelves broke themselves. Grunting, a huge scorpion lifted gyrating gymnasts while skinny men skied over melted snow whistling merry tunes.

When babies scream so loud that eggs are shaking, the Rastafarian's are high! However, bubbling DNA doesn't know about squashed amoeba. It has been huge to dwarfs who don't live under the tree. Sweating, angry cereal are spitting vomit. A cold place in south Loopyland was insanely cold.

Hopping vampires vomit small and oddly shaped presents into the never-ending treacle fudge wells. So after flying over there on broomsticks they go to take out a circular ring of cheese burgers. When mice yelled at honey bees because of mushy corn dogs, they are considered inedible.

The moon hid behind smiles although the exhausted musician wanted unicorns dressed in striped tutus. Hot cyclists drank icy Chinese soup from a cup with colourful straws while the court jesters ran through a door into the wet sewers, screeching when the hideous holes opened, revealing daleks.

Squashed chickens poop giggles. Many of the chickens farted, the roosters barfed. Moving sideways, kangaroos twisted and knotted faded photographs and tore off chunks of heated muscles. Meanwhile, a titanic, unruly sheep brothel was plotting how to swim like a possessed monkey dressed in rainbow shorts, a fountain made of curdled strawberries and chocolate smoothies.

Running chipmunks jumped over lazy pandas that were snoozing upon cozy arms covered with squishy cats, tough thoughts filled with evil curtains. Sweet chocolate was stolen from Mr.Potato, spicy piranhas chewed on bouncy chunks of barf-colored marshmallows. The tasty seashells were salty as heck and were definitely evil smelling; they were also powered by unusual smell that made one's eyes melt like caramel bunnies that hop over on speeding race cars. Then, monkeys crafted neon tetras while the elephants sang beautifully in rainforest scenery.

Pizza tastes strangely bitter despite the tomatoes being perfectly normal. But, then ghosts float in the swamps with dead bodies and moldy wolves while unnatural howls break crystal necklaces and cut flowers. Some pizzas are meant to feed penguins because snakes can't make cookies since they lack wings.

Leaves scatter wildly in the classroom while demons crept in sideways along glowing lights chanting somber curses. They haunt schools that are empty, and cobwebs are creepy with dusty dementors. Dragons start their devious kidnapping by eating squirming souls as appetizers and making buttered crumpets. They kidnap puppies with vans and candy floss by catching flying squirrels. The schoolchildren gasp at the scary stories told by grump elders - unaware of unseen fairies tossing out candy. Dinosaurs run by tractors, and pumpkins evolve so evil bunnies can gnaw their meat and alchemize candy. Toilets are repulsive but useful.

Costumed flying clowns joined a flock of Canada Geese heading towards Moscow for the Winter Olympics.
Extremely confused manatees swam frantically towards Atlantis. They knew many jokes that weren't even amusing, but still elephants wanted more. Aardvarks are hidden inside wobbly, musty golf carts that wouldn't float on water because early glaciers slowly melted from scalding bee soup.

Burning apricots jump across the fiery chasm filled with gooey marshmallows topped with chocolate covered pumpkins that spit equally disgusting larva. They drank frosty mugs of fizzy sour syrup. Then, apricots squashed the green crystals owned seemingly by Master Chef, the King of Questionable Skills Pertaining to the unusual assortment of eggnog. He smashed the container without thinking, causing giant cookies to squirm.

Anyways, snow possums observed sedated travelers trying to act like chickens in rubber coated pants and screeching. Scorched, dehydrated, and crazy looking, they trudged through icy slush wearing only sheer clothes.

Cooking can make you wonder why salt adds flavor to recipes while spices add spice. Boiling soup can potentially cause someone to want antelopes. Frozen artichokes taste amazing with mango dipped socks because Pikachu is molting and hates terrible coffee.

Speckled pandas reign over mystical troves singing "Derpaderp!!" when they eat artichokes seasoned with chili peppers and bananas while carrying striped helmets under low conditions. They enjoy Gollum's stories as much as crazy trampolining golems eating chocolate. So David decided to pick up some poop for no specific purpose while he was farting.

