CSS Shop (Open)

This forum is for art shops

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MagiStream Donor
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Re: CSS Shop (Open; Current backlog: 0)

Post by LaughingIdiot »

Merkwerkee wrote:
LaughingIdiot wrote:Username: LaughingIdiot
Colours: Black, red and gold
Theme: Something that looks like it came out of bestiary book? :D WAIT!! Could you make it like a comic book if possible? That'd be sick!

Thanks so much for doing this! I am really excited about it, as the other custom CSS you have done looks fantastic!

Code: Select all

ul.navlinks{padding-bottom:1px;margin-bottom:1px; border-bottom: transparent !important;}

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h3{background-image: none;}

background-image: none;
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height: 250px;

.headerbar.nonmobile img{
width: auto;


.header_nav.nonmobile img{
margin-bottom: 2px;

There ya go! Let me know if you want anything changed or if I forgot anything

It looks awesome! Thanks so much!!!
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MagiStream Donor
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Re: CSS Shop (Open; Current backlog: 0)

Post by crystalwings »

Hello :wave: I didn't see a frm so I'll just copy the one above >D
username: Crystalwings
Colors: (using the link you provided) Dark Orchid-7D137E, Purple Flower-A74Ac7 I also really like whites and greys with purple so you could use a bit of those colors.
Theme: I'm not sure just what I'm looking for (I'm not picky) I just love different shades of purple. I love simple but elegant at the same time (i'm really girly :lol: ) I also like of the crystal like things, to understand what I mean go here http://www.glitter-graphics.com/gallery ... =64&page=1 on page 21 I love the silver glittery one that you could use something similar to underline my name in the header? There is also a second example on page 3.
Out of all the ones I looked at I liked Chess' best, it was so perfect <3 If that helps at all...

Extra Note: Please make sure (even through I messed it up in my username) that my name is Crystalwings with the capital C. Lol sorry, I'm super picky with that and it drives me insane that my username isn't a capital D:

Also I'm not even sure how to put in the code so the header will appear with everything else, so if you could help me out that would be appreciated!
Thank you so much!

Edit: If you have not already seen this post I would love some music notes (maybe crystal or purple ones) on my page too
25/25 gifts, thank you a bunch everyone!

Crystal Café ~ Free Raffles

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MagiStream Donor
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Re: CSS Shop (Open; Current backlog: 0)

Post by Merkwerkee »

crystalwings wrote:Hello :wave: I didn't see a frm so I'll just copy the one above >D
username: Crystalwings
Colors: (using the link you provided) Dark Orchid-7D137E, Purple Flower-A74Ac7 I also really like whites and greys with purple so you could use a bit of those colors.
Theme: I'm not sure just what I'm looking for (I'm not picky) I just love different shades of purple. I love simple but elegant at the same time (i'm really girly :lol: ) I also like of the crystal like things, to understand what I mean go here http://www.glitter-graphics.com/gallery ... =64&page=1 on page 21 I love the silver glittery one that you could use something similar to underline my name in the header? There is also a second example on page 3.
Out of all the ones I looked at I liked Chess' best, it was so perfect, If that helps at all...

Extra Note: Please make sure (even through I messed it up in my username) that my name is Crystalwings with the capital C. Lol sorry, I'm super picky with that and it drives me insane that my username isn't a capital D:

Also I'm not even sure how to put in the code so the header will appear with everything else, so if you could help me out that would be appreciated!
Thank you so much!

Edit: If you have not already seen this post I would love some music notes (maybe crystal or purple ones) on my page too
SO I totes did not see that bit about music notes. ANYway

Code: Select all

ul.navlinks{padding-bottom:1px;margin-bottom:1px; border-bottom: transparent !important;}

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background-image: url(http://i5.glitter-graphics.org/pub/1651/1651545fvmq7we4mn.gif), url(http://i779.photobucket.com/albums/yy76/Merkwerkee/cryhdr.png) !important;
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background-image: none;
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border-radius: 6px;
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background-color: rgba(233, 207, 236,0.3);
height: 250px;

.headerbar.nonmobile img{
width: auto;


.header_nav.nonmobile img{
margin-bottom: 2px;

Let me know if anything needs changing :wave:

The Shattered Compass
I do free CSS
Sig Set By Incandescence
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Re: CSS Shop (Open; Current backlog: 0)

