Hunt and Kill OOC

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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Rockfalcon »

True, true! NPCs. Gotta love 'em.
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Tidesweep »

Wishlist: Any water creatures (especially turtles)

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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Iliad »

Username: Nishinoya
Character Name: Sabine [SAE17-2]
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Sabine has light brown skin, sprinkled with a smattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose. His hair is a dark brown color, nearing black but not quite getting there although the roots are darker than the ends. It reaches to about the nape of his neck, and the locks in the front are brushed to his right. Occasionally he will clip his bangs back so that he can see completely free of hindrances. His hair is often quite tousled. Sabine's eyes are also dark brown. His facial features hinge on the "good" side of average, though a bit effeminate if you asked him. He has a straight nose and soft jaw, and his eyes look quite sharp. He seems to be of Indian descent.
Sabine is decently tall, standing at 6'0". However, he's very lanky, and hasn't filled out well at all. Usually he wears close-fitting clothing with the exception of a large jacket. Like BK, he also prefers dark colors, though his taste is not as drab as theirs.
Sabine also has large wings; his bone structure and DNA was altered to allow him to have a second pair of joints near his shoulder, which support the wings. They appear to be similar to a Cedar Waxwing's wings, as they are light brown in color with white tips and small beads of red interspersed between the feathers. He also has a second pair of downy wings at the small of his back, with help him with steering and landing. He's not too great at the whole deal with landing and stuff, though, so it's likely that he'll crashland at some point. because of the wings, which are large enough to drag on the ground at times, he has cut slits into the back of his clothes and then loosely attached elastic straps to the bottom folds with Velcro, thus maintaining the illusion of a proper garment while still giving his wings some room.
Personality: The scientists that developed Sabine were quite busy working on his outward characteristics, which made them highly negligent of his mental development. While he is a quick learner, and has intelligence similar to a regular seventeen-year-old's, he has not experienced many things and therefore is both very curious and very foolhardy. For example, he has not yet learned that hornets are general bad and will try to sting if someone puts a hand near them.
Suffice it to say that Sabine acts quite childish, and is quite bubbly and sensitive to boot. He has a hard time comprehending that he was developed purely to fight, but lacking another experiment to put in the ring, the researchers decided to take a chance with him anyway - especially since he tends to have a bit of the instinct of a predatorial bird.
Enhancement: Sabine's DNA has been altered so that his bone structure was changed enough to allow him to develop wings - specifically, those of a rather generic Cedar Waxwing. The wings are quite large, allowing him to lift himself into the air without too much effort. He also has a smaller pair for steering; these wings are downier and plumier than the ones up top, allowing for fine adjustments in his course. His blood is also a bit thinner and his bones are lighter than a regular human's, but not by much. Thus, he's a bit more fragile, but can move faster than the norm. He's also got very good vision, and can typically see farther than an average person. He's been trained with a few weapons, but in the end decided to stick to focusing most of his time on using a crossbow.
Other: He might chicken out (no pun intended) of killing people if he really ends up in a situation where he has to. Also, large wings do not work well with small spaces or the general population, so he often wears a thick full length cloak into town that more-or-less smoothes out his figure, although he still looks slightly strange.
Gear: A light crossbow (one that he can cock with his hands, but prefers to use a rope with), a few bolts in a case slung over his back, and a fanny pack (don't laugh at him, he hates the name too) that he wears backwards; it holds a few gauze patches and several darts steeped in a sleeping agent, along with a small blowgun to fire them with.