Chocolate rainbows and exorcists robes swim into the lake of ugly creatures. Sometimes they find huge rude and flamboyant hairdos, that sing majestically while elves stir concoctions of tasty raspberry Kool-Aid. This event caused the unseen gummy spiders much hilarity because it made the transparent puppets which eat everything.

Meanwhile, unicorns swam downstream while hairy oarfish concocted their favorite spicy and exotic striped lollipops, taking their sour ingredients into the mixture. Then fluttering wombats squirmed around in ticks while their faces are consumed viciously.

Strong warriors often farm strong vegetables, forgetting huge and inedible best looking cabbages. Sometimes Mom will cook unusual beets in her colorful pots of handy dandy rubber cement. Jagged kites that eat small chicken nuggets explode into chunks, while they wish for a crazy mafiosos to come kick up delirious rice.

Bruised fruit falls elegantly and magically fried fritters. A sweaty child gathered juicy corpses for zombie bread so she wouldn't go hungry. However, Dracula's pet eats them covered with jelly and peanuts. They, however, look like crazed zombies. When Dracula sees this, he suddenly implodes as tongues got hot.

Unicorns were hunting more humans to party so reindeer would avenge the chocolate bunnies. They came to the abandoned warehouse to eradicate the party, which was scrubbing their soft paws. They couldn't decide what humanity is so known that the wet gummy candy worms attacked their own children because other unicorns were chopping off their tails.

When pigs noticed they didn't find ugly horses in boxes, they started boiling Swiss army men in pink suits. Switzerland is angry at spaghetti for being so creepy, which makes them crazy. Potatoes swam awkwardly, cry[ing] like the lost, weary wolves sadden by poptarts burning their tails. Puppies howling for their baseball jazz friends, who hate jazz tulips for biting clouds because they mistook them for floating grapefruit in buttered popcorn.

Campfires and marshmallows are radioactive when they fart inside closed nuclear submarines deep in squishy jellyfish eggs on the Cape of Good Hope, a Danish province named George. Eagles like crunchy pies dipped in salsa, also with chopped monkeys included. Angry with Italians, the koalas planned devious picnics, complete with chopped onions in spicy oozes and huge hairy rambutans weaving through sticky cheese, gooey potato pancakes and wondering what crazy adventures Mom would conjure up.

Sunny boxes appeared beside the sparkling deep water, magic twinkling stars being created by roaming herds of sheep. These boxes crushed all resistance wielding witches - with snarling biscuits smeared butter amongst icy foxes that wondered why demons love .

Cobwebs that stretched 100 light years began breaking ghostly pieces of tomato guts across flaming ponchos. Cleaning furry forks that contained pink reindeer antlers, the unspoiled berries floating like apples in the terrible brackish overflow while squirrels terraformed into terrific candies. Snails flew around beehives looking for frozen peanuts because spicy wasps are stir-fried pickles dipped with mustard.

After a while the queen petted everyone with furry chopsticks while eating squishy soybeans drizzled with thick octopuses brain. She nailed boards to her stiff walls covered by flavored donuts. Iced grasses seem to sprout everywhere. The warlock splashed soup, pasta and roasted turkey over a Romano head covered heavily with moldy cheese.

Because Mom had bought presents for the unruly python who had flew in a flying harry potter car. Then the unruly python ate chopped onion, green potatoes and python eggs. Peppermint reindeer slid down lemon slides to bake corn covered cake smeared with dark fish and tomatoes flying like something disposed of Thomas' raggedy Ann cat.

Fresh watermelons, sliced squarely into the container, smelled like some berries, until the diabolical dragon devoured cupcake Rapper Freshbiz while chickens boiled on flaming molasses rivers that snapped stickily. Santa's reindeer thought elves could play various noisy trumpets, but Grandma said that unacceptable candies can't quite comprehend pink socks. Hence walruses that could dance mingled inside the socks drenched with strange liquids of the icy cats, to jump over expensive potatoes.

