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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Posted: February 18th, 2021, 8:35:46 am
by lemonissourUwU
VexusHexus wrote: Prompt: You wake up inside your house! It's a normal day as ever you go about your day, but then you notice that outside the window you see nothing but a pitch black void.
Honestly, it's a nice change of pace from the usual view, which were just rainbow colors flashing nonstop. Still, it concerns you. Not all that much though. You just take your time, making some dinner and feeding your three hellhound pups, because three is the magic number for everything, apparently.

After dinner, you put your bowl into the sink and left it there. There was always some invisible force that took care of cleaning. You tried to help, but every time you did a gust of wind would push you away. Eventually, you decided to stop trying.

Hearing the doorbell ring, you stop going to where ever you were going and walked straight to the door instead. You open it, looking down at a black, inky creature. It says nothing, and just pushes itself past you and into the house. You start to protest, but it holds up a hand.

"This black void is unnatural, isn't it?" It comments, looking out a window. You nod mutely, remember that it wasn't looking at you, and clear your throat. "Yeah... I don't suppose you have something to do with it." The statement makes it chuckle. "Oh hell no. I'm just an ink being, not a void creature!"

Void creature? You start to say something, but stop when you notice it glaring at you with a 'don't even think about talking' face. "Do you want to get rid of it or not? The darkness, I mean." It adds, seeing your confused face. You sigh, silent for a bit. Would it be that bad going back to the everyday rainbow eyesore? Actually, yes. "No, I don't need it to be gone", you reply.

Seemingly satisfied, the ink being heads for the door. Before leaving, it tacks a piece of paper on the wall. "My number. Just in case you want to get rid of the void", it explains. Then leaves for good. You stare at the door for a bit, then reach out to close it. How strange.

Prompt: A strange portal opens up in your room, and two people walk out of it. They don't seem to be a threat...

Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Posted: April 25th, 2021, 7:12:48 pm
by Recurvirostra
lemonissourUwU wrote: Prompt: A strange portal opens up in your room, and two people walk out of it. They don't seem to be a threat...
I snorted my orange juice.

“A-aren’t you–?!”

Wriggling free of the swirling crater in my roof, the second intruder wrinkled his nose and adjusted his Konoha leaf headband.

“KAKASHI-SENSEEEEIIII!!! This apartment is more cramped than Gaara’s sand gourd-TTEBAYO!”

“I have no idea how you know that. Neither do I want to.”

The man who was already in my house pinched the stress marks between his eyebrows. A sweep of shaggy grey hair bristled over the left side of his face. Despite the dazzling array of sharp tools at his belt, his dark, droopy eyes made his presence feel anything but threatening.

His accomplice, on the other hand, was screeching like a possessed fox while hanging upside-down from the ceiling.


“Oi-oi! Quit squealing and climb down! Jiraya should’ve taught you how already.”

The ceiling boy, who didn’t look much older than 9, proceeded to make a constipated expression before crawling down the side of the wall like an insect.

I gawped at him, then pointed at the older man.

“Stupid hair… Ninja headbands… YOU are–“

“Kakashi of the Sharingan?” he sighed. “I know, my reputation–“


“… What?”

I gripped the collar of his flak jacket. “Do you have ANY idea how much humiliation and awkwardness you caused me?! Triggering my ‘Naruto Run’ phase, and also my addiction to fanfiction–“


Just like that, Kakashi’s face went from sun-starved to 9990 degrees.

“O-okay, ma’am. I have no idea who you are, but it’s clear that our teleportation jutsu just misfired. Let’s go, Naruto.”


In one smooth motion, the real-life version of my very first anime crush clamped a hand around his bawling apprentice, and somersaulted 10 feet into the ceiling. Back into the portal, back into the timeless, animated world from whence they came.

Staring up at the vortex, I debated following them. I wondered what it’d be like, being able to start fresh, all the while fulfilling the daydreams of my childhood.

But then the phone rang, reminding me of loved ones and responsibilities that I didn't have the heart to escape. Grinning sheepishly, I turned my back on the portal, waving goodbye as it faded away.
Prompt: After being robbed of their own, the protagonist acquires the ability to interact with other children's imaginary friends.

Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Posted: August 7th, 2021, 11:48:19 am
by lemonissourUwU
Recurvirostra wrote: Prompt: After being robbed of their own, the protagonist acquires the ability to interact with other children's imaginary friends.
Most people in this world forget about their imaginary friend at about age 5, due to making new friendships with people who share the same world as them. In this world, imaginary friends are guardians in their own realm, protecting your spirit until you pass away.

You, however, are not most people. You remember having an imaginary friend well past the age of 15. And you remember the day that it was taken from you.

Some bullies, who decided that it would've been fun to pick on the one person who still had an imaginary friend. They had unknowingly found an artifact, and decided that it wouldve been fun to see what it could do.

You remember your horror as you watched your guardian, Antel, dissapear into dust.

And then you were 26, and discovered that you could interact with other people's imaginary friends.