Username: Nishinoya
Character Name: Black [BK01]
Age: 19
Gender: -
Appearance: Black has porcelain-pale skin, without any imperfections as of the moment that they stepped out of the lab. Their hair is a stark contrast to their skin, as it is jet black; it is short and cut as neatly as can be managed with regular scissors and a knife. Locks in the front tend to fall over their eyes, so they push them to the side without any rhyme or reason as to how they part it. Black's eyes are a dark gray color, and if one looks closely there are hints of circuitry in their right eye. Their visage is rather androgynous, if a little delicate.
Black's frame is slim and only slightly lean with muscle. They stand at about 5'7". Obviously, they were designed more for speed than power. They tend to wear dark, neutral colors in order to blend in with their surroundings better; commonly Black tends to stick to a long-sleeved, comfortably loose gray shirt, black pants, boots, and also typically wears a black coat or jacket.
Black's right arm has been altered and metal plates and parts have been inserted into their forearm, so the scientists have damaged or removed many of the nerve circuits in that arm to make room. Thus, they can't feel much in their right hand and can't perform fine motor functions with it. When the parts in their arm are activated, a concealed plate on their arm slides aside and lets the other components assemble themselves into a gun. Said gun has been designed to be slim enough to have parts that fit in a panel along their arm, and thus is rather small. Not as small as a handgun, but definitely not huge, especially considering that they have to hold it all the time and it can't be too heavy.
As BK does not have any immediate physical evidence that they have been altered (they wear a shirt that covers their arms and long pants, and no one tends to look at their eyes long enough to see the boards) they do not have to change their clothes while going to the town.
Personality: Black has been described before as a very blank individual; they tend not to show much emotion, but not in an "I'm-concealing-my-feelings" way - they literally can't feel it very acutely. In light of this fact, their personality is more robotic and programmed than human. However, they do have a basic personality - they tended to be soft-spoken, slightly scatterbrained, and humorous, though that much has all but disappeared. They are very quiet most of the time, and when they do speak, their voice is very quiet and generally a bit confused. When fighting, however, they become very focused on the conflict at hand and don't allow their small bit of base personality to slip through, instead becoming extremely mechanized.
Enhancement: BK has been made part cyborg by the team of scientists that developed them; their brain has been altered slightly and threaded with circuits that interconnect with the organic neurons in their body to provide Black with increased reaction time and better creative thinking skills. In their right arm, parts have been sectioned off so that the gun's parts can fit, and said gun has circuits that have also been connected to their brain, allowing them to use and store the gun as they please. The back panel has been extended so that they can fire the gun with their right index finger, which still has sufficient feeling in it.
Black's right eye has been altered, most of the natural matter replaced with circuitry. This allows them to "zoom in" on things, and use a built-in scope without having to have one on their gun. Their left forearm has also been plated with metal, along with their hand, so that if it comes to close combat, then he can use his left hand. Unfortunately for the scientists' plans, though, they forgot the fact that his original body was right-handed. Black's legs have also been reinforced with steel that's been integrated with their organic tissue; on the outside, all that's visible is the occasional metal plate or bolt.
On a different note, their brain has been altered lightly so that they have a limited capacity for emotion; they also have been programmed with information on how to use a variety of weapons, though they have only been trained with a gun and martial arts with the occasional knife lesson thrown in.
Other: While Black does not have any physical characteristics indicative of gender - their organic body was originally agender, anyway - nor any preference of pronouns, the scientists have generally referred to them as male and thus that is the gender that most use.
Gear: The gun in their arm, their hands.

.... Just realized, a day after finishing BK's form, that X also has a mechanized right eye. Ugh. Really sorry, but I have no ideas left; maybe if BK and SAE are accepted, we can have the scientists argue about copyright or something.
Last edited by Iliad on September 25th, 2014, 9:23:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Rockfalcon »

Very nice, nice... I'd like you to go check over the rules again, though.
Does Black's gun have a specific model or is it just a basic thing?

So we essentially have two mechasnipers... that'll be interesting if they go up against each other.
As for Sabine, whom I like, am I catching a hint of Cloud Guardians influence there...?

As a note for anybody else who may want to join: Please consider doing something other than a mecha. We have.... four now? Five?
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Aneira »

Gene might be just a little bit fascinated with Sabine and his wings.

Are you going to wait for a few others to join, or will we be starting soon?
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Iliad »

Oh, damn. It's fixed now, and I typed those on a school computer (I'd get kicked out or something if I tried to search up gun builds) so yeah, just a generic one. Also, there is not just a little bit of CG influence. There is maximum CG influence.
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Rockfalcon »

Alrighty. You're good to go, and I'll add them to the main thread.

I'm so proud. All that discussion about anatomy and it's leaked into other rps.

Seeing as we probably won't get much more in the way of new players, I'm gonna say we'll just go ahead and start soon.
Last edited by Rockfalcon on September 25th, 2014, 10:16:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Tidesweep »

Wishlist: Any water creatures (especially turtles)

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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Iliad »

So excited!
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by ComanderSalmon »

Yay! We can start soon.
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