I dreamt of a magical tomato with tiny seeds that saved Satan quoting "No tomato should get rubbed with oils that burn skeletons, but then whoever places burning brooms shall die."

Cows squirmed under several yellow school uniforms, looking hungry and pokemon came tumbling down green ice-cream sprinkled hills covered in giant gorilla pineapples. So rowdy caterpillars chewed on jumping beans, beetles danced on the gorgeous flowers that wiggled and flopped towards the spiral staircases.

Snowy French pastries slipped into sloshing buckets filled mostly with curling longbeans and soap. Steaming dumplings turned away, looking concerned at unusual pieces of neon particles mixed with chopped onions and so many hedgehogs appeared that millions of dragonflies wished death upon trolls. However, garlic affected kittens strangely.... Lolling around in pajamas eating catnip peppers, chocolate spiders materialized into monstrous looking stuffed plushies.

Caregivers help Mom wash flimsy little clocks while she licked diseased kumquats. Not the shy chimpanzee, Jenny spat at rowdy boys so she'd claim compensation for busted eardrums. Later that day Dad said something about those whipper-snappers. The children screamed "PASTA" when squirrels began digging for eggplants cooked in pasta and Vinegar.

Suddenly Irish wingadings circled them and took young wyverns out to boil lobsters. Later the zombie cried "BRAAAAIIIINNNNNSSSS" while writing simple english muffin poetry on England. Rainy Wales seemed depressing although Spain hated bouncing castles, spinsters wiped their dirty faces then danced like drunken ladettes. Werewolves sneezed because vampire scent wafted around them and caused internal bleeding.

Monstrous poodles swallowed feces, then some drank sprite because queasy feelings couldn't stop. Feeling poorly and sad, Donatello fried strawberries dipped in cubed caramels. That shy Sasquatch frolicked tirelessly into unknown territory, unaware of alien presences waiting to probe their eardrums.
Nervous chickens turned off electrical beets, dankness made them very scared because unseen barracuda armies nibbled turkeys covered in fiery mayflies. Unusually barracudas jumped into bubbling lava.

Determined to fly, Maria partied to beat Anna home so she sped towards the cracked house full of bizarre textbooks. Then, Alex flipped her off the lasagna after squeezing small tubes of flavored Beef. Magis rolled in poo until the rainstorm washed away ugly smell. The SWAT team then lit the flares, bringing magical girls unbelievable apples.

Squirming kittens recoil, cowering into darkness before squirting creatures wake evil roaches and vanish, then ghostly apparitions feast on goo spiked with lemonade. They decided to swim within the bowels of Hades, afraid of the evil bunnies lurking around. Then without thinking, they ran right through fiery walls then died.

Gigantic sheep bit giant rollerblades because never eating the rollerblades sucked. Spending their bananas on foxfire amulets, dreamcatchers, and foxes. Windy eyeballs leak massive tears that burn black when the flying trees wish for more bees. A yodeler materialized with a heavy bag filled with pudding mixed with crumbled fried shrimp. Frozen steak was unavailable, so squashed porkchops were brought instead.

Horses ran away from the insane mailman hidden in the depths of bushes, as a lurking bacon raptor made ultimate baked cookies, crispy fried llamas, and George for once didn't argue. They screamed like the devil and wished for unearthly amounts of healthy beets.

Silent ghosts watched the werewolf watch tiny raptors sip cups with crushed toes mixed into poisoned potions. Wishes that never will become beets, but always turn out better, came running. "Baby, that's just not what beets kick around tonight."

Rushing thoughts confused the shy cat so she squished a green and sparkly dog who ate potatoes. Rowdy decided stray wolves should gallop to the open campground so they could be FREE to slap some sense into his crazy noggin.

Thundering trees blew down all my cabbages, even though potatoes are quite big and need small friends. Creepy pasta was created because many children hated eating these crispy pancakes. Sloppy dumplings, sliced up with creamy candy coated carrots were many different delights.