It started when you were looking for a job, and just so happened to see a flyer for interviews at a daycare. Kids were easy to take care of, you decided, so you rang up the number. They said that yes, the job opening was still open, and if you were sure you wanted the job. You said yes. They told you to meet them at the daycare, and at the interview, you got thhe job. You were given a month to get used to the area before actually being put to work. You didn't mind.

When the first child came at the door, you almost ran away at the sight of a dragon behind her, though no one else seemed to notice. When you asked her who it was, she told you that it was her imaginary friend, and then ran off to play with toys. Her guardian, however, stayed behind, staring at you with curiosity, and maybe even a little bit of sympathy.

"You were Antel's charge, weren't you?" She had asked. You nodded mutely. "Poor child." You open your mouth to complain, but the dragon continues speaking. "Your spirit has been undefended for years. It's a wonder that you're still alive", she sighs, sadness in her voice. Before you can say anything else, she lumbers away, back to her girl.

You experience similar things throughout the day, and when it finally closed, came to a conlusion: you could LITERALLY see the imaginary friends of other people.
prompt: the protaganist was taken from their home planet, and raised on a different one by a different species.

Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Posted: September 10th, 2021, 10:53:29 am
by bellyacher
PROMPT: the protagonist was taken from their home planet, and raised on a different one by a different species.
It was light and then it was dark; light again after some untraceable amount of time had gone by. The little creature ( little being incredibly subjective at a height of two hundred feet )in the crate had no idea where she had been or where she had gone. Her eyesight, which was a blurry perception based only on light or the absence thereof, did not aid her. Her ears, which lacked fleshy flaps like the homo sapiens and other related species, were instead her way around the world. She was only an infant, a child who had been taken from her mother to be poked and prodded and studied.

Only a child, who knew she had been kidnapped.

As the years passed she learned their tongue; universal common that was spoken with a lisp of her forked tongue. She learned their habits and behaviors, and she forgot where she came from or that she was so very different from all of the other children. Not only in sheer size ( their classes had to be held in an enormous warehouse to accommodate her ), but in adaptations, diet, weight; even her name. 2377810. Not Lily, not Johnathan, not Xirpson or Arthur or Thuul'shok. A number. Little more than a serial tag. She was having an identity crisis, and she had only been alive for little more than a decade. Two, or three of those years passed here, on the planet they called Earth.

"Name." she demanded, one day at the feeding time her caregivers ( she refused to call them parents ) called 'supper'.

"You have a name," one of them responded curtly, "It is two-three-seven-seven--"

"Name!" She screeched, swatting aside the food that had been brought to her by the pallet, strewing green mush against the walls, red paste splattering the ceiling and the caregivers. "Real name like you!!" The only thing she received, however, was an early bedtime and a woefully empty belly. Grounded, they had said. Grounded, like the airplanes she was told to watch for, like a bird with a broken wing.


She continued to ask the same question, posing it over mealtimes, during class, before bedtime, even in her dreams. There was no chain nor tether that could keep her mind from drifting to the thought of a name. Until San Francisco. A field trip is what the teacher had called it, but she could not go. She was not blessed by short stature or a passably humanoid form. She could not fit on a bus. She could not see the sights. Instead, she was given models of all the sights they would be seeing: large hands delicately handling a scale reproduction of the Golden Gate bridge.

"Go!" Another meal-time interruption, this time, the model of the bridge landing squarely in the middle of something that was supposed to be a smoothie: drops of the viscous yellowy-orange liquid scattering about the room. "Go this!"

"You can't go," a caregiver wiped her glasses clean of what felt like a gallon of the mineral and vitamin enriched banana goo, "You're too big, and people would be frightened of you." She sulked, licking her hands and the model clean of her would-have-been breakfast. She remained disheartened that another request when unheard, unfulfilled. A melancholy cloud hung over her, spending her class time day dreaming of all the bridges in the world: places that existed only in the landscape of her mind, built only by what she could feel of the model. Her meals barely touched. Sleep filled with dreams of a place she had once known, being cradled in a loving embrace, having a name of her own and bridge she could play on. A place she was told yes instead of no.

A place where she was loved.

Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Posted: August 13th, 2022, 9:10:15 pm
by ArchieTheFel
Since there's no prompt above, I went through and found one I liked!
"Much of the world is yet unexplored, and many creatures are believed either long dead or entirely non-existent. You are one of these legendary beasts and for thousands of years you've slept peacefully in a deep cavern somewhere other creatures instinctively stray from. Today you have been woken by a careless teen/young adult. Why did they come to your sanctuary? And how do you deal with the intruder?"
It was the sound of uneven footsteps along the jagged, cavern floor that woke me from my slumber. I don't know the amount of time that has passed since I laid down for my years-long rest, but my limbs feel weakened and numb as I attempt to stir, and face whatever creature had finally found my resting place. My eyes open slowly, and my eyes adjust to the surrounding darkness slowly. I manage to lift my head, opening my mouth to allow my tongue to taste the scents in the air.

The usual damp, and musty cavern air fills my lungs; the sound of the footsteps has stopped, but I can smell whatever it is standing in front of me. It It's alive, that's for sure. I can hear it's heart beating faintly, but quickly. Whatever it is, it's afraid.