Post by xxvelvelaxx »

I was wondering if you could do a 5th wave one? and the colors can be black, green, and grey
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MagiStream Donor
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Re: CSS Shop (Open; Current backlog: 0)

Post by Merkwerkee »

xxvelvelaxx wrote:I was wondering if you could do a 5th wave one? and the colors can be black, green, and grey
You ill have to be a little more specific, or provide some image examples - there are a lot of 5th waves

The Shattered Compass
I do free CSS
Sig Set By Incandescence
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Re: CSS Shop (Open; Current backlog: 0)

Post by xxvelvelaxx »

Theme:5th wave
Color:grey, black, green
images: this for the background?

https://www.google.com/search?q=the+5th ... H-GJLXM%3A
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Re: CSS Shop (Open; Current backlog: 0)

Post by AncientLies »

Theme: caverns?
Color:brown,black,and white?
images: anything is fine with me,I'm not picky
Looking for a donation pet,offeringup to 300k gold..
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MagiStream Donor
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Re: CSS Shop (Open; Current backlog: 0)

Post by crystalwings »

Merkwerkee wrote:
crystalwings wrote:Hello I didn't see a frm so I'll just copy the one above >D
username: Crystalwings
Colors: (using the link you provided) Dark Orchid-7D137E, Purple Flower-A74Ac7 I also really like whites and greys with purple so you could use a bit of those colors.
Theme: I'm not sure just what I'm looking for (I'm not picky) I just love different shades of purple. I love simple but elegant at the same time (i'm really girly :lol: ) I also like of the crystal like things, to understand what I mean go here http://www.glitter-graphics.com/gallery ... =64&page=1 on page 21 I love the silver glittery one that you could use something similar to underline my name in the header? There is also a second example on page 3.
Out of all the ones I looked at I liked Chess' best, it was so perfect, If that helps at all...

Extra Note: Please make sure (even through I messed it up in my username) that my name is Crystalwings with the capital C. Lol sorry, I'm super picky with that and it drives me insane that my username isn't a capital

Also I'm not even sure how to put in the code so the header will appear with everything else, so if you could help me out that would be appreciated!
Thank you so much!

Edit: If you have not already seen this post I would love some music notes (maybe crystal or purple ones) on my page too
SO I totes did not see that bit about music notes. ANYway

Code: Select all

ul.navlinks{padding-bottom:1px;margin-bottom:1px; border-bottom: transparent !important;}

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border-radius: 5px; 
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background-color: rgba (200, 162, 200, 0.6) !important;
transition: background-color .7s !important;

background-image: url(http://i5.glitter-graphics.org/pub/1651/1651545fvmq7we4mn.gif), url(http://i779.photobucket.com/albums/yy76/Merkwerkee/cryhdr.png) !important;
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Let me know if anything needs changing :wave:
Wow that's really awesome. thank you so much! The only thing is that with all the blue sparklers In the header I only caught a glimpse of my name which only showed up for a second. Is that just my computer..? Do you mind checking? It probably is but just in case I want to make sure my user name is showing up :lol:
Thanks again, I really appreciate it <3
25/25 gifts, thank you a bunch everyone!

Crystal Café ~ Free Raffles

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Re: CSS Shop (Open; Current backlog: 0)

Post by aeternavi »

  • User;; Aeternavi
    Theme;; Swimming .3.
    Colors;; grey, dark blue, light blue (or anything along that spectrum you see fit)

    For this one, ay...the images could be something simple such as a picture of landlines or something underwater such as:
    Image or even a picture of an olympian like Missy Franklin. Maybe fit the word 'butterfly' somewhere in there. I'm sort of new to CSS coding, so I know i'm kind of vague here.
  • Other;; Thanks a bunch! you're coding looks great!
Last edited by aeternavi on July 17th, 2016, 10:54:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
these hatchlings will die unless matured! (1 day)
Unless hatched, these eggs will die in 1 day!

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Re: CSS Shop (Open; Current backlog: 0)

Post by xxvelvelaxx »

xxvelvelaxx wrote:User:xxvelvela
Theme:5th wave
Color:grey, black, green
images: this for the background?

https://www.google.com/search?q=the+5th ... H-GJLXM%3A
umm how much longer|?

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