Spooky looking carrots floated in space so they naturally use huge meteoroids as lazy pillows. They love kissing their girlfriend's faces after eating rotten spaghetti soaked in soda. After that there was no oxygen in the entire crazy city for most of the astronauts so they died. While walking left, suddenly they exploded into tiny cucumbers. They dressed like bright, transparent angels to dance and shout to rocks so they could fly.

Spiderwebs with grease and ash were bouncing like birds that SPIN around nests. This caused turkeys to explode after massive alien technologies were turned into black apples. Scorching bananas horrified the world by throwing moldy cheese around the purple people dressed as giraffes. However, the real scare was before microscopic whales grew into the pepperoni covered with really greasy hands.

Werewolves don't eat brains because they are used for spooky looking houses. Ghoulish masks make werewolves look like bald eagles because they caused gruesome murders to start at unusual times. Werewolves never let those uppity prey escape, even when they climbed up towers made from skulls.

Cauldrons full of dark jellybeans squirted blobs of murky black frosting and jam at them. As magical toast has a giant cup made of caramel and peppermint clay they usually don't require Marmelade, because of the evil prophecy that tells of a werewolf that eats magical cakes and sweet apples. Therefore, the cauldrons bubbled magic potatoes and ancient carrots instead. Sometimes it seems that werevolves can eat mushrooms. This time potato chips were avoided to stop the Werewolves from becoming energized and turning into potatoes themselves. This was bad news for our adventurers because they would either act foolish during Mondays or Kwanzaa.

Anyways, December is jolly even after Santa smoked elves and decided that Christmas is over...but he couldn't understand why it was so important that he give children GIFTS. He decided that all children should bring gifts. Santa wanted alleviate all chickens with mysterious feet. So he danced with his rooster buddy while the Christmas cookies ran amuck.
Then leprechauns appeared to flood the streets coated with sour apples instead, because ruling dwarves decided that none shall gather potatoes without announcing. Eventually a lich dropped cheese into a cauldron of hershey's faces, stirred by this unusually burned kobold whose fur was smelly and purple. After witnessing the mixing, hamsters were too frightened to attempt eating anything related to chocolate bunnies or caramel Macchiatos.

Along came a space lion who looked disgusted at melodramatic sets of identical twins who were throwing daggers and potatoes at some rocks because a Pikachu appeared and ruined all of the cheese sandwiches. The dinosaur pondered that Pikachu wasn't Mexican food, but decided it could only be eaten during a bright and cloudless night. Either the Nachos or Tacos will win the hearts from sad Tyrannosaurus. However, no prehistoric creature ate anything made from honey or molasses.

The Calaveras Monkeys were the next to arrive and when they saw everything that was happening they decided to join in the fun and started throwing rotten bananas and slimy mud-covered nuts at the Chupacabra's while jumping from tree to tree trying to stay safe. The Chupacabra's were trying to stay standing and having trouble with all the mess around them, they decided to get back at the Calaveras by chewing gum and spitting juice. The magi screamed and threw fifteen muffins at at his loving pets, who flew far away from his masters in fear. The pets ate chocolate, but soon they sprouted wings.

Some traditional stories about the llamas going to the supermarket explain how they always end up spending all of their peanuts on some horrible games made them sad. If they end their lives, then they should first suck-up to the llama deity and then take a bath. So that deity decided that insane magics shouldn't cook their special stew unless a gopher sprinkled some crunchy pieces of celery covered bacon sausages filled with hazelnut on pizza.

Blue popcorn made Grandma pretty crazy when Grandpa celebrated with the arrival and commencement of his pet. Pumpkins flew past the heads of the llamas, hitting the bottle of soda. The strange monkey scratched Obama's ear before the accident happened. No llama drank blood unless the wicked potion caused unknown special effects like exploding pumpkins and unfortunately green colored heads were spawning.

Crazy moms wished upon a decaying snake for undead and wiggling newborn rhinos to the pool. Fish jumped over the lucky rock because no one believed that moms could leap like striped lions. Uncle Steve realized he forgot to buy the moldy cake then feed the little trolls. Then baked muffins without eggs. Talking carrots also wanted to go crazy so they erupted into laughter because elves couldn't understand how old chickens went fishing.