My eyes finally adjust and I can see the creature in front of me. It's a small beast; it stands on two legs, and it's mostly hairless save for a small tuft on its head. It seems to be wearing some sort of strange hide over its body, and it has something large strapped over its back. In its claws, it holds a small object that seems to be emitting a very faint light. It looks tired and dirty, but its young.

"Tell me, what are you?" I ask, my throat burning as the words leave my throat, hoarsely. It's then I realize how thirsty I am.

The creature seems shocked, in awe, and especially terrified. It's mouth gapes open as if it means to speak or cry out, but nothing escapes.

"Don't eat me, please!" It says finally. It's voice is high pitched, and it seems almost on the verge of tears.

"I have no interest in eating you. I don't even know what you are." I explain, trying my best to calm the frightened creature in front of me. My mouth feels dry. I lift my neck, stretching towards the cave ceiling and licking condensation from the stones. I can feel the things eyes on me.

"You're...a dragon!" It says in a soft voice. I turn my head back towards them.

"Is that you beasts' name for me?" I chuckle slightly. "And what shall I call you then?"

The creature shuffles nervously. "I'm a human, but my name is Sam."

I can feel my limbs slowly getting stronger. I slowly push myself up with my forelegs until I'm resting on my hind legs. I hear my tendons creak as I stretch my wings.

"A human...I believe I've heard in passing of your kind," I respond. I lean my head down, bringing my nose towards Sam's face. They step backwards a bit, but seem to be growing braver. "How did you find my cave, young Sam?"

Sam seems distressed at the question. "I-I don't know," they begin. "I came out here with a group--my friends. We got separated, and I'm not sure how to get out of here." They sigh in exhaustion. "I've been stuck for hours. I don't know if they've gone for help, or what. I haven't even heard them calling for me."

Though it's been years since I left the cave, I remember the tunnel to the outside like the back of my hand, seeing as I dug it myself during the start of my hibernation. I take pity on the small human, and I decide to help them.

"I will help you find your way out, to your human friends," I begin, "But you must tell them not to return to this cave. I have slept here for a long time peacefully, and I do not wish to leave yet. It's clear your kind aren't aware of me, and I do not want to invoke anything that could lead to anyone's harm." My limbs feel strong once again, and I slowly raise my body from the ground. I can only be in awe of how small the human is, and it seems they feel the same way about my height. I walk slowly past them, careful not to hit him with my tail.

"Follow me, little Sam," I call out behind me. "I will show you the way." I can hear their small, cautious footsteps behind me. And we slowly make our way towards the entrance of the cave together.

Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Posted: March 1st, 2023, 9:38:39 am
by Jelloslime
The island prompt is very interesting, I am a bit rusty on writing atm, so hopefully this can help get my juices flowing again!
The island of Goran is a large island with a dry, incredibly hot and humid environment. Those who are unprepared to live here would surely die without assistance. I imagine that this is not in modern times, and instead in medieval times more so.
Government and Laws: I would imagine that it would be fairly loose. The government that does exist is rather small, and does not have very much control. There are some core representatives of the government, but otherwise, that is it. The citizens make the rules mostly, and uphold them as well. Often it will fall into the hands of those who live there rather than those in charge, in order to take out a murderer or thief, and to punish them how they see fit.
Currency: The main way that people obtain things from each other is through trade, the value of the trade does tend to rely more on the people conducting it rather than the rules set for it, though there are some trades that are widely agreed are more valuable than others. For example, an entire cow is greater in worth than a chicken or duck, though of course there are always exceptions to this rule.
Religion: Most people living on the island worship the ocean and the wind, believing them to be powerful beings that guide them in their travels. Though they also believe them to be fearsome as well, and believe that they will harm them if angered. Often times when family members or friends die, those who knew them will gather by the edge of the shore and wrap their loved ones body up with twine, and tie things to their body as gifts, as well as feathers to represent freedom and air, before weighing them down with rocks and throwing them in the sea.
I actually rather like this island I came up with, I might make it into something bigger later on if I get any more ideas! Thankyou for making this thread, I look forward to where this goes in the future! <3

Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Posted: May 5th, 2023, 10:30:43 pm
by JackFrost
I love the idea of a beast unknown unseen I also loved the island idea! great idea it makes me want to write on fanfiction again or complete my left toward the end Jurassic world series.

Chapter 1
The Isle of fire

"Fire Island?" grumbled a young boy about the ages of 13-14 depending how you looked at him.
It had been a shiny afternoon right up until the clouds decided to rain absolute Hell on them. The boy was currently soaked the clothes he wore which were now sagging against his rail thin frame.
He sighed with a groan of discomfort and went down below the ship into its underbelly that held over 250 men in total; The boy went to the back of the last row of cots before digging into a wooden box filled with white shirts and black slacks along with a gun a couple coins and a picture of his mom and dad nothing much to his meager life ever since he had left westelos a village in a small country in the middle of the sea, he had regretted ever even think of going on this voyage, to make some cash on the side for his family.

Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 5:25:56 pm
by kingbob
Prompt: Write a story about a character kidnapping another, the story of how the character escapes, or doesn't escape. Is the character alone? Or are there others? Do they survive?