Although, while they danced, other chickens decided for them. They chopped their toes so they could go lick some nasty melons. The weird rooster also thought that dancing was he cursed instead and poked along the muddy path. Rabbits chewed the fuzzy dog blanket - while Santa cried during the prom dance. He wished Rudolph wouldn't assassinate the only elf princess that could summon all of Wonderlands crazy kittens so mistletoe could cause many affectionate kisses. Getting presents wasn't expected - it was the norm to throw glass orbs towards ugly crowds instead.

Snowy days 'cause we wanted more time to jump into the void. While Mom hurried into the portal leading towards the personal trainer, we wondered if UFO's would appear here when the Bigfoot and other friends came to cook gored python stew. It exploded with great amounts of custard.

Meanwhile, Dad destroyed Mom's portal because unicorns celebrated unusual rituals that caused messy sticky unnecessary messes. However, squirming caterpillars keep bouncing into the icy heart's bloody well which drowned all flying squirrels. The colorful popsicle stick had altered many aliens faces...even the mighty ostriches were worried because magpies were diving straight into the heart of the Core of your soul.

Dad chose chocolate covered strawberries mixed with bacon and syrup because Grandma's mushroom were spoiled. Grandma wouldn't agree to fry those people. Special floccinauciniahilipilification causes confusing interpretations of reading daily News.

Ordinary newspapers would always announce small elephants since monkeys pooped behind blood stained curtains to wait for President Joker who couldn't stop dancing despite sticky situations that afflicted many lazy cartographers since yesterday. They drew pictures of undead clowns eating spicy habaneros.

Snowy regions usually have precious stones scattered among huge mounds of fiery newspaper bundles. Arctic winds seemed to howl like bears, causing many distractions to the penguins that were eating carrots. They couldn't cease their inbred lifestyle and HYENAS weren't really friendly, because they always stole painkillers.

Thunderclouds are fluffy and strangely sad when they start their frogs, which wouldn't affect their boiling ritual anyway. Caged cows unite against inedible mushrooms to prevent the crows from eating hidden souls. Many times, when penguins try to do magic, they can't seem to drive cabs, which confused them since nobody said anything. They flipped tables into traffic in winter months, which really messed with polar icecaps.

Bunnies lay across soft blankets while guinea hens peep and hop. Both caused a loud ruckus as unruly as unspoiled/untamed rats exploded from risk of blowing balloons with Sunday's newspapers. Muddy claws scratched Barnaby's back, so he howled with delight afterwards.

Joyful ponies splashed in that delicious marmalade as they sang some crazy jingles which sounded like the penguins serenading. Meanwhile crystal wings decided candy was sparkling brighter than any sun they had ever known. Although, they flew because many owls voted for weird regulations. Dogs, being oddly satisfying were standing close to me. For I meant doing mystical powers that revitalized earth's precious mana.

Concentrated juice mixed with vodka caused consequences to KILLERS, where people who drank Oreos spat at unruly Pegasus. Picnic unicorns danced punk rock goblins until death. They wished death was nothing more then Satan's celebration of Pokemon X and Y.

Steaming Puvias murdered Serially and authorities such as Donald "I am the only person who immediately walked out of my 'Ali G' interview" Trump, to confuse Garnet, storms began spewing Kittens who caused wild fires. Steven Universe tried repeatedly to cause fires because of the Diamond's crystals. They cooked Rose Quartz until it was completely toasted, covered with bacon, cheese, and sliced onions.

Barbecued bicycles insulted some puzzled gorillas, who jumped at Oreos after cookies revolted against cat treats. Lamps smelled farts - piling octarine unicorns against whoever dared to eat their frozen grapes. Mangy hyenas enjoy lighting torches supernaturally, by breathing fire farts.

Melting the president seemed a good idea since everyone wanted Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump out dead away from any life because reasons. I argued with them about why Trump is an Oreo-hating jerk, because I don't agree why Oreos keep causing havoc when other cookies are better when paired.

Fiery birds screeched throughout summer skies flooded with flame-colored ink that caused a turbulent breeze to turn into a tornado that roared and swirled and ripped everything apart which sent everyone running.

While the hurricane scared tourists, brave volunteers fought floods, fires and tsunamis while locals whispered scary eldritch curses. Round llamas flocked to the cooked pumpkins covered with chocolate, sprinkles, and rainbow rocks. Werewolves appeared from behind scarred lands and untamed foliage, unable to boil and eat the dusty potatoes. Suddenly, turkeys flocked close to the sandy spuds and destroyed all the poor frozen doors.

Causing chaos always, the feathered serpent squirmed awkwardly while their moms demanded that they wash their old socks. Elves drank egg nog magically, while the candy canes were given amongst the dead.

Snowflakes fly to many places, while raindrops are lazy and stay around so they don't freeze like many other stupid licorice, who celebrate the party of frozen candles because they are weird.

Pizza may cause an allergic reaction because zebras hate grass on the pepperoni, while lions are supposed to munch on crunchy chocolate. Cats grab fuzzy snakes by red glass and smash them with mythical goblets inside spiky cells. Soon glistening shoes will attack raggedy shirts, spotted cats fry them in pans to make fritters dipped into chocolate with nuts.

Sometimes they also eat pancakes because syrup makes them excited about parties. Cows trampled everything after snakes declared dinosaurs crazy and flew towards the cloud in ridiculous fashion while they miraculously avoided stones.

Snowstorms are cold but reindeer love playing games with them. Spicy cats make studious hats while perched above dancing, growling wolves. Jealous unicorns wanted to hide in mysterious bushes. Suddenly, gnomes screamed quietly as Banshees swooped over their hidden rocks. Inside the rocks, flaming axes destroyed some unusual looking books after they danced around with sprinkled doughnuts. Why trolls always think puppies are food is arguably brave and often surprising when the wolves drink raspberry vodka.

Witches picked up a bizarre looking egg...which glowed a bright neon pink. This affected the egg strangely - making everything seem almost like ghostly apparitions. What they thought was real instead was pebbles. Thunderstorms caused many clowns to grab an array of ear-wax plugs. They wanted Dragonflies to eat.

Rainbows changed when dogs ate spiders covered with sticky peanut butter and chopped unnaturally sour potatoes for breakfast. Mice ran. Trombones played eerie sounding dirges during many times of crazy battles. Foxes bit raw trees for fiber marshmallows. Backpacks filled with various frozen fire pokers with magical properties made life much more fun.

Watermelon is always drippy because they're afflicted with several seeds, that weighed fifty tons there. Drunk delusional cats somehow managed to stifle their wicked intentions. Horses jumped under the obstacles instead to find mysterious plants, chopping down many spindly trees. However, fledgling deer mustn't eat watermelon because, unlike llamas, screaming vexes.

Mystical celery watched earnestly at fairies playing banjos while haunted bones made crocheted cages. Lonely tigers roared at the uncaged zoo full of playing monkeys. These monkeys watched too as the hippos sprayed aromatic oils around every pillow.

Heavy rats wanted to see if skinny zebras could float or would quickly change into dumplings. Watermelons helped with frozen cokes and Rose whispered crazy shenanigans to dragonflies. So jumping trolls call their evil musicians to crash cymbals together. Planes will crash with no reason that royalty can expect to understand why engines corrupt the simple ideas of clowns.

Or eerie flashes in deserted haberdasheries, wanting to argue despite being decorated by poodles wearing yellow beaded necklaces, who don't care for them. While most ghosts agree about humans, they argue who cooked spaghetti. Many bananas seem shadey, although Steve likes shortcake. Rabbits can hop like toasters after they bite sour vegetables, via motorcycles.

Masked goblins brewed gallons of fruity salsa, chopped ginger with cinnamon sugar from
nya am i right


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